The Best Friends (F/F)

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Kayla ruthlessly humiliates Michelle exploiting her weakness.
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Michelle had never told anyone about her hidden desires, submissive desires. It was difficult to admit them even to herself as she doesn't consider herself submissive at all. Quite the opposite, she was always confident, even bitchy. Just like her best friend Kayla with whom Michelle has a great time at the resort.

Michelle also never had problems with keeping her submissive urges under control. But one seemingly minor incident allowed them to leak out, especially to the person Michelle would least like it to happen - her best friend Kayla!

Kayla's surprise at her friend's behavior did not last long. She quickly got interested and started coming up with ways to exploit Michelle for her own benefits...

Chapter 1

Kayla lifted her hand into the air, snapping her fingers. One of the resort's waitresses scurrying over to us.

"Another round, ladies?" she asked, taking our cocktail glasses and heading off to refill them.

Kayla and I were tanning ourselves by the hotel pool, enjoying our yearly girl's getaway that had become a tradition. Our annual holiday had begun seven years ago, after I had saved my BFF from a disaster.

We'd been friends since college, Queens of the campus, the other girls completely intimidated by us, every boy wanting to be with us. But when we'd graduated, Kayla found herself working at a firm for a horrible old woman, while I worked for a man who practically kissed my feet the second I walked into his office for an interview. I rose to the top of the company in no time, while Kayla was forced to pay her dues, working in the dusty old mailroom for the wicked old witch. I hated seeing my best friend so frustrated at not being able to progress her career. She was incredibly talented and deserved better. So I ended up using my trust fund to buy the woman's business, handing control over to Kayla. It'd taken nearly a third of the whole fund, but I didn't hesitate much, as, unlike me, my best friend so desperately needed this money at the time.

She'd been eternally grateful for my gesture, organising the holiday that would become our annual tradition.  

"I can't believe you'd spend all that money to kick-start my career!" she'd said at the time as we hugged.

"Of course. You're my best friend! I hated seeing you working in that bitch's mail room!"

Kayla's career had really taken off since that day - in fact - Kayla had become maybe even more successful and wealthy than me! Surprisingly, she'd never bothered to mention when she's going to pay my money back and I'd started thinking she's not going to do that at all... But this fact didn't seem important enough to raise and potentially spoil our perfect friendship. I wasn't sure, I kept persuading me "maybe she just needs a bit more time".

"Like seven years isn't enough," was my rational part's response. It also told me that my silent agreeing with her basically embezzling my money is for another reason... My hidden submissiveness.

It'd been with me for a long time and I didn't even remember when it appeared. I wasn't sure of what nature it was, but I WAS sure I don't ever want someone to find out about it! Quite the opposite, since school I liked being popular and bitchy, so I'd been doing my best to hide it as deep inside as possible. But you can't just suppress what's a part of yourself, it needs to be relieved from time to time. Anonymous blogging where I shared my fantasies became my way for such relief.

Anyway, this little secret didn't bother me much and when it did, I knew how to deal with it. I had too incredible life to put it under the risk and now I was going to enjoy it to the fullest with my best friend. And here we were - as always, the two wealthiest, most beautiful women at the resort, smirking at the envious women and lusty boys who drooled over us while we tanned.  

"Ugh, what's taking her so long?" Kayla bitched, getting annoyed that her cocktail hadn't been brought to her at top speed. I rolled over onto my side, looking at Kayla. She was truly stunning. Her dark hair gathered around her beautiful face, dark eyes hidden by her Dior sunglasses. Her white bikini covered her D cup breasts, perfectly flat stomach a flawless bronze tone. She was laying on her back, one long, never ending leg stretching out flat against the sun lounger, the other bent at the knee.  

I wasn't the jealous type - frankly, I had nothing to be jealous of. I was the best looking woman in most rooms I entered, and I knew I had the world at my feet. But looking at Kayla on that sun lounger, I couldn't help but admire her. I'd never really noticed it before, always seeing Kayla as my equal. But now that I thought about it, Kayla had the slightly bigger breasts, the slightly more toned stomach, the slightly longer legs, the slightly better tan, the slightly fatter bank account (with my money in it). I could feel a bit of a knot forming in my stomach as I tried to push my sudden little feeling of envy aside. But rather than crushing the feeling, I could feel it growing.  

