The Audio Cuckold


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Again, Ron stared at his wife's awesome body in utter awe. A more perfect body it was impossible to imagine. Any woman would kill to have her natural DD tits. His dick was throbbing as he blurted,

"Can we make love tonight, baby?"

"That's not happening, Ron. Not until your dick gets a few inches longer, thicker and lasts at least 20 minutes," Replied Stef, a little irked.

Ron was annoyed by her answer. He was about to complain that it was a ridiculous situation for a married couple, but moving like a cat, she planted her pussy on his face. When he didn't open his mouth, she sat up and slapped his face hard. The stinging blow shocked him into compliance. Again, thick globs of stringy cream filled his mouth. It was Ryan's cum. He was eating Ryan's cum without complaint again. There was something surreal about all this. He tried to calm his mind.

Stef looked down at Ron's dick poking out of his shorts and thought, "Pathetic." It looked so tiny to her now. She grinded down and said,

"By the way, honey, I bumped into Ryan at the gym. His body is fucking gorgeous...fantastic. Trish and Liz were going out, so, they left a little early. The women's showers weren't working, so, Ryan invited me to his apartment. I didn't want to be rude and refuse."

Stef knew she had an incredible amount of spunk in her pussy. And she'd used a pussy plug she'd bought. If Ron didn't notice, then he really was an imbecile. Ryan came in her pussy 3 times and once in her mouth. The cum in her pussy had felt like nearly half a pint in total. She could feel the combined fluid of sperm and her own juices slowly pouring out into Ron's mouth. She continued her story,

"Anyway, when we got to his apartment, I had a shower. The lock on the bathroom door didn't work and I knew the perv was watching me through the glass. Then, he showered after, and I thought it was only fair that I take a peek. I thought he was playing a prank when I saw something hanging down low between his legs. I mean, it had to be a joke, it was hanging down well over 6 inches."

"All the while he was talking calmly to me about exercises that keep your legs toned. He was soaping up his genitals...sooo hot. I couldn't fucking believe what he did next. He stepped out of the cubicle and started drying his hair, without even covering himself up. I was bug eyed as I stared at his big and very real cock. What happened next had me salivating like a bitch in heat. Gonna cum...NOWWW!...OOHHH!"

Stef shook and spasmed as she came, oozing out more cum, adding,

"Ryan's cock suddenly twitched and started thickening and rising. I couldn't take my eyes off it as it kept hardening and growing. When he was erect, it looked over 9 inches long. Honestly, honey, it was so big and beautiful. Veins bulging out all over the thick shaft. All I had on was a tiny old robe he borrowed me. His cock was pointing straight at me, like it was choosing me."

Ron's dick twitched and throbbed like crazy as Stef continued,

"Ryan walked towards me, and before I knew it, we were all over each other, lips locked and tongues probing. I completely lost it. I lost all reason and sense of morality. My hands were roaming all over his powerful shoulders, his big pecs and his hard sixpack. Finally, I gripped his big cock and squeezed and pumped his length."

Ron's hips lurched upwards as his dick ejaculated over himself. Stef was still squeezing out cum into his mouth. She wondered how much more was still inside her. Ryan's cock didn't just go deep, his cum was expelled at half the speed of sound. And his pool ball sized balls could cook up vast quantities of spunk. Ron struggled to breathe as more cum dripped out. He coughed and sputtered as his face turned blue.

Stef was clearly enjoying teasing him with her story as she added,

"Ryan opened my robe and he was drooling over my big tits. He lifted them and sucked on my nipples. I nearly came on the spot. He sucked my tits while I played with his hard cock and rolled his heavy balls. It went on and on. I couldn't believe he could hold out so long. I'm used to your tiny dick cumming after 1 minute."

"He sucked my tits so good, I had an orgasm. It must have taken nearly 45 minutes before his cock started throbbing wildly. It even started getting even bigger as it twitched and bucked. Then, his cock nearly jumped out of my hands as he came. Rope after rope of cum blasted out and plastered the wall. I counted 12 jets of thick cum, and another 4 smaller one's."

Stef saw that Ron was erect again, and she wanted to blow his mind, as well as make his dick blow. She writhed and sexily drawled,

"The tiled wall looked like it had a can of white paint thrown over it. The sight was such a turn on, I was drawn to his cum. The aroma of it was like an aphrodisiac to me. I started licking it up like the cat that got the cream. I licked every drop from the wall. His spunk was absolutely delicious."

