The Best Worst Thanksgiving Ever


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"I'm happy we get to go to Ms. Allison's house. We get macaroni!" Dasia piped up from the back seat. Toni looked back at her surprised. "You know it is the weirdest thing," Cynthia offered. "They are usually such picky eaters, but every time we have been to Allison's, they gobble up whatever she puts in front of them." Toni looked in the review mirror. The children looked back at her with smiles as to confer their mother's statement. Even little Marcus gurgled an approval. Little traitors Toni thought to herself. She gripped the steering wheel tightly. This wasn't working.

She was racking her brain for another plan when she heard the saving grace of her cell phone. The familiar ringtone of the Hope's Heart group home number was heaven sent. Toni smiled inwardly. After the many, many times those calls have interrupted a dinner with friends, movies, or much needed sleep with a request for her to come in and cover somebody's shift, it was about to be a help to her for the first time ever. Of course, she didn't want to spend her holiday back at the group home since she had just been there half the morning, but anything was better than Allison's. Anything. "Will you grab that for me?" she asked Cynthia politely. Toni began switching to the right lane so she could take the exit for a turnaround. Ron could take them to Allison's when he got off work. She tried not to feel too bad about it, but this was finally a legitimate excuse to avoid going to Allison's.

By the time Cynthia got the phone out, it had gone to voice mail. "Just put the message on speaker," Toni said. She wanted everyone to hear so it could be legit. Cynthia hit the speaker button. "Hey, Toni, it's Margo. Didn't want to interrupt your Thanksgiving but just wanted to let you know not to worry at all about coming in later. Sandy's flight was canceled and both volunteers said they could be back-up so we are completely covered. We appreciate you so much and wanted to make sure you get some sort of a break this Thanksgiving. Don't worry about coming in until Tuesday. Enjoy your Thanksgiving. Bye." Cynthia clicked the phone off as Toni's heart sank. "Wow, that is great," Cynthia exclaimed. "You never get a break. This is wonderful. Now you can have the whole Thanksgiving!" Of all the times, Toni thought to herself. Of all the fucking times! In the 5 years as the clinical director at Hope's Heart, she had NEVER gotten a holiday off. What was going on here?

For just a brief moment, Toni contemplated the social, and possible legal ramifications, of leaving her 8-months pregnant best friend on the side of the freeway with her three children in the freezing cold on Thanksgiving. Toni sighed and gripped the steering wheel tighter. Not only was she upset that her plans were not working, guilt started creeping in. She looked at Cynthia and back at the kids. What was she doing? She loved them all so much. She never wanted to lie or manipulate them and certainly didn't want to ruin their Thanksgiving. Plus, it wasn't even her character which was evident by her complete inability to pull it off. Cynthia glanced over at her. "Are you alright?"


A few seconds passed. "You know I told Allison you were coming and how much you love Plum Pudding made from scratch even though nobody else really does." Toni shook her head. She knew she shouldn't ask, but still "Yeah, and what did she say?" Cynthia thought a moment. "Um, well that it takes an incredibly long time to prepare and cook properly, it would be really expensive to get the right kind of cognac and find the necessary dried fruits at this time, and that it really was not a Thanksgiving dish anyway and she just could not understand why you would wait so late to make a request like that." Toni felt her skin get heated. "Hey, I didn't even ask the bitc-" Toni glanced at the young eyes watching in the review mirror and clamped her mouth shut. "Figures," she said quietly as she reluctantly moved the car back into the middle lane.

30 minutes later, they pulled into the Auburn Heights neighborhood. Besides the huge, fancy Auburn Heights sign, it was immediately evident that they were in the posh neighborhood by the sprawling estates that adorned the streets. Beautiful, massive brick homes of different designs. All elegant and gorgeous. "I love coming here," Cynthia said. "These homes make our new one look like a shack. Wait to you see Allison's home. Her street is on the left after the traffic light."

Toni had to admit to herself that the homes were amazing. She turned onto Allison's street and was greeted by another set of elegant homes more beautiful than the street before. There was a smattering of people out putting up their Christmas decorations. "There it is," Cynthia said. Toni pulled into the circular driveway of a beautiful, massive brick home. She rolled her eyes as she passed a beautiful keystone bronze mailbox that was nothing but show. Did she have to show off with everything, Toni thought. Even a damn mailbox? There were two luxury cars already there, Allison's Land Rover and some sports car whose brand symbol Toni couldn't even recognize. Toni looked around. The expansive yard, a small fountain off to the side, the massive size of the home. "I thought Allison was single," Toni said a little more loudly than was necessary. "She is," Cynthia said unbuckling her seat belt. Toni inwardly rolled her eyes. How the hell does one person need so much space?!