My mind was starting to play tricks on me as that little moment of jealousy began to morph into a feeling I always kept buried deep inside, only allowing it to surface in the privacy of my office or bedroom as I worked on my blog. Submissiveness.

Nobody ever got to see the hidden desires I worked hard to keep hidden. But here they were, threatening to burst out as my eyes refused to tear themselves from the incredible body of my best friend. That was strange, I've never felt this way towards Kayla. Obviously she's a gorgeous woman, but we'd been friends for so long that it was the only role I saw her in.

But still, her exposed beauty, her relaxed pose and finally her slight bitchiness towards the waitress made me wondering...

I began to imagine her strolling through the shops, me walking 2 steps behind her. I saw my credit card in her fingers, my arms full of her bags. My imagination shifted - the ultra successful Kayla buying my company, my BFF becoming my new boss.

I squirmed on my sun lounger as my mind disobeyed my command to stop being silly, instead my eyes drifted to her feet, my mind forming a picture of me kneeling before them, running my fingers over her perfectly shaped toes, nose pressing into her high-arched soles...

"Seriously, what's taking this bitch so long?" Kayla poured, snapping me out of my daydream.

"I'll uh... I'll go see..." I said.

I scowled at myself. My voice had come out as a weak little squeak, and I was rising from the sun lounger, going to see about our drinks.

"What the HELL, Michelle?!" I grunted at myself, shaking my head as I approached the bar area. "Get it together. She's your best friend, not one of the bitches from your stupid fantasies," I thought to myself angrily.

I took a deep breath, composing myself - or at least trying to. As I waited at the bar, a shirtless guy approached. He was all kinds of hot! chiselled stomach, powerful smooth chest and arms to die for.

"Hi, I'm Trevor," he said, extending his hand with a warm smile.

Of course, I'd politely decline Trevor's approach - but being hit on by the hottest guy at the resort restored my usual confidence and pushed my hidden desires back down to where they belonged. I was a goddess - every bit as amazing as Kayla!

"Hi Trevor. It's nice to meet you. But I have to tell you up front - I'm not interested. I'm married."

Trevor smiled.  

"Oh, this is awkward," he said with a chuckle. "I was actually coming over to ask about your friend over there. Normally I have no problem approaching women... But to be honest, I'm nervous! She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I was hoping you wouldn't mind giving her my number..."

He handed me his business card.

"Oh. Ummm. Sure," I said. And with that, my hidden desires came roaring back to the surface.

"I'm so sorry, ma'am," the waitress said, "Here are your drinks. I'll bring them over for you!"

"It's ok," I said softly, "I'll take them." 

I made my way back over to Kayla, placing my drink down on the little table, holding hers in my hand as I gave her Trevor's business card.

"From the guy at the bar," I said. Kayla sat up a little, lifting her glasses, looking over at Trevor, who gave her a wave.

"He's cute," she smiled, laying back down, grinning from ear to ear.

I just stood there awkwardly with her drink, feeling really weird about the fact I'd just gotten a guy's number for my BFF.

"Are you going to give me my drink?" she said, snapping me out of it.

"Oh, uh... yeah... sorry, Kayla," My stunning best friend raised an eyebrow.

"You ok Michelle?"

I offered a little nod, handing her the drink and laying back on my sun lounger.

We laid there in silence, but the noise in my head was deafening. My hidden desires were swirling, bubbling away, and, try as I might, I just couldn't push them away.

"Guess we should probably head back to the room and get ready for dinner," I heard Kayla say. I saw her stretching down, reaching for her white Nike trainers.

I grabbed my drink and downed it, and then did the inevitable.

"Here... let me."

Kayla looked absolutely bemused as I slid off my sun lounger, taking one of her pure white sneakers in my hand. She went to stop me and tell me I was being silly... but I guess curiosity got the best of her as she just stared down at me, a cute puzzled look on her stunning face.

I slid my manicured hand under her ankle, lifting it. I got butterflies in my stomach as my fingers felt the silky soft skin, my other hand working her shoe onto her foot.

I mimicked the action with the other foot, looking up at her, my blue eyes glistening, getting watery as I acknowledged defeat to my own hidden desires. They'd gotten the best of me, and I was doing something I'd dreamt of but never dared to do - kneeling at another woman's feet. And that woman was NEVER meant to be my BFF.

But I couldn't stop, softly asking, "Would you like me to tie them for you?"

