Tease to Please Ch. 03


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"God, I need this!" she thought.

There was a bang as someone burst open the main restroom door. Elise froze; eyes suddenly wide. She heard footsteps entering. Then the door clicked shut. Someone was in the room! She dared not move for fear of making a sound, but she realized that if the person looked under the stall partitions they would see one stiletto shoe on the ground, facing the wrong way for a girl.

Thankfully she instead heard the person enter the stall farthest from her. The sound of plastic hitting metal indicated the toilet seat being raised. Then she heard a zipper. She tried to breathe silently. Her fingers were warm and wet at her crotch and her brain was buzzing with endorphins.

"Who was it?" Elise wondered silently. "One of the geeks? Or Doctor Peters?"

She focused on remaining entirely quiet.

A loud stream of pee hitting water broke the silence. Elise thought it sounded like a really wide stream. That made her think it might be Doctor Peters, though she couldn't imagine why. She had never heard any man pee before, at least not that she could remember, so she had no basis for comparison. The peeing seemed to go on forever. Elise heard the man sigh with relief. His deep-chested breathing confirmed, in Elise's mind, that it was Doctor Peters.

Her fingers started to orbit her clit again, very slowly. She pictured Doctor Peters' huge body standing just one stall away, holding his cock out in those bear-paw hands of his. For some reason she pictured his dick being huge, if only to remain in proportion to the rest of him.

The peeing went on and on. Elise circled her clit faster, feeling it throb in response to her imagined picture of Doctor Peters' cock.

"God, what is wrong with me?!" she thought, furrowing her brow at the sudden, unexpected intensity of her own pleasure. "I can't possibly be getting turned on about this guy!"

The peeing died out. Elise heard a zipper, then a flush. Then the stall door banged open. She froze again, terrified of being caught. Her right leg, which bore all the weight of her body in this lurid pose, was starting to shake. If she got a cramp it would be catastrophic.

The sink faucet came on and she listened as Doctor Peters (or whoever it was) washed his hands. This too, seemed to take forever as Elise struggled not to move from her wide stance. The tiny sole of her left shoe rested precipitously on the chrome plumbing behind the toilet. If it slipped she would probably crash to the floor, naked from the waist down.

That danger seemed to turn her on more. She gently squeezed her clit between her fingers. It felt huge and fantastically sensitive.

She listened as the man dried his hands. Finally the door out to the hall swung open and shut.

She waited another heartbeat or two, just to make sure she was alone. Then she blurred her hands against her crotch in a desperate frenzy; probing, sliding, circling, stretching, stabbing and even slapping her groin. The approach of her long-delayed orgasm felt like the final seconds before impact of an oncoming train. She couldn't help but give way as it crashed into her.

"Fuck meeee!" she moaned, not quietly, in the bathroom stall. Railroad-car sized loads of pleasure coursed through her tiny body, shaking it like a blade of grass caught between their tracks.

Her foot slipped off the plumbing and she tumbled forward, only just catching herself by straight-arming the back wall with her left hand. She stooped over the toilet with her legs as far apart possible. Her back arched involuntarily, pointing her naked ass at the stall door behind her as her three days' worth of orgasm passed through her. She pumped her pussy and clit as fast as possible with her right hand, making squishy sounds that were dangerously loud. She felt a final, lightning-bright flash of pleasure accompanied by a gush from her pussy that overran her palm and sprinkled the floor.

Elise stopped. She was breathing hard. A few moments passed before she recovered enough strength and coordination to stand. She was flush all over, almost sweaty. Her right hand was coated with warm, clear slime.

"Jesus..." thought Elise. "That was insane!"

She took a few more minutes to recover, cleaning herself up with tissue paper. Then she felt the urge to pee, so she did that too. When she finally exited the little stall, she'd been in there for a quarter of an hour.

"Thank god nobody else came in," she told herself as she washed her hands and fixed her hair. She splashed cold water on her face in an effort to hide her now-rosy complexion. The pink blush on her upper chest would be harder to conceal, but she knew it would fade in another ten minutes or so.

She stepped back from the sink and regarded herself in the mirror from a distance, taking in the full effect of her skin-tight dress, tall stockings and high heels. She looked damn hot, she thought, even with that obscene slit up the back of her dress and no underwear.

The door swung open and in walked Jacob.

"Oh sorry!" he blurted reflexively before back-pedaling toward the hallway.

"It's okay!" Elise called out with a smile. "I'm all done."

