The Ballad of Decker Crane Ch. 11


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Cabot's eyes were darting. "What's wrong with her?"

"She got caught in the storm," Bai said, his tone saying questions weren't welcome.

Decker continued the introductions. "This is Dawine. She's Bai's. That's Bai. This is Cabot. He'll stay, if we don't kill him."

Bryn crashed into Decker, looking up.

"Don't take my spot," Decker said as Bryn bolted again.

"She's your daughter?" Cabot said, looking at Persya.

"Persya's sister," Decker answered.

Cabot's eyes went to Chione as they all sat. "I don't think anyone knows there's a bunch of beautiful women on Briken Ranch."

"You're right," Bai said, his eyes unfriendly.

Cabot's eyes shifted to Decker. "I take it I better fit in here or I'm going to be sleeping somewhere shallow and unmarked."

"Nope. You'll meet brikens up close to satisfy your curiosity," Decker said, sitting down. "If it's just a matter of not fitting in here, then I'll put a bullet in you first. But if you try anything, I'll let them eat you alive."

Bryn hopped onto Decker's lap and leaned against him. He put his arm around her to steady her.

"How'd you run into Chione?" Bai said to Cabot.

Cabot made a face, gesturing at Chione. "I was doing some business and I hear a horse, so I pulled my gun and all of the sudden the most beautiful woman I could ever imagine comes riding from between two boulders and draws a gun and starts humming a song. I was reluctant to shoot her, you understand, given my natural disinclination to shoot a woman and, as I mentioned before, her beauty. I figured she had a reason to capture me. I think I gave her my gun because I must have been kind of hoping it was true."

Chione's brows went up and she almost smiled, looking down.

"What skills do you have besides thieving?" Kay said to Cabot.

Cabot's face tightened and he glanced at Chione. "That wasn't the only thing I've ever done. I can ride." His eyes held a warning in them. "I can shoot and I'm good in a fight. I know large animals. I can learn."

Kay leaned back. "I take it you're hot?"

Releasing his breath, Cabot broke his gaze, looking down at his synth rations. "I have been known to be. I am trying to change and consider my actions beforehand."

Kay nodded. His eyes weren't hostile. Decker couldn't tell if Adya had mellowed him or if he just liked Cabot.

"Thank you for the meal," Cabot said, his bowl empty.

Decker eyed him. Cabot was a canny fucker. Not antagonizing any of them. Watchful. Decker didn't know yet how he felt about him. Cabot would want his gun back soon. Fuck that.

Kay rose. "You'll sleep in the barn with me and Adya. If you try to leave in the night, I'll kill you."

"I guess you're not going to give me my gun back yet," Cabot said.



The next night, they all sat at the table or around it, waiting. Grace was taking off Dawine's bandages. She hadn't even wanted Bai in the room, but he'd refused to leave.

After a time, Bai came out. His face didn't tell them anything, expressionless. That wasn't good.

"Well?" Chione said.

Bai's hand raking through his hair. "Grace said her eyes might still heal."

It wasn't the news they'd hoped for. Dawine would let Bai help her, but she hadn't said anything to him since that night.


Decker woke, his eyes slitting open. It was early, the sun just up. Persya was perched on him, her hand on his chest, her soft weight and her hair down, falling on his bare chest.

"Hey, beautiful," he mumbled, closing his eyes.

He opened them again. She was still there. He gathered her up and put her in front of him, her back to his front. She was quiet. It was just the sweetest way her butt landed perfectly on the curve of his legs and hips. He did enjoy that. His hand was on her breast.

His eyes opened again. He knew what was on her mind because she was upset about it and now he had to think about it, too. "Is she pissed at him?" he rumbled. "Can you tell what's going on in her head that she won't talk to him?"

"Tell me this. If I said something awful to you, and after, you were blinded, and then I came while you were lying in bed and said I was sorry, what would you think?"

"I'd be pissed," he said.

She made an impatient sound. "But what if you were in love with me, Decker?"

"I am in love with you. I'd still be pissed."

