That Girl Next Door Ch. 06a

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Will Jason die from the injuries he received?
17.6k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 09/03/2023
Created 11/19/2021
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The following is entirely a work of fiction. Any similarity to real persons, alive or deceased, including but not limited to names and/or personal descriptions is purely coincidental. Nothing in this story is intended to be defamatory or metaphorical. This work was produced entirely with the intent to entertain the reader. Nothing more. All characters in this story are assumed to be at least 18 years old at the time the story takes place. This is an original work of fiction and the author retains all rights to it. Limited license is granted to 'Literotica' for publication according to their requirements and conditions.

Copyright © 2023 by Scottish Texan.


This is part one of the sixth installment of a multiple chapter story. I had a list of goals to achieve before releasing this chapter for publication. However life has gotten in the way of the hobby once again. So, since it has been an exceptionally long gap since the last installment was published, I am releasing the portion of this chapter that has been completed up until now. Since this chapter is incomplete, there will not be a cliffhanger for you at the end. That is pretty much why there will be both Chapters 6a and 6b instead of just picking up with the next part as "Chapter 7".

This installment was not written to stand alone and the author strongly suggests that you start at the beginning of the story in <a href="">That Girl Next Door Ch.01</a> before reading any further. I have chosen to forego the use of Beta Readers moving forward. It tends to add an unnecessary two week delay while only catching one or two errors for the most part. One of my fans pointed out that they have seen more errors in professionally published literature than in my works, so I am going to go with that for now. I may bring the Betas back at some future date if needs be.

Another new feature that I have added is superscript numbers at various points in the story. These numbers correspond directly to the entries in this installment's Appendix. As I was proofreading this for publication, I also noticed that I probably should mention the use of apostrophes for dialog that is occurring only within a character's mind and not spoken out loud. While not a hard/fast rule, most dialog in quotations is spoken aloud and dialog in apostrophes is a mental thought. This is a pattern that I use within all of my stories to delineate the two items.

Trigger Warnings for this chapter include Incest, Polyamory, Gun Violence, and Death. Travel at your own risk! I will also let you know ahead of time that this chapter is extremely light on the explicit sex and heavy on the plot line. I apologize in advance if this disappoints you.


***Chapter Six (a)***


"You in the bank! State your intentions!" the Sergeant shouted.

"We need the police to come inside and relieve us. We have one robber in custody but we don't know if he has accomplices among the rest of the people inside here." Jason shouted back.

The police officer spoke into his radio before slowly advancing into the building and approaching Roel. Five more officers followed their Sergeant inside. Roel didn't resist when one the officers asked him to surrender his weapon and sit on the floor with his back against the teller's booth. Jason was about to follow suit when the blood loss finally caught up with him. The adrenaline had worn off and he suddenly felt dizzy. He managed to uncock his gun and set it on the counter before the darkness took him and he collapsed to the floor.

Rebecca screamed!

The police officer nearest to Jason, ironically a female, turned just in time to see him pass out and grabbed him before he hit his head on the floor. She eased him onto his back, but when the officer brought her hand back out from under Jason it was covered in blood. She reached for his neck to feel for his pulse. She found it, but only just barely.

Turning to her sergeant, she firmly stated, "Get those paramedics in here! Now!"

The sergeant turned and nodded to another officer guarding the doorway. He disappeared and returned mere moments later with the ambulance crew rolling their stretcher filled with equipment boxes along with them. The first medic briefly checked the gunman and determined that he had already expired before hurrying over to his partner who had advanced straight to where Jason lay.

The female officer must have worked numerous calls with these guys before because she went into one of their supply boxes and quickly located the alcohol wipes that she needed to clean Jason's blood off of her hands without hunting or searching for them through any of the other equipment cases. Using a pair of scissors, the medic cut Jason's shirt along the placket and opened it up. Next he cut across the chest to his arm and down the sleeve on the side opposite of the blood. He slapped a blood pressure cuff onto the freed arm and held his stethoscope to his chest before inflating the cuff.

