Terror in Tonopah


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She waited until the pounding on the door died down before she quietly opened it. She slipped nude onto the street carrying only the jug with the remaining oil. There were men everywhere. Each of the men had a hard cock, and each of the cocks was pointing directly at her.

It was just like winter break on campus.

She made a dash for the gap between two men. They reached for her, but their reactions were slow and there was nothing for them to grab. She continued running and aimed for the next gap. Again, her speed and the oil combined to prevent capture. But her luck failed when she slammed into a man that stepped into the next gap. They fell down together in a heap. He wrapped his arms around her and began to hump her upper thigh.

A bolt of panic charged through her. They were both naked, in close embrace and his erection was dangerously close to her exposed pussy. His cock slid up and down her oiled thigh as he adjusted his position to force his penis into her. She countered by rolling to her side and pressing hard against his chest. If she didn't escape soon she would buried under every man in Tonopah. She pushed hard against his grip until the oil between his fingers made it impossible for him to hold her. She got up and bolted, narrowly escaping a throng of grasping hands.

Man after man grabbed at her. She realized that they weren't smart enough to team up and catch her. They weren't even smart enough to try to tackle her. All they were interested in was sex. Specifically, the instant gratification variety of sex. There was no interest in foreplay, even if that foreplay was the act of catching the object of their sex. They reached for her bouncing boobs or tantalizing twat. All she had to do to evade them was turn her body from side to side as she passed.

Confidence began to replace her fear. She slowed to let a cock-body reach for her, then turned and pulled away. She led the walking cocks down the highway. She passed the entrance of the motel to attract the sex zombies milling about in the parking lot. She kept just enough of a lead to entrain the whole herd, and then lead them away from the motel. She made a wide loop around the McDonald's, then sprinted for the motel entrance. She grabbed the spare key she'd hidden on the front desk and ran for her room.

She felt strangely exhilarated as she closed the door to her room. She was now in control of her destiny in very strange circumstances. She liked being in control. She liked the feeling of the cool air rushing over her breasts as she ran. She liked the flushed sensation in her groin and the arousal that came from the unabashed lust directed towards her. Where she was once afraid, she now felt powerful in a sexy way.

She watched the news as she dined on cheese and crackers in her room. The governor of Nevada had declared a state of emergency for Tonopah, Goldfield and the surrounding areas, which extended the quarantine down past the brothels south of Goldfield. The prostitutes were furious.

The director of the CDC held a press conference where he explained that the fungal encephalitis could be spread by airborne spores that originated from the ground or from within an infected person's lungs. Those infected were contagious while the symptoms of encephalitis were exhibited.

The press conference was interrupted by a special report from the local news station. "This footage is just in from Tonopah." The helicopter video was of Sue leaving the house, sprinting through the throng of naked men. It showed her falling down and then escaping with the men in pursuit.

"Jim, do we know what is going on here?" asked the female news caster.

"Ah, no. I'm seeing this for the first time."

"Why is everyone naked? Are those men...can we show this?"

The video feed briefly went black then to the female newscaster, who described what was happening on the video while the news director tried to figure out how to censor it.

"We don't know who this young woman is or why all the men are chasing her."

The male anchor quipped, "I think we have a pretty good idea why they're chasing her."

The female anchor shot daggers at him with her eyes.

Sue woke with a start the next morning. She lay quietly and listened, but there was no indication of men at the door or window. As she gathered her thoughts she realized that the problem with the men had been staring her in the face. The men were no longer able to think with their big heads, so they were thinking with their little heads. Their cocks were in control. It was an important revelation that seemed obvious in hindsight.

She pondered the implications. The men of Tonopah had been reduced to a pack of hormonally controlled nitwits. She hadn't put those words together in that order for years. They were what she had once used to describe her teenager brother.

And how did teenage boys handle their hormonal urges? They masterbated.

Sleepy Mick, who'd had the disease, was known as Sleepy McBater.

It all crystallized in her head.

She peered through a gap in the drapes and observed the cock-controlled cretins searching for sex in the parking lot. She had to figure out a way to introduce them to the pleasures of the palm, but first she needed to test her theory.

