The Better Man


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"Yes, ma'am," I repeated, hoping to signal my submissiveness, my desire to be under her control too.

"Are you allowed to have any sex at all?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am," I answered, "but only oral." Then, realizing my omission, I added, "Except with Mason..." I was hesitant to complete the thought.

"What about Mason?" Mona demanded.

"He fucks me sometimes." I willed my face to be expressionless, although I was feeling that ecstatic rush of humiliation that I craved. I wanted her to see me as the pathetic faggot Mason had taught me to be.

"Oh my god!" Mona exclaimed, giving me my satisfaction. "You let him... He fucks you AND your wife? That's incredible!" I was thrilled to hear the glee in her voice that accompanied the sound of her disgust.

"Yes, ma'am. It's a privilege to serve him." I watched for her reaction.

"He fucks both of you and... So, he does all the fucking in this ménage à trois. He's the man; and you're what? Not a man, obviously. What are you, then?"

"I'm the dutiful husband to my wife and the faithful servant to my lord and master," I responded somewhat eagerly. These were words I had rehearsed in my mind ever since the mating had begun; I had just never said them out loud. They had a profound effect on my equilibrium; I felt practically orgasmic in my humility before Mona, as before a goddess.

Mona clearly picked up on my state of mind. "You really are pathetic, aren't you?" she stated with a tentative but palpable degree of derision.

"Yes, ma'am," I answered humbly, conveying my joyful acceptance of her scorn with my soft voice and puppy-dog eyes.

"My god, boy, you really love this shit, don't you?" She looked at me with both wonder and contempt. And did I detect perhaps a little arousal too? Was she, like Anna, turned on by seeing me degraded? Oh, I hoped so!

"I bet you're hard as a rock," she continued, contemplating my mental state. "Do you get hard talking like that?"

"No, ma'am. I can't get hard. I'm not allowed to." I considered explaining further, but she figured it out by herself.

"Are you in chastity?" Her pretty eyes narrowed, appraising me yet again. "I've read about this... Did they lock you up so you can't use your dick?"

"Yes, ma'am."

She grinned. It was an evil grin, I know, but oh, so sexy! "Show me." She glanced over my shoulder. "Close the door first."

I got up and closed the door.

"Go on. Take down your pants. Don't just stand there like an idiot!"

I was standing there like an idiot. I felt like one, like I was suddenly too feeble-minded to do anything without being told. I undid my pants and lowered them.

"Your shorts too. Don't be stupid."

I pulled my underwear down too and exposed my metal cock-cage. I glanced down. It was bulging a bit with red, swollen cock-flesh. It throbbed painfully in the sudden coolness.

"My, oh my," Mona said admiringly. "Don't you look sad." She looked up at my face. "Would you like to take it out? Would you like to stroke it for me?"

"Yes, ma'am. I would do anything for you, but I don't have the key."

"Well, of course not, stupid." She seemed to enjoy impugning my intelligence. "Anything?" she taunted. "Like what? What do you think I would want you to do for me?"

I blushed. I wanted her, but I was afraid of presuming too much. "I would kiss and lick you... anywhere you want." Had I gone too far? I decided it didn't matter. I quickly added, "Anna says I'm a good pussy-licker..." It sounded tentative, like a question.

"Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?" she said mockingly. "Why should I give you the pleasure? What makes you think you're worthy of tasting my pussy?" Her tone make my cock throb painfully again. She noticed my discomfort. "Does it hurt?"

"Not too much, ma'am. I'm used to it."

She reached out her hand and cupped my balls. "I think you like the pain," she said softly with an edge of menace. "Do you like pain, slut?" She squeezed my balls. It hurt.

"Ow! No, ma'am. No, please don't!" I cried. But my cock throbbed and, even more telling, I felt a spasm in my ass; I recognized a tingling in my prostate. Mona did not stop. Rather, glaring cruelly, she pulled down hard on my helpless balls and twisted them as her grip crushed my tender testes.

"Uhhhnnnggg," I groaned and, to my surprise, I felt a jolt go up my spine and the familiar spasms of a prostate orgasm. A trickle of pale white fluid dripped from my imprisoned cockhead.

"What's this? Are you coming, you little slut?" she said, yanking my balls down again.

We both stared at the drippings on her wrist. "Owww... I think so," I managed to reply through the mingled pain and pleasure. "You made me cum..."

