All Comments on 'Teacher's Pet'

by FictionByKristen

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Did she forget to unbutton and slip his shirt from his shoulders? And then trace her fingers through the light coating of hair on his sexy chest? O mon dieu! Tres chic!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Too short....

Also, it jumped into the sex too quickly.

BentonVirtusBentonVirtusabout 6 years ago

This is a good little Erotic Couplings story. Suggest that you don't try showing the invitation letter, just narrate its reception.

You are spot-on about the cliques at the ten-year reunion. There is less of that at the twenty, and for the thirty and later, people are more like, "I don't totally remember you, but thank God you're still alive!" : )

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
A little short

The idea is a superb one, a very hot scene to picture, but I think if you dragged out the romance a little more, the foreplay, and maybe even include oral sex, perhaps have Alicia take Joe to her room and have a fling up there? That's pretty much it, since the grammar and idea was cracking! Well done, decent and hot read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

His dream was fulfilled by a former teacher. I am a former teacher and know how it feels, also. I enjoyed teasing some of the boys in my classes. And, it is at the 10th year reunion that I have been able to satisfy my desires for some of those young men. I usually invite one of them to a motel room. And, I enjoy getting them to tell me what it was that made them excited in high school. Then, I ask if they would like to fulfill that youthful desire and see what they wanted. Not one has refused. It makes for a very hot evening.

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