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"Sorry." Roter shrugged, "I know nothing about modelling. Nothing at all. You'll have to teach me. Show me how to help you get by with everything... Now... How's your cut? Do we need to borrow some more philosopher's cream from Blau?"

Blissbun leaned back a little, looking down and touching a scratch mark on her stomach. "Wouldn't help. It'll fade in a few days, but... It's a scar. It'll show up if I get too tan. Which is fine. I've got a couple."

"You have scars?"

She pulled back one lip, sneering at him, "Nah duh. What did you think this was, you idiot?"

The monchen patted the purple mark on her hip. He frowned and cocked his head, "I... Kinda thought it was a birthmark. Which aren't scars. Birthmarks form when there's an overgrowth of blood vessels in an area."

Her eyes softened a little, "You... Really did study monchen, didn't you? The... Biology."

"Birthmarks are similar for useless ol' humans." He shrugged, "But they're pretty unusual in monchen, aren't they? You've managed to use yours to show off how cute and unique you can be."

Her eyes resorted to angry, and sparks gathered on her cheeks, "Thinking about fucking me, again, aren't you?"

"I was actually thinking how you're probably an amazing model, if you can take something people might think is a flaw, and transform it into something that made you stand out from the crowd."

"That's what a model fucking is!" She sounded irritated, "We always stand out from the crowd. That's the fucking point. You're supposed to see us, when we're surrounded by a hundred other people. We act all casual, but it's our fucking skill and effort that draws the eye. We never fade into the fucking background."

Roter nodded slowly, "You've nailed that part of the job. Just the part of dealing with everyone else, that hasn't worked so well."

"If it shuts you up, I'll do it."

He raised an eyebrow.

"My... Pussy." She said, looking down tiredly, "If it shuts you up, I'll buzz myself in the cunt. You dick."

A hundred thoughts jumped through Roter's head, one after another. Mostly how he hadn't had a chance to spell out what exactly was going to happen to her body the moment that the lightning touch her clit. That she was probably going to be a little pissed at him, and a lot confused.

However, he never got a chance to voice any of them.


The hair on his arms stood on end, as the static arced through her body. The entire tent grabbed in the proximity to the blast of electrical energy. Her yellow eyes went wide as saucers, and her back stretched, shoving her breasts into the air, before a shocked squeal of pleasure ripped from her mouth.

The monchen fell sideways to the ground, twitching and moaning with a smile on her lips. Every time she jerked, she'd let out a breathless mewl, and her brown hair would briefly look like she'd touch a Van de Graaf generator - a device meant to simulate holding hands with a blitzchen.

Roter sighed heavily, "Well, bit late now... But... You were supposed to focus on floating. The floating feeling, that you're now kinda dazed by. Give it a shot? Imagine yourself floating, in the middle of that feeling."

"I... Came..." Blissbun said dreamily.

He rubbed his eyes tiredly, "Floating, Blissbun. Think about floating."

"I... Came." Her tone of voice suddenly changed back to her perpetually pissed off state. He saw her smile drop like a mask was being ripped away, and she sat up slowly, shoulder flexing. One side of her nose pulled up into a sneer, and she raised her thumb.

Roter frantically tried to count the number of times she'd used her buzz cannon since she'd woken up this morning. Unfortunately, it was only the twice. He figured that her limit was probably about ten, which meant he was about to have heart palpitations.

"Buzz... Buzz!" Blissbun yelled, and the lightning burst from her.

He hit the ground, muscles cramping and screaming as it flowed into him. However, even though he couldn't smile because of the pain in his heart and the total loss of muscle control, he noted that she hadn't hit him with her buzz cannon.

This was bigger and nastier than anything she'd unleashed before. It wasn't the spell of an immature blitzchen, it was something less juvenile. Her first grown up spell.

Buzz mortar.

Too bad it actually had a chance of killing him.


Roter flinched as he sat up. Every muscle in his stomach felt like it had been torn. His back wasn't much better. He hadn't felt this battered since... He hadn't felt this battered, ever.

He pulled at his hair, inspecting it.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

He looked over at the naked and yellow-eyed beauty, "I was checking to see if my hair had been burned black. How long have I been out?"

Her face dropped, and he saw tears well up in her eyes. Her jawline stiffened and she spoke hesitantly, clearly not believing herself, "N-not long enough. You d-deserved w-worse."

"I was going to explain."