"How pathetic is that!" she exclaimed, shaking her head in wonder. Her grip had loosened, but she tightened it again ad pulled me forward and down. My knees, already wobbly from coming, gave way and I went down on my knees in front of her chair, my face inches from hers. "What do you say, slut?" she whispered menacingly, leaning forward in my face.

"Thank you, ma'am," I answered, wanting desperately to please her, quivering in orgasmic aftermath.

"Thank you for what?" she demanded haughtily.

"Thank you for hurting me, ma'am," I said in my most humble, adoring tone, "and for making me cum." My eyes filled with tears of longing for her approval.

She didn't sound happy with my response, but she released my balls and raised her arm to my face. "Look at the mess you made." Her wrist was wet with my cum.

"May I lick it off for you? Please, ma'am?" I asked as humbly as I could in my eagerness.

She nodded. I leaned forward and licked her wrist clean and applied my lips to kiss her smooth, brown skin.

"Get up and get out of here," she ordered, withdrawing her arm. She sounded cold and impersonal, but I heard, and I saw in her eyes, some signs of smug satisfaction and a haughty imperiousness that gave me great hope.


Before lunchtime arrived, I made it a point to tell Mason that I had an important issue to discuss with him. "Sure," he said, "Why don't you come at 11:45? That should give us plenty of time before the sandwiches arrive."

"So what's it all about?" he greeted me with his usual warm smile.

"It's about Mona," I started eagerly, eliciting an immediate frown of concern from Mason. "She's really great!" I said quickly to dispel any negative suggestion. "I'm just concerned that my role as COO is going to step on her toes. I mean, she's too valuable. I would hate to undermine her authority or make her feel her contributions aren't appreciated."

Mason looked thoughtful. "Yes, that's a good observation," he said. "What do you propose."

"Well, far be it from me to tell you how to run your company," I said with an exaggerated obsequiousness that made him chuckle, "but she's been the de facto COO already, for years now, from what I can tell, and a damn good one too!" He nodded encouragingly. "She's clearly not just your administrative assistant, whatever her title is. She's been managing pretty much all the HR, Finance, and Accounting functions for a long time. I know the company's growing and you may need to start splitting up those duties, but I think she's the one that should oversee it, not me."

"Well, then, what's your role supposed to be?" he asked.

"Well... I've given this a lot of thought." I was a little afraid of sticking my neck out, but this was important to me and I thought he might see the advantages. So, hoping for the best, I plunged ahead. "I'm really not comfortable with the idea of managing people any more. I'm worried that as I'm becoming more passive and submissive, I just wouldn't enjoy that kind of responsibility." I paused to gauge his reaction before continuing; he nodded thoughtfully. "Plus, I want a position that leaves me free to be completely at your disposal, whatever you might need, whenever you want it." He grinned and raised an eyebrow. "So, I don't really care what my title is so much as long as my job is being your personal assistant." I grinned back. "Very personal, if you catch my drift."

He chuckled. "Personal Cocksucker," he facetiously suggested. "Executive Ass-licker? Lackey in Chief?"

I laughed dutifully and then continued, "But, seriously, how about Vice President of Special Projects? It will look good to the staff, right? It sounds like a more strategic role than Operations. And, it actually could be, right? It would report directly to the CEO with no reports. So I'd be free to work on any kind of project you want: research, marketing, whatever. And, of course, I'd always be available to do your bidding." I winked lasciviously.

He looked at me askance for a brief moment, making me think I might have overplayed my hand, but then he smiled genially. "That just might work. On the face of it, it looks really good. You've clearly thought it through. I'll have to sleep on it, of course, but... Hey, good, job, Jack! You may just have made a valuable contribution." He grinned. "I suppose I should reward you. What would like as a token of my appreciation?"

I smiled happily. "May I drain your balls, please, sir?" I said as obsequiously as I knew how.

His response, "On your knees, boy," was music to my ears.


When I arrived at the office the next morning, Mona was in Mason's office. I was in a good mood as usual, having enjoyed the start of the day with Anna in what had become our customary way. Each morning this week I had brought her coffee in bed and relieved her full bladder, swallowing her overnight surfeit of urine, enjoying its strong, concentrated flavor, before licking her to orgasm. Then I made sure she had a good, nutritious breakfast before we left for work; after all, she was eating for two. In many ways, we had become more intimate when we were alone together; the restrictions imposed on our relations seemed to make us more affectionate - it was like a sexy game to play - and my servility was a turn-on for us both.