Everyone eagerly got out of the car. Everyone but Toni. Cynthia was half way unbuckling little Marcus when she called out, "Toni, would you get of the damn car?! What is going on with you today?" Toni reluctantly got out, grabbed the other two kids by the hand and followed Cynthia to the front door. It was opened by a man Toni didn't recognize. "Hey Derrick," Cynthia said. "Welcome, Cynthia and company." He gave her a hug as they all went inside the house. "Toni, this is Derrick. One of the partners at the firm and his wife, Vanessa." Everyone exchanged pleasantries.

Toni helped the two kids get their coats off. She didn't make a move for her own coat. She looked around the incredibly large foyer. It was stunning. The chandelier alone must have cost a fortune and worth every penny. The foyer was tastefully decorated with gorgeous end tables, paintings, and expensive vases. "Wow, this house gets better looking every time I see it," Cynthia said. She gave little Marcus to Toni and took off her coat. "Who else is here?" Cynthia asked as she hung her coat, grabbed the baby, and directed the kids into the living room. "I think your friend Rose and her family will be coming and I believe that is it. Allison's family couldn't make it," Derrick offered. Everyone, but Toni, headed to the living room. She remained standing by the coat rack with her coat still on. Just say you're sick she told herself. It wouldn't all be a lie with her newly throbbing headache and how exhausted she felt. You did your duty by getting them there. Now just leave before you see her, Toni thought to herself. Cynthia came back in holding little Marcus.

"Toni, what are you doing?" Look, Cynthia," she started, "I-"

Just then Allison came in from the kitchen, and as mentioned before, the woman knew how to make an entrance. Especially in her own house. Allison wore a beautiful brown silk dress with a bright orange waist belt. It hugged her tall, curvy body perfectly. She adorned it with matching orange jewelry and high orange Manolo Blahnik heels. It was a beautiful mix of harvest colors that perfectly complimented the Thanksgiving holiday. Her short bob was combed into a faux hawk that was sophisticated, yet edgy. Her beautiful smooth brown skin glistened, those beautiful hazel eyes bright and clear. Damn she looks beautiful, Toni said to herself as she admired how the dress hugged Allison's gorgeously curvy body. Whoa, Toni thought to herself. Where did that thought come from? It was then she became aware again of her own haggard appearance.

Allison gave Cynthia a kiss on the cheek and grabbed little Marcus from her. She offered Toni that same smug smile.

"Hi, Toni."


"Why do you still have your coat on? Are you going somewhere?"

There it was again. A dare, a challenge hidden underneath that smug smile. Toni knew she was daring her to walk out of the house like a chicken. Toni wouldn't give her the satisfaction. "Not at all." Toni undid her coat and put it on the lavish coat rack. She knew she was now subjecting her outfit to Allison's scrutiny. Allison gave her the once over. "Wow, have you lost more weight? That is really not healthy." Toni opened and closed her shaking hands while biting her tongue. Allison's eyes moved to Toni's pitifully thin coat hanging on the rack. "That is a really thin coat for this kind of weather. And it's only going to get colder by this evening. You really should have a proper winter coat." Every nerve of Toni's being was on fire right now. "My coat is fine," she snapped. Where is your bathroom please?" Another smug smirk. Allison knew she was getting to her. "Down the hall to the left," Allison said.

Cynthia, again seemingly oblivious to the silent battle between the two women, began moving towards the living room. "Allison this house looks a little different than when we here in June." "Yes, I had new carpet put into the living room and redid two other rooms. Would you like a tour?" "Oh, Yes. And so would Toni. Wouldn't you, Toni? Since it is your first time here," Cynthia offered. Hell no she didn't want a damn tour. "Of course. Just give me a minute please," Toni said. Allison gave another smirk. Toni rushed down the hall to the bathroom.

