That Damned Valentine's Day Card


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The door closed behind her, then Alyssa was guiding me back to the table. She giggled. "Just you and me again."

I nodded, still having a hard time getting my head around things.

Alyssa looked at me anxiously. "You Ok with last night?"

I came back to the present. "Surprisingly so."

"So maybe it won't be a onetime thing?"

"I think that'll be up to Sheri," I said.

She grinned from ear to ear. "God, Alex. I think you and I are going to be really good friends. I hope so."

Her smile was contagious. "Me too, beautiful."

* * *

My life was blessed. Over time, we five became the best of friends. I never got to fuck any of Sheri's girls, but they joined us in bed regularly. I got blowjobs from Joanie and Shannon, but Alyssa was always all about Sheri.

Occasionally Shannon would hook up with a guy, and we lost her for a couple of months, twice in that first year. She showed up on our doorstep afterward both times, and we'd take her to bed, reassuring her she was a fantastic woman, and she'd get it right. I don't know what the hell is with wrong with the males of the species sometimes.

Joanie was different. She just loved to be with us. The sex wasn't spectacular, not as good as with the other two, blowjobs aside. Still, she spent the night more than both the other two put together. Sheri confessed she loved waking up in Joanie's arms almost as much as she loved waking up in mine.

It was obvious that Alyssa was in love with my wife. The intensity of her attention sometimes bothered Sheri, but damn, that girl could drive my woman crazy. We left her in a quivering mess at least once every couple of weeks.

We spent more time with just the two of us in bed, then we did with our friends, but a weekend didn't pass when one of them didn't join us for a Friday or Saturday. We went out a lot, and in less than six months, with my gorgeous instructors, I wasn't a half bad dancer. I never got much rest though, dancing with all my girls. Maybe I should say Sheri's girls, but they felt a little like mine too.

Like I said. Life was good.

* * *

For the better part of a year.

He didn't make it back. He made it ten lousy months, and was lost to an IED. Sheri cried for two days. She and Joanie were together all the time, basket cases. To be honest, I wasn't a whole lot better.

The three of us attended his funeral, and we were both surprised to see that his mother and sister both knew who we were. They thanked us over and over again for what we'd done. His mother told us how happy he was, how excited he was over getting to come home. A new start, new friends, and a new lease on life. His sister made us promise to keep in touch.

The request for our presence at the reading of his will was even more surprising. We knew he was well off, and had a trust fund. We just didn't know the extent of it. He came from money. Old money. He left Sheri a substantial amount, and his life insurance, we found out, was in Joanie's name. We tried to refuse it, but his family was adamant we accept it.

"You all made him happy for the first time in years," his mother argued. "Don't belittle his last wishes."

He even left me something. His prized collection, which I knew nothing about. A 1967 Corvette 427 Stingray, black with tinted windows, a '68 Corvette 427 Convertible all original in bronze, a '97 40th Anniversary ZR-1 in Ruby Red, and a '60 Corvette Convertible in turquoise. He left me a message, that I knew how to take care of "Beautiful things."

We almost got in a fight, when I insisted that his mother and sister should each take one of his cars. They insisted they had no use for them, and we shouldn't break up the collection.

I did manage to get rid of two of them, and lost possession of the '60 to my wife, and the ZR-1 to Joanie. I was secretly please that I got to keep the '67.

I think of him, and what Sheri had done, or hadn't done, every time I drove either one. I never did ask her to tell me what they did. I never regretted my decision.

I framed that damn Valentine's Day card, and put it on the wall at the foot of my bed. It changed our lives, and not for the worse.

Sheri tells me she has a surprise for me, on her new official spoiling day. The day after Valentine's Day. February 15th. The girls have been conspiring, whispering and getting quiet whenever I'm around. They're up to no good. Or maybe a lot of good. You don't suppose...


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AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

The fact that they broke up the dead soldier's car collection against the express wishes of his surviving family is the real proof these people have no values and the whole story is pretext to justify any and all sexual deviancy.

I've read stories that were good that were at least honest about their perversion upfront, but this story tries to convince the reader that everyone is a great person who would never cheat.