She glared at him, tears evaporating, "That you were hitting the fucking speed dating button on masturbation? Of course it was a fucking sex thing. You... Fucking... I hate you."

"It's not. For most." He sighed heavily, "I was going to tell you there was a small chance. But it was small. You can make a human cum by shoving a taser up their ass. But it's the ass. Stimulation by the way you -"

She pointed a finger at him, "Stop talking."

"Yes, ma'am."

Blissbun winced and looked down, "I'm fucking ravenous, now. We should get going. I'm going to eat the whole damn cafe when we get to Eastre City. That's the first thing we're doing."

"Can I convince you to wear shoes, at least?" He asked her, and waved to the pack, "I've got some ugly boots. They'd protect your soles."

She walked out of the tent, without talking to him.

Roter rubbed his eyes tiredly, groaning in pain. His entire body felt like he'd just lost a fight with a blitzchen with an attitude problem. That he really had, didn't make it feel any better. Or reduce how exhausted he was feeling.

He grabbed one of the scattered biscuits, and then packed everything into the sides of the tent, preparing it for recompression. He ducked through the front flap, crawling on soaking mud to stand up.

"Her, perv."

Soaked mud.

Roter looked up cautiously and saw his monchen surrounded by Blauer's three women. The blitzchen's cheeks were sparking, but she was looking his way guiltily. She knew if she did anything at all, he'd take at least a bit of a hit.

This couldn't be good for his heart.

Blauer, for her part, was standing on a piece of scorched earth, and glaring down at him. Confidant that she'd arranged the perfect way to trap him, and prove that she was still better than him. That Blissbun's victory was a total accident, and wouldn't be repeated.

He shook his head, "You really hate me this much, Blau?"

"Of course I do!"

He sighed heavily, and looked over to Blissbun, "What are you waiting for? The Waldchen to drain the life out of you? Do it. Use the new spell."

"New... Spell?" Blauer said in shocked surprise.

Blissbun clenched her fists, "I can't. You fucking idiot."

"I know what it'll do! Blissbun. I'm your trainer." Roter snapped, "Do it! Use buzz mortar!"

"Mortar!?" Blauer spun in fear, "Flare! Run!"

It was too late.

One benefit of Blissbun's temper, was that her magic was always rearing to go. She didn't need to charge up before she attacked, like most monchen. So when Roter ordered her... The monchen just smirked with a steely-eyed gaze and then unleashed hell.

Lightning didn't just strike forward from her pointed index finger to the first of the three monchen threatening her. That was the cannon. This, one the other hand, hit the ground by her feet first, before splitting into an dozen jagged blasts that burned themselves into his vision as she hit everyone at once.

One fork knocked Roter off his feet, arcing through the ground.

Yet, even as he was knocked flying backwards towards the tent, he also saw Blauer falling onto her face, ass twitching in the air. The three elemental monchen had all collapsed as Blissbun stood over everyone, her brown hair floating behind her as she growled angrily.

He was proud of her.

She'd just won her first real fight.


"Wake up, perv."

Roter winced, tasting something horrible on his tongue, but decided that moving hurt too much to get up. Breathing was hurting badly enough that he was considering not doing that, too.

"I told you not to call him a perv, you fucking bitch!" Blissbun's voice cracked like thunder.

He groaned, "Bliss?"

"I told you not to call me that, too!" She snapped, attention successfully diverted from murdering his rival.

Roter opened one eye tiredly, and saw that Blauer had achieved another miracle whilst he was out of things. She had managed to convince his blitzchen to wear clothing.

The model was willingly wearing a pair of the ugliest rubber sandals that he had ever seen in his life. Not just rubber-soled. The entire fugly shoe was a stiff rubber.

She sneered at him, "Get a move on, dick. Weren't you hoping to be in Eastre, literally yesterday?"

"Easy." Blauer said more quietly kneeling beside him and pouring another vile tonic down his throat before he could protest. Forcing him to swallow or choke on it. "Besides, the girls and I will come with you. At least to Eastre. The roads are dangerous at the moment. Eve says there's been people hanging out in the forest, looking to pick a fight with trainers. Trying to kidnap their monchen."

The Waldchen spoke up quickly, "The trees are all talking about it! Gossipy little so-and-so's."

Roter flinched as he sat up, feeling like he should be in a hospital, not preparing to walk down a dirt road with a bunch of monchen. "Remind me not to get caught in proximity, again."