Toni closed the bathroom door and put her throbbing head against the cool tiles. "Just get through this," she said out loud. "Just eat and keep your mouth shut about your opinions. Give it two hours. That is more than courteous. Then you can leave. Just eat and keep your mouth shut." Toni looked around the bathroom. It was decorated in a deep lavender and soft cream from the colored soaps on the sink, to the plush towels, rugs, toilet cover, shower, tiles, and hanging pictures. It was gorgeous. She turned on the fancy faucet and splashed cool water on her face. Looking in the mirror she almost jumped. Damn, she forgot to change at Cynthia's. Her hair had become even more of a rat's nest and she looked incredibly tired. Cynthia could have told me something, she thought. Of all times, why did her first time at Allison's house have to be with her looking this bad? "Why do I even care," Toni asked herself out loud. Still, she grabbed a brush from her purse and did what she could to her hair. She washed her face with a rag and applied some moisturizer. She was naturally pretty so it was passable. Toni looked at a gorgeous cream-colored clock on the bathroom wall. 1:05 pm. Still Thanksgiving Day. Toni took one last deep breath. "Eat and keep your mouth shut."

She left the bathroom and joined the tour just as they were going upstairs. Every room, every inch of the house was well-thought out and tastefully decorated. Toni was hoping Allison's house would be some cold, modern box that emphasized style over heart, but it wasn't. It was definitely expensive, huge and modern, but very warm and inviting. A truly elegant home. In the brief seconds they were in Allison's huge bedroom, Toni couldn't keep her eyes off the bed for some reason. A huge, king-sized throne with brown silk sheets and beautiful decorative pillows. And for the briefest of moments, an image flashed in Toni's mind of Allison making love in that bed. Forget love, actual fucking. Downright, animalistic fucking. She imagined just seeing her backside as she thrust and grinded the hell out of the faceless figure underneath her. The thought sent an intense shiver straight to Toni's pussy. Where the hell did that come from? she asked herself. Toni felt her face getting flushed and went to exit the room before anyone noticed. But she when she looked up, Allison was staring straight at her. Smirk in place. Almost as if she knew exactly what Toni was thinking. Toni rushed out of the room and down the stairs as fast as she could.

For the next half hour, the rest of Allison's guest arrived. Allison went to put the finishing touches on the dining table. Toni gazed at the family pictures Allison had around her living room, while everyone else made small talk. The pictures of a younger Allison were absolutely adorable, but even then, that arrogance was there on her face. Toni moved to get a closer look at a picture of Allison on the mantel. She was with an older woman who was her spitting gorgeous image, probably her mother, and a young special needs child. Allison was holding the child very protectively and smiling at the camera. It was the first time the arrogance was gone. Allison finally came in and announced it was time to eat. "Finally," Derrick said.

Everyone made their way into the large dining room and stopped short. It was immaculate. "Wow, you really outdid yourself, Allison," Cynthia said. The huge, donabella dining table looked like it had been prepared for a royal banquet. The food was carefully laid out in an abundance of browns, yellows, reds, and orange. The dishes were fine china and there was a beautiful, handmade Cornucopia as the center piece. Toni could not believe Allison did all this herself. "You cooked all of this?" Cynthia asked as she helped the kids into their seats. "My mom came over with my niece yesterday and helped with the cooking, but it was pretty much me. Now everyone sit down." The guests took their seats. "This deserves a picture," Derrick said as he took out his phone and snapped a picture of the table. "Everyone will know my Thanksgiving was good." He laughed as he pulled out his wife's chair and then sat next to her.

The table was covered with food. Golden buttered corn, two beautifully browned juicy big hens, ham, creamy mashed potatoes, both collard and turnip greens, seasoned green beans, cabbage, macaroni with the melted cheese still simmering and little bits of meat, yams, dressing, buttered rolls that had been browned to perfection and other things. Toni, who had not eaten since 6 pm the previous day, felt her mouth watering.

"Allison, you really outdid yourself. This is wonderful," Vanessa said. Everyone started to agree in unison. Everyone, but Toni. It really was extravagant, but she didn't want to give Allison the satisfaction. She could feel Allison's eyes on her. Looking at her expectantly. Just looking for a compliment, Toni thought to herself. Wants me to acknowledge yet another thing she does better than me. I won't do it, Toni said to herself as she walked right by an empty seat next to Allison towards one all the way down at the end of the table. If Toni didn't know better, she thought Allison had set it up for Toni to sit next to her during the meal. Probably just to intimidate me. Make me feel uncomfortable the whole night, Toni thought. She wouldn't let her do it. Derrick and Vanessa's son, Micah, was about to help himself into the seat Toni was heading towards. Toni made a mad dash for it, almost knocking the small boy off his feet. "So sorry," she said rubbing his back and pushing him towards Allison. "Don't you want to sit next to your Aunt Allison," Toni asked him sweetly. She knew it was childish and felt bad, but she was trying to survive at this point. "Okay," Micah replied, probably confused as to why he wouldn't be sitting next to his own parents. Sweetly, he went to sit next to Allison as she helped into the seat. Allison kept her eyes on Toni the entire time. Smugness in check. Toni fumed.