I could hear Mason's deep voice behind his closed door as I passed. I sat down and idly rearranged the few items on my desk. I didn't feel much like working, not knowing if Mason had made a decision and uncertain what I should be doing. It was only a few minutes before my idle thoughts were interrupted by Mona, tapping on my open door as she entered and closing the door behind her.

"I understand you're the one responsible for loading all your responsibilities onto my shoulders," she accused me. Her pretty eyes twinkled mischievously as she put her hands on her hips in mock disapprobation.

"Oh!" I said, taken a little off guard. "So Mason told you what he decided? He hasn't told me yet."

Mona took a chair. "Yes. I'm to be the COO. I don't believe it!" She beamed with pleasure.

"Believe it, Mona," I said sincerely, "You deserve it. After all, it's what you're already doing. I just couldn't see taking any of it away from you." I smiled warmly. "I know I couldn't do it as well as you anyway."

She leaned forward in her chair. "And you didn't think to ask me first?" she remonstrated. "What gives you the right to waltz in here and start making wholesale changes without so much as a by your leave?" Her tone had darkened considerably. "Who do you think you are?" She concluded menacingly.

I swallowed hard. She sounded genuinely angry. "But, Mona," I protested, "I just assumed..." I was so aroused by her strength and the prospect of submitting to her wrath. Would she hurt me again?

"You sure did!" she interrupted. "The unmitigated arrogance! You just ASSUMED I'd be happy to do all your work for you. You just ASSUMED I would work my ass off just so you could fuck off? Sure, let Mona take care of everything so you can be free to be Mason's fucking boy-toy. Isn't that the real reason?" she demanded angrily. "Fucking faggot!" she muttered, seemingly to herself. "Well? Isn't it?" she said louder, renewing her demanding tone. " Answer me, you stupid cocksucker."

"I... uh..." I stammered, "I thought.. that is, Mason and I..."

"Don't you fucking bring Mason into it, faggot," she interrupted again. "We both know he's much too fine a human being to be a shameless weasel like you! How dare you!" The menacing spark of righteous indignation in her expressive eyes was beautiful to behold. I felt a strong urge to surrender, to throw myself on her mercy.

I hung my head. Meekly, mustering all my best efforts to sound as respectful and compliant as I could, I confessed. "Yes, ma'am. I only want to be Mason's personal faggot. I didn't want my work to get in the way." I looked up to see her reaction.

She was nearly successful hiding her smile, but her beautiful eyes betrayed her. "You're going to repay me for this betrayal," she said solemnly. "I thought we had finally come to an understanding yesterday, but you have proven that you're not to be trusted. I'm going to have to take stern measures, aren't I? You clearly need a firm hand." She pointed to the floor in front of her chair. "Come here," she said with steel in her tone.

I got up and stood before her, excited.

"Down on the floor. Kneel." I knelt at her feet, my head bowed.

"Look at me," she commanded. I obeyed. Her expression was inscrutable. She stared into my eyes. I felt her power, her strength, so much greater than mine. I willed it to dominate me.

Suddenly, she raised her arm and slapped me hard across my face. The 'smack' seemed to reverberate around the room, bouncing off the walls as it echoed through my soul. Pain flooded in when the echo had passed. It stung, hot and humiliating. I was possessed.

"Thank you, ma'am," I said softly. My gratitude was genuine. My eyes filled with tears of bliss more than of pain; the swelling of my cock hurt more than my cheek. I was in thrall to this diminutive goddess.

"That's better" she said coldly. "There may be some hope for you." She took my chin in her hand, the same hand that had delivered the still stinging blow. "You do want to be a good boy, don't you?" she asked, squeezing my jaw to discomfortingly.

"Yes, ma'am," I said in the same quiet tone of reverence.

She released me. "You may kiss my feet."

I bowed my head to the ground, like a Muslim toward Mecca, and I put my lips to the top of her black patent leather pump. I kissed one shoe, then the other.

"Take off my shoes." She raised each foot in turn so I could remove its shoe, revealing small, neat, nylon-clad feet. Although it was mild, I was aroused by the smell. Unbidden, I took each foot in my hand and kissed it reverently. I tasted the sweaty nylon and took the liberty of licking the tops of her dainty toes. I wondered how they would taste and smell at the end of the day. She sighed. The sound of her contentment emboldened me to put her toes into my mouth and suck on them. It was delightful.

"Mmmm, yes... That feels good," she murmured, increasing my delight. "Keep that up and you might give you the chance to taste other things." She spread her legs. I could see she was wearing pantyhose. Was it an invitation? I longed to taste her pussy, but I didn't dare presume. Finally, I had to know.

