The Bond


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It was weeks later when the first buds of his crops were pushing through the soil when Kahn notified them there was someone strange in their range. They gathered some weapons and scaled the far side cliff. They saw a band of riders flying a colorful banner.

"Batu, that is the standard of my Father. That must be my brother, come to set things right." She placed her hand on him in a familiar way. "We must go greet them!' The light in her eyes shone brightly. "My vow is complete! I have done what was necessary to survive until things could be set right!" She kissed him.

"Tuya...?" He looked at her and felt fear. "Go not unwisely." He tried to warn her.

"If your heart was not stone, I would tell you to ask for my hand. I would make you a good wife Batu, but I know and will never beg of you anything." She spun and ran to the stables to gather her belongings. She had all of what she wanted to take in a satchel and slung over her shoulder by the time he got there.

"Tuya, listen to me... there is something not right, can't you feel it?" He wanted to grab her.

"I thank you Batu, for keeping me and my virtue safe and away from that goat who took me. For that I will be forever grateful." She touched him. "If you are not my man, you cannot be seen in my presence, or they will kill even you." She ran away, hiding the tears in her eyes, Kahn at her heals. He stepped into the shadows, looking on as a horse was brought to her. She jumped on with practiced ease and started riding away.


He watched as they went to the far edge of his valley. He gripped his sword when he heard labored breathing. He was ready to strike when the footfalls stopped.

"My Lord... I have a message for you and the Lady." The peasant tanner was gasping for breath.

"What is the message man?" He asked urgently.

"You have been played false!" He gasped out. "There are a hundred men coming to kill you and the Lady, where is she I have news of great import for her." He looked around.

"She has left with brother." He sighed.

"Oh no Sir, it is him who betrayed her father. I saw him enter into the fort when I was leaving. They brought many horses and many bolts of rich cloth. They rode under a red banner with a black horse running..." He fell to his knees with the bellow from his Lord. "I am sorry my Lord but I have no horse, or I would have been here quicker."

"Go ye into the stables and get my war horse ready!" He strode away with vengeance on his mind.


Her heart was filled when she saw her horse being lead out to her. With a light heart for the first time since she watched her father killed she jumped on his back and laughed. "Brother I knew you would come!" She rode in a big circle getting used to her mount again. Kahn stopped and sniffed the air.

"Come sister there has been a match found for you." The ugly man said with a false smile. He knew if this bitch spawned a whelp it would have a contention to his hard won place. He was called brother but was but a bastard child of the chief. "He will accept you even if you are with child from your captor." He led his band of men and women towards the far side of the valley. He wanted space before he killed her and blamed it on the Lord he just ate with. He wanted his goods back and planned on getting them again with a false war.

"I am still untouched." She said proudly and loudly, causing a murmur through her people. She knew her brother would need her help to keep the clan together since he was illegitimate and only had partial claim to her father's place. She still thought of him with the love of a sister.

"What is this?" Her brother asked. "I was told you spent the winter with a peasant and that you have been used!" His face became florid.

"No brother, I was held by a viper who helped slay our father and bartered to try and entrap a mighty warrior to his aide." She started getting a bad feeling. A feeling she had suppressed because she saw her father's banner. "He is a man of honor and a great leader of men. His services are hard fought and won. I have never seen his match." She boasted. "He would never take anything that wasn't rightfully his." She sang his praises and started noticing some things. She noticed which horse her brother was riding at the same time she heard Batu's howl of rage.

"Kill this lying bitch!" He ordered his loyal men.

"It was you!" She hissed, dropping her satchel, her hands full of a short sword and a dagger. "You betrayed our father. You ride his horse that was taken as bounty! You are a liar and a thief! You are nothing but a Bastard, and not fit to fill Father's place." She dropped her over coat and stopped an advancing man with a flick of her wrist, blood gushing from his neck.

"I said kill her and her cur as well!" He shouted.

"Kahn, go get Batu!" She ordered her wolf. "I am Sarnai! I am the chief's daughter and the fruit of my womb will be the rightful heir to his place. All who are loyal to the real chief come to me!" She ordered baring her arms and showing the tattoo of her birth. She heard a hard ridden horse and the growl of Kahn just as she was surrounded.


He was scrambling to get his gear. He tossed on a chainmail shirt, belted on his favorite sword, and clipped on his spurs. He jumped on his steed and rushed past the frightened tanner. "Tend the animals!" He shouted as he passed.

"Yes my Lord!" But he never heard the reply. He was going full speed towards the other side of the valley. Halfway there is was joined by Kahn who circled his mount and ran beside the war horse growling.

"Take me to her Kahn!" He slowed his horse to follow the huge wolf which looked like he swelled with every stride. They rode like the winds of death. He saw her become surrounded and screamed her name

"Tuya...!" He spurred his horse and crashed into the hasty ranks of horse men.

