Tales from the Natural Order Pt. 10

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Revelations and a close fit.
4.7k words

Part 10 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 03/18/2022
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My Replacement - Part Ten

"So how was your 'fuckathon' with 'Rampant Raoul'?"

Susan's inscrutable expression on her lovely face froze momentarily in confusion, and then broke into a smile of realisation. Tipping her sunglasses upwards onto her forehead she turned her amused gaze on me as we lay alongside each other on our sunbeds by the children's pool.

She chose her reply with some thought. "It was a hundred meter sprint, followed by a thousand metres, a five thousand metres, a slow ten thousand metres as well as a long loving marathon thank you very much. And each time we crossed the finishing line together, I might add."

Typical! My Wife had always known how to put me back in my place. And she had just told me that Raoul had made love to her five times and they had orgasmed together each time.

"And twice again this morning. As you well know."

Of course I knew. Much of the salty hot seed that Raoul had erupted into her had slid down my throat when Susan had sat on my face at six o'clock that morning. Consuming another man's semen was something I was rapidly getting used to. It was depraved and humiliating but I was a cuckold and had made the choice to be so.

"And what about you cuckold. What did you get up to while you were wearing Clare's pretty black panties? I don't want all of the details - you can keep the sticky details to yourself. A succinct answer will do"

Susan had said nothing when I had laid on my back onto the bed in readiness for her sweet pussy to descend onto my upturned face. My penis was still in the little polythene bag and the black knickers were still covering my groin. She hadn't asked and I didn't explain - but now she wanted to know.

"I fellated Marcus to hardness twice last night to make him ready for Clare. I cleaned Clare's pretty labia of her Master's essence and finally took a shower with Marcus whereupon I pleasured his large brown member until he filled my mouth with his ball-cream. There! Is that succinct enough for you?"

Susan laughed and then replied sarcastically, "Wow! You have been busy, haven't you. No wonder that you didn't eat much breakfast."

"I didn't have any porridge, if that's what you mean."

Her face broke into a grimace. "Don't be so disgusting," she exclaimed, loud enough for the kids to look up momentarily from the shallow children's pool.

"What did you expect? Almost every day now I am doing things that I would not have thought possible less than a week ago. So I am entitled to a little bit of crudeness, don't you think?"

Susan said nothing in reply and sat quietly for a few minutes. She knew what I meant but she wanted me to say more.

"Is it getting too much for you David?"

"I'm confused, that's all."

"By what?"

It was time to put my thoughts into words. "I have released you from your wedding vow of 'forsaking all others' and because of that, you have found love and pleasure - and I am happy for you because I love you. But I have discovered humiliation and sexual depravity on this lovely holiday we are having," I replied.

"So what is so confusing?" asked a now clearly concerned Susan.

"I think I am starting to enjoy it."

"What part are you enjoying? Is it me spending the night in another man's bed, or that humiliation and depravity of sexual intimacy with another man and his Mistress?"

"That's the question I can't answer Sue. Should I be relishing the thoughts or visualisation of you being penetrated by Raoul's big cock - it is big isn't it?"


She didn't see my face colour at her immediate response to my question as she was looking over at the children, but I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks at her confirmation that her Lover has a big member. It was something I had guessed already but her direct affirmation still gave me a sense of inadequacy.

"I guessed so," I said. But I had another question. "Am I a pervert for enjoying my situation?"

Susan turned back to me from watching the kids and looked pensive for a second or two before answering. She was clearly gathering her thoughts.

"If you are a pervert then so are thousands - millions even - of husbands in the world who are perverts too," she replied. And warming to the subject she continued," and so is my Dad, my Grandfather and Great Grandfather......"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to......"

"I understand that David," she quickly confirmed," but I also know one thing, and that is most cuckolds are gentle loving husbands who have set aside their own masculine pride and accepted that their Wives need more than they can provide in the marriage bed. And many of you have recognised the natural attraction between his Wife and a strong Black Master."

"So that is how you see me?"

"That is how I've always seen you Dear," she replied.

"And what about my 'man on man' intimacy," I asked, "what is your explanation for that?"

