Tales of the Wastelander Ch. 04

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With a new world, comes new things to learn about...
11.5k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 11/23/2023
Created 10/17/2020
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Ben and Ylva continued throughout midday, heading in a westerly direction. It was about midafternoon that Ylva called for them to stop. When Ben asked why they were stopping, Ylva gestured at a small river nearby. After seeing her point, given how clear the water was, he agreed it was a good point to stop at.

They unloaded some basic gear and hobbled the Thunderers, giving them enough to eat. After which, Ben and Ylva set up the tent they took from the slavers and got a fire going. With the work done, they both sat near the fire, eating dinner, which consisted of the bread, cheese and dried meat taken from the slavers. It wasn't a sizeable amount of food, but it sure beat having to eat his ration bars.

He enjoyed the warmth provided by the fire and sighed as he took in the day. It had been one crazy ride, waking up in that slaver camp, caged like an animal. Then he got free with the help of the mutant woman, who sat across the fire from him. Ben had to admit that she was quite the looker. Even though she was bigger than him and had green skin, that just added to her allure.

Ben took another deep breath of air and almost gagged. He looked down at himself and noted that he was covered in blood and shit. The man got a look at Ylva and saw that she was similarly spattered with gore. He grimaced as he stood, stretching out.

"I don't know about you, but I could really stand to get cleaned up," Ben stated.

"Cleaned up?" Ylva questioned.

"Wash? Using the water?" Ben asked, pointing at the river.

"Oh! Yes! Wash!" Ylva said, perking up at the idea. She walked out of the tent and straight to the cart, with Ben on her heels. She rummaged around in the cart until she found what she was looking for. Ylva then pulled out what looked like a bar of soap, judging by its shape and appearance.

"You have soap here?" Ben asked, surprised at seeing such a thing here in the future.

"Washbar," Ylva corrected him. "I happy slavers do not break."

She walked over to the river with the bar in hand. Ben, as before, was right behind her and when she got to the river, Ylva stopped and started taking off her clothes. Ben was a bit flustered and thought to look away as modesty dictated. Ylva was halfway done when she cast a glance over at Ben, who looked straight into her eyes.


Ben started, and after a ten second struggle with modesty, took his own clothes off. Though he wasn't fully used to this, the one thought that floated in his head was; 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do.' He grinned as he got more than an eyeful at Ylva's naked form. She wasn't shy about getting an eyeful of Ben either, giving him an approving look.

Ben smiled widely as he took in every detail of Ylva's sculpted body. The muscle mass she had alone would have outweighed Ben, but she was so well made, there wasn't one misplaced muscle. She had some fat to her form, which gave her curves that was rarely seen in any time. Her emerald green skin was a patchwork of scars, but many were so faint, you could barely make the outline.

Ylva admired Ben's physique, half expecting to see some pasty white lump of a man. She was pleasantly surprised that Ben had some muscle tone to his body and a nice tan color to his skin. She could make out the structure of his body and muscles, which appealed to her greatly. Though strong men were great to look at, such muscle was often too hard. Ben hit a nice middle ground, which had her smiling.

They both walked over to the river, Ben still feeling a bit bashful about the whole matter. Then again, it wasn't like anyone was around to witness this. With civilization gone, being out in the wild, with no rules holding him back, it was... liberating. Ylva seemed completely at ease in her own skin, a fact that Ben could see plain as day.

The two of them approached the river and saw that there was a small inlet, which appeared to be a small pool of sorts. Smirking, they both waded in, dealing with the chilly water as they got used to it. Once they were acclimated to the temperature, Ylva dunked the soap and scrubbed herself, building up a good lather. She then handed the soap to Ben, who took it gratefully and washed up as well.

Ben could tell that the bar was homemade, rather than a scavenged relic of the past. There were all sorts of grits and the like in it, which gave it an interesting, but pleasing scent. The bits in it also did a good job of sluicing off the grime and dead skin cells from his body. He hmmed in appreciation of the item and turned back to Ylva to ask about it. Ben then saw that she was having a tough time reaching her back and was groaning in frustration.

"Need me to wash your back there, Ylva?" Ben asked.

"Wash my back?" she wondered.

"Yeah. Where your arms can't reach," he stated, wiggling the bar in his hand.