"Make way!" Tuya ordered. "Let him see me unharmed!" She shoved herself through the protective ring of her father's loyal followers. "Batu, I am safe!" She screamed, before he could kill any of her people.

Kahn stood between his pack mates and the threat he smelled. His big black horse stood huffing with the run it just had after so much time in the stable. He held his head up and looked down at the other horses. He would claim this heard as his own just as soon as he challenged the other puny stallion and defeated it. The warrior on his back knew the rules of challenge. He reared up and offered his just as the man thing did the same. Tuya was amazed at the dual challenge, horse and rider both full in their prime and assured of their victory.

"Kill them!" the ugly man shouted.

"Throw this at his feet!" Tuya shouted to her man. "He cannot refuse." She tossed him her dagger, which once in flight never stopped even as it changed direction slamming into the ground between the stallion's front feet, blade buried to the hilt.

"I said Kill them!" He shouted again.

"But Brother, you have been challenged by both horse and rider to prove your place in the clan and herd. This challenged cannot be denied, for Batu fights in my name, as my chosen champion, and as my future mate!" She shouted so all her people could hear. "Batu come to me." She urged him. "Let your Stallion go, for horses will fight first." She ran to his side.

"You are mine, you have been betrayed, your vow is broken, now pledge yourself to me!" He looked down at her.

"I just did Batu. You fight for rule, my hand, and for vengeance." She smiled at him. "Your mount fights for breeding rights of the herd. You both shall win!" There was a fierce pride in her eyes. "Then we will deal with the cur who calls himself a Lord!"

"Batu, listen... She pulled him close. "He will cheat. He will stay out of reach until your arm tires then make a thrust at that arm. Once wounded, he will go for the kill. Do not drink of the offered cup, it will be poisoned. This challenge will be with nothing but pants and the sword. You may keep my dagger also since you fight in my father's name. I suggest you drop your heavy sword when he makes his thrust and kill him with the dagger. He will never expect it." She talked to him is hushed whispers while they stripped off his horses saddle and bridle.

Across the way the ugly man was giving order to his loyal followers. He knew no barbarian could best him, and he planned on making sure. He knew his father's horse would win since it had never lost. It was the biggest prize of taking his father's throne. He gave the horse an apple with something to stop the pain and help him win. Then he would kill everyone who dared to stand in his way. Today was going to be filled with blood and victory sweet.

The big black looked down at the chestnut and reared in challenge. He stomped his hooves and pranced proudly for the mares that looked on. The chestnut flattened his ears and danced in a circle, kicking up his hind legs. The onlookers were in awe of the spectacle. They pranced and lunged. All of a Sudden the chestnut attacked.

The big black faced the attack and lashed out with a hoof, making the chestnut flinch back. The black jumped forward and grabbed a mouthful of the chestnut's mane and bit hard. He used his size and bulk to keep backing the chestnut up. Then the fight got fierce. Blood flowed from both as neither gave quarter. The chestnut went low and then came up almost making the big black stumble, but the black kicked with both back legs finding solid ground and pushed. He rammed into the ribs of the other horse and kept pushing until the horse landed on its side. He reared up one last time and the people cringed at the fatal blow to the eyes of the downed horse. But the black stomped just one each side of his defeated foe and pranced off looking for the first mare in heat to mount and breed. The chestnut shuddered and rolled to his feet. He watched as the big black mounted his mare and claimed his prize. The herd was his.

The ugly man stood looking astonished. His prized mount had lost. Now no matter what he had to kill this peasant or everything could be taken away from him. He tried to practice and convince the other man he was clumsy with the blade. He knew they were getting the drink ready. He wanted to have a decisive victory and show this peasant's head to every man who thought they could challenge him. He stripped to the waist, leaving his boots on. He flexed his well defined muscles and showed his people his fine frame with only one scar, proving his skill with a sword. He turned and his eyes went wide.

"Batu, never trust him. He betrayed his own father for something that was already given to him. Father married his mother to give him legitimacy after the fact. My mother died trying to give father a boy child after my birth. Do not toy with him that is what he expects. He is a fine swordsman, but acts inept. Everything he does is to prove his superiority. Remember what I have said, and kill him slowly. Do not give him the honor of a fast death. Always remember it is the dying snake that is the most dangerous."

"I thought you said this was pants and swords?" He looked at the man across from him.

"If he wears boots so will you. Let him set the rules for what he thinks is in his favor. If you lose, everyone who supported me will be killed as a lesson, after he makes an example of me." She helped him take of his shirt. There was a gasp from the people close by. "Go my warrior and make me yours!" She kissed him hard.