"You're a cuckold, not a gay man; or even bisexual. You are doing no more than I, Clare or any other Mistress would do for her Master. You are not making love - you providing a means to your Wife's pleasure. Or in this case, Clare's pleasure," Sue replied. "So think of it this way. If your own Wife is prepared to take her Lover's manhood into her mouth and excite him in that way, then what is so special about little old you?"

Her reply reminded me of the chat Clare and I had enjoyed on the night of Susan and Raoul's first proper date. She had said almost the same thing - and it was true of course. But I had a further question for my lovely Wife.

"And have you?"

"Of course!"

Another definite answer that caused my face to go red from the emotional rush I was experiencing; but this time she noticed, and she chuckled at my discomfort.

"Oh David! Don't be so naive. Raoul and me are Lovers now, so of course we have been amorous with each other in that way."

How innocent could I have been, not to realise that my Wife and her Lover would be so delightfully intimate as a prelude to his penetration of her lovely naked body. Of course they had, and I should have realise it. But I had another question.

"Raoul told me last night that he was going to make you his Woman. Has he?"

Susan smiled and her expression changed to one of warmth and love. "I've been his Woman since he brought little Jenni back to us on that first day of the holiday," she replied. "I knew it, he knew it and I think you did too."

"I could see that something had changed," I replied truthfully, "but I have known it since the two of you became very friendly that evening. That's why I asked you if he was 'My Replacement'."

My Wife had just told me, in no uncertain terms, that she now belonged to another man and there was nothing I could do, should do or try to do about it. I was powerless and all I could do was accept and enjoy my new way of life. And with that acceptance I decided to put my plan into action.

"So what's the downside of all this then?"

"Don't be silly David. There isn't one."

"So walking through the hotel at 6am to return to your own room and your husband's bed is just the ticket. Is it?"

Susan's brow furrowed for a moment, and then she smiled. "Out with it cuckold! What plan is your busy little mind hatching now?"

'Bugger! She reads me like a book - again,' I thought.

"You know that nice German couple in the suite next door to ours," I said.

"Mmm? Not really. But what about them?"

"They woke me up in the early hours this morning banging their suitcases onto the floor. They were opening and closing cupboards and drawers. I could hear them through the wall."

Sue remained disinterested at my news and just about managed an, "Oh really!" reply.

"They have left and gone home."


"The suite next to ours is empty Sue."

It took ten seconds for the implications of my news to reach my Wife's usually very astute brain; but when they did, she was out of her sunbed in an instant and with her thin beach robe flapping behind her, disappeared rapidly in the direction of Raoul's suite.

"See you later Dear," I said to..... no one.

Tom had seen Susan leave and, leaving his sister to play alone for a moment, came over to me.

"Where's Mum going," he asked as he sat down on the edge of Susan's sunbed.

My intelligent son already knew what I was going to say - I could see it in his eyes. And it was time that I treated this world-wise boy to the truth.

"You Mum's gone to see Raoul. She has some news for him."

"She is his Girlfriend then. Like my friend Sarah's Mum."

"They have become good friends, if that's what you mean," I replied carefully, fully aware that I was walking on eggshells.

I had expected a long list of questions and tantrums that would need my very best negotiating (placating) skills. But all he said was, "Okay I guess. Raoul seems alright!" And off he went back to his tiny sister to splash and play in the children's pool.

Susan returned an hour later walking hand in hand with Raoul past everybody by the pool and made themselves comfortable on the sunbeds under our canopy. They were looking very pleased with themselves and wanted to speak to me, I could see, but all I said was, "Hi!"

It was Raoul who spoke first when he said to me, "You are turning out to be a bit of a revelation David."

"How so?"

Looking me directly in the eye, he said, "correct me if I am wrong, but you seem to have made the jump from accepting that Susan and me are having an affair to actively encouraging it. Is that why you told her about the empty suite next door to yours?"

"I'm a facilitator, that's all," I replied noncommittally, "and I just thought that I would make things a bit easier for my Wife."

"You have! And the hotel are moving my belongings from my old suite to the new as we speak. They were very accommodating; it took just one phone call," he replied in confirmation.

"It must have been a very long call," I commented.

