The Amazon Combat Arena Story

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The Arena gets a male boxing instructor.
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The Amazon Combat Arena
By Submissive Romantic
Edited by michael-leonard



"Julio, you've got to pull that jab back quicker or a better fighter is going to be feeding you leather," Mike shouted as he studied the two fighters in the ring. "Don't make me come in there to prove it to you."

Mike was the instructor and the night manager of The Power House, a gym for boxers and those serious about fitness and improving their bodies. He'd had a reasonably successful amateur career, but when he indicated that he wanted to turn pro, Gus, his trainer and good friend, had urged him to reconsider.

"Mike, you're pretty good," he said, "Probably the best student of boxing that I've ever trained; but you don't have the intensity and the tools you need to fight at the pro level. I like you too much to see you become a palooka. You'd be better off as an instructor. Teach those that have the tools and the desire to be a pro fighter; you give them the skills they need."

"Mike, telephone," Angie, the owner's daughter, shouted from the doorway of the shabby business office as she hung the handset with the long stretched-out cord on a nail just to the right of the door.

"Yea, this is Mike."

"Mike, this is Jake. That woman you asked me to keep an eye out for is here in my gym."

Momentarily, Mike was confused, but then he remembered who Jake was talking about. It had been nearly two years since he had last seen her and he had assumed that she had left the area.

"Jake, keep her there; I'll be there in about ten minutes. Don't let her leave."

"I don't think there's a guy in this gym that can keep her from doing what she wants to do; if she wants to leave, I for one will not stand in her way. If you want to see her you'd better hurry; she's already gone through two sparring partners, and I believe there are only two more who have signed up for her tryout."

Mike practically ran into the office and hung up the phone.

"Angie, I've got to go out for a couple of hours, I'll be back to close up this evening." He ran out of the office before she could mount an argument and got into his car. As he drove across town his thoughts drifted back to the first time he had met her...


It had been a long day, he was tired and all he wanted was to finish his workout and head home. Gus came out of Jake's office and slowly walked over to the heavy bag that Mike had been pounding for the last ten minutes.

"Mike, can you do me a favor. I owe Kris over at Kris' Gym a favor. I just got off the phone with her; she's got a fighter over there that needs a sparring partner. Can you drive over there a go a couple of rounds with her fighter?"

"Sure Gus; tell her I'll be over in about fifteen minutes."

"Great, thanks; I already did. When you get there just see Kris at the desk."

Fifteen minutes later Mike was standing at the front desk, signing her liability release form.

"Thanks for doing this Mike, follow me and I'll make the introductions."

As they entered the boxing room, the only person Mike saw was a tall woman, shadow boxing in the far corner of the ring. He couldn't hide the look of confusion that suddenly washed over his face.

"I guess Gus didn't tell you that your opponent would be a woman, did he?"

"No, I guess that little piece of information just slipped his mind," Mike said sarcastically.

He was about to turn to leave, when the woman in the ring walked towards him.

"Come on, get your wraps and gloves and let's get it on. You're not scared are you? Afraid you'll lose to a woman? Or are you worried that you're going to hurt me? I've been boxing for years and I could probably kick the asses of most of the guys that you fight against."

"Listen lady, I don't care how long you've been boxing; it's late, I'm tired, and I just want to go home. And besides, I've yet to meet the woman that can beat a man in the ring."

"No you listen, Bubba; we will settle this here in the ring."

Without waiting for his reply she took off her warmup jacket, headed back across the ring, and removed a pair of gloves and wraps from her bag.

Mike was certainly impressed by her athletic body. At about five feet ten inches she was two inches taller than him, and probably weighed in at around one hundred fifty pounds. She was real easy on the eyes. If she wasn't so obnoxious he would have asked her to join him for a drink. Instead, knowing that he had no other choice than to indulge her; he grabbed his own gloves and wraps, and climbed into the ring.

He set the alarm for two-minute rounds and they waited for the sound of the bell. He would take it easy, not wishing to hurt her and run the risk of legal trouble down the road. By the end of the first round, however, he had changed his mind about her abilities. She was no creampuff. She had hit him with several solid shots and although he probably had won the first round, she had him in trouble near the end of the round.

