Th Undercover


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She stated her name to the waiter at the door, and was immediately ushered to one of the discrete places at the back. It had separation walls to the tables next to it, and was just a place for two.

Gabriel turned out to be quite handsome. He got up and held her chair, as she sat down.

He was tall, lean, and had jet-black hair and dark eyes. He seemed very friendly.

During a fine 5-course dinner, he told her that he was a lawyer just made partner, and did Corporate Law mostly.

He did not disclose much else about himself, but inquired about her job, flat, interests and all sorts of other everyday things.

She was quite aware, that he had probably studied her 'Journal', and probably also been thoroughly briefed by people that had had been in close contact with her.

She felt quite at ease with him, and began to think it might work out fine. So far it looked like Walther had chosen a good Master for her - she thought. She knew that the final test would come later.

After dinner he took her to a modern penthouse in the centre of the city. Not far from her own apartment.

Sparsely but elegantly furnished.

He did not go for pain a lot, but was a 'rope' enthusiast. During the evening and night he made her into one beautiful 'rope-sculpture' after the other. He also showed her some of the many books he had on 'rope-art' -- mainly Japanese.

Several times during the night, he used vibrators on her sensitive spots -- while she was tied up 'sculpturally'. He enjoyed making her come as he tied and vibrated her. She was not at all displeased with that.

Late in the night having roped her a number of times, he finally got down to business, and fucked her brains out, while she was encased in a rope harness.

They played around till the sun came up, had breakfast in his small but adequate kitchen, and he sent her home again.

Waking along the streets of the old city back to her own apartment, she evaluated the night, and found it quite satisfactory. He apparently adored her body- did not mind giving her 'a ride' with his hands, mouth and sometimes a vibrator -- he liked her 'letting go' in her orgasms -- and had often continued far beyond the first orgasm sending her into one more -- and one more.

She knew she was sharing him with other slaves, but she was his primary slave -- and he was her Master.


They met a few times over the next weeks. She started on her new job, and he was busy with his, so they were usually together during the weekends. He had an old but very well restored British sports car that he sometimes drove her up the coast in.

It was almost as if they were ordinary lovers.

Not quite though. One evening he had asked her to come to his flat, where he strapped a battery box round her corseted waist. Invisible as there was plenty of 'air' around her middle. He also mounted a rod in her front and back opening -- locking them with small, but strong chains to the bottom of her corset.

Then he 'wired' her. With clamps to the rings in her body -- and of course to the rods. He told her to get dressed again and took her to dinner, where he enjoyed himself seeing her agony as he pressed the different buttons on the remote in his hand. It was only a light jolt, but enough to make her jump in the seat, and shiver from time to time.

He especially enjoyed jolting her, when she was addressed by the waiter and had to answer. The 'vibrato' in her voice made the waiter raise an eyebrow more than once.

She found out that the remote worked for quite a distance -- even on the toilet. At one point he apparently thought she had spent enough time there, so he began playing with the buttons. The two other women in the toilet -- also using the mirrors to fix their makeup, sent her strange glances...

When they finally got home, she was ready to climb the walls, which he certainly enjoyed after having taken all the wiring and the rods out.

She had mixed feelings about the electricity, but had to admit to herself it was a very efficient way of having 'foreplay'.

One Friday, he had summoned her as usual, but he was not alone. In the 'Chamber Separee' he had booked in the restaurant, there were another woman -- obviously also a submissive belonging to 'The Society' herself, and two other men.

She was introduced to the two men and the woman by Gabriel: "Now, Cat. This is Richard and Peter. They are contemplating joining our little club -- and on the side we have Liza. Meet Cat. My personal slave!"

Both men took her hand in turns and smiled at her.

The conversation was not memorably. She kept quiet for most of the time -- as did Liza.

Between last course and dessert, Gabriel suddenly said: "Get up Cat. Lift your dress!"

She was sitting at the end of the table, with the two new men at each side. She pushed the chair back, stood up, and lifted her dress, blushing slightly.