She oiled up her body, then carefully opened the door. After verifying that there was no one in the hallway, she hid the room key in a windowsill and headed towards the lobby. She walked slowly down the corridor until she spotted the first man, who was walking slowly towards her with his rigid cock leading the way. She kneeled down and waited. The man slowly approached, then with an awkward burst of energy, he thrust his dick at her mouth. She dodged his thrust, took his penis in her hand and gave it a few quick strokes. His already lax expression turned to mush, his shoulders went slack and he could barely stand. Sue took his hand, wrapped it around his cock and helped him get started by guiding his hand up and down his rigid shaft. He soon began to slowly stroke himself without help.

She stood and slowly backed away. He didn't follow her. One man down, a few hundred to go. This was going to take a while.

She approached the next man from behind as he shuffled away from her. She reached around and stroked him. He stopped and his head tipped back. She wrapped his palm around his penis and showed him what to do. Two down.

Things got complicated in the small casino. There were eight guys milling about with none any more accessible than the others. She selected the guy with the biggest cock and started her instruction. She kneeled down and gave him a couple of strokes. Before she could finish, one of the other men began rubbing his cock on her shoulder. She took both cocks in her hands and began to stroke them, once their associated bodies became more docile, she dropped one cock and instructed the other in the use of his hand. Third and fourth guys began to slide their penises through the oil on her skin. They were soon joined by the other four guys. Anxiety built within her as the legion of cocks rubbed against her oiled body. She forced herself to suppress the anxiety and remain focused. She worked through them one cock at a time. A wave of relief washed over her when the last zombie stood stroking his own cock.

She could do this. She just had to keep calm and focus on one penis at a time.

She spent the rest of the morning working her way through the men of Tonopah. She used the masterbating men as a safety barrier while she continued her lessons. That put her in a circle of masterbating men that was surrounded by a slowly expanding circle of horny men. She kept herself from being crushed by working in one direction and staying as close as she could to the perimeter.

In a strange way she was alone as she stroked penis after penis, and her thoughts drifted. How did she get to enjoy touching all of these penises? Was she some kind of latent slut, or was this normal? It had been frightening at first, but now that she understood what the men wanted and how to get them to do what she wanted, it was almost mechanical. She simply employed another dry algorithm to solve a problem. But that wasn't the whole story.

There was a certain satisfaction that came with watching the expression change on their helpless faces. It was like scratching the ears of an appreciative dog or stroking a purring cat. Were all men this simple? If so, why hadn't she realized it before?

She pushed her way out of the group so she could get some lunch. She was also getting cold, so she headed into the center of town to get her clothes. She walked confidently down the street as unenlightened pre-masterbaters followed. She felt no need to run.

She found her shirt and coat laying in the street, then made a wide loop before sprinting into the house that held the rest of her clothes. She took a quick shower to get rid of the oil, got dressed and watched the TV news while she fixed herself a bowl of soup.

The highlight of the news was a helicopter video of the sex-zombies chasing Sue, catching her, surrounding her and then viciously stabbing at her with their rigid members. In a matter of moments she was buried under the crush of naked, erect men in the middle of US 95. The helicopter had circled around the mob a few times to confirm her hopeless plight.

The female anchor sadly lamented, "That poor, poor girl. Can no one stop this misogyny?"

Her horrified comments were interrupted by an eruption of laughter from the news crew. The video now showed a large mass of masturbating men detaching from the group and mindlessly dispersing.

The anchor asked, "What are those men doing?"

The crew lost what little control they had and burst into hysterics as the camera zoomed in on a single masturbator.

"That's disgusting..." was followed by a cut to a commercial.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" asked the naked woman who had just joined Sue in the kitchen. She didn't seem angry, just confused and curious.

Sue turned off the TV, "You're awake. I bet you're hungry." She surprised herself with her own directness. There was no apology for her uninvited presence and no apology for eating her food. Things simply were the way they were.

Sue poured a bowl of soup and put in on the table, then she found the woman a robe and helped her put it on. Like Sue, the woman couldn't remember anything of her illness. Sue gave her a brief history of the situation and her understanding of what was going on with the men. The woman was incredulous until Sue turned the TV back on.

"Is that you being attacked?"

"Yeah, but it's not as bad as it looks. The guys are mostly harmless."

Mostly harmless was not the way the twitterverse viewed the #TonopahMaleTyranny. Tweets and retweets amplified and re-amplified the outrage over Sue's attack. Citizens called their representatives, representatives called the governor, and the governor called out the national guard.

Two days later, tanks, trucks and troops rolled into town accompanied by special investigators with their specially trained dogs and mobile crime labs. They searched up and down the highway for evidence of the crime. They scoured the town and surrounding desert for the victim. They questioned everyone and then they questioned everyone again.

