The Bird Returns Ch. 03


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"We will go with you, Mommy. And I will not worry about you and Virginia. I know you will take care of me."

Sunday morning wakeup went as usual and when Carla and Joanna came down for breakfast, Brittany and Virginia were already eating their pancakes. Brittany was feeding pancakes with butter and syrup to Virginia, who was smiling as she ate. Carla was a little jealous, but she knew that Brittany had told her it was important for her to spend time with Virginia, so she put it out of her mind. She ate her breakfast and went with Joanna to the living room to read the paper. Her phone rang and she saw it was Lacy, so she went into the exercise room for some privacy. Lacy told her that it looked like there would be about 25 women participating. They had found a building that had plenty of space and they could install rings and other bondage hardware without anyone caring. It was out in the woods, so they didn't have to worry about noise. They had booked the building for Wednesday night from 7 PM to midnight. Lacy wanted Joanna tied in the legs over position, so that they could sit on her face while her pussy was being whipped. Lacy understood that they couldn't whip Joanna's pussy for 5 straight hours, so she thought they would whip her pussy for the first, third and fifth hours, and whip her ass and thighs with a switch during the other two hours. The women who were not getting eaten out by Joanna would be drinking and eating snacks and taunting Joanna while watching her get her ass and pussy beat. Lacy said she would text Carla the address for the building and she would see her Wednesday night.

Carla went back to the living room and Brittany was there. She told Carla to get Joanna and they would go for a ride. Brittany went to tell Virginia goodbye and that they would be back in a couple of hours. They were going to get some lunch at the mall. Brittany told Carla to drive directly to the mall. When they got there, Carla parked out on the edge of the parking lot, under a couple of large oak trees. Carla told Brittany she was tired and she went to sleep. When she woke up, she was hungry and Brittany told her to drive to the entrance to the mall by the food court. They had a couple of slices of pizza and went home.

Carla and Joanna and Brittany and Virginia exercised that afternoon. After running, Carla lay down and Joanna licked her sweaty crotch. This time, Virginia came over and sat on Carla's face. Carla licked Virginia's pussy and asshole for the first time and it was not bad. Not nearly as sweet tasting as Brittany's, but certainly acceptable as such things go. Carla licked and sucked on Virginia's labia and clit, then stuck her tongue into Virginia's asshole. Virginia was breathing harder and faster and rubbing her crotch all over Carla's face. Carla bit her clit and Virginia burst into a massive orgasm, slumping over on the floor. Meanwhile, Joanna was doing her best to make Carla cum and her best was easily good enough. Carla tensed her stomach muscles and screamed in pleasure. Brittany was a casual observer of this montage and she thought it was nicely done. Everyone went to their respective rooms and showers and got cleaned up for dinner.

Dinner was a light meal of sandwiches and salads. Brittany fixed a sandwich for Virginia and fed it to her. Virginia seemed to enjoy the attention. After finishing their meals, Carla and Joanna went into the living room and watched the first half of the football game and went to bed. Carla's plans are winding down. Just a few more days to completion.

Monday was another plug day, so the morning wakeup routine included the insertion of the plugs. Carla thought it was still uncomfortable to wear the huge plug all day, but she never complained. Joanna thought it was too big also and she did complain occasionally, but nobody listened. They went down for breakfast. Brittany was feeding Virginia bacon and eggs and hash browns. Carla and Joanna filled their plates and ate. After breakfast, Brittany asked Carla to take her for a ride. They left at 10 o'clock and returned at 2 o'clock, smiling broadly. Looked like they were getting to know each other better. They had clearly been to the mall, because they had a couple of bags of new shoes.

They exercised at 4 o'clock, as usual. After running, Joanna surprised Carla by straddling her face in a 69 position. She told Carla that she needed to cum, because it has been a long time. Carla thought back and agreed. It had been a few days since she had given Joanna permission to cum. But, she was feeling playful, so she told Joanna that if she could make Carla cum in 5 minutes, she would allow her to cum. Joanna stuck her face into Carla's pussy and began licking briskly. Carla felt her arousal spike from Joanna's tongue. Joanna was going to make it easily. Carla came and used her hypnotic power over Joanna to give her two very strong orgasms. Joanna grunted her thanks while shaking and shuddering through the first of her orgasms. The second orgasm followed directly and Joanna sagged onto the floor.

The women went to their rooms and showered. Carla and Joanna removed their plugs and cleaned them. They went down for dinner. Martha had prepared beef stroganoff and rice. Virginia was a puppy again and was eating and drinking from her bowls. She had learned how to make her tail wag more convincingly when she shook her ass. She barked happily and put her face in Brittany's crotch. Brittany spread her legs so Virginia could lick her pussy. Virginia's tail was wagging furiously. Brittany came with a spurt into Virginia's mouth. Brittany patted Virginia on the head and said, "Good puppy. Thank you." Carla thought that they were seeing a lot of strange goings-on at the table here.

They watched Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy and went to bed.