She glanced in the mirror one more time, tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and then turned to walk toward the door. Jacob was standing half inside, holding the door open with his body. Elise gave him a wide smile, turned sideways and squeezed by him out into the hall.

"Poor old Jacob," Elise giggled to herself, purposely adding a little extra swank to her strut as she walked away, well aware that his gaze was locked on her backside. "The guy fainted after a mere glimpse of my coochie!"

When Elise strolled into Doctor Peters' office a moment later, the smirk on her face was a mile wide.

"Well, hello." Doctor Peters said from behind his desk. "Everything go okay upstairs?"

"Oh yeah, it was fun!" Elise answered in a voice full of carefree afterglow. She pulled the little plastic office chair out from under her desk and, momentarily forgetting the slit and her lack of underwear, plopped down onto it. The shock of the seat's cold vinyl against her hot, swollen labia made her jump back up with an involuntary: "Ohh!"

"Everything okay?" Doctor Peters asked.

"Oh... Umm, yeah." Elise replied, trying not to laugh. "I think I'm just going to change back into my normal clothes though, if you don't mind."

"Not at all. Go right ahead."

"Thanks," Elise said, smiling over at him. She walked back to the closet, turned on the light and stepped inside. No sooner had the door shut behind her then she reopened it and poked her head out to look around the room.

"Have you seen my panties anywhere, Doctor Peters?" she asked.

"No," he lied. "Can't say that I have."

"Hmm. That's weird. Well, okay thanks," Elise replied cheerily. She gave the door a pull, turned around and unzipped her dress.

Arthur was delighted to see that the door hadn't quite closed all the way. It stood open by about two inches. He rolled his desk chair sideways until his view through the gap was centered on Elise. The overheard closet lights bathed her in a yellow glow. He watched transfixed as she peeled the little pinstriped dress down off her body and stepped out of it. Wearing only heels and stockings and her fancy hairstyle, she looked like a skinny pin-up model. Arthur stared as Elise propped one leg up on a low shelf and bent over to unstrap her shoe. A moment later she switched legs and stepped down, suddenly losing four inches of height. She leaned away from the door once more to unfasten the other sandal. Her long auburn ponytail slipped off her back and hung to one side. Arthur's gaze focused on the compact globes of her young ass and the narrow void that revealed itself between them as she remained bent over. Within that narrow shadow Arthur glimpsed for one second, or imagined he did, the silhouette of her bare pussy.

His pants felt tight.

Elise peeled down her stockings one at a time and rolled them carefully back into their packaging. She began to move about the closet, leaving Arthur with only passing glimpses. They were fully-naked glimpses though, so he relished every one.

Arthur watched her pull on her tight jeans. She had to hop up and down to squeeze her round ass into them. Arthur wondered what those jeans felt like against her naked crotch. She seemed to take extra care in closing the zipper. He continued to watch as she snapped into her small bra, adjusted its shoulder straps and, finally, shrugged on her long-sleeved shirt. A moment later she emerged in her casual wedge flip flops and walked back to her desk.

Arthur breathed a long, low sigh and slouched lower behind his desk. What a great summer this was going to be, he mused.

The remainder of the afternoon went by without event. At five o'clock Elise cleaned up her desk and prepared to leave. She slung her backpack over one shoulder and approached Arthur's desk.

"Doctor Peters," she asked, "I was wondering... I notice you have this exercise bike in the office here, and um... if it's okay with you, I thought maybe I could use it a couple times a week to work out at the end of the day. That would save me from having to run so early in the morning."

"Well," Arthur replied, genuinely surprised by the question. "I suppose there's no harm in that. It might be a bit big for you, but—"

"Really? That would be so cool of you! The neighborhood where I'm staying doesn't feel safe in the early morning. Plus it's so foggy and cold in the city, you know? I just know I'd feel way more comfortable working out in here. I promise I'll adjust the seat back to where you have it when I'm done. Are you sure it's not going to bother you? I don't want you to have to stay late on my account."

"No problem," Arthur replied, puzzled by the sudden uptick in Elise's word-rate. "I always stay late."

"Cool! I SO appreciate it! I'll bring my gym clothes tomorrow. Is that okay?"


"Thanks Doctor Peters!"

"You're welcome. By the way, Elise, there is something I want to ask you..."

"What's that?"

"Well, I guess I'm curious why you applied for this internship. I remember on the phone you talked about wanting to learn more about the work we do here, but I've yet to see you get excited about the research. It's really cutting-edge and important work, in my opinion. But, compared to how excited you are about that exercise bike, I get the impression you don't share my view."