The town had only just emerged from its collective coma and no one could remember a thing. Sue played along with everyone else and feigned ignorance. Except for the video that everyone on the internet had seen, there was no evidence that anything happened at all.

Sleepy Mick arrived at the motel just as the investigators were leaving.

"NIce of you to show up, McBater," said Sue as Sleepy filled the truck with gas.

Embarrassment flooded Sleepy's face. He ran his fingertips down his whiskers, "Have you been studin' your history books?"

"The men around here have been acting pretty strange, so I did a bit of homework. From what I gathered..."

A guy whose car was across the gas pumps interrupted, "Hey, beautiful, I think I saw you in a dream."

"Glen, you ass. I told you she was in my dream," said his buddy.

Sue had a deja-vu moment as guys began to slowly accumulate around her, each claiming to have dreamt about her. She straightened her posture and smiled at each as they spoke.

Mick abruptly stopped pumping gas and put the nozzle away. "Get in the truck, MIssy." He carefully but deliberately weaved his way through the guys, took her arm, and guided her away.

"Can they remember what happened?"

"They remember bits and pieces."

"Do you remember what happened to you?"

"Bits and pieces."

They drove for a while as Sue assimilated what she had just learned. "What do you remember?"

"I remember she was beautiful."

"Did you ever see her again?"

"In a way."

"What does that mean?"

"She weren't quite how I remember."

"Wasn't she beautiful?"

"I suppose she would have been, if she had teeth..."

"and the warts was gone..."

"and the..."

Sue interrupted, "I get it. She was beautiful on the inside."

Mick thought for a minute and said, "No, I wouldn't say that."


The professor was waiting in the bar with six tall whiskies.

Sue wore her mining shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the buttons undone, leaving her pert cleavage on display, and somehow making her mining clothes look sexy. The fear that had once defined her was gone. She sat with a confidence that few women had. It was like she knew she could have anything she asked for, but was smart enough to take only what she really wanted.

She had been cute a month ago, now she was alluring. The professor suspected that the difference was confidence, but had a strange feeling that she knew a secret about him that only his wife should know.

He asked, "Do you want to tell us what happened?"

"Didn't you watch the news?"

"It looked like you were attacked in that video, but you seem fine now."

Sue picked up a whiskey and took a couple of healthy swallows. "Yeah well, it took me a while, but I finally figured out that men are pretty easy to control."

The professor was confused. It didn't look like she'd been in control, but here in the bar it was easy to believe that she was.

Sleepy Mick was worried. It had taken him years to purge 'Bater' from his name. He feared that the more Sue talked the more likely it was to come up, so he hijacked the conversation, "Now ya got some mining experience. You can work anywhere."

She thought for a second, then replied, "I think I'll go back to Tonopah. They love me there."

"No, Missy, please don't. Leave those poor saps alone." He'd spent years entranced by the ugliest, nastiest whore in the state of Nevada, he couldn't imagine the power Sue would wield over a whole town of enchanted ex-zombies.

She considered what Sleepy said, but she no longer regarded him with the same esteem. He was just a man. A fallible and imperfect man. He had the same weakness that every man on US 95 had. She said, "Oh McBater, don't worry. I'll be good."

The professor didn't understand, but Sleepy knew exactly what was going on. Sue had tasted power and she liked it. She wanted more and she knew where to get it. Tonopah had survived the attack of the zombies, but a real monster was about to arrive.

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Nathan_BrazilNathan_Brazilover 6 years ago
Very funny!

Loved it. Good verse and made me laugh Dick, I give it a 5.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Very Funny

A great new spin on the classic zombie tale.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Pretty good

...but not exactly horror. Should be under "humor".

biercebiercealmost 9 years ago
Well done

Fantastic story. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Great Story

Loved the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Great story

Except the CDC would have been there in full regalia from the start. They have jurisdiction and they are quite prepared to use it. Plus, a naked woman being chased by naked men isn't likely to attract laughter but a full out response from the federales. You know, that whole rape thing being illegal and all and not a cop in a hundred miles would sit while he could eat hero.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Fabulously Hilaristurbing!

LS, my congratulations for your well-written and wildly imaginative resurrection of the tired old cliche-ridden zombie genre.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Really good!

This was a very well-written story, and definitely original. I enjoyed much more than I expected. Five starts

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