The Big Tits Club Ch. 29-30


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From the way she bit her lip, leaned into my palm, and rubbed her inner thighs together, for a moment, she seemed of the same mind. But then reaching to my chin, she rubbed it gently and murmured, "Not yet, darling." Then she pivoted back to the bed and picked up the white blouse.

Staring at the simple shirt, Zofi frowned and glanced back at me over her shoulder. Setting the shirt back down, she walked over to her closet and returned with a nude-colored bra.

Abashed, I muttered, "Uh, I didn't forget that on purpose."

Smirking, Zofi replied, "Sure you didn't." She put on the bra, then the blouse, pulled up the skirt, and fastened on the belt. Unsure why I wanted the scarf, I stood up to tie it around her neck and then rolled up the short sleeves of her blouse. Finally, I had her put her hair up, and after pronouncing her perfect, I gave her a quick kiss and then invited her out.

"Where are we going?" Zofi asked when I walked her out to the minivan.

"You'll see," I replied mysteriously. We climbed in and started the moderately long drive up to the city. Keeping an eye on the clock, I realized we were just a little bit behind schedule and sped up to make up the time. While I refused to give away anything about the day's plans, we happily chatted about everything else for the drive. I asked what she really thought about Jeff Garcia, and as it turned out, she had no memory of talking about the 49ers with me. The first thing she could recall of this morning was her statement that I was in her bedroom.

We made it into San Francisco and got coffee and pastries from a small bakery I knew. We walked a few blocks together before arriving at Tiffany & Co. a few minutes after 10am, but we didn't go inside yet. When I stopped to eat our breakfast outside the display windows, Zofi laughed, hugged me, and happily continued our conversation while we chatted.

After breakfast, we did go inside to look at all the jewelry. Giggling, Zofi told me, "I think it would be tacky to wear diamonds before I'm forty."

I laughed, and we continued out for our walk.

Zofi figured out we were recreating Breakfast at Tiffany's when we stopped at the public library. The card catalog didn't exist anymore, but we logged into the library computers and searched for "Varjak, Paul". No results.

"How about 'Nine Lives'?" Zofi suggested.

"Worth a shot."

I watched her enter in the search and the computer spat out a variety of matches. On a whim, Zofi picked one and we headed into the stacks to try and find it. Amusingly, neither of us realized we didn't actually have a library card valid for the San Francisco Public Library system.

"Honestly we forgot," she apologized to the checkout librarian. "Cross my heart and kiss my elbow!"

The matronly librarian stared at Zofi, not getting the reference. In the end, Zofi applied for and was granted a library card. Only then did we leave, book in hand. I think she may have even read it before returning the book a few weeks later.

Our next stop was the local pharmacy store. We found some plastic masks, but I drew the line at actually shoplifting them.

"C'mon, don't be chicken!" Zofi whined.

"My sense of fun would be severely curtailed if we got caught and hauled off to the local police precinct. They didn't have security cameras in the 60's," I explained, pointing to one of the overhead cams that happened to be pointed in our general vicinity.

Instead, I bought a box of Cracker Jack, and Zofi hopped nervously in place just outside the store hoping for a plastic ring inside. Instead, the prize turned out to be a green whistle in the shape of a baseball field. Without a second thought, Zofi popped the whistle into her mouth and blew a shrill shriek that drew the attention of everyone within a hundred yards.

Zofi laughed, jumped into my arms, and spun me around. But almost as suddenly as she'd leaped, she dropped her feet and took two steps past me, a frown on her face.

"What is it?"

"I thought I saw..." She glanced back at me with furrowed eyebrows. "Nevermind."

I simply shrugged.

Eventually we ended up in front of the waterfall at Yerba Buena Gardens. Snacking on a pretzel, we got to chatting about life after high school, at which point Zofi started to get a little sad.

"My whole life has been spent with this group of girls... and one special guy," she explained. "The thought of us going our separate ways in a few months... it's scary."

"I genuinely believe the seven of us will be friends for the rest of our lives," I told her.

A melancholy expression on her face, she stared across the garden and shook her head. "Everyone always says they'll still be friends. But then almost everyone I talk to who's older says they never see their high school buddies. People make new friends wherever they happen to be, whether that's at college or whichever city their new job is."