By the end of the second round, if the fight was being judged, he would be ahead on points. But she had taken his best punches and had kept pressing forward. As he gazed across the ring, admiring the female warrior resting her arms on the top rope, he became aware that he was becoming erect, and his gym shorts failed to hide his obvious arousal.

Just before the start of the next round, she shouted across the ring, "I see you enjoy hitting a woman; I hope you enjoy it as much when I beat your ass into the canvass."

Near the end of the third round he caught her with a clean left hook and a solid straight right, which put her on the canvass. As he counted her out, he experienced a very satisfying orgasm. He helped her to her feet and onto a stool as she slowly recovered. She spied the wet spot on his shorts and smirked.

"I see beating up a woman gets you off. Well I hope you enjoyed it, because we'll meet again someday and then we'll see if you equally enjoy getting your ass kicked."

With that she stormed out of the ring, picked up her stuff and headed out the door. Mike had all but forgotten about the incident. It was more than six months later, Jake's Gym was nearly deserted and he was getting in a little more work before heading home for the night, when he heard a voice call out.

"If it isn't Bubba. I told you we'd meet again; this time we'll see if you get off as much getting your ass kicked by a woman. I've been training hard since our last fight and I think it will turn out a lot different this time."

Mike stood admiring her as she shed her sweats and climbed into the ring. She had looked good the last time he saw her; now she looked magnificent. Her shoulders and arms appeared thicker than before and the chunkiness around her middle had disappeared revealing a set of well-defined abs. Was it just his imagination, or did she appear to be a little taller now as well?

"Same rules as before," he said as he set the timer.

When the bell sounded for the first round she came out cautiously, and with a look of intense concentration. He threw a couple of jabs just feeling her out and was shocked when she rocked him with a solid right hook. She pressed her advantage for the entire first round putting him on defense fighting for his life.

When the bell ended her onslaught, she walked confidently back to her corner saying, "I told you I been training hard. This time I think you're the one who's gonna end up on the canvass."

The second round was no better for Mike. She proved to be a lot stronger than him, and seemed impervious to his best punches. Just before the end of the second round, she caught him in his corner and pounded away at his body, trying to bring his guard down so she could end the fight. When the bell sounded she turned and walked back to her corner. Mike just leaned back against the ropes; he had not even heard the bell over the ringing in his ears from the brutal beating he was enduring. He had recovered slightly but was still in trouble when the bell sounded for the third, and most likely final, round.

Mike should have been trying to strategize how he was going to survive the next round; instead all he could think about as how desirable she was. She had a beautiful face, a fantastic set of breasts, a trim waist with well-developed abs, a solid ass and a pair of long muscular legs. She had it all.

"It won't be long now. I see you're enjoying this fight as much as the last one," she taunted him, indicating the tenting of his shorts and the small wet spot that had already appeared.

She forced him back into his corner with a series of solid jabs, easily penetrating his meager defense.

"I think it's almost time for you to cum," she said." I'm going to keep beating you until you do."

Left and right uppercuts banged into his body. He was practically out on his feet; her brutal body shots the only thing keeping him upright.

"Okay, I think I want you to cum now."

She threw a left jab that knocked his gloves away from his face just long enough for her to launch a perfect right hook that landed with cruel intent on his left cheek. His head twisted with the power of the punch, his legs collapsed, and he felt his body slide down the front of hers. His face moved down the valley formed by her firm breasts, down her washboard abs, and ended its slide between her muscular thighs. The aroma of her arousal was apparent, for she had orgasmed several times during the fight.

Just as she stepped back allowing him to fall forward towards the mat, he felt his body being rocked by an explosive orgasm that sent cum rocketing through his still-erect cock and into his shorts.

She didn't even bother to count as she removed her gloves and wraps. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself; maybe we can do this again sometime."

With that she left the ring and walked out of the gym ... and, seemingly, out of his life.

