Territory Manager


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"From who?" I interrupted him.

"Hang on!" He told me. "Just listen. When you get the phone call, the caller may think that you are on the verge of selling your business to Seattle Supply." He said.

Seattle Supply was a large westside distributor with branches throughout the region. So far they had nothing in our market.

"Just play along." He told me. "I think it's all going to work out."

Two days later I got a phone call from none other than Arthur Bellows.

After some initial catching up and pleasantries he got to the point.

"Roger," he began, "I'd like to talk to you about business. Specifically about your business. Would you be open for a meeting?" He asked.

"Mr Bellows," I said. "Um, I'm not sure any type of meeting would be worth any of our time. There may be some big changes for my business very soon." I told him. I remembered what Graham had said about Seattle Supply.

"Roger, before you do anything, let's have a discussion. I ask you to do that as a favor to me." He said.

I agreed and we met for lunch the following day.

B&B wanted to buy my business. There was no discussion about looking at the income statement or balance sheet. B&B would be eliminating a competitor, my company, and locking up distribution. Then we began talking about numbers.

So far I have invested nearly two hundred thousand dollars into my business.

Arthur quoted a proposed sales price that was slightly over the two hundred thousand, but that was it. He looked at me to gauge my reaction. I told him I would consider it.

I stood up, shook his hand, thanked him and left. No agreement was reached. I then waited. I was trying to call his bluff. Two days later he called back.

We met again.

"Mr Bellows," I began, "you are not even close to what my business will sell for. I like you and you've done a lot for me in my career. But this is business." I told him.

Arthur Bellows stared at me. I could tell his brain was working. He spent several moments silently studying me.

"My boy," he calmly said, "why don't you tell me what you think may be a more reasonable offer."

I had him where I wanted him. I could have really put the screws to him, but he had always been kind to me. And I did owe him a big favor. The prenuptial agreement.

I wrote a number down and slid it across the table to him. Not quite double his original offer but close.

He looked at it for a long minute, and then eventually began nodding his acceptance.

"That is just the start." I told him. "I want 2% ownership in the company." I said.

I knew both he and Ted owned 50% of the company. I stated I wanted 1% of each of their shares. There was a strategy behind that. My 2% and Arthur's 49% were a majority.

And then I gave him a list of several other conditions.

"Give me a moment." He told me.

Arthur Bellows went outside the restaurant to make a phone call. I watched through the plate glass window. His back was to me but it was clear he had finished one call then made a second. This one was longer. Eventually I saw him turn, and head back to the restaurant.

Outwardly I was calm, but inside I was nervous.

Mr Bellows sat down. He looked at me for a long moment, reached across the table and shook my hand.

"We have a deal," he told me.

The lawyers would work out the fine details.

Driving home I got a short text message from Graham McKenzie.

'Your welcome' was all it said. I laughed most of the way home'

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Two days later it was Friday. Ted Bellows had called another all company meeting for three PM that Friday afternoon. The entire sales force inside and outside were in the conference room along with Ted and Arthur Bellows, Gordon Dobler, Darin Barnes, Crystal and Jules, the big breasted receptionist even attended.

Ted Bellows stood once everyone had been seated.

"Everyone, we called this meeting to discuss the condition of our business. You are all involved one way or another and we wanted to make sure everyone was here. With that I will turn this over to my father." Ted announced.

"As you all know," The elder Bellows began, "My father started this business forty five years ago. Burton & Bellows has seen some difficult times before, but there is a formula to overcome those difficult times. In fact there are two things that need to be done. Number one is hard work. Whatever you've been doing, increase it, be better at what you do. If there is anyone here not prepared to work harder, there's the door." And he pointed to the exit.

At this statement Bellows eyes scanned the room, eyeing each person for a beat. No one moved or spoke.

"The other thing is we can't be afraid of change." He said. "In fact we are about to announce a few changes in just a moment."

With that Mr Bellows checked his watch and wrapped twice on the conference room door.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

I was a bit nervous, but mostly excited standing in the hallway outside the conference room. B&B felt like home to me. I felt like I was coming home. Beside me stood Marty Lee. Just then on cue, I heard the knock on the door.

As Marty and I walked in there were an assortment of reactions from the people in the conference room. Dobler looked extremely uneasy. Crystal went pale. There were also quite a few smiles from some of the people.

"I want everyone to know," Mr Bellows announced, "We have purchased Big Sky Forest Products. Roger will rejoin the company as a Senior Territory Manager." He announced.

"And with that change there will be several more." Arthur Bellows announced.

It was probably cruel the way he did it, but it was what I had asked.