The men took their time in examining and fondling her crotch. Having a detailed look at her rings, pulling and twisting making her gasp a few times.

When Gabriel thought they had had their fill, he told her to turn, lift the skirt again and bend over.

As she did so, the waiter came with the desserts. She was happy she did not see his face, but heard him rummaging about the table.

Holding her hands on her knees and with spread legs, she submitted herself to the same examination as before -- this time from the behind.

"What's that?" One of the new men asked.

"Oh. She has been disobedient, so she had to be punished, you see."

They were referring to the 6 stripes on the back of her upper legs. Stripes, Gabriel had created with a long, flexible cane the night before, as she had been late in coming to his apartment. He did not punish her often or hard, but sometimes saw it necessary to remind her of her status and keep her in line. She had been half an hour late.

She was told to sit down, and open her blouse. Again the rings -- and her breasts were exposed to close examination.

"Are they all like this?"

"Almost. Cat is a very well trained one."

"And she belongs to you?"

"Yes, but she also belongs to 'The Society' meaning she is available to all the Masters at will."

"Will she do anything?"

"Anything you desire -- and with skill, energy and feeling. I can assure you, she will not disappoint. Her incentive being the punishment she will receive if she does not perform satisfactory or get out of line."

"Like the marks on her legs?" One of them asked.

"Quite. But she also has to feel the whip once in a while, just to remind her of her status and keep her in check."

She was told to button up, and the other woman was examined. She was not ringed, but corseted tight.

More questions and more answers.

The dinner wound down, and they all took a minibus-cab to a house on the outskirts of town.

Gabriel had keys and though the lights were on, nobody was about.

They went straight down to the cellar, where a soundproofed room not unlike the dreaded cellar made her skin creep.

Under Gabriel's supervision, the two new men 'played' with them for most of the night.

She was glad he was there to keep the two men under control. They quite clearly had no experience in this. Gabriel kept a sharp eye on them in order for them not to pull her steel to hard, not to use too much force with the whip and cane, but do a controlled whipping or caning. They did tend to get overly excited, and loose control -- hitting too hard according to Gabriel -- and according to her, but as usual she was unable to utter her disagreement -- she was gagged most of the time.

When she was finally sent home in a taxi, she had plenty of fresh whip marks on her body, the taste of semen in her mouth, and was sore inside and out.

The next day Gabriel called her, and told her that she had been a success. The two new men had decided that they wanted to join and was now passed on to others to get an in depth introduction and be prepared for a trip to 'The Society' itself.

She was certain that their preparation and introduction would be much different from the one she had received.

She felt sorry for the girls that would be used as 'training objects' for these new members. They had not been very skilled with the whips and canes, so she were in much pain from the spots where they had missed their intended target, and hit somewhere else on her body.

The top of her back -- the part that between the top of the corset and her collar was also very, very sore.

Contrary to general beliefs this part of the body is not very meaty, and therefore should be whipped with great care not to break the skin and/or make permanent marks. The legs, buttocks, stomach and several other places on a body have either muscles or body fat that can take a considerable punishment. It might be painful -- very painful, but it is like hitting a cushion. The back has almost no skin, muscles or fat between the outer skin and the ribcage/shoulder blades.

She also had a very nasty bluish, thin stripe on the back of her neck. One of them had managed to miss his mark, and hit her just under the collar. She wore a turtleneck sweater for the next week.

Chapter twentyfive

Testing with friends

A very different kind of test came a few days later. Catherine had 3 friends from way back at The Journalist College. They usually met a couple of times a year.

She used to see her closest friend: Emma more often, but as she had been 'unavailable' for a considerable length of time, this was the first encounter they all had in almost half a year.

Emma and her had been 'leading the pack' at the College. They were often referred to as 'The Kamikaze Twins' -- and that probably said it all.

They were both petite, but Emma did not have a lot of 'shape' -- someone had called her: "A pair of lozenges on an ironing board!" which was not much off the mark. Emma was blonde, thin on the verge of skinny and hardly had any hips -- and her breasts were small and pointed.

