Teased from Michigan to Florida


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Dan was disappointed to learn that Pam just made up the whole story, but he was very excited that she thought to tell it and tease him to such a degree. He found himself so turned on that he could not sit comfortably no matter how he moved. He found himself thinking about the Viagra ad where the spokesman warned that erections lasting longer than four hours must be seen by a physician. Was he going to experience that without Viagra today?

It was near one o'clock when they pulled into a truck stop for gas and lunch. Dan filled the tank while he watched Pam cross the several lanes to get to the shop and restaurant. She looked incredibly sexy in her heels and her ass swayed beneath her dress. Also, he noticed that he wasn't the only man watching her, either.

Dan finished up at the pump and parked the car. Then he walked into the shop to look for Pam. He found her strolling the aisles absently shopping. He noticed that the buttons over her cleavage that were buttoned in the car were now unbuttoned and her ample breasts were on display. Once again, just as Dan's cock was calming down, it sprang to attention. He felt nervous because the amount of her breasts she was showing was far more than she had ever shown before and he felt a little nervous, possessive and excited. But he definitely wasn't going to suggest that she button up.

"Let's go eat." Dan suggested. Together they walked into the restaurant and Pam asked Dan to order for her and she went to an isolated booth where they could see each other without attracting attention. Dan watched her slide into her seat. As she did, her dress was above her knees, and she purposely spread her legs wide enough to leave no doubt that she was not wearing panties. Dan's heart nearly stopped as he quickly glanced around to see if anyone else saw. Again, his cock swelled into a huge bulge in his pants, and he was having a difficult time concealing it. Pam saw the awkward way Dan was shifting from one foot to the other as he was obviously trying to hide the bulge in his pants.

When he picked up his order and was walking back to the booth, Pam leaned over to adjust the strap on her shoe. Since she had her buttons opened, her breasts nearly fell out of her top and she had to adjust them back in as she sat back up. Dan sat across from her and was in a near panicky but sexually excited state. He couldn't believe how far Pam was going to tease him today. As they were eating, Pam would slide her foot with the four-inch heels up Dan's legs and push his cock and balls around with her heel so she could watch his reaction.

"Are you enjoying our trip so far?" she asked as she dug her heel in a little deeper into Dan's crotch. "I am. I haven't seen you so hard for so long. I am looking forward to seeing you cum tonight. I am betting that there will be a lot of delicious cum."

Pam talking dirty to him in public excited him beyond anything he could imagine. She is doing a great job teasing him and it was becoming obvious that he wasn't going to get any relief anytime soon on this trip.

"What are your plans for today?" Dan asked. "Are you going to tease me all day?"

"That's my plan and you cannot jack-off or get any relief until I say so."

"God, Honey...you are torturing me. I don't know how much more I can stand. I need to relieve myself."

"You asked for this, and I am going to follow-through with it. Besides, I am starting to enjoy teasing you. I have never seen you at such a loss of words." She was smiling a devious and mischievous smile as she leaned forward exposing her breasts completely and reached across the table with something clasped in her hand for him. Dan opened his hand and she handed him her panties across the table. She must have taken them off in the restroom while he was pumping gas in the car.

"Smell them, Dan. Smell my pussy in my panties. I want to see you smell them right now...right here." she commanded. With that Dan kept them wadded in his hand and raised them to his nose and inhaled deeply. The musk of her pussy was strong in them and stirred his desire for her even more. As he smelled her panties, she continued rubbing her heels on his leg and teasing his cock.

"I want to feel your cock in my pussy, Dan. I can't go on teasing you like this. I am ready for you right now. Do you think we can get a quickie in the men's room? It looked big when I peeked in when the door swung open, and the lunch crowd is pretty small now." she suggested.

By now, Dan could not think straight and started thinking about her outrageous suggestion and the possibility of being caught in the act. She did seem to be very horny and maybe this is our only way to get some relief on this trip.

"That sounds dangerous, are you sure?"

"God, yes, Dan. I am so wet right now and I actually had an orgasm just sitting here rubbing your cock with my heel."

"OK, let me go take a look." And with that Dan got up and walked to the men's room.

