Tammy in College Pt. 05

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Tammy babysits for a friend and then they go on a trip.
14.2k words

Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 07/01/2023
Created 05/12/2023
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Author's Preface: Everyone in this story is over eighteen years or older. The story is entirely fictional. Any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental. Constructive comments are always welcome.

This is a continuation of the Tammy series. It works as a standalone story. Tammy is a cute girl from a small town in Texas.

There are four more parts in this series about Tammy's first year in college. I'm going try to add a new one each week.

This part is longer than normal. It's really two stories.


Last semester, I took Introduction to Psychology. It was one of those big survey classes. There was at least one-hundred and fifty people in it. The class was interesting but the best thing about it was the professor, Dr. Clark Walker. I liked him because he could take even the boring parts and make them interesting. Dr. Walker refused to make this class too serious, especially for us freshman.

He kept us on our toes by throwing out horrible psychology jokes. He must have known them all; I can't believe there are that many. He only taught this class because he was still a lower ranking professor, and he got stuck with it. His specialty was behavioral psychology. That's what he taught in his other classes.

He kept us laughing, and groaning, while he lectured.

A man goes into a library and asks for a book about Pavlov's dogs and Schrodinger's cat. The librarian says, "It rings a bell, but I don't know whether it's there or not."

It didn't hurt that he was extremely attractive. He was young-ish for a psychology professor. He was in his early thirties, and reasonably fit-looking although he was no body builder. I had a bit of a thing for professors, and he looked like one. He even wore a tweed jacket with leather patches on the elbows. He wasn't that handsome objectively, but the whole package looked...right. There was something about the way he acted around his students that amplified his attractiveness. It's hard to pin down exactly what it was. Charisma might be a good word for it. He had an air of quiet confidence and always seemed relaxed and happy. His rich baritone voice made me warm below my waist. He had a smile that came from his eyes as well as his lips. His charm made all the girls in class perk up and sigh when he came in the door. He was, "dreamy." It was probably good that he was married with a young child. That made him off limits to me, although I'm sure some of his students still hit on him. If he weren't married, I would have loved to go out with him.

Shortly after the beginning of my second semester, Dr. Walker called me.

"Hi, is this Tammy Tatum?"

"Hi, I didn't expect to hear from you. What can I do for you Dr. Walker?"

"First, call me Clark. You're not my student anymore."

"OK, Clark. It sounds strange not to call your Dr. Walker."

"I need to ask you for a big favor. Could I possibly get you to babysit for me?"

"You seem a little old to need to be babysat, but I guess..."

He laughed.

"I mean could you sit with my daughter? I need to go to a psychology conference next weekend. Can you think of anything more boring? Our regular babysitter was in a car accident and won't be able to be here."

"I'm not sure I can. I don't know much about babies."

"She's not a baby and there's not much to know. She's four and three quarters and she's housetrained so you won't need to deal with diapers. She can dress herself, although don't expect her clothes to match. She can feed herself and brush her teeth. She sleeps through the night so you can get some rest. All you need to do is make sure that she doesn't fall down the stairs, give her some food and water, watch movies with her, don't let her have parties or have boys over, etc. I can tell you all you need to do when you get here."

"I don't know. I've not been around children much. When you say 'housetrained,' do you mean I don't have to spread newspaper on the floor, and I can just let her outside?"

"You can't let her outside; she might dig in the garden." They both laughed. He was trying to win me over with his charm and it was working.

"Please Tammy. I'm desperate. I've called everybody else. All you need is to be responsible and think like a kid. I know you can do that."

"How do you know that?"

"You laughed at all my bad jokes."

I took a deep breath and said, "Ok, I'll do it. But only if you don't tell me any more jokes."

"Oh, thank you, Tammy. I'll be forever in your debt."

He gave me his address and told me when his flight was. He asked me to get there an hour early so he could show me around and tell me what I needed to do. He was leaving Friday afternoon and would return Sunday afternoon. I wasn't looking forward to it, but he was such a charming man that I couldn't say no to him.

