The 3 'C's' of life Ch. 05

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Bev meets Jeanie - Bill & Bev meet parents.
9.1k words

Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/15/2022
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We talked Wednesday, at our usual time for 'our connecting'. We had each talked with our moms the previous night. Each of us were excited about introducing each other to our parents as our 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend'.

My parents belonged to the local fraternal organization, we called it the 'Club'. The Club did a lot of community stuff. Sponsored the whole little league. Had a fund raiser to have lights installed on the larger field. They had been members for over fifteen years. Come to find out, so did Bev's, only, they had only been members for maybe ten years.

Bev said that she asked her mom, if they were planning on being at the Club this coming Saturday night. Her mom said "yes" and then asked why. Bev said that she wanted to introduce her new boyfriend to them.

Her mom then said, "He's a member?"

"Yeah. So getting in won't be a problem."

"Really? Do we know him?"

"I don't think so."

"What's his name?"

"I'm going to leave that for a surprise."

"When, where, and how did you meet him?"

"I'll tell you both the whole story when we see you on Saturday."

"Not even a hint?"

"I think you both know of his parents; but, I don't think that you know-know them."

"You're being a bit mysterious, Bev. Any reason for that?"

"No. Not at all. I just want it to be a surprise."

"OK. I'll trust your judgement. But, I can tell, by your voice that you're happy. You sound the happiest that I think I've heard in quite a long time. Now, I really can't wait to meet him."

My conversation, with my mom was similar, especially about the 'happy' part.

Her final words, just before we hung up were, "I really can't wait to meet this special girl that has brought our son back to the world of happiness."

Wayne was back off the road for the rest of the week and through the weekend.

Over some pizza and beer, I let him know that Bev was coming over, and was planning on spending the weekend. I was hoping that it would be fine with him. I mean, it was a three bedroom house, and our rooms were across the hall from each other. He had his own bath, so it shouldn't be a problem. I was pleased when he said that he was looking forward to meeting my new girlfriend, who I had rescued that snowy and blizzardly night.

The plan for Friday night was that, since Bev was out of school by 3:30, that I would leave a key under the door mat. She could let herself in, get changed, and comfortable. I would be there around 5:15, earlier, if possible. Then I would take her to the bar that my co-engineers and other co-workers hung out a bit on typical Friday nights, and make the introductions. Given how we met up, that blizzardly night, my co-engineers were eager to meet her. The thought that Jeannie would be there, entered my mind briefly, and then disappeared. I knew there would be no issues.

I could see her looking out the front window as I came down the gravel driveway. It was a sight that made my heart skip a beat, in anticipation.

I wasn't inside the door for two seconds before her soft lips were pressed into mine. Her hands locked behind my neck.

"mmm. You can greet me like that anytime you want," as I peered into those sparkling eyes and broad smile.

"I've been looking forward to doing that all day."

By now, Bev knew that I loved seeing her wearing soft sweaters that clung, and accentuated, her firm little mounds, and slacks that hugged her cute little bottom. And she enjoyed the special attention.

Tonight, was no different. A soft light blue angora sweater, with a gentle "V" neck, molded itself perfectly to each of those cute cupcake mounds. A gold charm lay at the base of her neck and was held in place by a delicate gold chain against her flawless skin. In a word, 'elegant'.

She did a slow turn. The dark blue slacks outlined the gentle curves of each of her firm butt cheeks. I grinned, as I knew that a number of my co-engineers were 'Butt' guys. I knew they'd be drooling.

"Well, do I look good enough for your friends?" she beamed.

"More than good enough... You look good enough to eat."

She flashed a radiant smile, and then, "Later, big boy... and I do mean big. You can eat me as much, and for as long, as you want. I'm all yours."

Typical Friday. A lot of the sales guys left early and were on their third round of drinks. Our department, where it was standard practice, to stay until 5:00, the engineers were on their first round.

As usual, they had pulled three table together. It seemed that everybody sat with their own groups: sales, Purchasing, and engineering.

The guys had saved two chairs for us. The other groups were into their own conversations, and didn't really pay attention to us, except for Becky and Jeannie, who sat at the other end of the table on the opposite side. I went around the 'engineering' table, and made the introductions.