As he went around the corner he glanced back at Pam and saw her sucking seductively on her finger. "Wow, she is turned on. I have never seen her like this before." He thought as he walked away.

Dan's mind was racing from one idea to another as he examined the men's room, the traffic flow and how they could slip in unnoticed. Since the women's room door was only a foot or two away from the men's room door, she would not look out of place standing there. Dan figured he could wait in the restroom until it was empty, open the door and rush Pam to the last stall which happened to be a handicap access stall with a lot of room. Even better, the vanity panels went all the way to the floor for even more privacy. Having a plan, Dan left to fill Pam in on how they could consummate this idea.

Dan walked back to the booth and was wondering if this was a good idea. The thought of it scared and excited him beyond belief. The thought of fucking Pam in such a public place was such a huge turn-on. But, as he approached their booth, Pam was gone. "Where is she?" he wondered. He began searching the restaurant and store and could not find her anywhere. "Maybe she went to the car?" he thought. So, he left the store and walked to the car. Sure enough, there she was. She was sitting in the car with her window down and was slowly finger-fucking her wet pussy.

Smiling broadly, she said "Do you think I would really let you off that easily? I told you that I was going to tease you all day. You'll get some relief tonight...I promise." Then with a few more strokes of her finger she experienced an orgasm right there in the car, in the parking lot and in front of Dan. The lips of her pussy glistened in the bright sunlight and her ejaculation from deep inside her flowed out onto her hand and on the leather seat.

"Ohhhh...I think I made a little mess." she said as she licked her fingers and then used a Kleenex to clean herself and the seat and then got out of the passenger seat and walked around to the driver's seat to take her turn driving.

"Damn it, Pam! You don't know what you are doing to me. Do you know how worked up I got thinking that you really wanted to go through with fucking in the men's room?" Dan was beginning to feel so frustrated that a little anger was beginning to surface. He was having a hard time thinking clearly and she was clearly manipulating him.

Pam just laughed and started the car. It tickled her to no end how easy it was to tease Dan. "He really believed he would fuck me in a truck stop men's room!" she thought to herself.

Dan plopped into the passenger seat and stewed over the events at the truck stop. He had never felt so controlled and manipulated. As he thought about it, he realized how much she turned him on and how much he was enjoying her attention. Riding along the highway with the A/C on and the windows closed, the scent of Pam's musk was strong and kept Dan on edge.

Pam was driving in her heels and had her dress pulled up high showing her stockings for Dan to admire. Her cleavage was still showing and watching her concentrate on driving while looking so sexy transfixed Dan. The miles passed and time moved on past an hour without much being said. Pam was noticing that Dan's bulge had subsided some time ago and he seemed to be getting too relaxed for her, so she decided to break the ice...

"Remember I told you about carrying your dildo in my purse and how I would touch it throughout the day?" she asked.

"Yes. What about it?"

"Well, something happened that maybe you should know about."

"What happened?" Dan asked wondering where this was going. "Was she going to tell me another story?" he thought.

"Well, Rachel and I were sitting in a booth at a restaurant and had just finished eating. I opened my purse to pull my change purse out and your dildo rolled out on the table. Before I could do anything, Rachel had it in her lap and was looking at it. "Pam, what are you doing with this?" Rachel said with a knowing smile. "It doesn't look like a normal dildo." She whispered as she leaned towards me across the table. My heart was in my throat, and I didn't know what to say to her. She just kept looking at it and then looking back at me with a big smile."

"I thought for a minute about what to do or say. She was obviously fondling the dildo under the table and was very curious about it. I blurted out that it was a mold of your cock and that I was carrying it with me to remind me of you. You should have seen the look on her face when I said that. It was as if the dildo came to life in her hand and I could hear her gasp as the idea that she was looking at your hard cock there in the restaurant dawned on her. Then we both burst out giggling because of the stress we both felt.

Once we calmed down, Rachel said how lucky I was to still have you and that she had not had sex since Jim passed away years ago. I told her how sorry I was for her and asked if there was anything I could do. She looked at me with a serious gaze and said that maybe there was one thing...but she didn't want to get me upset if she asked. I told her that nothing she could say would upset me...what was it I could do for her? She said, "Can I use this for myself for a few days?" I thought, "What did she just ask? She wants to use your dildo on herself?" You should have seen her face. It was flush with embarrassment and desire together. She seriously wanted to use your dildo to satisfy herself. "Don't you have a dildo of your own?" I whispered to her. She said she did but holding your cock in her hand made it more real.