Ylva then made a comical 'Oh' face before she nodded, gesturing Ben to come closer. He approached and drew near, closing within easy reach of her, and he soaped her back. Ylva cooed in appreciation of this, Ben's hands sending warm tingles through her body as they moved. He was thorough, not missing a single spot, before telling her he was done. Ben noted how buttery smooth her skin was, half expecting it to be rough.

"Thank you. Let me do your back too," she said.

Ben smiled and allowed her to do it. He noted how her speech had improved some since they'd met. However, she was managing it, Ylva was a fast learner, easily making use of new words, once she knew their meaning. Thoughts of her speech fled from his mind the moment her hands touched his skin. Many sensations and thoughts jumped into his body, provoking a carnal response from him.

Ben moaned at her touch, his cock hardening quickly and almost painfully. Ylva was humming gently as she worked Ben's back, currently oblivious to his state. Though Ben didn't know it, the effects of staying in cryo sleep for so long was wreaking havoc on his body. His balls were full to bursting and he would need to relieve himself, and soon!

The moment her hands fell away, Ben could feel a profound loss, but was still as erect as a nail. He took a deep breath and sat down in the cool water to wash away the suds; the water carrying it all away. Despite the cold water, Ben remained hard, which he found odd, but shrugged as he turned to face Ylva. She looked at him, sighing at his physique, but smiled widely when she saw the boner he was sporting.

"Someone looks happy to see me," Ylva teased.

"What? You can't expect a beautiful, naked woman to put her hands on me and my body not react like this," Ben chuckled.

He looked up at Ylva and saw her bottom lip tremble slightly. Before Ben could ask about it, he was being tackled to the shore, splashing into the mud as Ylva kissed him. Her passion bled through and could be felt by him as he felt her tongue dance on his lips, seeking an audience with his own. Ben parted his lips, allowing her tongue in as his met hers and they kissed heavily.

Ylva finally came up for air, her chest heaving as Ben looked up at her, lust and desire painted all over his face. Looking down, Ylva felt a gooey warmth between her legs and knew that she needed cock in her and soon. She stared at Ben, knowing that he wanted the same thing, but stopped herself when he spoke.

"Where did that come from?"

"You... calling me beautiful. No one has... ever called me that... not before you. Did you... do you... mean that?" she asked, fearful of Ben's response.

"Why would I say it and not mean it?" he asked. "If I'm going to say something to anyone, I damn well mean it."

Ylva smiled, a tear forming in each eye as she leaned down and kissed Ben again. She hummed and murmured into the kiss, wanting him to know how she felt. Ben could tell that she wanted him in all the right ways, with the way she was grinding against him. He smiled as she broke the kiss and told her the one thing that popped into his head at that moment.

"Anyone else who's had you and never called you beautiful, they were damned fools and stupid idiots."

This statement sent Ylva over the edge and she dragged him further into the pool, using the water to clean him up. The water was shallow enough to where Ben could sit upright and not drown, which he was very thankful for. Once he was clean, she drew near and straddled him, lining up his cock with her soaked quim. She sat down on it, letting it slide into her pussy, and she moaned at the feeling of it.

Ben wasn't overly thick, nor was he stupidly long like many of the men Ylva had known. Surprisingly, she enjoyed the feel of how he fit inside her and she grinned goofily at the feeling of it. Ben's hands found their way to her large tits, cupping and supporting them. Ylva looked down and moaned happily at the feel of them caressing and gently kneading her rack.

"You really like these, don't you?" she asked breathily.

"Very much! I hope you don't mind me doing this?" he said as he leaned in, putting his mouth to one of her nipples. She moaned at the unexpected motion, shivering at the tingles it sent down her spine. Ylva looked down at Ben and smiled dreamily.

"Not at all! Keep doing that, as I do this!" she said and lifted her hips.

They rose high enough to where just the tip of Ben's dick was left inside her. Ylva then pushed her hips back down, her leaky quim devouring his cock. Ben groaned in pleasure as Ylva did this, but that didn't stop him from working her breasts and nipples. He alternated from one to the other, drawing cute little yips from Ylva as he did so. He growled as he did this, sending delicious shivers along her nerves.

Ylva's hips sped up, as she could feel the familiar sensation of an oncoming orgasm. She used one hand to steady herself on Ben, while the other reached for her budding clit and tapped it gently. Ylva could feel the intensity of it coming at her, much more than the encounter she'd had with the slavers. With Ben, it felt... different, like she was truly enjoying herself, rather than trying to eke some joy out of the act.