Charlott and Maya were 'plain' in the most positive meaning of the word. They would probably not turn many heads walking down the street, but had a silent charm, a god sense of humour, and winning personalities.

The traditional start of such an evening was to have burgers in one of the many trendy places in the small streets around town.

Cat had had serious problems deciding what to wear.

Eventually she decided on one of the pastel coloured Velcro-locked blouses with a high neck and showing very little cleavage. After all it was summer, so a bulgy, wool sweater would look too suspicious.

She picked one of the half-length black skirts. One with a wide, but low sitting waist -- that would rest on her hips. It had a wide an amble pleating with enough material too give a fluffy appearance, and could swish in a nice curve when she turned quickly.

She had managed to find 'self-sitting stockings' that had a seam up the back and gave her legs a nice, dark look.

She did not wear a bra. All her bra's would just lift and part her breasts making it more probable that the rings would show against the material of the blouse.

Her selection of knickers gave her not much other choice than to pick a pair that was the least open. The material joining down the middle of her stomach. She made the labia rings hang on the outside of the trousers. That also helped in keeping the slit closed. Of course the slightest spreading of her legs would make the knickers part to her open crotch -- but it could not be helped.

She picked the Louboutin heels. Might as well go all the way,' she thought.

She did not wear a corset -- of course, and decided in the last moment not to wear any makeup. All the makeup she had was the kind used by 'The Society' and that would make her look cheap in the eyes of her friends -- and give her an explanation problem.

She selected the big loopy, earrings and wore her finger ring. She was not unaware that she was going to show off a bit, and hoped not to encounter any Society members.

If she was recognized and did not wear the ring -- she would be punished. Probably not there and then -- but later, and if she wore the ring and was recognized she risked being ordered away with someone. She decided that she would be able to explain to her friends if she went off with a man, and that was better than having to wait for a suitable punishment.

When they met a lot of cheek-kissing and embracing took place. She was careful to avoid too close embraces, as it would reveal her waist.

She got some 'flak' as she did not order a burger like the rest, but went for the mixed salad. That resulted in a few remarks about her having lost weight and maybe dieting?

She managed to slide off on that.

Half way through the meal, Maya said: " What wonderful earrings, you have. Are they xxx?"

"Yes, I think so. Someone gave them to me!"

"Ahhhh -- they all said. "You have a new and rich lover!"

" really..."

"Secretive -- are you not. Go on tell us, Tell us."

She had to think of something: "Well.....I do have a new boyfriend, but I'm not sure how serious it is -- yet".

"Judging from the earrings -- and the magnificent ring, you are wearing, I would say he is a keeper."

"I don't really know. Let's see. It's all very new."

Charlott checked the earrings and knew that they were spun of gold, platimun, silver and steel thread. She proceeded to study the ring, and declared that the stones were real. When they asked Cat about the motive in the centre, she said, she did not know but had found it pretty.

Maya speculated that the two rings within each other was a kind of an engagement symbol. Cat found it actually very suitable. She was in a way engaged -- but to a whole group...

They continued to talk about their jobs -- and her new position.

After the meal, they went to a club for drinks.


It was crowded and noisy as always. They managed to secure a table so far away from the music that they could talk without shouting their heads off.

They took turns getting drinks.

At the bar, there was a big Stag-party going on. The poor guy that was going to get married had collapsed at their table in the other end of the place. He was easy to recognize by his 'funny clothing' and the cardboard sign round his neck saying. "Kiss me! I'm getting married!"

She inched her way in between two tall and not very sober guys at the bar, managed to shout her order to the girl behind the counter, and waited.

One of the drunken guys turned to her: "Ah. A beautiful woman! Just what I was wishing for. You look like you need a real man! Wanna see my manhood?"

She looked up and down at him: "If its size is comparable to your brain -- don't bother!"

All his companions laughed loudly and his facial colour turned into something between red and purple.