She knows you and has wanted you to have sex with her...just for the sex...nothing else and now that she was holding your cock in her hand, she believed that she could really enjoy imagining your cock fucking her. I didn't know what to say and I sat back in my seat thinking about it. What could it hurt, I thought...why not? So, I gave your dildo to her, and she kept it for the next three nights and gave it back to me when we went out to lunch again."

Dan was shocked when he heard this. This wasn't the first time something like this happened. Once years ago, she showed her Mom pictures of Dan naked with a hard-on. She said her Mom liked the pictures, but never went beyond that much detail. Her Mom never turned Dan on in the least, but her sharing his picture turned him on. He often wondered who else she shared his picture with. Now she was sharing something much more real...tangible. His dildo was used by Rachel as she imagined Dan fucking her.

"Are you just telling me another story to turn me on?"

"No Honey, I am serious. She borrowed your dildo, and she used it several times to fuck herself. She had it wrapped in a cloth and handed it across the table to me and thanked me several times. Here is the cloth. I asked her if it helped, and she said you have no idea. She asked if I minded if she spoke honestly and I braced myself and said sure and waited to hear what she wanted to tell me. She said that your cock was about the same size as Jim's and that feeling it in her pussy gave her such relief. She said she fantasized about you making love to her and pushing your cock deep inside. As she was reliving her masturbation, I found I was getting turned on. She said she had not had an orgasm all those years until she used your dildo and fantasized about you. We didn't talk any more about it and had our lunch."

"This is for real...right?" Dan asked again. She had already taken him twice now and he wanted to be on guard for the next time.

"No, like I said, this really did happen. Your dildo was in Rachel's pussy. She fantasized about you while she fucked herself."

"I don't know what to say. I'm glad she enjoyed it, and I had no idea she wanted sex so badly. But I can imagine her frustration and unable to get satisfaction." Dan said.

Pam checked Dan's cock and could see this turned him on. It was true, though. She really had loaned the dildo to Rachel and in a strange way it was like sharing Dan with her in her time of need. She wondered if she knew earlier if she would have tried to get Dan to fuck her for real. Poor Rachel needed a man badly.

Then Pam reached over and rubbed her hand over the bulge in Dan's pants. "Do you think you would have fucked Rachel if you knew then what you know now?" she asked.

"What? A sympathy fuck for Rachel?"

"Yes, I guess you could call it that. It seems like a humanitarian kind of thing to do. I really feel sorry for her now that she shared her frustration with me."

"I don't know. Rachel is not my type, but again, having an opportunity to make love to another woman with your permission does not come along very often. I guess if I felt that you were secure enough with it that I would have."

By now it was nearly 4 PM and they decided to stop at a rest stop to use the restroom and stretch their legs. Pam got out of the car, with her beautiful cleavage showing a lot of skin in the bright sun, without a second thought. Several men passing by or sitting in their car immediately noticed her. Dan hung back just long enough to follow her into the rest stop so he could watch her walk. She never understood how a simple thing like watching her walk could be such a turn-on for him.

As usual, he was back outside before her and strolled around the edge of the building feeling the warm sun and the cool spring breeze. It felt great. Then he saw Pam in front of the building and called to her to come over. He took her by the hand, and they walked to a picnic table at the edge of the lawn where they could be somewhat alone and just rest.

Pam saw how relaxed Dan was and knew that would not do. She wasn't finished just yet. So, she leaned in close and started nibbling on his ear and she slid her hand up his leg to his now growing bulge and very quickly his cock was fully erect. Satisfied, Pam crossed her leg and let the dress slide high up her thigh until the top of her stocking was clearly visible to Dan, and anyone else who may pass by. The sight of her breasts, stocking covered leg and high heels were more than Dan could take and he pulled Pam to him and embraced her and kissed her over and over. He wanted to lay her on the picnic table right there and make love to her. Pam responded by melting into his arms and then squeezing his cock through his pants and feeling it throb in the palm of her hand. She felt bad teasing him all day, but she also enjoyed it and was looking forward to their sex that night.