After Derrick said the blessing, the food began to be served. Everyone immediately commented on how wonderful the food tasted. Toni rolled her eyes inward. Did this woman need yet more compliments on how perfect and wonderful she was? "Toni, why aren't you eating?" Cynthia said loud enough for everyone to pause and look at Toni's empty plate. "Try the macaroni. It's one of your favorites and Allison's is one of the best I ever tasted." Toni took the tiniest spoonful of macaroni she could and put it on to her plate. She took a small bite. Damn it was good. Possibly the one of the best things she ever put in her mouth. She could test the blend of several different cheeses. All eyes were on her. Toni looked at Allison. She would not give her the satisfaction. "Meh, it's alright," Toni answered. Everyone shrugged and went back to their plates. Toni went through the rest of the meal like this. Taking small bites here and there as if the food was mediocre. Truth is everything was absolutely delicious. She could have eaten the entire serving of the macaroni and greens by herself...straight from the serving dish if no one was looking...with her hands if it really came down to it.

Throughout the meal, Toni looked at everyone having a good time and enjoying their Thanksgiving. She wanted to the same and not let Allison get to her. She was about to let down her guard and go for a big slice of hen when Allison started. "How is work going, Toni?" she asked.


A knot started to form in Toni's stomach. "I heard they had you working early this morning. Not sure about all that time and energy for a bunch of misfits if they are not going to pay you what you're worth. You should advocate for yourself better." That did it. The next hour was spent with Toni and Allison going back and forth about public policy, government funding, welfare, and adequate sanctions for juveniles. They talked across the table among everyone else who was engaged in proper Thanksgiving talk such as reality shows, black Friday shopping, and football.

Toni was in full battle mode by the time dessert was served. Cynthia asked Vanessa to help her and Allison bring out all the traditions-cherry pie, apple pie, two sweet potato pies, peach cobbler, vanilla ice cream, and a chocolate cake. Derrick whistled. "Allison, you outdid yourself," he said as he cut into the peach cobbler and topped it with the ice cream. "This is good, Ms. Allison," Dasia announced through a mouthful of cherry pie. "Oh, Toni, there is one more just for you," Cynthia said. She went into the kitchen and came back with a beautiful plum pudding. Toni stared at it for a moment completely speechless. She never got homemade plum pudding. Ever. Even though it was her favorite, it was so difficult to prepare. This one looked perfect. Toni felt Allison's eyes on her. Waiting for her to dip in her spoon for a taste. She probably poisoned it Toni thought to herself. Toni took a small portion of the cake and pudding onto her plate and tasted it. Fuck it was good. Best she ever tasted. She could have made love to that plum pudding right there on the table if possible. She finished it hungrily, but would not give Allison the satisfaction of getting another helping even though she could have eaten the entire dessert in one sitting.

After a while, the guests began to take their second helping of dessert into the media room to watch the football game. It was a huge media room with comfortable leather seats, cup holders and a huge theater screen. It was like they were right there on the 50 yard line of the game. By this time, Toni's headache had ballooned to a full blown migraine. She still had not rested and her immaturity at dinner kept her from eating as much as she should have. She brought her purse into the media room to discreetly search for some aspirin. She didn't want to ask out loud for any because there would be more comments about how overworked she was and not taking good care of herself. By this time, Cynthia's husband, Ron, had finished performing his surgery and joined them at the house. He was happily eating his Thanksgiving dinner in the media room while watching the game.

After a few more hours, lots of laughter, and a majority of the food gone, the guests began to disperse. Toni's car was blocking Derrick so she grabbed her keys and went to move it. Once she was back inside, she saw Dasia and RJ getting tired and little Marcus was beginning to cry. "I guess it is time for us to go," Cynthia announced. "Allison is in the kitchen fixing plates for us to take home." Music to Toni's ears. "I guess I will head out too," Toni said. There it was. She survived the meal and could go home without looking too bad. She put her keys in her coat pocket and started helping with the kids before getting her purse. "Can you do me a favor?" Cynthia asked as she got the baby bag together and Ron got the kids into their coats. "Sure," Toni said thinking it has something to with the kids.