She went still, turning her head, staring at him. "What?"

"So she's not pissed?" he said.


His hand moved to her pretty bottom, round and plump under his palm. "Don't make me spank you. Is she pissed or not?"

She was smiling, her cheeks flushed. Her glance at him was shy, those pretty dark eyes. She faced forward. "No. She thinks he only wants to be with her because he feels guilty for what he did. She thinks he doesn't like her anymore and won't say so for pity."

"Like Bai would be like that," he said, rolling over onto his back. "She's wrong. He's as crazy about her as he ever was, since he first laid his eyes on her."

She turned over, following, her hand on his chest, putting her chin on her hand. "I think so too, but she's hurt and she won't listen to me. She's not blind. I feel the same about you."

Decker's eyes went to hers. "What do you mean?"

"She's faking being blind. She doesn't want him to know she can see."

He rolled her over, trapping her under him. "I'm not talking about that, Persya."

Her eyes were all innocent, like she hadn't just declared her feelings for him. His narrowed.

"No, Decker," she got out and then she was over his knee.

His hand came down on her bare butt, hard swats while she screeched and squirmed and wiggled and struggled, her sweet bottom getting red. When he was satisfied, he pulled her legs open and rubbed. He'd been planning to fuck her in the morning, at a decent hour, but she'd rushed him.

When she'd cried out and come shivering all over his fingers, he put her on his knees in front of him and found her mouth, thrusting in. Both hands went to her hair, his hips moving, perfect pleasure. It only got better with her. He came, grunting and crying out, his heart thudding.

Decker pulled her up and on top of him, his hand going to her ass. He was panting. She was a sexy mess, her hair everywhere and her cheeks flushed.

"What do you mean, she's faking?" he said, still breathing hard.

She lay her head on his chest. Decker relaxed, his arm coming around her and his other hand stroking her silky hair, petting her. She liked that. He waited.

"She's a part of my house, Decker," she finally said. "My family. I've known Dawine since we were children, but I'm afraid she's going to--" She stopped. "I'm trying to do what's right here."

Decker considered that. She'd woken him on purpose. The women were tight. They were unlikely to betray each other, and Persya least of all. If she wanted to tell him something about Dawine, it was because something was going on that she judged he should know.

"She'll run?" he said.

"To the briken enclosure," she said under her breath. "He can't follow her there. She'll try to get to the Red Door and sing her way onto a transport. I told her not to, Decker. She won't listen."

"Where does she think she's going to go?"

"Balaris," Persya sighed. "She used to talk about going there. She didn't want to be an orphan alone, and now she thinks Bai doesn't love her. There's a cloister."

"You mean the Nassina? They only take virginals."

"She's not thinking clearly. She thinks they might make an exception, and that they have a guard and she'd be safe."

"Not from Bai, she won't be," Decker rumbled.

"She thinks if she can get off-planet that he won't follow her."

"Because he only pities her," Decker confirmed.



She hesitated. "She's already gone, Decker. She left last night."

"Son of a bitch," he said, rolling out of bed and pulling on his pants.

Persya sat up. "Decker--"

"Don't worry, baby," he said. "You did right. I'll take care of it." He left.


Persya lay awake. She'd wrestled with herself all night long, imagining Dawine in the darkness, afraid and upset. Dawine had sheltered with Bai, falling for him hard, and he'd pushed her away.

"He loves you," Persya had said.

Dawine had been crying, shaking her head. "I saw his face. How would I ever know?"

In the morning, Kay stayed at the house because Bai and Decker were gone. Everyone spent their time mostly in their rooms and out of Cabot's way, making Kay's job easier.

That night, Persya went to bed alone. They weren't back yet and she was up late imagining terrible things. Dawine hurt. Decker eaten by Bane or arrested or shot.

When she woke, it was daytime and she heard Dawine's voice. She opened her eyes, hearing Bai's voice responding, and then Decker's raised voice from the main room, relief going through her.

"You want to do what?" Decker was thundering. "Have you lost your mind?"