"Come on!" she said as she pulled away. "Let's go. We're burning daylight and we want to get to Florida by Saturday night."

Dan reluctantly got up and walked hand-in-hand with her to the car. It was his turn to drive now, and he was getting tired of the ride and wanted to get Pam alone in a motel room and make mad love with her.

"How much longer should we drive tonight?" Pam asked as they pulled out into traffic.

"I don't know. It's about 4:30 now and I think we should be in a motel no later than 6 PM. What do you think?"

"Sounds good to me. I am ready to see your hard cock outside those pants. There must be a lot of cum coating the head of your dick given everything today. I want to see how much cum you can make with a hard-on all day long."

Her dirty talk had the affect she wanted. He had a huge bulge in his pants, and it seemed like every time she made a sexual comment, he grew bigger.

As they drove, Pam made sure to adjust her stockings or lie against the door and put her high-heeled shoes in Dan's lap so he could rub her feet while he drove. About 5 PM Pam decided to open her top and let her breasts free for Dan. As she pushed them out of her bra Dan jerked the wheel as he saw them. Then she licked and wet her index fingers and thumbs and began squeezing and pulling her nipples to make them hard.

"Do you like my hard nipples?" she asked as she pulled each nipple out and let it spring back to a firm red bud. "They are so sensitive for some reason, and I know that if you could just suck on them for a little while I could cum without even rubbing my clit."

She made herself comfortable as possible, closed her eyes, dug a heel into Dan's lap and arched her back as she massaged her breasts. Her breathing was becoming louder, and it was obvious to Dan that she was nearing an orgasm again. She kept this writhing around and running her hands over her body for nearly fifteen minutes.

"Ooooh Dan...I am sooo horny. Look at how wet I am." she said as she pulled her dress up and spread the lips of her pussy for his inspection.

"Do you see my cum? I just had an incredible orgasm and now I feel the juices flowing out of me." She said as she rubbed her clit in small circles and held her lips open with her other hand."

Dan knew they were getting close to the motel and now she was pulling out all stops to make this the most teased and incredible day he ever experienced. But even knowing that, he found himself sliding his hand up her thigh to touch her glistening pink hole. But each time his hand got near, she dug her heel into his crotch and pushed his hand away. The smell of her musk was strong as she writhed next to him in the seat giving him the best show she could provide.

It seemed as though every part of her body was moving to help her climax. She was rubbing her breasts and her clit as well as rubbing her thighs together and feeling the smooth nylons against her skin. Then she first dove one finger into her wet pussy and then a second finger and began fucking herself in front of me while rubbing her clit with her other hand. Her eyes were closed, and she was totally focused on herself. At this point she was oblivious to Dan and had only one goal...a huge climax to this teasing.

Her breathing became very heavy and in response her back arched and her breasts rose and fell as she timed her breathing to the orgasm building inside.

"Ohhhhhh...I am going to cum. I am cumming. Watch my pussy Dan. Watch for the cum that will come." And she closed her eyes and vigorously fucked herself and rubbed her clit in small circles.

Finally with a huge gasp and strong convulsions, she began to rock with the waves of an orgasm that washed over her time after time. It seemed like it lasted for a minute or more.

She slowly opened her eyes and with flush face asked, "Do you see my cum Dan?" as she held her lips open. And there in front of him he could see her cum run out and down to her ass. She quickly caught it with her fingers and then licked them off. Then she stuck her finger back in and pulled it out and then sat up and wiped it on Dan's lips.

"Now don't lick that off. It must stay there until I say."

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Wishes78Wishes783 months ago

Great story! I'm hoping that maybe there will be another chapter to come! :)

JOHNKEY2222JOHNKEY22224 months ago

Great fun, sexy and exciting, I love it...

26thNC26thNC4 months ago

Watch the damn road!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Nicely done

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

What a fucked up bitch. This is Literotica. Everyone will assume she cheated and made Dan a cuck. She will obviously carry on cucking her husband. And she will keep humiliating him. 1☆

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Should have stopped at a truck stop and while she went to the bathroom, driven off to California and never returned. Dumber than a wooden nickel.

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