When Bev removed her winter coat, I saw, that all of a sudden, the sales guys had stopped talking. Bev had their attention, along with the attention of the engineers. As she turned to hang her coat on the back of her chair, with her butt now facing the engineers, I saw the 'butt' guys checking her out. I just grinned. I would tell her about it later.

With drinks in front of us, and my arm draped around her shoulder, the guys wanted to hear, from Bev, about the 'storm night'.

It was fun to hear it from her perspective. The highway accident, forcing her to find another route. Getting lost. Getting stuck. The snow blowing. Darkness. And then the momentary let-up in the wind and seeing the yard light that was probably forty yards away. Slipping, falling down, and skinning her knees. Banging on my back door, shivering so hard that her teeth were chattering. Hoping and praying that someone was home. Huddling next to the fireplace. All the time in the house, not looking up, just trying to get warm. And then the hot chocolate and our simultaneous recognition of each other.

One of the guys asked, with a grin, "Well, what if a seral rapist or axe murder lived there."

She grinned, as that was what I had asked her that night.

"I figured that it was better than freezing. And I was right. I couldn't have asked for a better rescuer."

We looked at each other, smiled, and hugged her as she buried her face into my shirt. It was a nice display of our affection for each other. We didn't care.

The whole time, Bev had a permanent smile, which only signaled how happy she was with the events of that night, with us, and sitting right there next to each other.

Later, the guys would comment to me on how clear it was that we were so into each other. And how it happened so quickly. I mean it had only been two weeks ago, and we had only been with each two weekends. But, it wasn't like we were 'complete' strangers before that night. Yet, our closeness was evident to everybody around us, and for us, it was growing.

There was enough background noise in the bar, that only those at our end of the tables were able to hear her. At times I would say something that caught her attention, and she would turn and look at me, with a beaming smile. After a bit, I did notice that a few times, her gaze went 'past' me toward the end of the table. I had my suspicions at what was catching her gaze.

Bev excused herself to go to the ladies room. A few moments later; out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jeannie get up and follow her in. Inner 'alarms' went off. They shouldn't have, but, they did.

A few minutes later, I saw that Jeannie had just returned. We caught each other's eye and she gave me a knowing smile. I relaxed a bit. Bev returned with a gentle smile and gave my cheek a quick peck. Not caring who was watching.

From that point on, until we left, around 7:00, Bev snuggled up to me the entire time. It wasn't like she was 'claiming' me... it was more like she wanted to feel our closeness.

Once in the car, she leaned over, cupped my face, and gave me a soft and loving kiss.

"mmmm, Bev, that was nice. I want to take you some place and ravage you."

"That sounds like fun. I just wanted to kiss the man that I love, and who I know, loves me."

Another kiss.

As I headed out of the parking lot, and on the road, to my awaiting bed, Bev snuggled in. She felt comfortable, as she relaxed against me.

"Bill, can I ask you something?"

"You know you can ask me anything," as I kissed the top of her head.

"Why was that girl, the one with the brown hair, and was sitting at the other end of the table, looking at us all night? It seemed like every time I turned to look at you, I noticed that she was looking at us. And she had a smile. And then she followed me into the ladies room. Did her thing. I was standing at the mirror, doing what us women do. And just as she left, she looked at me and said that I was a lucky girl. Why did she say that? Do you know her?"

I felt comfortable with how she asked me.

"To answer your last question first... yes, I know her. Her name is Jeannie, and she's a junior buyer in purchasing. I work with her, as she buys the simple things that some of my 'modified standard projects' require. I've worked with her for about four months, it was occasional get-togethers in her cubical, about exactly what is was that I was trying to have her buy. Always about the projects, nothing beyond that.

"The company had a Christmas party the second week in December. My, then roommate, asked if I was going. I said that I hadn't planned on it, as I didn't have anyone in mind to ask. So, that was that. I didn't think any more about it. At that time, he had a casual interest in the sales secretary, the girl that was sitting next to Jeannie. The next week, when he and I were out for some pizza and beer, he suggested that I ask Jeannie. Said that way, the four of us could sit together at the Christmas party, as he knew that the two of them were friends. I never thought of it, and just said that I didn't know why, or if, she would consider that. He said to give it a shot. Thinking back, he obviously had 'insider information'.