I arrived at the address he gave me, at 10:00 on Friday. He lived in a huge house for a college professor. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but this wasn't it. He gave me a tour of the house and I wondered how a college professor could afford a place like this. I looked at the room where I would sleep and then he introduced me to his little girl Maggie. She was adorable. Maybe it was my womanly hormones kicking in, but I bonded with her at once. Clarke left a big wad of cash on the kitchen counter and told me to order-in anything I wanted to eat. If I felt like cooking, there was plenty of food in the house. He showed me what Maggie liked to eat.

"If she changes her mind about what she wants to eat, give in. She can't get too spoiled in two days, although it may make you her favorite babysitter ever. No matter how much she begs, don't give her the key to the liquor cabinet. She can be a mean drunk."

"Dr...I mean Clark, where's your wife? I was hoping to meet her?" I asked.

"I was hoping you weren't going to ask, but I'm not going to lie to you and Maggie might ask about her. Scarlett left us. Maggie thinks she's on vacation, but she's gone. She wasn't a good mother and she hated taking care of Maggie. I loved Maggie as soon as I saw her mucus covered, little body, but Scarlett didn't. She wasn't much of a wife either." I had this unexplainable urge to hug Maggie. "She left me a note when she ran off with some guy. I think she'd been seeing him for quite a while. We haven't seen her in two months."

"Wasn't she a psychology teacher too?"

"She taught at Saint Edward's University here in Austin. I guess she still does."

I wished I hadn't asked. He was obviously heartbroken and was trying not to cry. I couldn't believe she would leave a great guy like that and her little girl. I hated her. I'd never met her, but I still hated her.

I couldn't help myself. I ran over to Clark and hugged him. He hugged me and started crying but pulled himself together quickly. I couldn't stand that someone who made everyone smile was so unhappy.

He gave me a list of instructions four pages long. It had feeding schedules, sleep schedules, favorite songs, favorite TV shows and DVD's, at least thirty emergency phone numbers, including one for next door where a mother of four kids lived, thank god. It had his flights, his cell phone, his hotel, and how to get hold of him in the conference room. All area hospitals and all her doctors were there. It also included every restaurant that delivered in a 30-mile radius. He left laminated copies of the list in every room in the house. Since I didn't have a car, he gave me the keys to his wife's car, keys to all the doors and the security codes for the alarm system.

A cab came to pick him up. Maggie and I walked out while he put his baggage in the cab. He gave her a big, long hug, not wanting to let her go. We waved as he went away. His flight wasn't until 3:00 but he had to get there early to get through security.

Maggie and I spent the afternoon getting to know each other. She was a very bright little girl who wasn't afraid to speak her mind. Taking care of her was not a problem. When it was time for dinner, I asked her what she wanted, and she yelled "Pizza!" We ordered in and I gave her a glass of milk to wash it down. After dinner, we snuggled down on the couch and watched "The Little Mermaid," twice. About three quarters of the way through the second viewing, she fell asleep with her head in my lap.

I carried her upstairs, took off her shoes and dress and tucked her into bed. We missed brushing her teeth, but I didn't want to wake her.

Clark called as soon as his plane touched down to check on her. I was going to have to babysit him by phone.

The bed I was going to sleep in was down the hall a bit and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to hear Maggie if she got up. The stairs scared me even though there was a gate. I decided to sleep in the master bedroom which was right next to Maggie's.

Her bedtime was 8:00 which is a bit early for me although she woke up at 7:30 which was a bit early for me too. I poked around the bedroom out of curiosity. Opening a walk-in closet, I saw that it was full of women's clothes. Poking through her clothes felt a little weird but I was curious. She had a small section devoted to negligées. I pulled a few out and held them up to me. They were all very sheer and I bet Clark loved seeing her in them. There was one that I loved, and I had to try it on. I stripped down to my skin and put it on. The white fabric was luxurious and when it brushed against my nipples, they stiffened. It was so sheer that even through many layers, it left little to the imagination. I swirled around and looked at myself from all angles in the mirror. I don't know how it looked on her but if I wore it, Clark would buy me jewelry. I took it off, dressed and left the closet.

I hadn't seen a picture of Scarlett and I was curious. I when though her dressing table and found a framed full-length picture of her in one of the drawers. It surprised me when I saw it. She didn't look like me, but we shared similar features. She had long auburn hair like I do, big boobs, an hourglass figure, and even big blue eyes. I couldn't tell how tall she was and of course she was much older than me, but we shared a lot of physical features.