"Kevin Mills will be interim Sales Manager," Mr Bellows started. "Crystal Greer will revert to her original job as receptionist. New employee Marty Lee will become the office manager. And though he's not here today Martin Gomez will be our new Territory Manager trainee eventually taking care of Kevin's territory."

I was not aware of Martin joining the company. My old Golden Gloves rival and good friend. I couldn't be happier.

"With that said, Gordon, Darin, Julie, we will no longer be needing your services." He handed them each an envelope which held their final paycheck.

"This is bullshit!" Dobler yelled. "Tab, come on, you can't go along with any of this." He pleaded to Ted.

Ted didn't meet his eyes. After a few uncomfortable moments Dobler and Barnes stormed out of the conference room.

As the large breasted Jules walked out the door, she turn and shouted "FUCK YOU ALL!"

We were all silent for a moment and then Marty said, "I doubt she will use us as a future reference." That broke the silence.

The group, minus Crystal, who was back as the receptionist stayed in the conference room until a little after five PM talking strategy.

It was then we decided to all head over to the Tiki Hut for a minor celebration.

Unfortunately just as our drinks were served we noticed Dobler and Barnes in a dark corner.

"Just ignore them." Arthur Bellows stated.

But we couldn't. Gordon Dobler was loud and belligerent. We could hear him swearing and we could hear mention of our names now and then. We ignored them. Apparently he had enough to drink to approach our table.

He told us what a terrible company we had. How we didn't know how to run a business. How he expected B&B to be out of business within the year. Any insult he could come up with. No one reacted and then he got personal.

"And Winters, you couldn't even satisfy your woman." He laughed. "Hey, you can have her back, I'm done with her. Though, I doubt after she's had me she would want you again." He continued to laugh.

With great willpower I stayed calm. I remember my old lessons from Rosy McBee. I didn't say a word. I'd had enough bar fights I didn't want another one.

"Okay," Arthur Bellows said. "If you're done, why don't you move on."

Dobler was angry. He'd been humiliated in front of a group. And now that old asshole Bellows was dismissing him. Reluctantly he walked away, but his anger was now directed at Arthur Bellows.

Despite the intrusion by Dobler we actually were having a good time with a mixture of business and personal conversations.

At one point Mr Bellows got up to use the restroom. A moment later there was a small commotion. Dobler had slapped Arthur Bellows. The elder Bellows was trying to get away from Dobler.

I jumped up. Quickly I got between them and shoved Dobler away. He was back in a hurry.

Before anything happened, staff from the bar intervened. Dobler kept talking.

'Winters, I knocked you down once, want to try me again?' Again the angry laugh. "C'mon, let's go outside. Or are you chicken?" He taunted. "I beat you up, I took your woman, don't you have any pride?" Barnes, by his side, laughed at that.

I cracked. "Okay asshole, outside." I said. I began my calming exercises as I prepared for the fight.

Once again, a small group of us were out in the asphalt parking lot. I watched Dobler. No doubt at one time he was an athlete. He was big and there was some muscle, mixed with flab. I wasn't terribly worried, but I wasn't going to underestimate him.

We started, him throwing punches and me dodging them. He kept up a steady stream of trash talking. He threw a pretty good right that got my ear and the top of my head. Okay, now it became self defense.

It didn't take long. I'd put Dobler's fighting skills somewhat better than Darryl's, Crystal's old boyfriend, but not as good as the red bearded guy in Vancouver.

By the time we were done I was pretty sure I had broken Dobler's nose and he would have a black eye. I had some bruised knuckles and a tender ear. That was it.

Dobler continued to swear at me through a smashed mouth. Barnes even made motions like he was going to get involved. It was just posturing. He ended up helping Dobler up and the two walked off into the evening Dobler still threatening

As far as I knew, that was the last time any of us ever saw either of them again.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Life went on.

At first it was uncomfortable working with Crystal. Our divorce was still some weeks away from completion. Interaction on the divorce was done through my lawyer. At work I was professional and Crystal tried to be nice.

I was able for the most part to block out her betrayal. She was a part of the business at B&B and I treated her respectfully. Through it all, Crystal was a nice person. I remember my sister describing her that way long ago.

There were times we even chatted personally. Safe topics, like the weather, traffic, or work related topics. It was hard not to like Crystal, she was a bubbly outgoing person.

At times it hurt to think of her betrayal with Dobler. I think he was a predator, saw her, and decided he wanted her. The fact that she was already married, and married to someone he knew, increased the challenge for Dobler.. She did not have the discipline or intellectual capability to resist him.

I understood that.

As time went on my ability to act friendly and nice to Crystal increased. More than anything I wanted to prove to Arthur and Ted Bellows I was a valuable addition to the business. Showing maturity by not holding a grudge against Crystal I hoped would help them see that.