"Don't go anywhere, Dawine," Bai said. "I'm going to marry her, is what."

"You're a selfish man, Bai," Decker said, sounding disgusted. "Don't you ever think about how your actions will affect others? Now Persya's going to want to get married."

Persya sat straight up and bounced out of bed, putting on his old shirt and holding it closed and walking to the door, wrenching it open. Her eyes found him. "You don't have to worry," she threw at him. "I don't want to marry you ever."

Decker turned, his nose flaring, and then he saw her and slowly smiled, taking her in. Her hair was messy and everywhere, holding the big shirt closed, her legs bare. "I didn't ask you to, did I?"

She heard herself make a strangled noise and backed up, slamming the door. The big ass.

But he came through it right away, closing the door behind himself and walking to grab her arm, pulling her close.

She struggled. "Let me go."

"Not a chance," he said.

She was breathing fast. "Then get out of my way."

"Don't tell me what to do. It's endless. That's what it is now? I have to marry you?"

She could feel how red her face was. "I wouldn't agree to marry you if you were the last man on Sur."

He released her and put his face in hers, his finger coming out, jabbing. "If you don't, I'll tie you to the bed and gag you so you can't sing to me and fuck you all the time and you won't leave this room." He walked to the desk and wrenched a drawer open, tossing a small box on the bed. Opening the door, he went through it, pulling it shut hard behind himself.

She stared at the door, breathing fast, and then at the box. Walking, she grabbed it, opening it and staring blankly down at the two rings. "Oh."

Some time later, she came out, her hair in a braid and decently dressed. Decker turned and looked at her, his eyes flickering to her hand where the engagement ring was. She didn't look at him when he rose and approached her.

He tilted her chin with his fingers. "Hey, baby."

She tried not to and then smiled at him. "Hello, Decker."

Laughing softly, he leaned down, kissing her.


Decker sat at the table. Persya was still shy with him since he'd told her to marry him and she'd agreed. It was the first time Dawine had cooked since the storm, wonderful smells coming from the kitchen and her voice singing. He had to admit he'd missed that. Everyone was there, the main room loud, people sitting wherever they could.

Cabot had maneuvered, as usual, to get close to Chione. He was plowing through real food, his eyes darting and his cheeks full. Decker's eyes fell on him.

Now that everything had settled down again and Decker wasn't distracted, he had to address that situation and make a decision. He was still torn. Cabot worked hard. He'd been a help and he was quiet and smart. But he wasn't easy to get to know, and there was something about him that made Decker irritable. Kay didn't seem to mind Cabot, and Kay had a good sense for these things. Bai was all wrapped up in Dawine and not inclined to like anyone right now.

But Cabot and Decker hadn't ever found their feet with one another. The guy was prickly. It was time to figure things out, one way or the other, and he was already inclined toward the other, if he was honest.

When supper was done, Cabot rose and went out the door and down the steps. Decker rose and followed. When they reached the bottom, Cabot turned around, sensing his presence.

"I want to speak with you," Decker said.

Cabot came right back to him, his teeth showing briefly. "About what?"

And there it was. "Don't fucking look at me like that," Decker said flatly, feeling himself getting mad.

Cabot narrowed his eyes, breathing faster. "Like what?" he sneered.

Decker got a lot closer, breathing on him. "Like I said, we have things to discuss."

"Fuck you."

Decker went cold, stepping back, feeling it in himself. He hadn't felt like this for a while, crawling across his back. He didn't like this guy. In that moment, he decided, just as fast as he always had. "You'll come with me to the briken enclosure." It wouldn't be the first time he'd fed some space turd to Bane.

Kay stood up from where he'd been sitting on the porch, signaling Adya to stay where she was and coming down the stairs. He stopped and spoke to Cabot. "I thought you weren't going to be so hot."

"I just can't help myself sometimes," Cabot said, his eyes holding Decker's, glaring into them.

"Why don't you get his gun and give it back to him, Kay?" Decker said, his voice quiet, staring right back. "A man shouldn't be without his gun."

"Decker," Kay said.

