Th Undercover


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They were in sync. His hand caressed the top of her head, and she brought him up slowly. When she felt he was getting to tense, she withdrew, pressed hard on both sides of the end of the head, making his erection smaller, then proceeded to tease him again. She kept this on for a long time, till he lost patience, grabbed her head with both hands and moved in and out of her with increasing speed.

When he came with a loud cry, she stopped, kept the bobbing penis half way in her mouth as she sucked hard till he had used his load.

Slowly she brought him down again. Ending by releasing his private parts from her mouth and hands. She smiled and looked up at him as he regained control over himself -- licking a few drops of semen off her lips.

He leaned over her, grabbed her hands and clicked them together.

"I'm sorry, Cat, but they will be checking for marks in the morning. Please stand up."

Stunned she got to her feet. He helped her up on the bed, grabbed the end of the chain and connected it to her locked wrists. She stepped up to the end wall and lifted her chained arms over her body.

He got off the bed, went round it, undid the end of the chain from its hook on the wall and pulled her arms over her head.

She inhaled the faint, perfumed smell of the wallpaper as her body was stretched out tight against the wall and her heels slightly up from the surface.

She had a few moments when he went to the rack at the door and got the crop. She stood there and thought: 'Of course they will check for marks. She had tried this many times before, and always had to show the result at breakfast the next day. 'How stupid of me!'

Still it had been a moment of relaxation -- and she had quite enjoyed it -- amazingly enough.

He tried the cane a few times in the air, and she closed her eyes as she heard the familiar sound.

Then he stepped up on the bed, placed his hand on her back, pressing her against the wall.

He said: "I'm sorry, Cat. Very Sorry. Please forgive me!"

She felt the almost tickling sensation when he hit a spot just under her buttocks horizontally a few times -- quite gentle. A second later a stinging pain shot across the back of her legs, and sent a blood red ray up inside her body and into her brain.

She made a hissing noise, and her body shivered slightly for a moment.

When she was still again, she felt the cane begin to do its little dance on a point slightly below the throbbing spot on her legs, followed a second later another ray of pain went through her body.

This time she took a little longer composing herself. He waited patiently till she was still and the only sound that was heard in the room was her quiet whimpering as tears began to run down her cheeks.

The third stroke made her cry out. Not very loud but enough for him to sense the pain he had inflicted on her body. She had problems making her body stop shivering, but eventually got it under control, only to get the fourth stroke.

The back of her thighs was burning now. From a point right under her buttocks till about half way down.

She pressed her face against the wall and gritted her teeth as the fifth stroke caused her almost to jump from the pain. The chain rattled as she convulsed.

Tears now ran freely down her cheeks and she was sobbing loudly.

After the sixth and final stroke, it took her almost a minute to get her body under control.

During that time, he took his hand off her back, went down from the bed, hung the cane back on the rack, and walked over to release the end of the chain. The wear marks on the chain told him where to attach it, and he slid it slowly through his hands, letting her body slide down along the wall and into a crumbled heap on the bed.

This was no punishment. The Master had just decided that she needed a whipping to go to sleep on.

She was used to the random whipping and caning by now. Sometimes there was a reason, sometimes it was just because a Master felt like it, or had some sort of pleasure out of showing his dominance over her. One never knew when one was in for some pain.

She sniffled and sobbed as he lifted her and placed her outstretched, face down on the bed. Then he went to the shelf by the rack. Got the ointment and sat down beside her.

Very, very carefully he distributed the cooling ointment on the welts. Slowly and in rotating movements. She shivered and gasped each time his hand made contact with the sore and almost broken skin.

After having done that -- and placed the ointment back on the shelf - he returned, pulled the cover over her, and took her head between his hands.

He kissed her wet cheeks again and again as he whispered: "Forgive me, Cat, forgive me..."

When he had calmed her and she had almost stopped sobbing - and was breathing normally, he got up and left.