"Heartbeat rapid and faint. B.P. 95 over 60. We need to run an IV on this guy stat. He's bleeding out."

"Don't forget about the bank guard too." Roel stated simply from where he was sitting, "He was shot while we were still outside. He was unconscious, but still alive when Jason checked him just a minute ago".

Roel wanted to rush to his friend's side to help, but he was very aware that he was in temporary custody and the best that he could do for the moment was stay put and think about what Jason needed from him. He watched a couple of firemen enter the building to give more assistance. After they had Jason's IV running, the second paramedic recruited one of the firemen to assist him with the bank guard.

"This guy is still alive too, but we're going to need another unit out here to transport him as well!" The fireman made a call into his radio to summon an additional ambulance to the scene before he turned to and started helping the medic with the bank guard.

As the police began interviewing witnesses, they became especially interested in the man that had identified himself as the bank manager to Jason and Roel. During their questioning, he indicated that he could help out by accessing the camera footage from the bank's surveillance systems. When he was asked about Jason and Roel, he didn't hesitate to give them credit for ending the crisis.

Jason and the bank guard were wheeled out of the building on stretchers. Rebecca insisted on riding with Jason in the ambulance that transported him. After the police sergeant had gathered in reports from his officers on the scene and viewed the camera footage, he was convinced that Jason and Roel had indeed stopped the hold-up. He stepped over to Roel and offered him a hand to stand up.

"That was a really stupid thing that you and your friend did. You guys should have waited for us to get here. I certainly hope that your friend doesn't die on you. But because the two of you killed the gunman, I am still going to have to refer this over to the district attorney's office as a 'no bill'. But y'all are not out of the woods just yet. Both of you may still be facing charges for homicide, so don't leave the city. If for any reason that you have some kind of emergency that takes you out of the city, try to stay within the county borders at the very least. The DA's office will get in touch with you soon, I'm sure. But you're free to go for now."

"I'm not going to argue with you, sir. But with all due respect, the Bank Guard was already down and the gunman was out of his mind and not thinking clearly. He had his gun to Rebecca's head and she also could have been severely injured or killed. Jason and I would have preferred to secure the scene and wait for you guys to get here. But the people inside didn't have the luxury of extra time. We were forced to take immediate action. But I respect your opinion." Roel then thanked the sergeant and got onto his cell phone as soon as he was out the door. His first call was to Jessica.

"Hello Roel! What's up buddy?"

"Jessie, honey. Listen carefully and remain calm. Okay?"

"What's going on?" Jessica asked, her tone changing from 'cheerful' to 'guarded' in an instant.

"Something has happened and Jason is on his way to the emergency room at Memorial Hospital. Please don't panic, but you need to get there as soon as you can. I'll meet you and Mel when you get there."

"What happened to Jason? Why are you not with him?"

"I'll fill you in on all of the details in a little while. But I have to make some phone calls real quick and then I will meet you at the hospital. I promise."

After Jessica replied with a sullen "Okay", Roel hung up the call and then scanned through his contact list for another number that he had not called in almost two months.


Henry Battise was sitting in the community center on the Reservation with a group of his buddies playing dominoes. At that particular moment, he was grinning ear to ear because he had a substantial point lead along with his buddy Joseph Sylestine who sat across the table from him as his partner in the game. Henry felt his phone vibrate, so he reached into his shirt pocket and retrieved it. After reading Roel Hinojosa's ID on the incoming call, he spoke to the other men at the table.

"Hang on, this is a friend that I haven't talked to in several weeks. Let me see what he wants." Henry spoke fluent Spanish, so he answered with "Hola amigo!" His entire conversation with Roel would continue in Spanish.

"Mi amigo, I have an emergency on my hands and I need your help. It is something that you and your clan are uniquely suited for."

"What has happened, my friend?"

"You remember me mentioning my best friend, Jason? He is part Creek and has Type O negative blood. He has been severely injured and is currently in really bad shape in the emergency room at Nacogdoches Memorial. What is your blood type?"