The fight was brutal. There was no finesse. It was two men trying to kill each other any way possible. He smiled knowing that no matter what the smooth skin he was so proud of was no longer going to be so smooth. He took small cuts and pieces from it as he would cut him with the tip of his blade. He sensed a weakness and was just about to take advantage of it when her warning came back to him. He knew he was over extended so instead of withdrawing, he spun and slapped his opponent across the face getting a nick on his side for the maneuver.

The ugly man was getting irritated. This had gone for far too long. Now it was his turn. He changed his footing and started a lighting fast series of blows intended to weaken his opponent's sword arm. It was time to take his head. He moved with his true speed, knowing no one could keep up for long with such a heavy sword.

He knew the trick when it started. Without time to think, he knew eventually this play would make him weary. So, again he did the unexpected. He made a lunging thrust at his eyes. He opponent was expected slapping away the blade with the flat of his sword. What was never expected was when the big man let go of the sword and stepped forward. He wrapped his arm around the thin blade and trapped it by his side. He pulled out the dagger and went in low using his feet and legs to lift the blade and the man on the blade. The warrior pushed his opponent back and bent down to get his sword.

"You have lost and as soon as I pull the dagger out you will bleed to death." He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. "Good fight though. One of the best I've had since my first battle." The ugly man just stood there trying to gasp in some air. There was no way he lost. He still had his blade. He still could stand.

"This is not over." He raised his blade.

"Yeah it is." He looked down the edge of his sword. It was a ploy. Just as he went to turn his back, the other man attacked. The warrior whipped around, slicing across his unprotected chest and grabbing the dagger with his other hand. As he spun, he twisted and pulled it out. "Have fun bleeding to death." He wiped the dagger on his pant leg.

"BATU..." She screamed at him when he turned his back on her dying brother.

She need not have worried. He saw the movement and flicked the dagger in his hand, knowing it would find the mark. He walked up to her and looked down.

"Now you are mine!" He claimed his prize.

"And I will never deny you what you have won this day Batu. But first I need to make your place secure with my people." She grabbed a sword from one of her followers. She walked over to her brother lying in the dust.

"Kill me...!" He begged.

"No, you are already dead. The whole of the clan has seen your shame. The black will lead his mares over you dead body, churning your bones into dust. Your head will adorn the post outside my husband's house in warning to all who would ever challenge him. Your shame is complete, and the wrong you did will be avenged." She spoke to him in her language.

"Kill me." The light was slowly fading.

"No, that is not an honor I will give you." She shook her head. "Only after your life is completely spent will I take your head. You body will never be burned to let your soul go to the Great Blue Sky. You will rot with the worms." She taunted him, but then took what little mercy she had left. With a quick strike she cleanly cut off his head and grabbed it by the hair. She turned it to show him his own body lying there in the muddy dirt. The jaw moved but no sounds were made.

"Take him and toss his body off the highest cliff and let him rot." She ordered, tossing his head down with the body. "Then we can deal with the goat!"

"Leave him, the Goat comes to us." The big man said, putting back on his clothes and amour.

"Two of the young ones can deal with it Batu. This is important." She stood in front of him and touched his face. "You do not yet know all the way of our people. Let me guide you from your side." He nodded his approval.

"Will they follow my orders?" He asked, looking into her eyes.

"Given through me, yes. Only a few know your language Batu. Even the women will fight for you once they have been given the order. What is your need of them?" She asked, trusting him completely.

"There is a band of the Goat's men. I want them captured more that killed. The tanner will know the way. I want the complete layout of his hold. I want to end this so I can live in peace. I want to set an example that will last for generations. Everyone will know that no one can ransom me or mine!" He stated flatly.

"So be it! He will pay for the insult of ever touching me that is all I ask. The clan will ask for a share of the spoils. It is our way."

"No slaves!" He ordered.

"What if they come willingly?" She smiled. "Oh all right, no slaves." She laughed. After giving the orders, she set her people free to do her bidding. "Now husband we have some unfinished business to tend to." She whistled calling her mount.

"What business Tuya?" He asked, as she gathered her stuff.

"Your stallion has claimed his prize. It is time for me to claim mine." She jumped onto her horse. She kicked her horse and headed towards the house.

"Damn woman." He grabbed the mane of his stallion and swung up in a fluid move. He kicked the flanks and raced after his prize. He was halfway home when he caught up with her. Without pausing, he scooped her off her mount and rode the stallion harder, not hearing the cheering from the group of riders as they watched him capture his bride.

"You are worthy!" She burrowed into his chest and hung on. She had won her battle, she had kept her vow, and she had claimed the spoils of her victory.


There was quiet in the yard of the sturdy house as he finished his story.

"But Poppa, what happened next?" The boy asked excited.