In the door he turned round and looked at her. She had curled up and was now a small lump on the middle of the bed. The sheet over her moving slightly as she sniffled quietly.

The next morning the Master had forgotten all about it, and for once she was not asked to show the proof of the nights never knew...

She did 'admire' Lonnie's handiwork on the back of her thighs for the next week: Six almost perfectly parallel lines with almost the exact distance between them -- Lonnie was definitely skilled in the art of whipping.

(At a later date, she watched as Lonnie put three coins on the floor with a distance of a few centimetres between them. He had placed himself several meters from the coins, and with a bullwhip managed to hit the middle coin so it flew up and hit the nearest wall -- and the two coins on each side of it never moved...!)

Chapter eleven

More evaluation

She often saw John. Most of the times there were people around them, so she had no chance of talking to him. But one day (she was allowed to go round on her own, and had been equipped with her original collar with her name on) she was walking down the main passageway, when he came the other way.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"Not too bad, considering!" She answered. "I have sort of realized that I have to stick it out.

"How about you article?"

"I don't think it is a good idea. All things considered," she answered. "This has been to close, too personal for me to write about and make public."

"What do you mean?"

"I never thought it would be like this -- but -- you know -- I feel quite comfortable from time to time. I'm beginning to get used to this life -- and maybe even liking it a little!"

"That was a change. Congratulations. You apparently are reacting very positive to the kind of training and the life represented by this place. What do you find most appealing?"

"The notion of being free of any responsibility. The idea of my body being for everybody's enjoyment -- and that gives me a lot of enjoyment. After the tuff time in the cellar at the beginning, it has been kind of smooth sailing! You will never believe this, but I feel like I fit well into the life of a slave.... to my own amazement!"

"What is the worst?"

"The strict discipline. I don't like the punishments. Although the element of mixing pleasure with pain is something new and very, very exciting to me!"

"...but you realize they have to maintain strict discipline -- otherwise it would not be real training -- just pretence..?"

"I suppose so. Look out someone's coming."

A Master approached, ignored her and started a conversation with John.

After a while he suddenly looked at her: "You are keeping your lips together, bitch!"

Immediately she dropped to her knees and looked down at the floor.

He said: "All right then."

She started fondling his member, but did not get very far, when he said: "Stop! You better see to John. After all he was here first."

Blushing she let go, turned on her knees and started on John -- to the best of her abilities.

The Master kept looking, so she had to continue. John was leaning against a low cabinet, which he grabbed hard with both hands as she did her best.

When he was almost coming, the Master behind her began whipping her behind. Each swish made her jump a little and his stiff penis move about in her mouth.

When he emptied inside her, the Master stopped whipping.

"Now bitch. You have had the best of both worlds. You have given a satisfactory head, and received a satisfactory punishment."

She looked down on the floor: "Yes, Master. Thank you, Master!"

"Good girl!"

He walked away.

John embraced her, gave her a long kiss tasting of his own semen before excusing himself and leaving her to clean up at the nearest toilet.

Chapter twelve


Sometimes a Master took one of the slaves to his private rooms. This did not happen often. Most likely as the Masters were just as exhausted as the girls, and needed some free time and space.

She felt that she was popular, as she had had more than her share of these 'private sessions'. It was easy. Often it was like a normal love evening, with not many demands on her. All the rooms, she had visited, had a longhaired rug beside the bed, where she slept on a long chain. Sometimes the Master would wake up during the night. Call her up on the bed, and make love to her. She was under the impression that at least the older Masters used Viagra, or something similar. All the men seemed to have quite a sexual appetite.

One Master insisted that she would sit at the end of his bed. Tied to a post with a gag in her mouth and her kneeling legs spread with straps. It was most uncomfortable and she did not sleep that night, even though he spent more time watching her than actually interacting with her.

The place also had several 'private rooms', where the girls were let in together with one or two Masters. This was more straining. The sessions here usually took some hours, and included a lot of pain.