Ron's whole body shook as he whimpered and whined, and then ejaculated. Stef humped his nose until she too, came. She climbed off his face and he looked like he was ready to pass out. His face was red and covered in cum and pussy juice. He couldn't move or talk, he was completely exhausted. For a moment, Stef felt sorry for him. He looked like an old man, just now. But, that moment passed quickly.

Saturday soon came round, and Stef was up early getting everything ready. She went out at 9am to Liz's place. Apparently, Liz was going to do her hair and give her a manicure. She got back at 11.20am, and immediately started preparing some snacks for later. Her blonde hair was immaculate, long and lightly curled. Ron became apprehensive when she changed the bedsheets. He hoped to God that Ryan didn't make it to the bedroom.

At 1.30pm, Stef said the others should arrive at around 2pm. She went upstairs to get changed and primp herself. Ron was beginning to feel panic stricken as he waited for their guests to arrive. A wave of dread came over him as 2pm approached. He knew his marriage had gone off the rails. He could only hope it was a temporary phase Stef was going through. She may have looked like she was in her mid twenties, but she was a 36 year old mother sowing some wild oats.

It was 2.03 when the doorbell rang. Ron was perspiring as he walked towards the door. He took a deep breath and opened it. Trish and Liz faced him, with Ryan and Mark behind them. They all walked straight inside without a word. Ron noted that Mark was the guy whose junk had been grabbed by Trish and Liz that day. When Ron took in their outfits, he gasped. This was definitely slutwear.

Both girls were similarly dressed in cut down vests and miniscule skirts. High heels completed their raunchy look. Heels clicking in the hallway alerted him to Stef's presence. She sultrily walked into the living room, hips swaying, and stood in the middle of the room. All 3 men's eyes were glued to her. A tiny, green, sleeveless shirt adorned her torso, tied around her big breasts, pushing them together.

Her midriff was bare, and she stood with her hands on her hips, showing off her wares. Her flared skirt was so short, her ass cheeks were visible. Her black thong could also be seen through the slit at the front of her skirt. Her 4 inch heeled sandals gave her a statuesque appearance, taking her height to 5ft, 11". Ron suddenly realized that Stef probably enjoyed her slutwear even more than Trish and Liz.

Stef introduced the 2 men to Ron. Mark seemed a little unfriendly.

"Get the drinks, Ronald," Ordered Trish abruptly. Ron replied,

"It's just Ron, Trish, if you don't mind."

He left to get the jug that Stef had prepared earlier, and 6 glasses. On his return, he had to pour everyone a drink. Mark glared at him coldly. Ron was beginning to feel uncomfortable around him.

Trish had tried to get Ryan to dominate Ron and maybe slap him around. Unfortunately, he wasn't into that kind of thing. However, Mark was a different kettle of fish. He'd been a bully in high school, and he still had it in him. Ron learned that Mark was a single, 29 year old. He clearly worked out. His white t shirt was tight, showing off his muscles. This guy was an arrogant idiot who loved himself.

By 4pm, they were all getting a little raucous on the booze. They moved into the garden and sat around the table. Ron was nursing his drink, trying to stay sober, so, he could keep an eye on Stef. He wasn't exactly part of the conversation. They were usually talking about projects at work, people at work or at the gym. Although, the conversation was filled with innuendo, as the booze flowed.

At one point, Stef was standing up as a gust of wind blew her flared miniskirt right up, exposing her almost transparent thong.

"Damn, girl," Said Mark as he leered at her underwear. Trish laughed,

"Ryan, I guess you've seen plenty of that hot snatch?"

"Up close and personal. It's definitely hot, shaven and sweet," He replied with a smile. Ron stood by the door, listening in shock.

Later, Mark held up his glass and loudly said,

"Refill, Ronald."

The jug was on the table. Ron was by the door and replied,

"The jug's right there in front of you."

Mark slammed the table with his other hand and angrily said,

"You're the host, sucker. Serve the guests."

Ron reluctantly walked over and poured Mark another drink.

Stef was going to intervene, but then she remembered what Trish had told her about Ron's recorders and the spying. She never thought he could be so underhand and sneaky. Sure, she'd cheated on him, but he'd brought that on himself. She'd lost a lot of respect for him. Sometimes, he seemed kind of pathetic. He knew what was going on, and yet, he didn't have the balls to even confront her about it.

Trish came back from the kitchen holding a glass. She offered it to Ron and said,

"Here, try this cocktail, Ronald. Tell me what you think about it."

He took it and downed a couple of gulps. He nodded and replied,

"That's pretty good. Is that passion fruit in there?"