"Well you never know. I mean, a lot of us are applying to the same Bay Area schools."

"Doesn't mean we'll all get into the same ones. And even if we did, doesn't mean we'd all CHOOSE the same one." She sighed. "What if the best school is somewhere across the country?"

I frowned at the tone in Zofi's voice. "Have YOU already chosen a school across the country?"

She blinked and glanced back at me. "You know I flew out to New England with my parents back in September to go look at colleges. Princeton is beautiful."

"Would you go if you got in?"

She shrugged. "I wouldn't have flown all the way out there if I didn't at least consider it."

I sighed and felt quite sad inside at the thought of not seeing Zofi anymore. True, the two of us had never been the closest friends within the BTC, but even my sixth-closest friend in the BTC was light-years ahead of everyone outside of it. It was especially saddening given how much closer we'd become recently, even beyond the sex stuff.

Exhaling slowly, Zofi picked her head up and shook it slowly. "Sam did Early Decision and she already got into Stanford. If I get in too, she'll be expecting us to get an apartment near there and be roommates for the next four years. Plus, it's not like I would be settling. Stanford is Stanford."

"Then why don't you sound so sure?"

I couldn't read Zofi's face right away. She stared off with a model-esque blankness for about a minute. But then with an enigmatic smile, she turned, leaned into me, and gave me a very sweet, very tender kiss.

At first, I was prepared for something sweet and light, and that she'd pull away a few seconds later the way she'd done throughout the day. But this time she flowed into me, and I wrapped my arms around her automatically. She hummed and pressed even closer, parting my lips with her tongue until we were full-on making out on a park bench. She pivoted to slide sideways into my lap, holding me close while we kissed and kissed and kissed. And only when I felt my lungs screaming for oxygen did she finally disengage and pant for breath herself, grinning goofily.

"I love you, Matty," she stated sincerely, a world of wonder in her eyes. "I'm not in love with you, not like some of the others. But I cherish our relationship. And other than Sam, if I did leave to go to school all the way across the country, I'd miss you the most."

That took me a little by surprise, but rather than try to put my feelings into words, I simply brushed her hair back behind one ear and murmured, "I love you, too." And then I kissed her again.

Eventually, we sat there with our foreheads pressed together, each catching our breath. I realized the moment was getting a little heavier than either of us really wanted, so thinking back to my script for our date, I picked my head up and said brightly, "Okay, time for each of us to think of something we've never done before and get it accomplished by the end of the day."

Zofi immediately gave me a skeptical look and asked, "You mean besides the obvious?"

I blushed, held up both hands, and stammered, "I- I- I was going with the scenes from the movie! I didn't mean--"

"Relax, darling," she cut me off by leaning into me and giving me a sweet kiss. "We're not there yet, but we will be by tonight."

My heart in my throat, I pulled her close and kissed her again.

Immediately after, Zofi told me she'd never walked through a waterfall before. So after getting me to take off my shoes with her, we hopped into the pond at the base of the falls and splashed around for a little bit. The air was cool and my feet were freezing, but Zofi was having such a good time I felt like I could walk on air.

It was my turn, and I told her, "Well, I've never gotten a blowjob next to a waterfall before." I gave her an exaggerated overly-hopeful expression.

Zofi rolled her eyes and immediately smacked me.

I chuckled and nodded, feeling much better now that the mood wasn't so somber anymore. More seriously, I explained, "Believe it or not, I've never been inside MOMA before." I pointed to the nearby San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and then held up two tickets.

"Me, neither," Zofi replied, wrapping both of her arms around my elbow. "So that's a 'something I've never done before' for both of us!"

Gesturing with my head, I asked, "Shall we?"

She didn't answer verbally. She just gave me another kiss, sighed happily, and said, "I really love kissing you, Matty."

"I really love kissing you. And to think this all started when we got caught kissing so long ago."

Zofi beamed and kissed me again. She was so joyously happy that she bounced on her feet. And with a sudden thought, I slid away from her so that we were no longer pressed together, although I still held her hand in mine.

"You know, I've never skipped down the sidewalk with a beautiful girl holding my hand."

Zofi grinned and we started skipping.