"Oh! Well, no – I mean yes." Elise stumbled, caught off-guard by the question. "I... I really do like exercising, but I also like what you guys are doing here. I guess I'm still, just, trying to understand it, I think... so maybe that's why I don't seem as excited?"

"There was no other reason why you came here this summer?"

"No," Elise whispered, starting to blush. "Not really."

She knew she was a poor liar. And Doctor Peters did seem really nice so far, she thought, so she confessed. "Well actually, Doctor Peters, the truth is I wanted to get away from home. It's not the only reason, but... I was... going crazy living there. My mom and I, we're just, like, opposites about a lot of things."


"But that's not the only reason, Doctor Peters, please believe me! I also want to learn about biology too... and how to do good research."

"Your mom told me you wanted to be a physical therapist."

"Um... yeah. That's true too, I guess. Can I do both?"

"I suppose it's possible. But I want you to concentrate on your work here this summer, okay? You don't realize it yet, but Doctor Yamamoto and I are on the verge of some pretty amazing things. This may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you."

"Yes, I understand. I will... focus on it more."

"And from now on I want you to be completely honest with me, okay? No more half-truths."

"Of course, Doctor Peters. I'm sorry about that." Elise clasped her hands behind her back and crossed her legs at the ankle. She looked down at the floor in front of Arthur's desk.

"It's okay, Elise. I'm glad to have a clearer understanding of you. And while we're on the subject of... sharing personal information, there is in fact something I have been meaning to tell you."

"Really?" Elise asked, lifting her downcast face back up.

"Yes." Arthur replied. He cleared his throat before continuing: "Now... I don't know how much your mother told you about me, but the truth is she and I lost touch a long time ago. For one thing, she probably told you that I'm married. That used to be true, but... the fact is my wife and I divorced about three years ago."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that Doctor Peters. I had no idea."

"That's okay. It's not really relevant, except the thing is, during the divorce I lost my house. My ex-wife kept it. So, what I decided to do at the time, rather than borrow a bunch of money to buy a new house just for me to live in alone, was I converted about a thousand square feet of this floor into an apartment.


"So, I live here now."

"Really? Where?"

"Through that door," Arthur said, indicating the farthest of the three doors on the south wall of his office, the one closest to the main hallway entrance. "It's just a basic one-bedroom layout, but I had a nice little kitchen put in and a living room and so on. It's quite comfortable. Anyway, the only reason I bring it up is that you don't need to worry about keeping me here late. I'm always here."

"Oh. Okay." Elise said quietly. She felt puzzle pieces shifting in her mind, but she couldn't quite put her finger on what had just changed. Someone without her blindness to social dynamics, Elise knew, would understand immediately how this information affected her. But it always took Elise longer to figure these things out. She resolved to think about it on her train ride back into the city.

"If you don't mind, Elise" Arthur continued, "I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from passing that on to your mom... about my divorce and me living here at the lab and such. I'd rather not have her worry about me. Can you do that for me?"

"Oh, sure. I won't mention it."

"Thanks. Well... anyway, have a good night. I'll see you in the morning."

"Yeah. Okay. Good night Doctor Peters. Thanks again. See you tomorrow."

With that, Elise turned and walked across the office and out into the hallway. Arthur listened to her footfalls recede. Shortly he heard the heavy automatic doors of the delivery entrance open and close to let her out to the street. He leaned back in his swivel chair and hoped he hadn't just blown it.

(Thanks for your comments. Chapter 4 is coming very soon!)

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
That's some sexy shit

This is so sexy it's making me wonder if I'm straight....or nah.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Hoping Tammy has another intense masturbation session ending with her cumming in her sexy panties...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Oh, my. You are a great story teller.

wizard98xwizard98xover 10 years ago
Keep it up

Outstanding. Keep it slow. Should be enough here for about 8 to 10 chapters. PM me if I can be of any help with ideas / proofreading. Love it !!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Thank you for writing this

I have enjoyed all three installments and can't wait to read many, many more...after all the summer has over 90 days in it!

GmogrosGmogrosover 10 years ago
Great story

Very erotic so far, waiting for more, thanks

RecHikerRecHikerover 10 years ago

I've just finished reading all three chapters and I really love how you've taken your time to develop Elise's character. I love how you had her strip her panties off in front of everyone instead of retreating to the closet.

Then of course comes the mystery of who has Elise's panties. Did Dr. Peters pick them up and save them for later or did one of the other fellows snatch them before leaving Dr. Peter's office. hummmmmm.... I guess I'll have to wait for chapter 4 to find out!

Thanks for sharing this wonderful story....


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