Trish smiled and nodded. There was also some LSD in there, she thought to herself. A little paranoia would intensify his cuckolding.

25 minutes later, Ron was feeling a little strange. He felt like everyone was talking about him. Liz raised her little finger and glanced at him as they all laughed. Ron cringed in embarrassment. They were laughing about his small dick. He couldn't think straight. They'd been smoking weed at the table, and in the house, earlier. He imagined the fumes had affected him. Though, he had no experience of illegal drugs.

Mark was looking forward to dominating Ron. It was right up his street. He didn't believe in the equality of men. He believed he was superior to other men. Especially mediocre men like Ron. Mark believed there were Alpha males, of which he was one. How did Ron woo Stef? It was a tragedy. She was a babe. Every guy at the office lusted after her, and he was definitely one of them. She had a sexual allure that was almost tangible. Ron had blown it, big time.

It was nearly 6pm, and the girls were getting tipsy and stoned. It was over 80°Fahrenheit, and Ryan and Mark both took off their t shirts. The girls started whooping and hollering at their smooth, muscular bodies. Stef began running her hand over Ryan's body as she purred,

"Mmmm, that's what I'm talking about. A couple of real men at last."

Trish started feeling up Mark's torso, as Liz rubbed Ryan's sixpack. Stef was a little irked. She didn't like other women touching Ryan.

Liz knew that Stef was possessive about Ryan, but Trish had said that slut sisters should be willing to share, at least once. Liz feasted her eyes on Ryan's upper body. She'd always thought he was a sexy hunk, but he'd only had eyes for Stef. Liz wanted to fuck him. He had 9 inches of cock and she wanted to try it. She'd seen a pic of it on Stef's cell phone, and she knew it was no exaggeration. She needed to convince Stef that slut sisters share.

Mark leaned back in his chair and yelled,

"Hey, Ronald, come here."

Ron suddenly felt apprehensive and anxious as he walked over to him. Mark's body was certainly impressive. His muscles were ripped, even bigger than Ryan's. And it seemed he didn't like Ron. As Ron stopped at the table, he watched Trish massaging Mark's chest and shoulders. His wife and Liz were doing the same to Ryan.

Mark shocked him when he bluntly asked,

"So, what does sperm taste like, cuck?"

"W-What do you mean?" Stuttered Ron, his brain reeling.

"I mean, the spunk you've been eating from Stef's pussy," He replied. Ron's face turned a deep crimson as everyone looked at him. Ron didn't know where to look as his face burned with humiliation. Mark was staring at him with contempt.

Ron eventually managed to blurt,

"I-I don't know...Jesus Christ...W-What's happening?"

He stumbled away, his mind in turmoil. What did Ryan's cum taste like? He had to admit, it wasn't unpleasant. In fact, it tasted rather good. Stef must really love the stuff if she licked one of his loads off a tiled bathroom wall. She later said the story was just a fantasy, but he wasn't sure. What about Mark's cum? He shook his head, hard.

Stef looked across at the man who was humiliating her husband, and relishing it. When she'd first met Mark, she didn't like him one bit. He was arrogant and had a superiority complex. He was often rude, blunt, and even a little sexist. Ryan was confident too, but he had manners. Since then, Mark's big headed personality had slowly grown on her, somewhat. He had groped her ass on a few occasions at the office. Even though he was a jerk, she found his arrogance quite manly.

Mark was certainly a 'real man'. Her eyes locked onto his upper body. He was about the same size as Ryan, but his muscles were a little bigger. Stef had heard he was deadly serious about his workouts and diet. He also did martial arts training, which only added to his reputation. About a month ago, in a bar after work, Stef had watched Mark beat the crap out of some tough guy who got jealous when his girlfriend paid Mark a little too much attention.

Stef usually hated violence. But, as punches thudded into the tough guy, she found herself becoming aroused by Mark's powerful display of physical dominance. It was an intense and primal feeling that made her pussy throb. Later, she imagined they were fighting over her. Sure, Mark was an unscrupulous player, but he was also a good looking stud with an awesome body. And he was definitely all man. At least, Stef could include him in some of her fantasies.

Ron sat on the step outside the garden doorway. He was trying to stay out of their way, or specifically, Mark's way. Mark continued to rip into him, shredding his manhood. He came out with a new nickname for Ron, calling him Ham, which stood for half a man, and was also the chimpanzee that Nasa sent to space. Even though Ron was a harmless wimp, Mark was still enjoying dismantling his pride. It allowed him to flex his dominance and show off.