While I enjoyed the museum art, I found myself surreptitiously watching the people who would glance back at me and Zofi. Hanging out with Sam and Naimh, I was used to guys' jaws dropping at the sight of my sex-bomb companions, but the attention Zofi attracted was quite different. There was less of an 'I wanna tap that' look on their faces and more of a 'She's what I always wanted but never knew'. Even other women seemed to appreciate Zofi's soft, feminine beauty.

Dinner was at the Cliff House with a spectacular view of the sun setting across the Pacific Ocean. At one point, Zofi stared out the window, the orange and red hues of the sky casting her face in similar colors, and I found myself feeling the same feeling. I was sad it had taken me this long to finally discover more about the girl who had always been nearby and yet so unknown. And now that I was getting to know her better, in another few months she would be taken away, most likely off to Princeton or some other Ivy League school.

I found myself distracted throughout dinner, not keeping up my end of the conversation as well as I should have. Fortunately, the need to eat filled in some of the gaps. But towards the end of the meal, Zofi placed her hand on top of mine and asked, "Hey, aren't I supposed to be the nervous one?"

I blinked. "Huh?"

She gave me a look and explained, "Or maybe it's not nervousness. You're distracted."

I furrowed my eyebrows and flipped my hand over so I could hold hers. "I was just thinking how much I'm going to miss you."

She looked at me sadly, popped her eyebrows, and said, "I haven't gone anywhere yet. For all you know, the seven of us could still be together next year."

I smiled and nodded. "Who knows?"

Eventually, I paid the check and we got up to return to the minivan. Holding me close, Zofi leaned up to peck my cheek as we walked outside. The air had turned quite chilly, and I escorted her straight to the passenger door, opening it for her. But instead of hopping in immediately, Zofi leaned in, kissed me quickly, and said the words I'd been waiting a long time for.

"I'm ready, darling."


It was still a relatively long drive back. We drove in silence, my mind still occupied by the specter of our unknown future. Zofi tried to break the tension a couple of times, but I wasn't a very good conversation partner and the topics died quickly, thus leaving long stretches of silence between us as I concentrated on the road in front of me illuminated by my headlights.

We arrived back at her empty house. The gods of serendipity had sent Zofi's parents on their anniversary trip for the weekend. I shut off the engine and turned to my soon-to-be lover, finding that the once elegant, graceful woman who had accompanied me all day had disappeared, replaced by a trembling teenage girl.

I cursed my selfishness. Here I was concerned about losing my friends and I'd abandoned one of them to get lost in her own head just before what was a major milestone in her life - a milestone she'd spent months working up to being emotionally prepared for. The progress of our romantic date had been reversed by my inattention to her needs. I thought of offering to call the whole thing off then and there, and at that moment, she very well might have sent me home.

But no, she was nervous and I'd been unforgivably negligent of her needs, but I was still confident that this was what Zofi wanted. She trusted me, and sometimes trust means that you have faith that the other person has your best interests at heart when they push you.

I reached over and brushed a strand of hair out of her eye before leaning in for a brief kiss. Pulling back, I told her gently, "Please wait," and exited the vehicle. Walking around to open the passenger door for her, I helped her down and took her by the elbow as I escorted her to her home. Zofi struggled with her keys for a moment, her hand trembling, but let us into the house and we silently walked up the stairs to her bedroom.

By now, her nervousness was threatening to dissolve into panic, the steps taking on more of gallows' air. I don't know what she thought would happen, perhaps that I would strip her down and take the shivering girl's innocence with little care. But we had all night and if she needed a guide more than a Lothario for these first steps, I wanted to be that man for her.

So, entering her childhood bedroom with her, I let go of her elbow. She looked down as we turned to each other, but I tilted her chin up gently so she would look me in the eye. I tried to convey with my eyes that she was safe - that we'd get through this together - but when I went to caress her upper arm, she drew back.

The action surprised Zofi and jolted her out of her near-panic state as she realized that she'd just rejected my touch. I don't know exactly what was going through her head at that very moment, likely some concern for what I might think of her. She'd invited me into her home with the express promise of sex, and now she wouldn't let me touch her. Even strong, confident Zofi, the member of the BTC who I'd come to realize felt most at home in her body and secure in not allowing pressure from the other girls to accelerate her timeline for when she would be ready, would feel like a cock tease if she didn't perform tonight.