I poked around some more and I found a bottle of expensive looking perfume and put a dab on my wrist. It was nice. I looked in the bottom drawer and found that Scarlett had a "rabbit" sex toy. That was somehow disturbing. I'd had enough snooping. It seemed like he hadn't gotten rid of any of her stuff.

I got ready for bed then played around on my laptop, answered emails, checked my social media sites, and watched a little porn. The porn was making me horny, so I turned that off, gave up and went to sleep.

A few hours later, I woke up with a start, when I heard the door to the bedroom open and I saw the outline of a man. I froze. I was so frightened that sound wouldn't come out of my mouth when I tried to scream. The room was dark with only the glow from the outdoor lights making it possible to see.

The man fell over, banging his knee before hitting the floor, and yelled "damn it." It was Clark. He was drunker than any person I'd ever seen, and I went to frat parties. He rolled over on the floor and tried to pull off his pants, without taking off his shoes. Once he'd managed that, he got up and tried to pull his dress shirt over his head. It got stuck, and not surprisingly, he fell to the floor again. He finally just ripped the buttons off. I still hadn't moved and wasn't sure what to do. He got on his feet again, staggered over to the bed, and pulled the covers down, with a drunken flourish. I could now see that he was naked.

He saw a body - me - in the bed and slurred, "Scarlett, you've come back to me," and fell into bed. I was glad that I hadn't slept "au naturel" like I normally do. I'd left my panties and bra on and had a robe nearby in case Maggie woke up. Clarke scooted over to me, grabbed me, and slurred, "I've missed you so much," and kissed me on the mouth. I was shocked and confused by everything that was happening. I knew nothing was going to happen. No one this drunk could possibly get an erection. That's when I felt his massive boner on my thigh.

He slurred, "I'm so glad you're back. I wanted you so badly while you were gone. I'll do anything to get you to stay with me. We can have a fulltime nanny to take care of Maggie. You won't have to do anything. I promise. Just love me again."

He pulled me against him and kissed me again. My arms pressed against my chest and hurt. I wiggled them free but that was probably a mistake. Now, only my bra was between my boobs and his naked chest. I draped one arm over him. He pulled me in closer and now, his quite hard cock pressed against my panties and bare tummy. I didn't want to suddenly start screaming. If he came out of his drunken dream he would be mortified. And what would happen if little Maggie heard me screaming, came in and saw her daddy naked with me?

In my confused state, I thought that he was so drunk, if I turned around so that my back was to him, he might just go to sleep. I wiggled around and managed to turnover but soon realized that was another mistake. I had a front clip bra on, and when I turned over, he had easy access to it. My bra popped open, and he grabbed my boobs with both hands and rubbed my nipples with his thumbs as he kissed my neck. His cock pressed along my butt crack with only my thin panties between us. I thought "How was it possible that he was turning me on?"

One of his hands slipped inside my panties and stroked my bare pussy. I moaned. I spread my legs a little and his knee slipped between them from behind. He stroked my clit lightly at first and then harder. He pushed down on my panties, and they slipped down a little. He slipped one, then two fingers into me and I was soaking wet. Despite the situation I was in, I could feel an excitement building in me. I knew it was wrong, and I don't know what came over me, but I knew I wanted his cock in me. I lifted my hips and helped him push my panties down to my knees and spread my legs as far as I could. I felt his cock at my entrance and then felt it slide deep into my wet pussy. He was taking me from behind.

"Oh god. Your so wet. I've missed the feeling of sliding into your tight pussy."

I liked the feeling of his cock sliding in too. He started slowly and then he fucked me like a man who hadn't fucked for a long time. Continuing to stroke my clit, he rammed himself hard and fast into me over and over. It felt incredible and overwhelmed my senses. I came hard. I felt his muscles tense and he grunted until he burst deep into my pussy.

He held me tight until he softened and slipped out of me. Within seconds, he was asleep, snoring quietly. My first thought was "What have I done?" My second was "If he made me feel this good when he was sloppy drunk, how good is he when he's sober?"

I felt fucked hard, but I also felt wonderful. I slipped out of the bed, gathered up my clothes, and went to the other room to clean up and put my bra and panties on.