Chapter 1

Mike came out of his day-dream just as he approached Jake's Gym. He found a parking space right in front of the place; he parked his ten year old Honda Civic and walked swiftly into the relative darkness of the old time-style, single-ring gym. Jake was there to meet him.

"That her?"

Mike looked up at the blonde standing in her corner. Her back was to him so he couldn't be sure. His gaze was drawn to the fighter sitting on the stool in the opposite corner. He didn't look good. His corner man was applying an ice bag to his left eye, desperately trying to bring down swelling that had all but shut the eye. There was blood running out of his nose, some of which was smeared all over his face and chest.

At that point his attention was drawn back to the blonde; she had just turned around and was using the upper rope to stretch her obviously heavy muscled shoulders and arms.

"Bubba, is that you? I was just thinking about you. Why don't you get changed and put on some gloves."

"I just came here to talk."

"Okay. This won't take long; I'll see you in a couple of minutes."

It took less than a minute. The bell rang and she practically ran across the ring, catching her already-defeated opponent still in his corner. Several hard uppercuts to his ribs brought down his guard and a savage left hook sent him down to the canvass. The referee started his count as she calmly walked back to her corner, removing her gloves and wraps as she went. She was out of the ring and standing directly in front of him as the ref reached the end of his count.

"So, you wanted to talk?"

"Yeah, can I buy you a cup of coffee?"

"Make it a beer and you got a date. Just let me wash off this blood and clean up a little first."

As she turned towards the women's locker room, Mike realized that he was actual a little shaky, such was the overpowering sexuality that she possessed. She was at least three inches taller and judging from her muscularity at least thirty pounds heavier than him.

Twenty minutes later, she came out of the locker room, dressed in jeans and a tight tee-shirt that did little to hide her obvious assets. Mike turned to her saying,

"Since we're not dressed for the Ritz, why don't we just walk down the street to the corner bar? It's not much to look at, but the beer is ice cold and the burgers are big and juicy."

"That sounds good to me," she said as she reached into her pocket and handed Jake a handful of her business cards.

"Tell those guys that they passed the first audition and if they want to earn some extra money they can reach me at that number."

When they reached the pub, they found themselves a corner booth and put in an order for a couple of drafts and a couple of burgers.

"You know we've never been properly introduced; I'm Mike."

"I'm Karla; it's a pleasure to meet you. We'll just forget about those previous encounters and start fresh. Okay?"

"Alright. What was that all about back at Jake's?

"I came here for a couple of reasons; first of all I'm looking for some fighters to work in my gym," she said, handing him her card.

"The Amazon Combat Arena," he read. "That sounds intriguing, what's it all about?"

"We promote physical combat between men and women; boxing, wrestling, and martial arts. I'm always on the lookout for new talent.

There was a break in the conversation as the bartender brought over their beer.

"Mmmm that's good," she sighed after a healthy swallow, "just what I needed after a good workout."

"Karla, you said there was another reason why you came here today."

"There is Mike; I'm also looking for a new boxing instructor. That used to be my job, but I'm just too busy to give the proper attention that the position requires. I'm ashamed to say it but, because I wasn't aware of how much one of my female fighters had improved, I put her in the ring against a novice fighter. She ended up beating him pretty badly. It's lucky for me that he's a really nice guy and accepted my apology and agreed to stay on and not sue me.

"My plan was to stop by your place after I got finished at Jake's. I figured I'd see if there were any prospective fighters that I could use, but more importantly I was coming to see you."

Just then their burgers came and the conversation was put on pause.

"This burger is delicious and so juicy; it's almost decadent. I can imagine what my conditioning instructor would say if she knew I was eating something like this."

As they ordered a second round of beers, Karla reached into her bag for an envelope and handed it to Mike.

"Mike, before you open it I just want to thank you. It was you who got me into this business and showed me where the real money was to be made. Our first fight confirmed something I instinctively knew: that there was something sexual in women fighting men. Even though I lost that first fight, I was so turned-on by the end of it that I just had to get out of there before it turned into something I wasn't ready for. It was obvious that you were turned-on as well.

"The second fight was the real eye opener for me. Even though you were getting your ass kicked - sorry but there's no other way to put it - you were still highly aroused, to the point where you erupted even as you were heading to the canvass."