Her breath came faster as she worked her ass on Ben's cock, feeling her peak's imminent rise. She knew she couldn't keep this up, as the bloom of heat spread through her, warning her about what was to come. Ylva's voice caught in her throat, as she desperately wanted to scream, but couldn't because of their surroundings. Ben solved that dilemma for her by whispering a solution into her ear.

"Kiss me while you scream."

Hearing this, Ylva didn't waste a second and clamped her mouth down onto Ben's just as her orgasm hit. She did as she was told and screamed into his mouth as she came; the orgasm hitting her hard. The mutant woman spasmed and jittered as her nerves exploded, but Ben had wrapped his arms around her, minimizing the noise she made.

Slowly, she came down from her high, peeling her mouth from Ben's. She breathed heavily, needing fresh oxygen in her lungs to think straight. It took her several minutes to recover, as she could feel how Ben's dick throbbed within her as she clamped down on it with her inner walls. She focused for a second and, oddly, could feel no cum inside of her.

"Didn't you... finish?" she asked, confused.

"Nope. I have a lot of starch in me, so I'm far from done with you," Ben said with a lascivious smile.

In a move that Ylva didn't expect, Ben took control and spun her over, so he was on top of her. She squeaked in alarm, but didn't fuss, as Ben had plowed into the woman almost immediately. She groaned as she felt her passion fire up again, with Ben's cock sliding in and out of her cunt. Ylva quivered in delight as she enjoyed the feeling of his dick opening her up like this.

Ylva knew that the moment a man came, any and all fun like this would end. But she'd never had sex like this before, where the man was working hard to give her more! She yipped and squeaked as loudly as she dared, as Ben's cock was doing wonderful things to her insides. He kept driving into her, wanting to give her as much pleasure as he could before he was done.

Propping her legs on his shoulders, Ben continued to plow into her, sending Ylva into another orgasmic fit. She was spasming and yipping louder, as Ben was hitting nerves that were driving her closer to another peak. He kept going, wanting to make this good for her, and Ylva had no complaints about it! In fact, she took hold of one of her thighs and bent it back, so it was touching her body, allowing Ben to drive deeper into her.

Ben was impressed by this move and grinned, taking the invitation that was being given to him. Leaning further over her, he kissed her as his hips worked his cock deeper into the woman. She moaned into the kiss, letting her need to vocalize her desire be sated. Ylva was so close that she was fit to bursting, needing to come, and so dangerously close to exploding.

Ben grunted and groaned as he plowed into Ylva and bit down on her neck. This sent the mutant woman right over the edge and scream formed in her throat. Ben got his mouth over hers just in time as she howled, her body needing this release badly. She arched against her human lover, her pussy walls clamping down on his hard dick. Her quim tried to force his dick to unleash his offering, but he held firm, only just.

"Will you... cum?" she breathed, her vision going woozy.

"Yes, but only after I've given you enough pleasure to where you are very happy," Ben grinned. "I'm not a selfish lover and want to make sure that you are satisfied before I take my pleasure."

"Take it! I want you to fuck me as you want! Take me and give me all you have!" Ylva begged.

Smiling, Ben then turned Ylva over and entered her from behind, his cock spreading her lips apart. She shivered, knowing that she was in for as powerful a pounding as Ben could give, and she welcomed it! Ben pushed in and out of her experimentally, before he just up and took her. His breath came in grunting gasps, and she could hear the growl in his voice as he reamed her.

Ylva worked her own hips, pushing back against his thrusts, egging him on. Ben's hand came down on her left ass cheek, then her right one, both with a resounding crack. Ylva bit her lip as the sting of it sent pleasing jitters through her body, driving her closer to another orgasm!

She'd never had two from the same man, and now he was bringing her close enough to have a third one! Ylva's mind reeled at this, and the thought of keeping him for herself crossed her mind! If he was this good and bringing her pleasure like this, she would have to see if he was amenable to becoming a regular lover of hers!

After a few more slaps on her ass, Ben's hands then gripped her hips tightly, and he just let her have it. Ylva was surprised by the strength of the human man, especially his hands, which gripped her as tightly as any male of her kind had! The depths that Ben was hitting were giving her constant jitters, which had her vibrating like mad. Ylva could barely contain herself as her inner walls and petals fluttered, putting her on the precipice once more.