Kayla let out a huge giggle, chuckling, "I don't know what's gotten into you, girl, but sure, you can tie my laces."

I fumbled, my hands shaking as I tied her shoelaces, and Kayla simply watched on, totally curious, flabbergasted at her best friend's behaviour.

"Where can I get one of those?" came a voice.

I turned. We had an audience - a good 8 or 9 men and women watching this gorgeous woman kneeling in her bikini, tying another bikini-clad woman's shoes.

The voice came from a bitchy looking redhead who was no older than 20. Kayla smiled and gave a shrug.  

"She's just being nice," she said.

But I could tell Kayla knew I wasn't just being nice. Something had come over me, and she wanted to find out what it was.

She slowly stood, about to bend to pick up her bag, but she stopped herself, looking at me, a pretty smirk forming.

"Want to carry my bag, too?"

I couldn't stop myself from nodding, and soon, Kayla was striding towards our room, her best friend two steps behind her, head bowed with shame, carrying her bag.

As we entered our hotel room, Kayla beginning to rummage through her clothes to pick an outfit for the evening. I placed her bag down and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Get it under control, Michelle," I silently ordered myself, "RIGHT now!"

Chapter 2

Kayla had disappeared into the bathroom to get ready for dinner at the resort restaurant that night, which allowed me time to collapse on my bed, composing myself, trying to get over my pathetic performance by the hotel pool. My hidden desires had appeared when I least expected - and with who I least expected. I was scared. I'd tied my best friend's shoes and carried her bag in front of onlookers. This is exactly why I kept my hidden desires buried deep inside me... I knew allowing them to surface would lead to disaster. But I wasn't allowing them to surface. Kayla had accidentally drawn them out, and I hoped that she just thought it was a silly game by the pool and wouldn't mention it again.

I got up off the bed, pulling out the only dinner-worthy dress I'd brought with me for our getaway. A navy blue number that showed off my more than ample cleavage, cut to display my best asset - my legs. I hung the dress, waiting in my bikini for my turn in the bathroom, taking a deep breath.

"She's just your best friend, Michelle. That's it." I whispered to myself.

The bathroom door opened, and there was Kayla, wearing a cute black lingerie set and holding her orange dress in her hand, looking annoyed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I only brought one dress, and it's ripped!" she pouted, pointing to a big rip down the side of the dress.

"Oh no!" I said, "Can we fix it?"

She shook her head, dumping the dress on the ground and sitting on the edge of her bed. Then, suddenly, she got a little smirk on her face.

"You could let me... Borrow your dress," she said, eying my dress off. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"I uh... I only brought one as well," I said meekly.

Kayla made a show of stretching her long leg out, ever so slowly flexing her foot, her eyes sparkling as she watched my gaze fall from her face, down her lovely leg, settling on her foot. She wiggled her toes.

"What do you say, Michelle? Will you lend me your dress?"

I could sense her anticipation. She was thinking about my weird behaviour at the pool - and she was testing me. She knew it was important to me to always look great when we went out. If I'd surrender my dress to her, who knows what else I might be willing to do?

She wiggled her foot, lowering her voice to a whisper.

"Bring me your dress, Michelle".

And like some hypnotised idiot, I rose from my bed, walking slowly toward the hanging dress, fetching it, bringing it to her. With the cutest little smile, she nodded at her feet. I'd be helping her into my dress.

It was all too much, bending down, working my dress up her legs, my face too close to her flawless body, hands grazing her legs... her waist... as I dressed her.

"My orange heels are right over there. Fetch them, please." She pointed her finger towards the shoes and stretched one foot a little.

And so there I was, for the second time in an hour, kneeling before my BFF, a pair of shoes in hand. My hand shook, body trembling as I helped her pretty foot into the first heel. And as I slid the second one onto her foot, I noticed Kayla looking down at me with sheer delight.

After a couple of moments, she put both feet on the ground, legs parted, me there on my knees, staring right between her thighs. She slowly crossed her legs, cutting off my view of her black panties.

"You look all hot and bothered, Michelle," she giggled. "Why don't you go take a shower and I'll pick you something to wear for tonight." And before I could react, she slightly pushed my forehead with the toe of her shoe and stood up.