Tuesday started with the morning wakeup and bathroom routine followed by breakfast. Virginia and Brittany were not at the table. In fact, they spent the whole day together in Brittany's room. Martha took them some water, but they did not want any food. Carla and Joanna spent the day lounging around, exercising and waiting until Wednesday.

On Wednesday, Carla woke up nervous and excited. All this stuff would be over at midnight tonight. They did their routine and went to breakfast. Virginia and Brittany were still not around. Carla remembered what Brittany had said and she was not concerned about them not being here. She hoped they would be around later. She wanted to hold Brittany for a minute before taking Joanna for the last task.

Joanna and Carla exercised and ran at 4 o'clock, did the sweaty sex thing and then showered and got ready to eat and leave for their appointment. Joanna wore a dress and heels and her pink 'panties.' Carla dressed the same way. At 5:30, they went down for dinner and there were Brittany and Virginia. Virginia had on a little girl's play dress that was so short you could see that Virginia was not wearing panties. She was sitting in a very small chair at a very small and low table, drinking from a small teacup. When she was through drinking, Virginia said, "Want some more tea, Mommy." Brittany stepped away from the table and pissed into a pitcher and poured some of it into Virginia's cup. Virginia seemed pleased. "MMMMM," she said. Carla nodded at Brittany and said, "Hi." She was glad Brittany was here.

Carla and Joanna left at 6:15 for the drive out in the country. Carla had put the address into the GPS system so it wouldn't be difficult to find the place. They got there a little early, but there were already 18 cars there. The lesbians were going to be on time, it appeared. They went in to meet Lacy and Amy. Lacy told Joanna, "Take off your dress." When she saw the 'panties', she said, "Those are cute, but we need the laces removed so we can do this right." Joanna removed her laces. "Now lay down here," Lacy pointed to the floor and Joanna lay down. Lacy put a wide leather belt around Joanna's waist, as low on her abdomen as she could. Straps were fastened to the belt and to the floor, so that she could not scootch her body up or down. Her wrists were tied together and raised above her head and fastened to the floor. Now her legs were raised up and toward her head and spread as far as possible and then fastened to the floor. Joanna's face was open to be available for pussies to be lowered onto it and her pussy and ass cheeks were open for punishment. Lacy said she had found a couple of lesbian femdom enthusiasts to do the whipping. That way the lesbians in attendance did not have to do the rough stuff, but could concentrate on having their pussies licked. This setup had a disadvantage in that it only allowed one person to be involved at any time. One of the femdom girls was going to be whipping Joanna's pussy or ass cheeks continuously, so there could not be anyone pushing a dildo into her ass or anything into her pussy, because they would be in danger of being whipped. One at a time was how it would be.

"We are ready for the first participant," Lacy announced. They had had a drawing to determine the order in which they would get to have Joanna lick her pussy as partial payment for all her years of humiliating and bullying the lesbians she met in her travels around town. The first woman sat down on Joanna's face and said, "Lick me until you make me cum, you asshole." The crowd cheered. With that the femdom whipper laid a stroke on Joanna's pussy that hurt like hell. She screamed until the woman's pussy blocked her mouth. Then she licked as fast as she could to try to make this woman cum quickly.

Joanna couldn't believe she had to be subjected to this treatment. All she had done was call these women "queers" and such. What about the 1st Amendment? And Carla was responsible. She would get her somehow, when this was over. In the meantime, she had to get through this and she hadn't even gotten through the first woman. Keep licking. Once again, she couldn't use her hands to help make these women cum. Just her tongue and teeth. She bit on the clit in her mouth and pulled on it with her teeth. The woman must have been aroused by seeing the whipping her cunt was taking, because she came fairly quickly after that. She not only came quickly, but she had just experienced the strongest orgasm ever, precisely because she was watching the whipping. It was possible that there were going to be a lot of lesbians getting into whipping during sex when this session was over.

The second participant sat on Joanna's face. This woman obviously wanted Joanna to lick her asshole, because she had scooted down so her rosebud was right over Joanna's mouth. Joanna stuck her tongue into her asshole and pushed it in and pulled it out, tongue-fucking her asshole. Joanna licked her butt crack and asshole and tried to tongue fuck her asshole as fast as she could. She knew this was not the quickest way to make a woman cum, but she also knew it was not as pleasurable as getting your pussy licked, so the woman would probably move her crotch so that Joann could lick her pussy. And she did move, giving Joanna a chance to lick and nibble and bite her clit and make her cum in a reasonable amount of time. Two down.

Joanna had made 6 women cum on her tongue, when Lacy called a halt. "It has been an hour, so we are going to change whippers and target location, plus give our guest a chance to piss and drink some water. If you need to piss, Joanna, go right ahead. In fact, you do not have to wait for the breaks to piss. Just let loose whenever the urge hits you. Do you want some water?" Joanna nodded. Lacy held the glass and Joanna drank it down and then drank half of another glass and said, "Thanks." She pissed on herself and the floor and the women were very interested to watch her do that.