He smiled at my inference. "Three minutes actually, then Susan and me found something else to occupy our time."

"Of course you did," I said in response to his not-so-subtle confirmation that he had just had a happy hour with my lovely Wife again.

Susan's gentle blushing of her cheeks and secret smile confirmed what we both knew. Raoul could have my Wife any time he wanted - quickies or marathons, it didn't matter. She was his now. And my Wife's Master had something further to say to me.

He looked around towards the kids, still playing twenty yards away, to make sure that they couldn't hear, and then said, "I have always tried to keep my Ladies' hubbies..."

"Their cuckolds you mean," I interrupted.

He smiled at this meaningful intervention of mine but continued nevertheless. "Exactly! And I know that most cuckolds, like you, prefer to be kept up to date with their Wife's relationship with her Master."

"I can understand that," I said, as he stopped to think about the next part of his conversation with me.

"It's good that you understand."

He paused for a second or so before continuing, "so do you wish to be 'kept up to date'?"

"What cuckold wouldn't," I replied airily, although my mind was racing as to what he was proposing.

"Good answer cuckold. Now give me your mobile phone."

I reached into my beach bag and found my modern Android phone, which I passed to him.

He pulled his own mobile phone from the pocket in his shorts, and after two minutes of prodding at the two devices he passed my own back to me.

"You now have my number on your phone and I have yours. You will never, ever be out of contact of Susan while she is with me," he said.

I glanced down at my list of contacts; he had entered his own identifier as 'Master'. I looked up in enquiry and asked, "and how have you referred to me?"

The smile returned to his dark handsome face. "Guess!" he replied.

I didn't need to. I was Susan and her Master's cuckold - who else would I be?

The morning passed while the three of us kept an eye on the kids, sunbathed, swam and chatted amiably. At one o'clock Susan and I took Jenni and Tom to a light lunch after which we accompanied them back up to the room for a sleep. We waited until they were snoring lightly and, satisfied that they were settled, we picked up a couple of beers from the fridge and sat on the balcony in companionable silence - that is until a light knock on the door to our suite.

"Hello! I'm your new neighbour," said a smiling Raoul as his massive frame filled up the doorway, "the hotel is still unpacking my things so I thought I would stop by to introduce myself."

I stood aside, mindful of my status as cuckold, as Raoul swept past me and made his way out to where Susan was sitting on the balcony.

"Nice view," he commented as Susan stood up to greet him with a kiss.

I knew exactly to what he was referring because while I had settled the children down for their sleep, Susan had earlier taken a short shower to wash the suncream from her body and had slipped into a very pretty and revealing slip. She was naked underneath the thin fabric and Raoul was liking what he saw. And why not, what he was seeing now belonged to him.

The three of us sat down again and chatted as we had done on the beach. Susan, of course, sat close to her Master who had draped his left arm around her shoulder and, pulling her closer to him, reached down to stroke her left breast gently through he sheer material. This was the first time I had witnessed sexual intimacy between Susan and Raoul, although I had seen them kiss before, but the message was clear and I understood every word of - 'she is no longer yours cuckold, her luscious body is now my property'.

After an hour of conversation and cold beers Raoul suggested that he take his boat out to a beach that Susan and he had found earlier on in the week. The children were still fast asleep so I was obliged to say no. Susan however was now a lot more comfortable with leaving the kids in my care and left with him after giving me a long list of 'do's and don'ts' for their welfare.

Jenni and Tom had clearly needed their sleep and after they had fussed for twenty minutes over swim suits, drinks and ice cream, we made it back to the poolside after three o'clock. Just before Raoul's first 'up to date' picture arrived on my phone.

What appeared on the screen of my mobile was of little surprise because I had watched them leave the Marina earlier in the big boat he had hired. They had stood close together, arms around each other's waist, in just shorts and, in Susan's case, just a pair of bikini bottoms. My Wife was bare breasted and did not care who saw her, or for their opinions; she was with her new Lover and was letting it be known that she was now 'Black Owned'. And I was under no illusions that those bikini bottoms had been discarded the moment the vessel cleared the headland.