"I'm O negative just like him. So is half of the Alabama-Coushatta, or almost half. Why do you ask?"

"He's going to need blood and a lot of it. Can you round up a dozen or so friends to come up here from the reservation and donate blood for him? You guys are the Universal Donors. But that doesn't work in reverse. Apart from plasma, he has to have O negative if he receives whole blood as a transfusion. Nothing else is compatible."

"I know hermano. Trust me, I know. Hey, is this that guy that is about our same age that came up here and worked on projects around the reservation that one summer when you and I became friends?"

"One and the same."

"I liked him a lot and I remember him very well. I'll get right on it and be there in a couple of hours. You do know that the drive itself is about an hour and a half."

"I know that you'll do your best to get here pronto. Gracias hermano! I will owe you really big for this favor."

"Your friend is a good man. I would do nothing less if it were another one of my brothers here. You owe me nothing, my friend." About a week later when all of the news sources finally moved on to other stories, Henry had a very clear picture of what Jason had done to end up in the hospital. Henry would smile with a sense of pride and honor for having rendered aid to such a good man.


As soon as the paramedics had wheeled Jason into the emergency room, one of the nurses noticed Rebecca holding his hand and running beside the gurney. Once inside of the examination room, the nurse pulled her aside to give the other personnel room to work on Jason.

She began asking Rebecca questions, but Rebecca could not hear her clearly.

"A gun was discharged very close to my ear and I can't hear you," she explained to the nurse in an overly loud voice.

The nurse urged her into an adjacent examine room and pulled the curtain closed separating them from Jason and his medical team. Reaching into a pocket on her white jacket, she fished out her medical flashlight and popped on the black cone-shaped attachment to examine Rebecca's ears. Once she had determined that Rebecca had no permanent damage, ruptured eardrums, or any other injury that needed immediate attention, she pulled out a note pad and began writing questions on it for Rebecca to fill out, things like 'Husband?', 'Your name?', 'His name?' and so forth. Rebecca was well suited for answering most of these inquiries since she had lived with Jason for nearly two years. She had been so deeply invested in her relationship that she even knew Jason's blood type by heart.

Jessica and Melanie arrived about ten minutes later and were directed to an interview room nearby. They too were asked questions about Jason and were also asked to share any medical history that they might know. This information was rushed to Jason's care team as soon as it was gathered and collated. The same nurse that had interviewed Rebecca rushed into the interview room a few moments later.

"We just sent off a blood sample to the lab for typing. Are you certain that your brother is O negative?"

"Absolutely," Jessica answered, "we both are."

"What about her?"

"Sorry, no. I'm A negative," Melanie answered.

"Stay close then," the nurse told both girls. "Our blood supplies are low and we might need a pint from you, little sister." Then pointing over at Melanie, "You can do a plasma donation and that will help as well."

It was about that time that Roel caught up to them after driving Jason's car over to the hospital. He rushed inside the building in search of Jessica and Melanie. He was moving at a rapid walk down the hallway and almost plowed right into the nurse as she was exiting the interview room in a rush.

"Are you here for Jason Stewart?" She asked.

"Yes mam."

"Do you know your blood type?"

"B positive."

"Damn! Okay, donate some plasma for him as soon as you can." And with that, she rushed off. Roel never got a chance to tell her that he had recruited help and it was on its way.

Both Roel and Jason were regular donors at the local Blood Bank. Most of the technicians there knew them on sight because they had been there so often. Following standard procedure required the techs to inquire about the donor's blood type during the check-in process prior to beginning the donation procedure. It was also a running gag with the techs to respond to Roel, "Dude! I wasn't asking for your daily inspirational advice (be positive)." It was cute and funny the first time around, but it was beginning to become aggravating. Roel was relieved when the nurse had not made a snarky remark to him after he had answered her inquiry.