Decker turned and looked at him and Kay sighed. He turned and went inside and then returned with Cabot's gun and belt, handing it to him. "Nice knowing both of you."

Chione came out. "What's going on?" she said, her eyes shifting between himself and Cabot.

"Nothing," Decker said, focused. Fully pissed now. "Cabot and I are going to work something out between ourselves somewhere else."

Cabot was putting his belt on, still staring back at him.

"Decker?" Chione said.

Kay walked to her. "Go on inside, sweetheart."

"What's going on? What'd Cabot do?"

"Pissed off Decker Crane, that's what. Go on, now."

"You're Deadman Crane?" Cabot said, his eyes getting hotter. "I should have known, the three of you."

"But you didn't work it out, did you, Cabot?" Decker said right back. What a stupid name, anyway.

Persya joined Chione on the porch. "What's happening?"

"Decker," someone called from far by the trees, a lone voice. "Look out."

Decker ducked and pulled his pistol, seeing all the men doing the same. "Tag?"

Tag's warning probably saved his life, but what happened next wasn't anything he would have wanted. There was a single shot and behind him, Persya spun, everything slowing down, and that was when all hell broke loose around them.

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tothegravetothegraveabout 2 months ago

I definitely have complicated feelings about Decker and Persya, but I loved the rhythm of the conversation of how they admitted their feelings for each other. Funny, sweet, and true to character.

semiosis50semiosis50about 2 months agoAuthor

Hey Anonymous. I am not a grammarian, yikes, although I know them and turn corners to avoid running into them. My field is theoretical and I should point out I misspelled "peaceable" twice in decker and glitched a find/paste on that final chapter and once had a book published that used the word "straight" for "strait" even though I do know the difference and I just didn't notice until the copy went to print at my publisher, who didn't catch it either. It was a long sleepless night after that one. Thanks for being such a good sport, and it's all in fun. I'm happy you liked them, and email me anytime.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I bow to the grammarian.😊 I only mentioned being a teacher as a weak excuse for sending a correction. I'm also an old lady, they didn't cover the finer points of sexual vocabulary. (lol) I do enjoy your stories. This is the third one I read. The lot is so strong that I have lots of "can't put it down" moments.

semiosis50semiosis50about 2 months agoAuthor

Hey. Harp here. The final installment of The Ballad of Decker Crane is schedule for release tonight, if all goes as planned. Thanks for the comments. I've enjoyed being back on the site.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I love this all of your stories....when does next part cum (haha) out?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I believe that is the best comment I've ever read here, dear author. This series has really grasped my attention. Decker reminds me of the gritty no-nonsense breed of men from back home in the deep south.

semiosis50semiosis50about 2 months agoAuthor

Hey everyone. Thanks for reading. So, I just had a very nice anonymous reader email to say they liked the story. They also said that I had incorrectly confused the words "come" and "cum," and that only the second referred to the sexual act. This person said they are a teacher. Hello. I am a linguist. Having traditionally published in erotica, where there is a necessary consistency in regard to this debate, I must respectfully disagree. "Come" is the verb, and it means, among other things, "to climax." "Cum" is the noun, and is the sticky result of the first. Of course, people have little reddit wars about it, but as one grammarian put it, the "official rules are that despite varieties in common usage, 'come' is the spelling you use when you’re making it a verb and 'cum' is the noun, the actual ejaculate." Or, as another put it, "'Cum is post-conjugal." In other words, "cum," being a vulgarism, is not supposed to be conjugated as a verb. I admit I laughed with that one. I suppose you could argue differently by right of common usage, which can deploy either term interchangeably and in either position, or point out that that etymologically "come" has also been used to represent the noun for ejaculate since 1920, or out of sheer perversity, but not to me. I'm going with the official version. Anyway, that was fun, and this is why linguists never go anywhere. Cheers! PS. In case any of you are working by older rules, the usage of "they" is now officially acceptable by the grammarian gods, those anal yoaches, as acceptable in place of the s/he or "one" subject formation. I admit it is a relief.

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