I received a phone call from Robert Patton, my attorney's office. The divorce papers were finalized. They should arrive by mail by Friday. How would I like them distributed to my ex-wife, I was asked.

I thought about it and decided I would deliver them myself. It may be a little more personal. Maybe give both of us some closure. I called Crystal and asked if I could see her Saturday afternoon.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

I am so excited, thought Crystal. I have a date with Roger this Saturday. He called me and he's coming over to see me. I knew that we were meant to be together. The whole thing with Gordon was a big mistake. I think Roger has forgiven me.

At first I thought I was going to be fired along with the rest of them. Luckily I kept my job, Crystal thought.

And then I was nervous to be around Roger. As far as the divorce went, we never talked about it. The lawyers were working on that. I kind of pretended it wasn't happening. I had this hope that at the last minute we would both decide to stay together. Maybe that's why he was coming to visit me on Saturday.

As time has passed Roger and I have become friendlier. Just the other day he brought me a Starbucks. I mean, he bought one for Marty and some of the other people too, but he did remember what I liked.

I have an idea, Crystal thought. This afternoon there was a sales meeting. They're introducing some new marketing person or something. My idea is to wait until after the sales meeting breaks up and then ask Roger out for a drink. Then maybe we end up back at his place, our old place, and well, he could never resist me. This could really help in getting us back together, Crystal thought.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

I was excited for Gail to meet some of the other people at B&B. She and the girls had driven over yesterday. They were staying at my house. My sister was going to stay with the girls while Gail was at B&B.

I told Arthur and Ted about some of the ways that Gail had helped me with marketing. B&B had started using her. The marketing needs of a company like ours were minimal compared to other projects she works on, but so far what she has done for us has been effective. She was going to present some things to the sales staff this afternoon. Our meeting started at two PM, Gail was scheduled on at three.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Crystal was excited and nervous about her plan to ask Roger out this afternoon. They were all in the sales meeting now. The marketing dude was supposed to be here at three. He was supposed to be on for an hour. Then I'd try to talk to Roger, Crystal thought.

Crystal was at the front desk when all of a sudden she looked up to see a good looking chick walk in.

"May I help you?" Crystal asked the chick.

"Hi, Gail Calahan from Design Marketing." Gail introduced herself. "I have a meeting with your sales department at three." Gail added with a pleasant expression.

Wow thought Crystal, I expected some frumpy old man in a suit and tie. This chick is hot, and that's almost a mini skirt she's wearing, Crystal thought.

"Hold please, I'll call down there." Crystal called down to the conference room.

"They're ready for you. Last door on the left."

What a body, that marketing girl had thought Crystal. She watched her walk down the hall.

Crystal soon forgot about the marketing chick with the hot body. She started thinking about Roger. Okay, she thought, the sales people were leaving the meeting. I haven't seen Roger yet. He must be still in the conference room.

There goes Ted Bellows into his office, Crystal observed. I think they're all out except Roger. Now's my chance.

She walked down to the conference room, the door was closed. She knocked once and walked in.

WHAT! There was Roger hugging and kissing the marketing chick.

"Roger!" She blurted out. "What, why are you kissing this woman?" She asked.

"Crystal, this is Gail. Gail will soon be my fiance." Roger told Crystal.

"But, what about me, I'm still your wife!" Crystal exclaimed.

"Crystal, our divorce will be final tomorrow. That's why I was coming by on Saturday. I have the final decree and the settlement check. I was planning on delivering it in person." Roger told her.

"But, I thought maybe we would get back together," said Crystal.

I paused for a moment composing my thoughts.

"Crystal, Sometimes you realize that you made a mistake with a relationship. I was young and not that mature when we met. I have grown and unfortunately I need something more in my life." I told Crystal.

She stood there for a moment, absorbing my words and remembering where she had spoken the exact same phrase.. She just stared at me, lips moving but silent. She turned quickly and left the room.

That Monday she didn't come into work. By Thursday when she hadn't shown up or called we all figured she was gone for good.

Almost a year later I heard, through my sister, that she had moved to Montana and was living in a mobile home park with Darryl.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Gail and I were on Maui. No girls this time. They were staying with my sister. We promised them they would go on the honeymoon with us. This was the pre-honeymoon, honeymoon.

My beautiful fiance was lying nude in our bed. I watched her stretch. Wow.

"Any idea what you want to do today?" Gail asked.

"Yes, I've got an idea'" I replied, "There's this special beach not far from here, don't worry, you won't need much.....


A couple of footnotes

There really is such a thing as cedar school. There is, on occasion, drinking in the evening. The fight was pure fiction.

The incident with the vagrant-homeless trying to attack two young sisters did happen in Portland Oregon. Fortunately they escaped with no harm done.