"So, I did, and she accepted. It was a fun evening. Danced, both fast and slow. It had been the first time I had been out with a girl in a long long time. Dropping her off at her house, she invited me in. I had no expectations of any 'further activities', and I told her so. She was kind of relieved, as she just didn't know if I had any idea of anything beyond taking her to the Christmas party. She thanked me for asking to go to the party, and that she had fun. After that, the four of us casually hung out after work a few times at that bar. Nothing progressed beyond that.

"One of the engineers was having a New Year's Eve party. It was a 'B-O-B'. At the stroke of midnight, everybody started kissing, welcoming in the New Year. We just looked at each other. At that point, we had never shared a kiss. We had enough drinks in us, that we shrugged our shoulders and said, 'Why not?'

"That led us to her apartment, where I spent the night. And, yes, we had sex. Not soft and tender sex. It was just casual needy sex. Later, she said she was sorry. That she didn't want to start any kind of a relationship, as she was just coming off a divorce a few months ago. At that time, I wasn't looking for anything either. I guess my 'hurt' was still with me.

"Instead, we settled in for just that... sex. No commitments. No strings. Just casual sex, enough to satisfy each other's need, and to have fun. It was new for me, as she was only my second. She later said, that it was something she needed at that time in her life. Just to be with someone that she knew that liked her. I guess that I needed it too. To be with someone that I liked, and who liked me.

"That went on through January, to the weekend before the storm. The afternoon of the storm, she stopped by my cubicle and asked if I wanted to get together, either her place, or mine to 'ride out the storm', so to speak. We both knew what that would entail.

"Bev, something deep inside of me 'spoke' to me. I can't describe it. I told her, that I just wanted to be alone for the weekend. She understood. I think she was thinking my 'demon past' from school was getting to me, and that I just needed some time, alone. That wasn't it... it was something else... something just out of my reach.

"The Monday, after you and I got together, I asked for her to meet me after work. I then laid it out there. I told her that I had spent the weekend with you, and my feelings for you. I told her that I couldn't continue seeing her in the way that we had been; but, that I still wanted to see her as a friend. She thanked me for being open and honest with her, and not just keeping her 'on the side'. I told her that I could never do that. That wasn't the kind of guy I was. We hugged a final hug at her car. One last kiss. And then she smiled at me and said that, 'I was going to make some lucky girl very happy. So that's that."

We were now parked outside the house. Through all of this, Bev sat there quiet. Her head still on my shoulder, and my arm still around her. Her left hand resting comfortably on my upper thigh.

I wasn't sure what was going through her head, or her heart. I just hoped and prayed, that I hadn't done something that would make her want to leave and never look back.

"Bill," her voice soft and hushed, "Thank you for being so completely open and honest with me. All of that happened before that dark snowy night. That you gracefully ended it, to be with just me, says a lot about you. Your character. How you were raised. Your respect for me, and yes, for Jeannie. In my opinion, not many guys would have done that. It would have been easy for you to just let things go on, as they were. Neither of us, ever knowing about the other, unless you taking me out to meet your friends. Did you know if she was going to be there earlier tonight?"

"No. Not exactly, but, I figured there would be a pretty good chance. And, with how we left things, it didn't bother me at all. I even remember her asking me, just before we parted that last time, if she would ever be able to meet the 'lucky girl'."

I couldn't see it, but, once again, I 'heard' the smile, as she gave my thigh a gentle squeeze. I breathed a soft sigh of relief.

"And you know something? She's right. I am a lucky girl. A very very lucky girl," her voice cracking a bit before she turned and our lips met in a slow, and soulful kiss. The kind of kiss that is shared between two 'soul lovers'.

"Bill, let's go inside. Let's take a shower together, and then make love. Make love the way that we both enjoy. Because, I love you even more, right this very minute, than ever before," her voice cracking on those last three words.

"Let's fuck some other time. Maybe next weekend," again, I 'heard' the grin, "The way that I feel right now, I want this weekend to be all about us. About us loving each other. Because, I do Bill. I love you with every ounce of my being."

"I'd like that."

Bev's body felt lithe, supple, and perfect under the slick soap and hot water. We touched and caressed each other; a sensual mix of teasing and grooming that had me harder than I think I had ever been and her, shivering in anticipation.