As it approached 8pm, the group moved back into the house. Ron stayed by the doorway, trying to avoid Mark's destructive attention. The atmosphere was becoming more sexually charged as Stef put on some soft music and started dancing. She was buzzing on the booze and weed as she rolled her hips with her hands above her head. Ryan, Mark and Ron all stared at her with lust in their eyes. Her tiny skirt kept flying up as she flashed her black thong.

Trish was eager to get the party started as she said,

"Hey, Mark, Stef's been asking about your package. She knows you're a real man, but she wants to know if you're every inch the superior man you claim to be."

Ryan chuckled as Stef gave him a guilty look. He smiled as he said,

"Relax, baby, you're my girl now, and you'll be my girl tomorrow, no matter how we party today."

Stef looked at Ryan in surprise, before glancing at Mark's crotch. Was Ryan giving her a green light to be a slut? She wanted an exclusive relationship with him. But, this was just one night. She'd once told Ryan that she had a fantasy involving 2 versions of him in a threesome. Mark was the next best thing, and he and Ryan were good friends. Trish hadn't lied, though. Stef was eager to find out if Mark's superiority extended to his genitals.

Mark leaned back on the sofa and said,

"I'm not shy, Stef. If any of you girls want to see the yourselves. You won't be disappointed. My manmeat isn't anorexic like cuckham's. It works out and packs plenty of muscle."

Ron shrank every time Mark looked in his direction or made a derogatory remark. He was starting to feel like he was the unwanted guest in Mark's house.

Trish, who was sitting on Mark's right, turned towards him and said,

"Ok, stud, let's see if you're all talk."

Stef was holding her breath as Trish deftly unzipped Mark's pants and fished around inside. Everyone was watching as her hand pulled out a rapidly hardening cock. Ron couldn't stifle a gasp. It was by far the biggest cock he'd ever seen. Trish's fingers couldn't encircle the thick shaft as she slowly stroked his length.

Liz reached across from the other side and took over from Trish. Her fingers gently rubbed and squeezed the huge cock. Neither Ron or Stef could take their eyes off the erotic spectacle. Liz's red nails and gold rings added to the eroticism of the sight. Trish got up and said,

"Take a seat, Stef. Get a closer look at Mark's big, fat schlong. We need a unanimous verdict from the slut sisters."

Again, Stef looked at Ryan for approval. He gave her an encouraging wink and nodded. He wanted Stef to experience something really wild. The booze had practically made her inhibitions non existent. Mark was staring at her with a smug expression. Stef rolled her eyes in mock annoyance. Mark was an arrogant jerk. He probably thought he was irresistible. He'd probably cheated on all his past girlfriends and then bragged about it.

He was a man she once would have avoided like the plague. And now, all those factors seemed to add to his appeal. He was dangerous, gorgeous, and he was well hung. Not quite as big as Ryan, but Mark's cock was new, with unknown capabilities. Stef sat down beside him and watched Liz stroking him off. She tentatively reached out and wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft. Even with both their hands on his cock, there was still plenty of room.

Mark's cock throbbed as it got even harder and he growled,

"Fuck yeah, you dirty sluts!"

That remark had Stef's pussy dripping heavily. She and Liz fought for cock as their hands pumped and twisted his heavy shaft. Mark suddenly pulled on the tie of Stef's shirt and her big tits burst free, jutting out and wobbling. His eyes were on stalks as he ogled the best pair of breasts he'd seen in a while, maybe ever.

Ron's head was all over the place. He stood up for a better view, aware that events were being taken to a whole new level. He couldn't get over the paranoid fear he felt. He watched Mark playing with his wife's tits as she and Liz both jerked him off. Their other hands roamed over his torso. Mark looked up at Ron with an evil smile that said, "I'm going to fuck your wife and there's nothing you can do about it." Ron gulped in fear. His shirt was soaked in sweat, but his dick was hard.

Trish tapped Liz on the shoulder and said,

"It's tag time, girl. Why don't you watch with Ryan? I'll show Mark how dirty a slut can be."

Liz got up and giggled as she high fived Trish to tag out.

"Looks like Stef really likes your beef schlong, Mark," Said Trish.

"The fucking slut loves it. She's a slut for big cock," He replied as he hefted her big tits and began sucking them.

Stef moaned out loud as her body jolted upright. The combination of Mark's mouth on her tits and his blunt vulgarity had sent her arousal soaring. No man had ever called her a fucking slut. For some reason, it turned her on. It was a turn on being spoken to like a common street whore. And it wasn't just Mark's crude language. It was because he was such a jerk, but he still thought he was better than everyone else.