She got her drinks and returned to her friends.

A few times they were asked to dance, and did so. She refused all offers. Knowing that moving around on the dance floor would be far too exposing.

Late in the evening, she and Emma went once again to get fresh drinks. The party at the bar was even more drunk than before. She and Emma had a G & T in each hand, when somebody behind Emma got pushed or lost balance, tilting into Emma, so she spilled a lot of her drinks on Cat's left shoulder.

The alarm went off inside her head.

As they got back to the table, she placed the drinks and hurried to the bathroom. Fortunately she was alone, but she was quite right: The liquid had made her blouse see through -- or at least it showed the nips and the ring -- to a degree that made sweat begin to form on her forehead and in her hands.

She got a handful of paper towels from the dispensary on the wall, and frantically dried the patch. She kept getting new towels and rubbing the patch. She did not notice Emma behind her until she spoke: "I'm so sorry. Can I help you!"

As she spoke, Cat looked in the mirror and saw the look of surprise in Emma's eyes.

"No -- it's quite all right. Just join the others, I'll be out in a minute." She did her best to hide the wet spot with towels.

When she got back, Emma did not say anything, but gave her a strange look from time to time. She was happy when the evening wound down shortly after and they got out and made their goodbyes.

Chapter twentysix

Donna's admission - one

One evening, Gabriel had summoned her as usual. After a wonderful meal at yet another fine restaurant, they ended up at his place.

As usual he had inquired into her life since last time, they had been together, and she had told him of the 'friends night out'. When she gave him a short summary of the pickup situation in the bar -- and the few other attempts that had been made to charm her during the evening, he laughed and declared that he was happy, she was his slave and that it probably was a formidable task to woe her into bed.

She smiled and agreed -- wondering herself how different her 'two lives' were.

Up until now she had not considered herself going in and out of character, but now it made her think. She decided that she actually stayed in character most of the time, and was reserved for the members of 'The Society' -- all others she could treat like she wanted to -- and she had to defend herself against outside attempts on her body.

It belonged to 'The Society' -- did she really think like that? She wondered.

She also told him of the incident with the drink and Emma, and he inquired in detail if Emma had noticed something and how her reaction had been.

He then made her kneel -- naked on the soft carpet in front of him.

"I've got a job for you!"


"You know, you have been told to assist in different functions in 'The Society'?"

"Yes, Quite."

"The thing is, we have a new woman coming in to be trained. She is an American with lots' of heavy BDSM experience."

"I see."

"She has a Master, and as I said is experienced in BDSM -- in her own opinion. Now her and her Master would like to take it to a new level. They have been members of 'The Black Society' -- but you know -- compared to us, it is a social club."

"...and you think she will respond favourably to training and slavery, Sir!"

(She hardly ever 'Sir'ed' him except on formal occasions -- or when he was ordering her around the flat.)

"Well -- as usual we are not sure, she quite understands the full extent of being a slave to us, but on the other hand, I'm told you did not really know what this was all about before -- and you've turned out well -- and hopefully satisfied?"

"Yes -- surprisingly enough." She was honest. "After I took the final decision that this was my life, it has been a wonderful time!"

He smiled and caressed her cheek gently.

"Right. This is what is going to happen. Donna -- that's her name, or rather the name, she would like to be called -- have been through the usual preparations: Hair, photos, measurements and so on -- and she has of course signed all the necessary documents. She does not know what or when something will happen.

For two weeks, she and her present Master, has been invited to several social gatherings, where light BDSM sometimes have taken place. She has responded positively to serving (She knew this was an euphemism for having forced sex with different and unknown persons), Light punishment, light pain and so on.

On Friday she and her Master will be invited to yet another party. This time it will be a little different. She will be taken to 'The Society' for training at the end of the evening. Part of the fun - and a suitable way to start her training - is that it must come as a surprise to her -- as you have figured out by now.

The initial shock will make her most susceptible at the start of the training. Her Master is of course informed, but told to keep quiet about it."