But it was the tender kiss she gave me that really made me shake. The slow, sensual parting of her lips and tongue that became hard, frantic; demanding more of me. The slight taste of her skin in the water, and the soft gentle sigh "Bill" she let out when she broke for air.

It thrilled me to no end, when she grinned and asked me to soap her tummy and breasts clean. Bev lazily leaned back against me as I did so. Her eyes half closed and dreamy. Soft contented, 'mmmm's' filled the steamy shower. As l my fingers strayed downwards; she writhed and squirmed but somehow never managed to pull clear of me, and her soft relaxing coos filled my heart. My fingers moved through that soapy patch of blonde strands of her delicate pubic hair, coming to rest between her silky folds. I pressed on her mound, putting pressure on that underlying button of pleasure. She let out a slow and gentle sigh.

Bev had a soft look as her soapy hands slid over the parts of my body that I knew she loved... that she had missed in the last five days; my balls, the small ridges of my shaft, the smooth skin of my glans. She pulled me into her for a close embrace with my cock held tight between her soft thighs. And her firm little breasts, the breasts that I loved to feel, tight against me. My own hands gently massaging each of her firm little butt cheeks. Occasionally, my fingers would slip into the crevice and gently glide over her sensitive rose bud, which brought soft sighs of contentment.

"mmmm. Bev, you feel so good. How I missed having you against me. Your bare sexy body. I am so lucky. I'm the luckiest man on the planet... I'm so yours," as my lips went to hers in a long and soft kiss.

"I know. And you're mine, and only mine. But, I'm the lucky one. Come. Make love to me."

Wayne was still out with his buddies at some bar, doing who knows what. Maybe he'd get lucky tonight.

I led Bev into my room. We stood at the bed and pressed our warm bare bodies against each other, before I eased her back onto the bed.

I took a moment to cast my eyes on the most beautiful woman in the world, in all her splendid nude glory. Her eyes sparkling. Her gentle upturned smile. Those impossibly bright white teeth. And then, yes, those soft smoky-gray eyes.

"Bev, you are so beautiful. Every time I look at you like this... at all of you, it takes my breath away."

"Thank you. I love watching you look at me. You look at me the way every woman wants her man to look at her, with gentle true love. Sometimes, I just like looking at the lust in your eyes. Like you have to have me. Sometimes, like now, it's a look of adoration, of appreciation. Come to me. I want you. I want you so much."

And I went to her. I feasted on her nipples. My tongue bathed each, with all the tenderness in my being. I was rewarded with the sounds of pleasure that I had so sorely missed in the last five days.

"Bev, I need to taste you. My tongue needs to worship your Garden of Eden so much. To drink your nectar. That sweet nectar that is made for me, and only me."

"mmmm. Yes, Bill. Please. Please taste me. I love it when you taste me. Show me how much that you love tasting me." Her voice was husky; deep and with a sound of need.

Lying between her open legs, at the altar of her womanhood, I slowly reached out, and stroked her inner thigh. I marveled, once again, at how soft and smooth she was under my fingers. I leaned forward onto my left elbow and glanced up. Bev's eyes were closed in anticipation, her hands were already on her breasts, palming her erect nipples. "Bill..." she whimpered, arching, as I lightly touched my tongue to her, before kissing her open and fragrant flower.

She tasted just as exquisite as I remembered... maybe even better than I remembered.

I gently parted her lips with the fingers of my right hand, and found her firm clit with my tongue. I felt her spasm as I gently, and deftly, licked over the hood and then probed. She hissed and squeezed herself as I slipped my fingertip into her.

"Yes," she moaned. "God, yes, that's what I need. Ohhh... right there," her voice soft, almost a whisper.

I gently tongued her clit once, twice, then licked around it again. I could hear her panting, and she arched again as I added my middle finger to the index that was already in her. "Oh god, oh god, oh god," she moaned in small catches of breath, as I slowly started to drive my fingers into her to the knuckle, and swirled around those soft slick inner walls of her love cavern. I could feel warmth of her thigh when it brushed against my cheek. The scent of her, which rose from her, like the fragrance of an open flower in full bloom; it made me ache, deep in my balls. I could feel my hard cock pressing into the mattress. I burned to be in her. To be as deep as my fingers were.