"Next participant," Lacy called. "Now Joanna will be whipped on her ass and thighs with a switch." The next woman whipped Joanna hard. The switch hurt like hell and Joanna screamed in pain. The woman sat on Joanna's face and she began licking, her tongue a blur as she tried to get the woman's clit hard and extended so it would be more sensitive. The switch was cutting into Joanna's ass cheeks and thighs. It hurt more than the whip they used on her pussy, but her pussy was more sensitive than her ass cheeks, so all in all, it was a wash as far as pain was concerned. But changing target areas did keep her pussy from being totally destroyed. Joanna had noticed one thing in this session: the pussies were a lot cleaner than the pussies from the group of her friends a couple of weeks back. Joanna assumed that lesbians kept their genitals clean in case oral sex might break out. Her mind was wandering, which was good in that the pain was not focusing her attention as of yet. She could tell the woman on her face was getting close. Her pussy was jerking as Joanna licked her clit. Then she came and it was one more down. The next woman had already lowered her pussy onto Joanna's face. Joanna licked her quickly and deeply, running her tongue in the lady's slit up and down, sucking on her labia, nibbling on her clit. Biting. Pulling. Sucking. Licking. Butt Crack. Pussy. Clit. Pow: Orgasm!! More quickly than she thought, Joanna had brought another woman to orgasm.

Lacy stopped the proceedings for the second time. Joanna had given 11 orgasms in total. She was thirsty and needed to piss. Lacy gave her some water and Joanna pissed. Again, her act of pissing drew a crowd. "Participant number 12," Lacy called out. "We are whipping the pussy again. I know that pleases some of you." The crowd cheered again. The femdom girl began whipping her pussy. No more problems with focusing on the pain. This hurts. The next woman sat on Joanna's face and she started licking with a little more fervor, trying to think of ways to get the woman to cum. She started a steady licking up and down the woman's slit and circling her clit. Then she nibbled on her clit and sucked on it. The woman began to breathe more quickly and to jerk a little. Joanna bit on her clit and pulled it out with her teeth. The woman came with a scream. The next lady sat down on Joanna. The femdom lady kept on whipping. Joanna's pussy was on fire and getting hotter.

Joanna had given 16 orgasms in total by the time of the next break and her pussy was really hurting. She drank two glasses of water and pissed for the girls again. The whipping on the ass began again, but it did not hurt like the whipping on the pussy. One of the women would not cum. It took three times as long to make her cum as it did for most others, so when the next hourly break came along, she had only given 19 orgasms in total. Since there were 24 women in total, there were 5 left and the whipping was back to her pussy. She drank water and pissed again and settled in to get it over with. The femdom girl started whipping and participant number 20 sat down on Joanna's face. Wow. Every whip stroke burned like a highway flare. She licked feverishly hoping that faster would be better. Mindless repetition. Suck. Lick. Nibble. Bite. Clit. Labia. Slit. Cum.

Only four left. Joanna got the next two to cum fairly quickly, which left only Amy and Lacy. Amy mounted her face and Joanna could see that she was determined to last as long as she could, giving as much punishment to her pussy as she could. Joanna did not know it, but Amy had masturbated to three orgasms late in the afternoon, plus one more tonight, to try to extend her time to orgasm as much as possible. Lacy had done the same, so the last two women were going to be a challenge for Joanna. It took her an extra ten minutes, but Joanna got it done. It meant that Joanna's pussy had gotten an extra 8 minutes of pounding, but she was done. They untied her and gave her the dress and shoes she brought, but she didn't put them on. Carla tried to help her, but she slipped and fell, hurting her stomach and she had to be carried to the car. Joanna had to drive home.

They got home and went immediately to bed. They slept until late in the afternoon and even then, Carla had to be helped to the bathroom. Her stomach was hurting so bad. In fact, she ended up spending the next four days in bed. Carla did not remember much about her recovery, but Brittany was with her every time she woke up.

Continued in Chapter 4.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Do you plan to finish?

I would like to see how it ends.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
more stories

I reread the hole story again. wish there were more stories continuation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
How soon to

Chapter 4, doesn't Virginia's body need to be made fit and be coustomized as Jo and Carla's- maybe some erotic tattooing for all three.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Ditch the puppy

Great stories, but for my tastes would rather see Brittany turn Virginia into a bimbo fuckdoll. Much hotter than a pet. It's all about transforming women into sexually charged and accepting women. Plus fuckdolls and sluts make me hot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Enduring and embracing the torture

Holy mother of god...what hot scenes! Women who know they are beautiful playing on the dark side. Aroused by the hours of extreme pain they are subjecting another woman's bare cunt to. Fuckkkkkkk!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
come on

I do not know how these authors of these kind of stories think this is exciting, I think that these kind of stories are in very poor taste, I am only reading this because I want to find out if Carla comes to her senses and releases her aunt jo, the only good part of this is that she did help her lose the weight, but that is the only good part

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