Senior and trusted Masters had the right to have these private sessions where they could outlive their bondage and sadistic tendencies on the slaves. It never included permanent marks or abuse, but a lot of whipping, clamping and tying up in impossible and painful positions.

After she had been at 'The Society' for a month, she was called upon for a private session.

Two Masters took her to a room equipped with a fireplace, a seating arrangement, and a thick short post in the middle.

She was chained to this post. Her legs spread wide by chains to rings in the floor, a belt around her waist, and a connection between the back of her collar and the top of the post. Her elbows where joined behind the post and her wrists were locked together and pulled down hard to a ring on the back of the post.

Finally they inserted one of the very large red ball gags in her mouth. A model with not only a strap behind her head, but also one over her head and under her chin. She knew it was one of the more severe gags that did not allow any sound out of her mouth only garbled noises from her throat.

She was left there for a long while. Then the door opened behind her.

"Hello Cat!"

Her eyes widened. It was George. Her editor, but what was he doing here, and in a Master outfit. Within a few seconds it dawned on her: He had been a member all along.

She made strange sounds.

"Yes, yes. I see that you are surprised! Good! I hear you are becoming a good and obedient little slave."

He let his thick fingers slide over her shoulder.

"I've been looking forward to his for a long time. You see, when you suggested going under cover here. I had already been talking to your lover, John, who used his persuasive ability to plant the idea in your little head. There was never going to be any article. We decided that since you were so eager to try this life, we would give you the full packet. Fortunately you have responded positively!"

His hand fondled her right breast as he smiled.

"You see the full package is not just this period of training. You will never go back to you old life. When you eventually leave here, you will belong to us. You will go about your day-to-day business, but the main strive in your life will be to be available at our beck and call. Your ass is ours till we decide otherwise."

He was now fondling both her breasts.

"Ah. Lovely. As I had always imagined."

She tried to wriggle but had very little room to do so.

He went to the cupboard at the corner of the room, opened it, and looked inside.

"Let's see. hmmm. This one will be perfect. "

He turned holding a long crop in his hand. He struck a few times in the air, making the familiar sound.

She closed he eyes. This could not be true. They had cheated her. It had all been planned from the beginning, and she had been the willing and stupid victim.

John was not going to rescue her from this. Instead she was left with this man, now preparing to crop her...and he said this was not just for now, but for as long as they saw fit!!

"We better get started then. Are you ready my lovely little journalist?"

She again made noises.

"Yes. Yes. I hear you are."

He slid the crop along the top of her breast, then under them, then along her stomach.

"Now where should I start....."

He decided on the front top of her legs.

In small movements the crop went up and down on the same spot on her left leg, till she could not stand it anymore but did her best to scream in spite of the gag.

He went to the other side, and repeated it. Again till she could not stand it anymore.

Then her stomach got the same treatment.

Finally he got to her breasts. Small movements making the crop hit the same spot under her breasts till she screamed, then a quick swash on the top of her breasts.

"I'm not hitting you very hard, my dear." He said with a smile. "Now for the really fun part".

He lifted and lowered the crop horizontally just at the nipples. Then swung it with considerable force down making sure it just hit the tip of her nipples. The pain was unbearable.

She started shaking uncontrollable and saliva dripped down from her chin.

"Well we had better do something about the sensitivity in those nipples -- haven't we?"

Another trip to the cupboard produced a set of butterfly nipple clamps.

"One little nipple. Nice is it not? And now the other little nipple! There! Now you look pretty."

He pulled on the connecting chain. "Interesting device. The more you pull -- the tighter they get!"

She squirmed.

"Yes, yes. I know you love it." He gave the chain another pull.

After a few more trips to the cupboard he had put similar set of clamps on her outer labia, and supplied both sets with round, heavy weights.

Tears now ran freely down her cheeks.

He used his tongue on the end of the nipples.

"Sensitive -- right!"

He smiled at her, leaned down and kissed the side of her forehead.