It only took Henry about 20 minutes to round up nearly 20 people from the tribe who were eligible donors and were willing to help. He knew each and every one of them personally. From each of their own perspectives, they knew that if Henry vouched for someone then that person was 'golden'. During the search, two of the people that he had crossed paths with were members of the tribal police force who had also met Jason and were highly impressed with him. Both of the officers working together made arrangements for two 14 passenger vans to transport the men and women who had volunteered to donate blood and also took care of some other required details (such as permissions and forms for using tribal resources) needed to set up the trip.

With full tanks on all vehicles, the two vans took off for Nacogdoches escorted by two police cruisers with both of those same officers in the driver's seat, one leading the caravan and the other one trailing. Pushing the limits of safety, they ran north traveling 85 miles per hour the whole way, only slowing down for the sharper curves on the Lufkin bypass and for the handful of towns where the highway was not freeway such as inside the Corrigan city limits.

Calls from the Police Dispatcher to the City of Nacogdoches Police Department set off a flurry of activity. Officers were assigned several intersections and held traffic for the caravan as it hit the city limits. The caravan was cleared on a direct route to the hospital without having to slow for any traffic signals. Amazingly, even with the time spent in gathering up the people and preparation, they were rolling up to the hospital doors one hour and thirty-five minutes after the initial call placed by Roel.

Henry had called Roel back when they hit the outskirts of Nacogdoches, so he was waiting for them at the entrance as they arrived and directed them to the temporary blood bank set up in a conference room by the hospital staff. Roel had eventually found a member of the staff to let the hospital know that donors were on their way, so preparations had been made for their arrival.


Three hours had passed since the incident at the bank and Rebecca was feeling somewhat better. The nurse had given her some aspirin for her hearing loss symptoms as well as performing a couple of therapeutic treatments that reduced her hearing loss. She still had a significant bit of ringing in her ears. But now when someone spoke to her, she could basically understand what they were saying and hear their voice relatively well. She was crossing the reception area in search of a soft drink vending machine when she spotted Jessica and Melanie huddled together on a set of chairs trying to comfort each other.

This time, she had an unobstructed view of Jessica's face and could clearly recognize her. The other girl looked vaguely familiar as well and after a few moments, she remembered being introduced to her during one of her visits to Jason's home during the holidays. Jessica and Melanie were very clearly unsettled and had been crying heavily. They both were sporting armband style bandages on the inside of their elbows having donated blood for Jason. Rebecca immediately altered her course and approached them.

"Jessie? Honey? Do you remember me?"

"Becky! What are you doing here?" It was then that Jessica noticed the same bandage on Rebecca's arm that she and Melanie are both sporting. "Oh my God! Were you at the bank with Jase and Roe?"

"Com'ere sweety!" Rebecca opened her arms up as Jessica stood up and crossed the short distance between them. Rebecca drew her in closely with a hug and both girls clung tightly to each other. Rebecca was roughly the same height as Jessica, maybe a half inch shorter. So her mouth was right beside Jessica's ear as she gently said, "Your brother saved my life today. A maniac was holding a gun to my head and Jason put him down like a rabid dog." That was as far as she got before emotions overwhelmed her and she too started shaking and crying.

Melanie was now on her feet and joined the other two in a group hug, all three girls sniffling and tears flowing. A very attractive woman in a set of scrubs approached the three girls. She removed her cloth scrub cap from her head and asked, "Jessica Stewart?"

"Yes ma'am?"

"I'm Dr. Adams and I have an update on your brother's condition if you would like to take a moment to speak with me in private."

Jessica looked briefly towards Rebecca and noticed something in her eyes. Just on instinct alone, Jessica determined that Rebecca was still in love with her brother. It only took her an instant to decide, but she made a critical decision in that moment that would affect all three of the women for the rest of their natural lives.

"Dr, Adams, this is Jason's fiancé Melanie. You already know that I am his sister. This other woman is Jason's ex-girlfriend, but all three of us together have a vested interest in his condition. All three of us care deeply about him and I'm okay with you sharing any information about my brother with all three of us."