Obligation wasn't the right frame of mind I wanted her in either, so when she began her humiliated apology with, "Matty, I--," I put a finger to her lips and kissed the top of her head, pulling her into me for a hug.

"Don't apologize," I whispered into her ear. I held her for a moment longer and let go. Stepping back, I saw that Zofi had come back to herself. But while the abject fear appeared to have passed, it was only replaced by awkwardness.

"What now?" she asked.

I raised my hands to her neck, and slowly began untying her scarf. "Now," I told her, "I think I'd like to give my date a massage."

Zofi swallowed and nodded her assent. My plan was evident to both of us as I took on the role of "Safe Matty" to make her again comfortable with my touch. She let me undo the first button in her blouse before stepping back to complete the task herself. In the dim light cast by her desk lamp, the only light she'd turned on, she began disrobing for me. Once her blouse was open from throat to tails, I stepped forward and pulled the two halves apart and off her shoulders myself, and Zofi held her arms back to let gravity slowly pull down the cotton fabric until it fell to the ground of its own accord. As she continued undressing, I briefly left the room to retrieve a few fluffy white towels from the linen closet. When I returned, Zofi had stripped to the bra and bikini-cut panties that had enticed me this morning right here in this room.

Opening one of the towels, I spread it in front of myself and averted my gaze, blocking my view of her body and allowing her a bit of modesty behind my makeshift privacy screen while she unhooked her bra and bent down to step out of her panties. "Lie face-down across the bed, but with your head at the edge," I told her.

She nodded obediently and took the towel from me, hugging it to her chest as she walked to the bed and lay on her stomach. This allowed me a tantalizing view of her shapely bottom, but only for a moment as I obscured my own view by placing another of the folded fluffy towels over it, leaving her naked back and legs ready for my ministrations.

At first, she folded her arms beneath her chin, but I gently repositioned her arms back along her sides and tugged her forward until her eyes and nose were over the edge so she could breathe. Pulling the desk chair around, I sat down and began to massage her neck. Once she got the idea, she settled down and moaned as I went to work.

After starting on her neck and shoulders, I stripped down to my shorts and undershirt before climbing onto the bed. Straddling her legs just behind Zofi's tight ass I proceeded to do my level best to turn her into a puddle of relaxed goo. I massaged her back, her scalp, her spine, both arms, and even her fingers. I made her so relaxed that she nearly fell asleep.

Her dozing state was disturbed as my hands slid past her butt and down to her legs. When I finished her lower extremities, I found her shaking her tushie in invitation to continue the massage there as well. I removed the towel and kneaded her assflesh for both her pleasure and mine. With implicit permission restored, I let my fingers crawl back up her body to play with the sideboobs spilling out as she lay flat on the bed.

Zofi started to turn over, but I had her remain as she was. She was breathing slowly, and her thighs had parted enough for me to catch a glimpse of her gates to heaven from behind. My dick throbbed in my shorts at the vision of naked loveliness beneath me, and I felt the urge to drop my shorts and push myself in right then and there. But I ordered myself to be patient and truly make her first time something special.

To that end, the sexual subtext of my massage morphed into straight text. I spent more time slowly molesting her exposed genitals as her legs spread further apart in welcome. She shivered, and I thought I might have felt small tremors within as I first dipped my finger into her honeypot in search of lubrication to begin manipulating her clit.

"Did you just cum, mój skarbie?"

"Yes, darling," she breathed, her voice trembling.

Having broken through her tension, my own breathing became a little easier and I started prepping her for a proper orgasm. I didn't forget the rest of her body, but time and again I returned to her sex. Lightly, I caressed her and manipulated her to a slow boil.

I paced myself, reading her cues to tease and titillate without quite pushing her over the edge. Along the way, I removed my shirt and shorts, my turgid rod occasionally caressing Zofi at her entrance, teasing that I might make her a woman at any second. Her fear was now buried under a tense desire, although one time when I lined myself up to tease her, she mistook my torment for the real thing and warned me, "Not yet, darling," and I backed away.