"I packed the tent." Blauer pressed the sphere into his hand, and looked at him in pain, "I... I'm sorry, Roter. For everything. You're an amazing trainer. Not a pervert or anything. I... I was jealous. I called you names and stuff because... Because I'm scared you're going to succeed. You'll prove your idea right, which will probably prove mine wrong, and I'll end up disappointing everyone."

Blissbun dropped between the two of them, flicking her hair backwards across her shoulders. She glared at him, "I'm hungry. Fucking starving. I'll even eat one of those fucking biscuits, about now. Fuck the bloat. Save me any, or did you pig out?"

He reached for a pocket, when Blauer held out an apple to the blitzchen. "I'm sorry about what I did, to you, as well. I thought you were just a spoiled brat, but overnight Roter managed to teach you one of the harder spells. You have a lot of potential."

Blissbun knocked the apple flying and glared, "I told you I'd shove my buzz cannon down your throat if you attacked him, again. The only reason I'm not standing on your smoking corpse, is that you helped heal him. So fuck off, and get the fuck away from my trainer."

Blauer sighed and signalled to one of her monchen.

The woman with hair made of water came over towards them holding out a small bag. She put it delicately on the ground, a little ways away, eyeing the sparks on Blissbun's cheeks, and then walked backwards to where she had been standing.

Blauer hauled herself to her feet and patted herself down, "I guess we'll get going, then. Don't be a stranger, Roter. I can't say I don't want a rematch... But I also want to see what you're going to do in Eastre City."

"Two of us will take it by storm. Just like the old days." Roter gave a small smile.

His childhood sweetheart grinned sheepishly, "I... I'll see you around."

"If you ever put your dick in that, we're done." Blissbun snapped.

Roter gave a weak laugh and held his chest, "Blissbun? You and I are both virgins. Seriously. Not everything is about sex."

She eyed him carefully, "Fuck that. Whatever the fuck you did to me... I... I'm okay with. Okay!? Just... Yeah."


She turned to him and gave a delicate kiss on his cheek. Her static gave a tiny zap, and his overnight growth of hair pulled in her direction, as the monchen gave him a sweet little peck.

Then she was on her feet, not looking at him, with arms crossed and goosebumps on her butt. "Move it, asshole. You still didn't teach me bursting buoyancy, so I'm going to wreck my fucking feet on this fucking road."


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shadrachtshadracht6 months ago

I'm invested. Interesting take on everything. Hopefully bliss will make the connection between "don't get hurt" and the fact that she's going to stop his heart with all the shocking. 5*

Sl33pingforestSl33pingforestover 1 year ago

Yikes some real toxic comments. I enjoyed the first chapter and I got the pokemon reference...

wiseoldsage321wiseoldsage321over 1 year ago

Hopefully she stops zapping him and mc to grow some balls

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I thought I'd seen beta males. But this cocksucker here is the most beta male to ever beta. What the fuck were you smoking when you got the idea of this toilet seat like MC?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago
Sorry, Only Two Stars

Don't fucking care about the inspiration.

It's not your story man, it's you.

You're a good writer, but you will never be great. You have yet to write a story that treats both sexes equally or even interestingly. The chicks are always psychos. Always. The fuck is wrong with you?? Dropped on your head as a baby or something?

You've got yourself an awesome story. Great plot, original, and fun.

But the male protagonist is a fucking punching bag. A door mat. A sucker. They always are in your stories.

If you could write a mare plausible relationship, or even just something without an utterly repulsive abusing and insulting female in it, I think you would be able to create an actual classic.

46c863bc8f46c863bc8fabout 2 years ago
German editor

Love the story. As about the German, your use of those words is quite inconsistent or wrong in some places. It's only a minor complaint though. Nothing an editor can't fix.

shaknashaknaabout 2 years agoAuthor

> ... the amount of contempt and violence directed at the protagonist is hard to stomach...

Try watching the first episode of the anime that is part of the inspiration. Pikachu doesn't exactly go easy on Ash :p

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I want to like this, but the amount of contempt and violence directed at the protagonist is hard to stomach, especially when literally nobody seems to think there's anything wrong with it.

shaknashaknaabout 2 years agoAuthor

@Helvexis - I did, I did!

HelvexisHelvexisabout 2 years ago

“The model was willingly wearing a pair of the ugliest rubber sandals that he had ever seen in his life. Not just rubber-soled. The entire fugly shoe was a stiff rubber.”

Crocs? Please tell me you just made a crocs hate joke!

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