You can get the same basic story done better from the Bible: David and Bathsheba and Uriah the Hittite. Narratively the same solution is used: kill the spare male off screen in war, avoiding all the drama and confrontation and consequences the actions of the characters would likely actually build up to and fall out.

In a realistic story, people are going to jealous and breakup or even get violent to each other. The best case scenario is hearts get broken as rejections happen and relationship statuses get shuffled around.

All the characters are naïve and don't understand each other because they're not honest with each other with themselves let alone their partners.

The way to repair this story by rewriting the point where the suspension of disbelief breaks is the wife needs to realize admit much sooner she wants to stop being bound by monogamy and straight up open the relationship because she's tempted by curiosity and lust.

At that point, their entire definition of loyalty needs to be reassessed and overhauled. The version of the man presented most of the way through the story couldn't handle it. Hell he walked out on her and nearly through away his whole relationship just because she wanted a conversation. He can't handle anything.

You gave this pathetic man simple minded selfish and short-sighted fool everything in a Disney simp fantasy of "and they all lived money-ly ever after" and he deserves none of it because he never wanted a functional relationship in the first place.

You don't even understand your own character: he wants to own and control things and he becomes a cuck who owns cars but not the women. He's *not* happy at the end of the story.

You don't understand character development or even personality starting points in anyway.

The first woman needs an entirely different sort of man to make her actually happy. This one is making a whore and cheater out of her and she'll be conflicted and guilty knowing she's using him dishonestly and he's clueless. She can't respect him or herself in these circumstances.

The woman needs someone who would actually talk to her not throw freaking beer bottles through the drywall.

AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

So, the husband gets hit by the Martian cuck, pimp, and polyamory ray and all is well. Bullshit premise, misandrist character development....makes you think the author wishes he were the husband. Degenerate and revolting.

Oldfart72Oldfart7217 days ago

Piece of shit. He should put her on the street

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

Do not believe a good man would accept her offer of magic pussy cheating is cheating and accepting money and cars hi wife earned on her back

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Sacrifices still have consequences.

mdadaminmdadaminabout 2 months ago

The author tried to convince us that the wife's entire goal was a humanitarian act to encourage her lover by having sex for three consecutive days, she decided to tempt her husband to enjoy a relationship with three girls of her friends who were ready to do anything to make him happy.

The question here is if her friends have a high level of beauty, and they also do not mind having sex with someone they do not know well just because their friend asked for it. Then why did the wife not ask them to sleep with her friend to make him happy instead of cheating on her husband and sleeping with him?

The second point: The husband has transformed from a normal person into a deviant person. He has no objection to allowing his wife to sleep with other men for flimsy reasons. He also allowed her to sleep with her girlfriends without being bothered at all.

The writer completely failed in this story, and the dramatic structure of the characters is very weak

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Tx has some good stories, the rest are cuck stories, some straight forward, some masked as something else, but still cuck stories, which makes Tx a cuck author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Sheri is gaslighting him. She obviously wants to have sex with John and she’s using her get out of jail free card to allow her to do so. If Alyssa and her coworkers were willing to give themselves to the main character to keep him happy while Sheri was banging John, why could she not have arranged for one of them to keep John happy over the weekend so she did cheat on her husband? ⭐️

mfj77mfj772 months ago

Loved it. Hot as heck and a complete fantasy! Loved that the wife arranged "distractions" for Alex all weekend long. Seemed like a good deal to me. Of course, Sheri springing the whole idea on Alex at the end of their Valentines celebration just added to the drama and hurt to the main character. Apparently, lots of commenters really don't comprehend the effects of depression - Sheri and friends really had valid concerns about John's well-being even coming up with a novel "cure" for John. Ending was okay; was kind of hoping John would return for Joannie. Also, would have liked to see some real burning of John's ex-wife.


Think this was an excellent, erotic story.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Good story & writing, & giving my 4 stars based on that, which it should be. However, I don't understand him wanting to marry her so much he gives her a hall pass for 1 time, which wound up- at his insistence - to being 3 or 4 days. Nope, don't get that.

I also don't get him being with all her worker friends for all that time. Stretches the believable part of the WHY.