I decided to ask "Please, ma'am, may I kiss your pussy?" I said while I switched feet before resuming my toe sucking.

She ignored the question. Her eyes were closed. I ogled her pantied crotch as I massaged her toes with my tongue, sucking avidly. Their flavor, though not strong, was discernable apart from the taste of nylon; it was a tantalizing hint of Mona's essence. I wanted more! I began to imagine how her pussy might taste, how it would smell... I imagined that I could smell it, it was palpable, a spicy, tangy musk, so enticing... Was it just my imagination? Or was there a dark spot forming in the crotch of her black panties? There was! Her pussy was getting wet!

Suddenly, she jerked her foot away. "That's enough," she said as she slipped her shoes back on and stood up. Her hip bumped me in her abrupt rising, knocking me off balance. I almost fell over. "Be careful, little boy. I can make your life very difficult if I'm not completely satisfied with your behavior." She stood over me in a posture of superiority. "Do you understand me?"

"Yes, ma'am," I responded, aching with longing for her body and her approbation.


A couple of hours later, a little before lunch, Mason called me to his office. "Well, Mona liked your idea. So I'm going to announce her promotion and your new role tomorrow. We're both glad you suggested it."

"Thanks, Mason. That means a lot to me," I said.

"You want to please her too, don't you?" he posited.

"Yes, she's very exciting. A force of nature." I grinned.

"She told me what happened yesterday. And how you confessed to our little family secrets," he said somewhat testily.

"She knew most of it already, I swear!" I answered nervously.

"I don't care what she knows; there really aren't any secrets between us. And she can be trusted with them. But you didn't know that; I don't ever want to hear of you blabbing about it again, is that clear?"

"Yes, sir. It won't happen again," I spoke with some relief.

"It better not! We have our children to consider. Did you think of that?"

"No, sir," I said, shamed. "It was in the heat of..."

"And another thing," he interrupted, "Did you actually cum?"

'Yes..." I said tentatively.

He shook his head. "That's not good, Jack-o. Not good at all! What would Anna say if she found out?"

"I don't know," I said. I had thought about it. It had been a betrayal of Anna's orgasm-denial trail for me. I felt guilty about it.

"Well, Anna doesn't need to know. Just don't let it happen again." He smiled conspiratorially. "Ready to order lunch?"

While we waited for our sandwich order to arrive, he told me that Mona had suggested that we could build closets in the wall between our two offices, with a doorway between them. "So you can come and go and service me without anyone having to know you're in here," he explained with a grin.

"That sounds great!" I enthused.

"I've already given Mona the go-ahead. She's going to have it done over a weekend to minimize the disruption."

I looked at him in admiration. Nothing unusual in that, but the last couple of weeks had been such a whirlwind and now I suddenly felt that everything was falling into place perfectly. A sense of contentment settled on me. I breathed a sigh; calm and happy. And I knew I would soon have Mason's cock in my mouth!

As if reading my mind, Mason said, "You want to get under the table now? We don't need to wait for the sandwiches... You can start without me; I don't mind."

When Mona came in with our sandwiches I was already enjoying a delicious tube steak. I knew she could see what was going on, but all she said was, "Your sandwiches are here. Bon appétit."

Later, when I went to see Mona - I had some materials to return to her - I thanked her for the private door suggestion.

"Just doing my job, ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of the organization," she replied, her eyes twinkling. "But, there is a way you can prove your gratitude," she said, rising. She stood in front of her desk, spread her feet apart, and pointed to the floor in font of her. "You can worship me."

My pulse raced as I got down on my knees. I was thrilled to see that she had removed her pantyhose. Her legs were bare, her dark brown skin glowed. I needed to see what was under her knee-length skirt, but that would have to wait. I bowed my head and kissed her feet, that is, the tops of her shoes. Never mind what was up her skirt; just the prospect of tasting her toes again was intoxicating!

"No! Up here," she ordered, lifting her skirt and exposing a beautifully trimmed bush of salt-and-pepper curls. I rose up and kissed her there, my lips pressing into her tight nest, and breathed in her woman-scent. She spread her legs further and tilted her pelvis forward. I marveled at the beauty of her black, dusky labia, so dark and mysterious. They parted slightly as she moved, revealing a glimpse of her hot pink interior. Her bright red clitoris peeked out from its back hood like a hot ember among the coals. It all looked so invitingly delicious, like licorice and cotton candy. I reached out my tongue to feel the contours of her hanging lips and opened them gently to taste her essence; I was enraptured.