I nodded, quickly getting up and scurrying off to the bathroom. I stood there under the water, breathing heavily. Kayla was onto me - there was no doubt about that. I needed to come up with an excuse that explained my behaviour... but none came to me. How do you explain suddenly submitting to your best friend??

When I emerged from the bathroom in my purple bra and panties, Kayla had my outfit ready.

"Are you serious?" I asked. She shrugged.  

"It's the best I could find since you don't have a dress and you can't wear beachwear to dinner. Besides, you know you look great in anything. It'll be fine."

And so there I was, standing in front of the mirror in my loose fitted jeans I'd worn for the 3 hour drive to our getaway location and a simple white t-shirt - certainly not my usual look for a dinner!!

I scowled, looking at myself in the mirror, annoyed at my attire, as Kayla moved behind me.

"Now, let's sort your hair."

She ran her fingers through my hair, then gathered it, pulling it right back into a ponytail, flicking a hair tie off her wrist and tying my hair back. My hair was one of my best features, so I most assuredly never wore it in a ponytail.

"That's not how I do my hair," I snapped.

But Kayla leaned in and whispered in my ear, "You'll wear it like this... For me."

I grunted... But didn't deny Kayla's request.

"I just need to do my makeup," I said.

"Oh Michelle, we don't have time for that. Here, put your shoes on - we're running late!"

She tossed a pair of simple black flats at me.

"I can't go out like this," I complained.

"Well - I'm not going to dinner alone," Kayla smiled. "Besides, this getaway is about us spending time together. Don't you want to spend time with me, Michelle?"

She towered over me in heels, me in my flats, and that navy dress of mine made her look like an absolute goddess. I let her wrap her hand around mine and lead me out of the hotel room.

Kayla and I had always shared the spotlight, but from the second we walked into the restaurant, it was obvious she was loving being the unquestioned Queen Bee of the room. I was used to drawing eyes from drooling men and envious women, but in my basic outfit, with my tied back hair, no makeup and flat shoes, I was practically invisible to the staff and other guests. All eyes were firmly on the stunning woman next to me in the expensive dress.

We sat in silence at the table, Kayla staring into my eyes. She didn't understand what had gotten into her usually dominant BFF, but she was thoroughly enjoying the shift in our relationship.

"Are you ready to order, ma'am?" the waitress asked. Kayla placed her order.

"And for your guest?" the waitress asked her.

Oh my! Was I not good enough to even be addressed by the waitress?! Kayla took delight in ordering for me.

"So... you want to tell me what's up, Michelle?"

I shook my head. No. She tossed her hair back, smiling.  

"Well - I'm your best friend. If you want to talk, I'm here."

But I could tell Kayla didn't really want to know why my behaviour had suddenly changed. In fact, she didn't care. She loved her best friend, but having the spotlight all to herself instead of sharing it with me was certainly enjoyable - a feeling she could definitely get used to.

"Oh my god. Look who's here," she smiled, and I looked over my shoulder to see Trevor, the super-hot guy from the poolside bar, looking amazing in his suit. And to my horror, he was walking over to us, having seen Kayla across the restaurant.

"Hi," he smiled at her, not even acknowledging me.

"Hi," she smiled back. "Want to join us?"

Trevor frowned. "I'd absolutely LOVE to... But I've got my friend over there."

I looked over to see a chubby, loserish looking man taking a seat at a table. How were they even friends - they looked like total opposites?

"That's a shame," Kayla flirted. Then she got an evil little glint in her eye.

"Michelle..." she said slowly, "I'd like you to go dine with Trevor's friend."

"His names Bill. He'd love the company of a woman," Trevor smiled.

I glared at the pair of them, and Kayla asked Trevor to excuse us for a moment.

She leaned over the table, staring at me.

"Do as you're told, Michelle." I was taken aback! Like me, Kayla could be very direct with people, but we certainly never used that tone on each other!

"Kayla," I pleaded in a whisper. "I'm married! You know I can't be having dinner with some random guy!"

Kayla just stared at me. And stared. And stared. Until I slowly began to get up from my chair.

"Good girl," she smiled as Trevor took my seat.

Dinner with Bill was simply horrible. His personality matched his looks. I'd never even usually speak to a man like this, and yet here I was having dinner with him. But my attention was on the table across the room, my best friend at her flirtatious best in my stunning dress. The handsome man and the gorgeous queen chatted and giggled, holding hands across the table while I sat there listening to Bill talking about nothing.