When she initially asked for the night with John, hubby became seriously upset & angry. Then as he cools down he allows her the 3 extra nights of having sex with the guy? Seriously?

To me, the writing of the dates for the husband wound up too long & repetitive in many ways; almost took a point away for that. And I noticed that while she's fucking John for a few nights, he went without! Not even once. While much of that might've been hubby's doing, the friends didn't try to talk him into it, because of the agreement with Sheri. Hardly seems fair.

Anyway, despite the length & repetitive parts, I'm still giving this a 4. Bob

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


Also really disliked him joining And then when called up upset. Don't Sign Up!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


Can't understand any Man giving his wife to be a card etc that makes him a cuck!

And all those lunches etc with him never told him about until after.

Then he loves only her But cheats with All the women. I skipped half of story just hitting parts here and there and only hope that carnage hit all of them. Belonged in group sex etc

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Stupid is as Stupid does. Five stars.

dinotail2023dinotail20233 months ago

Certainly one of your worse.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I can't fathom why this is not marked higher, it is excellent.

LJ7352LJ73523 months ago

Sorry, not my cuppa.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Well written, and creative but I really dislike this guy and that ruined the story. She asks for 1 night he gets upset, she says never mind and then of course being a normal everyday guy tells her why not have 4 nights on your 1 time pass. But he is so happy because his wife arranges fun dates with out sex while she is well having fun dates with sex . But it is all worth it as she saves the devasted soldier from a near certain fate of not coming back but oh wait he dies anyway. I wish this story line had shown some real emotion that a man would go through and then perhaps finding one of the dates more fun and a better sex partner then the wife and not such a happy-go-lucky come-what-may dumb cuck

story line.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This story was a better rendition of another story. Bit crazy but entertaining. Her hall pass was originally for a very different reason. She slept with the sad sack soldier boy, one of the four nights. Quite creative. Should be rated higher. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Bad story I get hated it

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Great story I really enjoyed it.

RedRachaelRedRachael5 months ago

Love your writing. A lot of it is very real. I’m not sure what to do with this one though. Once a third (and fourth) are introduced, the marriage is gone. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it will end. Good stories leave an impression on the reader and this one certainly does. Thanks again for your stories!

NitpicNitpic7 months ago

Load of crap.Hall pass or not,when she mentioned she wanted to use it,he should have dumped her.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I went to the last page and read a few comments.

I thought I will read this later and placed the URL on a shortcut.

So, later it will be --- happy reading

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

It was a lot of fun

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Minus ten-thousand stars! Sorry, but I just couldn't finish it! Still, I ALMOST finished the first page, -I could even see the page bottom when I threw-up all over the laptop! Some people just aren't happy unless they're pissing off as many people as possible! Why, FFS?

danbo56danbo567 months ago

god, how I hate Anonymous comments there are comments from faceless, nameless COWARDS not worth the time.

anyway I enjoyed it TTT keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Jesus what a piece of crap. How is there anyone in this story relatable in any way? What I find strange after reading most of this writers other stories is the complete lack of conscience so many of the characters have. It’s a little troubling because they are almost never called on it or pay for their bad behavior or actions. Not in a meaningful way. It says something about the writer and it’s not good.. Since none of the stories ever truly deal with this complete lack of a moral compass I have to believe the writer isn’t exploring how shallow and narcissistic their characters are and the consequences of their actions. These characters are just portrayed as though this is all normal and it’s not. It’s actually kind of sad. I’m done with anything else this writer might try. I don’t feel anything good at all when reading these stories. These are terrible people with very little to redeem themselves. A bunch of dirtbags who don’t care about anyone or their feelings. I need to delouse.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Hmmm. A strange one for me. I was thinking that he’d blown the whistle to the commencement of the demise of his marriage when he pressed her to go ahead and do it after she’d initially revoked her request. Then the tormenting by the girls … picked up on the Alyssa blind dining theme … and I started to see where it might be going. My problem with it was the approach was inconsistent with the line that they’d been great communicators for 7 years, the deception is problematic (though perhaps not fatal, as it was subsequently revealed to be her hidden desire from the outset, so .. doubly awkward .. but still hmmm). The FFM fantasy, but …

I didn’t score this either, as it was otherwise very well written.

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