I was looking at the second photo of Susan that he had sent me, when I was struck by the sudden realisation that I hadn't seen Marcus and Clare all day. I knew what had prompted that thought - as I had gazed at the picture of Susan's pretty round arse I had compared it favourably to Clare's.

So where was my pretty cuckoldress and her Master, whose seed I had willingly swallowed less than twenty four hours ago.

There were no further 'up to dates' that afternoon except a text from Raoul that said, 'While my Mistress steers our boat back to the Marina I thought to take time and send you my requirements for this evening. I want you to help your Wife to be ready for me tonight as follows: She is to wear her long silk dress, Ace of Spades neck chain and ankle chain - no bra or panties. You will present her to me at seven forty-five in the bar. Tell me that you can comply cuckold.'

It was an order from an Alpha Male to his cuckold and there was no reason for me to question his expectation for me to prepare Susan for his pleasure. So my answer was a short but unequivocal, 'I shall obey Master!'

Two hours later, had seen Susan and 'Master' navigate the entrance to the Marina, now appropriately dressed (for the hotel beach anyway) and they joined me shortly on our sunbed.

Susan had clearly had a nice time (probably a very nice time) as her hair was not its usual immaculate style but her smile was one of contentment and joy. It was plain to see that Raoul had had her again while they were on the beach or on the boat. Either way it didn't matter any more because 'my replacement' was now cementing his place in her life.

Us three adults took the kids to the 'Children's Tea' at five-thirty and ate a light meal with them. After finishing we made our way to our (adjacent) suites after Raoul had collected his new key set from the Hotel Reception. To outsiders we would have looked like a (colourful?) family returning to their room, which as time would prove, would be closer to the truth than they would ever guess.

As we arrived at our respective doors it was Raoul who spoke first, "Don't forget my text message cuckold."

I hadn't! But Raoul wasn't finished.

"And my Brother and his Lady were so pleased with you last night, they decided to go to Heraklion and buy you a present."

'What kind of present does a loving couple give to a semen licking brown manhood fellating cuckold like me? I thought.

I didn't have time to ponder on what the gift might be as Tom and Jenni decided to squabble about almost everything that involved bathing, cleaning their teeth and getting into bed. Eventually my two 'little monsters' were asleep and looking like the 'little angels' they really are, so Susan and me had time for a few minutes to get ourselves ready for the night ahead.

"Raoul... Sorry! Master has given me instructions as to how I am to make you ready for your date tonight," I told her as she stepped naked into the shower.

"Oh yes! Do tell," she muttered distractedly as she fiddled with the (very simple) controls.

"Silk dress!"

"Yes...es!" she muttered as the controls wouldn't obey her inexpert commands.

"Ace of Spades pendant," I said as I reached past her to select the temperature I know she likes and the correct pressure of the water. I could feel the warmth of her body very close to my own nakedness, which immediately reminded me that it would be another man who would use this beautiful Woman for his pleasure tonight.

"Of course!"

"Ankle chain," I said as I stepped back out of the cubicle, "and shoes I suppose - but he didn't mention those."


"That's it!"

Susan turned her face away from me, but after ten years of marriage I knew instinctively when she was happy and amused.

"You're smiling!"

"Am not," she lied as the warm water cascaded down her beautiful married body.

Just as a good obedient cuckold should, I washed her as we stood naked together in the shower. The sweet smelling lather perfuming the firm golden skin of her body, breasts and coral pink 'private places'. I no longer felt desire for my beautiful Wife; it was not my place to want her in that way any more, I was her submissive and she was the Mistress of a better man than I.

I dried Susan tenderly with a soft towel and held the blower/dryer for her as she dried and shaped her shiny blond locks. And finally, as she stood ready to be dressed and adorned, I knelt before her to reverently kiss the 'Ace of Spades' tattoo on her mons, lingering just long enough to let her know that I accept all that was happening to us.

She was a vision of beauty after her plum red silk dress was finally on after I had messed up lifting it over her head to drop down her pink adorable body. She was even more desirable once Raoul's medallion and ankle bracelet were in place, and as I did so, I noticed that my hands shook less than the first time I had dressed Susan for her dates with Raoul. And I was still in the nude.

"Are you going to wear Clare's panties again?"