Ben could tell that Ylva was nearing her third peak, and he was almost at his first. His balls boiled and he could feel the fluid of his seed rush up his shaft, ready to deposit it all into the woman beneath him. He felt a primal urge to scream and shout out but couldn't, as it was dangerous to do so. Ben's mouth opened as his balls pumped their contents into Ylva's waiting cunt, and he bit down on her shoulder, screaming into her flesh.

Ylva bent down her head and screamed into the muddied water as her peak hit the instant Ben came. She could feel his essence coating her walls, as some of it leaked out of her and into the water. Her head came out once her lungs ran out, and she caught her breath, before falling forward and turning over with a splash. The sensations that ran through her, left her in a stunned state of bliss, one which she was more than happy to be in.

Ben too, plopped into the water, paddling up to the shore, nearly passing out in the mud. He wheezed, and he lay there, sighing at the feeling that coursed through him. Ben smiled as he crawled over to Ylva and took her into his arms, bringing her close to him. She looked up at him with awe and adoration in her eyes, and she willingly snuggled into his chest.

"Have you... ever had something... like that before?" Ben wheezed as his lungs worked furiously to restore his breathing back to normal.

"No. I have not. Did all women from... the Before... experience this... with you?" she got out.

"Any woman I've known... has had no complaints. Always smiling after, like you are now," Ben smirked. Ylva then giggled, giddy as a schoolgirl as she leaned in and kissed Ben again, letting her tongue show him how much she appreciated him.

"I hope that... you make smile like this... often!" she said to him, still all giggly.

"Well... I'll do my best!" he chuckled.

Ylva laughed with him as they waded into the water to get cleaned up again. They both were muddy and gross from the romp they just had, but they didn't mind. They got cleaned up in short order and took a beat to wash their clothes while they were at it. Although they were naked, the fire gave off enough warmth to both dry and keep them warm as the afternoon gave way to evening.

"I'll take first watch," Ben offered as they hung their damp clothes by the fire to dry.

"Aren't you tired?" Ylva wondered.

"Far from it! I'm a little hopped up on energy right now, so you get yourself some rest. I'll wake you in a few hours for your watch," Ben told her.

Ylva smiled and kissed Ben's cheek, before laying down on her bedroll. She covered herself in the blankets and soon dozed off to sleep. Ben took hold of his bow and nocked an arrow as he set torches outside the tent. He kept an eye on the Thunderers, who were dozing nearby as he finished setting up the torches.

Though they were a ways from the Clacker hive, he did not know what lay out there. This world he had woken up in differed greatly from the one he had hoped to find. Ben kept his breath steady and his eyes open as he watched the surrounding land finally become dark. If anything came, he would be ready for it, and if there was one thing he would do in this world, it was to survive.


Samara was busy eating a hearty dinner in the facility cafeteria, with the medical staff having released her a few hours ago. They had performed a whole battery of tests to ensure Samara's mental and physical health. Some tests were a bit... uncomfortable, but necessary to gauge how she came out of the pods. Apparently, there had been few people who've stayed under for as long as Samara had.

She looked over to her friend Chelsea and smiled, glad to have a friend in such an unfamiliar place. Chelsea was an attractive brunette woman, with blonde highlights in her hair. Her skin was fair, and she had the cutest brown eyes that went with her cherubic face and cute button nose. When she smiled, it was infectious to the point where everyone around her smiled.

Chelsea stood about five-foot-nine and was whip thin, but in a way that suggested strength over frailty. Her hips were narrow, almost girlish in size and she had some muscle on her limbs, but not an abundance of it. There was very little fat on her as well, as she took great pains to stay fit and healthy. Her chest, however, was a different story.

Chelsea's tits stood perky and proud on her chest, almost like a pair of miniature cannons. With the massive tits she had on a lithe body like hers, it was difficult to not notice them. A fact that every guy in the facility and that they'd known from before had also noted. Though her tits attracted the wrong kind of attention, Chelsea was smart enough to send the worthless guys packing.

The ones she thought were worthwhile, they were the sort that Chelsea often took to her bed. They never stayed though, which was something that Chelsea enjoyed, as she was always one for having a variety of men. Samara smirked at the amount of times they'd often discuss that very topic and how Chelsea was always up for more. Shaking her head, Samara went back to her meal, finishing it easily.