Then went and sat down at the table.

He pressed the intercom: "Could I please have some coffee for room 4."

"Right away, Sir." A few minutes later a slave appeared with a tray.

He took his time, drinking the coffee and watching her cry, shiver and squirm in pain.

Then he started over again.

When he finally pushed his stiff member inside her and came, she was absolutely exhausted.

For the first time since she had arrived, she had not been particularly wet -- and she had not come! Only felt degraded, cheated and angry.

He whispered in her ear: "I am sure we will have lots' and lots of fun in the future, my dear."

When Lonnie came to clean the room up and fetch her, she collapsed in his arms, and was half asleep as he put her to bed.

Lonnie spent extra time caressing her cheeks and forehead while she fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


She woke slowly, then remembered the night before. It had all been a trick. They had snared her into this. George and John. She was mad -- very mad.

Being a practical girl, she calmed down and started to think things through. Obviously she was stuck. Now she did not even had John to hope for. She had to endure the full extent of her stay till they let her go. She decided to play along, and then -- when they let her out -- she would forget all about this, change her job -- she never wanted to see George again -- and never, ever think about this for the rest of her life.

She wanted to get hold of John -- and give him a piece of her mind! She was possible even more mad at him, than at George.

She did not have to wait long. As Lonnie had released her, helped her wash, do her makeup and served her breakfast, John came in.

She pushed the food cart away, got up and started pounding his chest with both hands, as she screamed at him: "You, you. Bastard! You tricked me into this. You and George. I hate you. You scum..." and so on.

He reacted by quickly grabbing her hands, wringing them on her back and locking them together. While she was still screaming -- and kicking, he forced her down on the bed on her stomach -- and a minute later a short chain connected her ankles and wrists.

He shut her up by grabbing her hair, and placing his hand over her mouth. She kept wriggling and making sounds as he sat across her back.

"Are you finished now? Will you stop and listen?"


"If you do not pull yourself together, you will find yourself back in the cellar before you can count to two. Do you understand?"

She went limb and nodded.

"I will remove my hand now, so we can talk! Please be calm."

She knew that she would not be able to use her arms or legs as he let them stay in the locked position, so she used her voice.

"You bastard. Why did you trick me into this? I hate you!"

"Look you volunteered. You signed the papers of your own free will, and so far you have been making the most out of it!"

"I want to go home! Now!"

"Sorry. No can do. One true thing is that we both signed papers, so I can't help you. You are stuck here, and why don't you continue to make the most of it till they let you go?"

She thought for a minute, but could not find any other way out.

"I suppose you are right, but you are still a bastard!"

"I know -- but I still love you! And now maybe even more than before. You are very attractive in this role. I kind of like it. It is like you are almost more mine, than before!"

He stroked her side gently.

After a short pause where she composed herself, he said: "I feel like I own you. If you get my meaning. Does it make sense?"

"A lot of sense, but only as I know what I know now. I will behave like a good little slave girl, and hope for an early release. Then I'll decide from there what I want to do!"

"That's fine. I'll release you now. Promise to behave yourself?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

He unlocked her and helped her up and sat her on his lap with one arm around her waist.

"Lonnie! Not a word to anybody of what you just witnessed here! Promise!"

He promised as he looked at her with a mixture of sympathy and devotion.

He had probably seen slave girls in all stages, so it did not impress him very much.

John kissed her gently: "Good girl! Just hang in there! It will soon be over!"

As so many other things he had told her, this was all basically a lie. She later regretted trusting him. Again and again -- even though he obviously said what he thought would calm her down and keep her in check -- at all times.

It took another two weeks before she realized that.

Chapter thirteen

Owner's mark

She had now been almost one and a half month at 'The Society'. She knew everything and everybody in and out, and behaved as the perfect slave at all times. She was still one of the most popular women in the place, and most of the Masters treated her gently and with care.

She ran into Hayley one day. Hayley was radiating happiness as they met in the grand passageway.