At that point Mike could feel the heat on his face. His cheeks were flushed from embarrassment.

"Mike, don't be embarrassed; you can't imagine how many times I came during that fight. On the way home I began to wonder how many men - and women for that matter - would watch a mixed boxing match just for its sexual appeal alone. That's when I started to investigate the possibility of turning my fledgling gym up in the hills into a venue for showcasing females in various forms of combat with men.

"When I heard about the mega-dollars that the headline boxers generate on a pay-per-view basis, I knew that's where I wanted to take my company. I sunk every penny my parents left me into this new venture. I hired a computer whiz who set up the systems, a director of photography to create the product, and about twenty men and women to provide the content. These were actual fights, both boxing and wrestling. At first we just recorded the fights and built up inventory. When I felt I had enough content, I started advertising in men's magazines, in fitness magazines, and on some porn sites. At first we sold individual fights on DVDs, then I started a monthly subscription service giving access to most of our library, with an extra pay-per view fee for our premium fights. It started slowly at first, but in the last year it's really taken off worldwide. Our current membership is over a million viewers, in addition to pay-per-view specials."

"Where do I fit into this picture?" As he asked, he glanced down at the envelope inscribed with his name, "Mike Wilson".

'How did she know my name and where to find me? We just introduced ourselves a few minutes ago and the last time I fought her it was at Jake's.'

Seeing the puzzled look on his face as he stared at the envelope, Karla commented. "I had you thoroughly checked-out before I came here, Mike. I don't hire just anyone for my company. I've worked too hard and invested too much money to endanger it in any way. I spoke to Gus Brown personally. He told me where to find you and gave you a glowing recommendation by the way. Go on, open it."

Mike finally awoke out of his stupor, opened the envelope, and pulled out a two-page letter. It was a job offer to be the boxing instructor for the Amazon Combat Arena. What shocked him was the salary he was offered. 'That can't be right, must be a typo.'

He was about to question her when Karla said, "That's not a mistake, that's your monthly salary."

"Monthly? That's more than I make in a year."

"I know $10,000 a month sounds like a lot, but I'm asking you to supervise and train twenty women and approximately fifteen men at any one time. Plus you'll be asked to assist the mixed martial arts instructor teaching some of her weaker strikers how to punch and how to defend against strikers. You'll also be entitled to royalties from any of the fight films that you participate in."

"Fight films?

"Sure. All of my employees, including myself, are regularly scheduled for fights that are added to our inventory. And when you're not fighting or training anyone, you'll be following a strict workout routine designed by our strength and nutrition coach. Basically, once you sign on, your ass is mine."

"You know that part of my compensation at The Power House includes use of the apartment in the back of the gym."

"You call that an apartment; I'd call it more like a closet. Don't worry; I have plenty of room in my place. All of my management team lives together in a house I own. We work together, eat together and play together."

"OK, OK. Do you have a pen?"

"Wonderful. Welcome aboard Mike, I'm so glad you accepted my offer."

"How could I refuse? Now, I just have to give my two-week notice to my boss. He'll either ask me to stay on until he finds my replacement, or he'll fire me on the spot and tell me to move by the end of the day."

"No problem. If he fires you just come to the Arena; here are the directions."

After finishing their beers - and a brief disagreement over who would pay, which Mike was finally forced to concede to her will - they walked back to Jake's. They stopped next to his car and Mike offered his hand. Karla took it in hers, but instead of shaking it she pulled him into a bear-hug embrace and whispered, "Mike, I assure you: you won't regret coming to work for me."

Karla then picked up her gym bag, turned, and walked down the street. Mike watched her for a moment and then unlocked his car. He was just about to pull out when a shiny black Dodge Charger Hellcat pulled up next to him, paused, and then laid a patch of rubber nearly all the way back to the bar.

Chapter Two

When Mike returned to the gym, he made a call to his boss. After enduring five minutes of yelling and screaming and being called an ungrateful bastard, he was told he was fired and that he should clean his stuff out of the apartment by the end of the next day.