I kept thinking about Clark and that made it hard to sleep. That was not something I planned on when I went over to babysit, but it was wonderful. I hate to admit it, but I'd had a crush on him since my first day in his class. It was going to be an awkward breakfast.

The next morning, I got up when I heard Maggie moving around. We went down to get her some "Coco Puffs" for breakfast. We brushed our teeth, and I picked out some clothes for Maggie to put on. After dressing, most of her clothes were on correctly. I had seen no sign of Clark yet.

A couple of hours later, Clark came down in a bathrobe looking like he'd had the flu for a week.

I jumped and said, "What are you doing here?" Hoping he wouldn't remember our late-night coupling.

He mumbled something.

Maggie screamed, "Daddy!"

He tried to smile but it was obvious that he wasn't feeling well.

"Hi, Maggie," he tried to say, with his voice cracking. It looked like it hurt when he spoke. "Daddy's not feeling very well. Can Tammy put in a video for you to watch?"

She ran to the living room.

"Why are you here and not at your conference?" I asked. He smelled like alcohol and vomit.

"Let me take a shower and then I'll tell you. I came down to let you know I was home before you heard me banging around upstairs and started freaking out. I'll be back in twenty minutes."

"I hope you feel better." He didn't seem to remember anything.

Almost an hour later he came back down. He had dressed, but he didn't look well. I gave him a cup of coffee.

"What time is it?" he asked.

"Almost noon."

"Maggie's nap time is in an hour; we can talk while she's napping."

After Maggie was down, Clark said, "I am sorry about coming home early like this Tammy."

"It's fine. What happened."

"Right after I called to check on Maggie, I saw Scarlett. I didn't think she was coming to this conference, or I wouldn't have gone. There she was, cuddled up next to her new boyfriend, Todd. She came in on a different flight and she brought him with her. I'm sure they have lots in common. He looks like a gym rat, seven years younger than her. I prayed she didn't see me, but no such luck. She was giggling like a little schoolgirl and had to run over to me with him. She had to find a guy that young and in that kind of shape. He made me feel old and fat."

"You're not old and fat!"

"I'm older and fatter than that guy was. Tammy, I hate to admit it, but she got to me. I adored Scarlett as soon as I met her, and I still do. But I love Maggie more and Scarlet never will. She left us and hurt me, but I was still jealous of Todd. I couldn't shake the image of him in bed, naked with Scarlett." He was trying to hold back tears.

"After she walked away with 'the boy' in tow, I knew that I couldn't spend a weekend in the same hotel as her, seeing her at meals and in presentations. I called the convention host and said I couldn't stay because of an emergency at home with the babysitter. I was able to get on the last flight to Austin. I had about a two hour wait so I went into a bar at the airport. By the time my flight left, I'll have to admit I was a little drunk. I had a few more drinks on the plane."

"By the time we got to Austin I was feeling no pain. That's not true. I was feeling a lot of pain. I got a cab to a bar downtown and drank until they kicked me out. Things get a little fuzzy after that. A cab brought me home or someone got me home. I'm glad I didn't wake you. I must have made a racket. From the look of the bedroom and a large lump on my knee, I'm surprised I made it into bed. I found my shoes stuck in the legs of my pants and all the buttons were gone from my shirt. I don't even remember how I got upstairs."

"I'm so sorry she ruined your weekend," I said.

"I'm sorry she ruined my life," he said.

"I'm giving you four more hours to feel sorry for yourself. Your life isn't ruined. You are a young, good-looking professor at a large, well respected, university. More importantly, you have a daughter that adores you and who you adore. It's 1:30 now. You have until 5:30 to feel sorry for yourself. I'm fixing dinner for you and Maggie."

"Tammy, you don't need to do that. I can take over from here."

"Do you really think I'm going to leave little Maggie in the care of her still drunk father? I'm babysitting for two now," I said assertively.

"Maggie is going to get up soon. It's time for Daddy's nap."

Maggie woke up and ran over to hug her daddy. Clark hugged and kissed her and then went upstairs.

It was time for Maggie and me to fix dinner. I'd never been around little kids much and didn't think I'd like them. Boy, was I wrong, at least with this kid. I loved being around Maggie. Her energy and imagination were boundless.

We planned what we were going to fix for dinner. Her suggestion was macaroni and cheese served with Coco Puffs.