Finally the purchase of Roger's company by B&B was inspired by an episode of The Office in which Michael briefly started his own paper company and then sells it to Dunder-Mifflin.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Clueless, stupid characters tend to make your stories boring. EVERYONE knows what is coming except your clueless characters. Yawn.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

how much research did the author do for this story ?? a lot of knowledge about sales in general and even telling us the cedar school was real . tossing in his comment about the office too . 5 stars !!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Good story! F’ing Salesforce! Lol. 28 years with a fortune 50 company in SoCal and now my territory from Spokane to Libby Montana. Started my career in street sales and ending it that way, as all the mgmt positions I’ve held were replaced by sales and marketing dashboards. What a difference from 28 yrs back. All of us, in sales, spend half our day typing in stupid, irrelevant sales plans. Moral sucks, sales are constantly stagnant and the company spent millions on their “premium” sales suite. I feel particularly bad for the younger generation joining the team. Just about anyone could make more money opening their own online business.

Story wise, I’ve read 4 of yours so far, and they all seem to follow a too familiar plot line. Wondering if you’d consider writing a husband character that isn’t so indecisive? Your writing skills are certainly top-notch. Maybe a hubby who knows how to hire a PI or something. In this one, for example, finding the sock, saying in MCs own words how it raised the red flag, he just puts it in a bag and heads back to Montana. It’s your story, but suspension of disbelief went on holiday to Maui after that. His thoughts and actions didn’t sync or coalesce. Only your well tuned writing ability kept my interest from that point forward.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Deepender, the readers aren’t people on the story. Your comparison is ludicrous

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Very good story with 2 exceptions.

First is this nonsense of "not being sure she's cheating. The man's sock.under the bed puts paid to her betrayal. Moreover, since she never came home, strike 2. Not being supportive of her husband and removing intimacy. Strike three. Thus this business of not being sure undermines the MC thus weakening the story. Next issue. His business is expanding by leaps and bounds but it's not making money? In this business the books would watched like a hawk.

Crystal should have been fired. She really isn't very bright and shaper replacement eaily found.

Still, for such a good story I was able to set that aside. I do wish that writers would take note of this

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Probably alone in this feeling but I feel a little sorry for Crystal. She was targeted by a expert predator whoe was also her boss. Due to her ghost she could not be alone for any length of time and her boss made sure she woud be alone for long periods. Too bad she ended up with an asshole. Happy ending for our hero and that'sm a good thing.

LoejtcLoejtc5 months ago

A long story with a rather weak storyline.

Just_WordsJust_Words9 months ago

When I read "She deserved to be with someone like Gordon" I thought "Yep!" Then a cheat proves to be stupid, too. Good story.

deependerdeepender11 months ago

Many LW stories, including this one, contain a common plot device: at some point, the MC starts telling the reader about his misgivings instead of telling his wife. And then he gets all concerned about his wife talking to another male about her misgivings regarding him. He's gets pissed at her for doing exactly the same thing that he is doing with us.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

“She did not have the discipline or intellectual capability to resist him.“


I took that to mean he figured she was both immature and naive enough to fall for the crap Dobler fed her.

Obviously, we can't disagree that Dobler lied up a storm, he just buttered her up so much that the truth managed to slide right off of her.

Our MC is saying that Crystal was a nice person but some of the things she did and said leading up to her divorce seem to indicate otherwise.

Funny thing is she seems to think she *was* immature without realizing she still *is* immature.

waltdeewaltdeeabout 1 year ago

A little long but the story was well-woven. 5/5

HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

Great little Femdom agitprop story. The cuckold trades up, cheater down. My attention never flagged from this tight, well-written tale.

AllNigherAllNigherover 1 year ago

Anonymous 1 month ago... commenting on “She did not have the discipline or intellectual capability to resist him.“... agreed i was going to comment on that too. It's like people think women are not competent enough to manage their lives....

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

pretty good but very long, interesting though I did skip 2, 3 and 4. His own busines actually lost his own 200K, good thing he sold out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

“She did not have the discipline or intellectual capability to resist him.“

So, he was married to a child who had no agency?!?

I hate it when LW authors write that it’s all the other man’s fault. That’s absurd. If a woman is capable of choosing to marry, then she is capable of choosing to be faithful!


NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 1 year ago

Uncomfortably long but well written

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I enjoy your writing. However, personally I thought your approach to how he responded to his wife's infidelity with his manager and the resultant cuckolding him, reflected a timidity that isn't consistent with his personality. My life experiences would have had him more aggressively addressing her infidelity. That's just my take. Regardless, enjoyed your writing and gave a 5 star. Keep writing. Look forward to future reading.

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