"What happened next? You should know since we have lived in relative peace in our valley ever since. You will soon have to leave to claim what is yours son, that is why I am telling you this. Pay attention! Your mother gave you horse's milk before her own milk. You are to be a chief of the people of the Big Blue Sky. It will not be given to you, you must earn it, claim it and defend it. Your word must be your bond."

"Batu, do not tease him so." She put her hand on his face. "We have other sons if he is not up to the task." She smiled.

"Mother...!" The boy gasped.

"Well if you can't learn the price and the duty or the honor, then we will have to find one of your brothers to do it." She shrugged.

"Tuya; and you say I am teasing him." He laughed.

"Well, get to the point husband. I haven't got all day." She smiled and winked at him.

"Oh no, I'm going hunting!" The boy exclaimed. "Sisters poppa, I need more sisters!" He jumped up and ran off.


P.S. No Wigs, Torries, Hawks, or Pigeons were harmed in writing this story. It is fiction and all characters come from the recesses of my deranged mind. Once again I really like all constructive comments and yes I know, there are misspelled words, my editor sucks, it's in the wrong category, and I'm a dick, asshole, pervert, idiot...etc. Please vote... it is the only payment we get for this entertainment, and a bargain at twice the price.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
The Editor's Caveats Aside

Because they don't matter at all, I enjoyed the hell out of the story. As for the Dire Wolf which has been extinct for thousands of years, I recently saw a show on tv regarding Russian max prisons. The prisoners are in cells with solid steel doors, each having two doors on each side of a man trap. Anytime they are moved from the cells they are manacled in a stooped position and escorted along with a Caucasian Ovcharka dog. Try Googling "Caucasian Ovcharka Attacking", although the are an existing breed they tend to get the point across about what the Dire Wolf was about. Thanks, MH316, for your comment explanations, looking forward to more like this, I think it's the best of yours that I have read. Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Damed good

And very well told. You handle the various interactions nicely, and the passion of the fight rises from the page.

Thank you.


PS. Any more like this please ?

tazz317tazz317almost 6 years ago

the rules, wars and games are dangerous and deadly, TK U MLJ LV NV

anonymousinblueanonymousinbluealmost 6 years ago
nice to see something different

I mostly followed this. Who was hiding what where and I must have forgotten whose horse was Batu's. Why a cup was mentioned when it seemed to have no purpose later, I don't know. I wonder if she acquiesced in the end to full cleansing, or a funny realization you can't enslave the willing. I guess he flicked his wrist and threw the dagger and felled one that was coming after him, aiming somehow behind his back and hitting his target. I think something like that deserves a little more exposition, like a sentence or two.

I wish sunshine would have let Batu figure out how to fight his opponent; although I don't really expect a warrior to fight like a gladiator, at least recognizing the tactic to tire him should have been straight up his alley. And, like, you don't go to Afghanistan without a sidearm. I doubt the iron or steel was of low enough carbon for him never to have seen a sword break in battle and doubly so not to be prepared with his own sidearm. The narrator could have told us his thoughts as he saw thought him instead of a big dump by sunshine. I think apart from not risking breaking his fragile male ego, it would have been a more engaging fight if there had been some of that going on in his head.

Funny thing is that he was out of condition as a warrior until he started farming, just in time for this.

Why she was called witch by the narrator is a bit baffling, since it was only for a brief period. Was she a witch? Did the narrator break free from her spell for just a moment to call her by her true nature, a witch? Does he have Tourette's syndrome?

Despite all these things that I wasn't smart enough to figure out, it was entertaining and made me come at least a dozen times. So, I gave it four asterisks..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Really like this!

Was a great little take was sad to see end. Thank you for sharing! Simple but sweet with great tempo. Nice job!

SpencerfictionSpencerfictionabout 6 years ago
Enjoyable tale

Yes, a few errors that can't be attributed to "olden days" like "heals" for "heels", but an enjoyable tale for all that. 5*

Myhands316Myhands316about 6 years agoAuthor
On the Dire Wolf....

Okay for those who are confused.

The Dire Wolf was a northern large wolf that lived in places like all of northern China (Which would include Mongolia) Europe, Russia, and even in Canada. It is believed that some of the larger breeds like the Irish Wolf hound, the Great Mastiffs, Russian Kangle, The French Pryenees Mountain Dog, and the Newfoundland are all from this larger breed of wolf. It is also from this larger breed where many of the Wolf-man shape shifting stories come from the world around. As for the setting, think more of Eastern Europe where it would border the great silk road, where it was known for mercenary knights and the battles for land and access to the silk road and the riches that would result from the taxes and bribes. Think of the Robber Barons and Lords that fought constantly to improve their position with the Kings they held allegiance to. Think of having a title of land in the west but the lords main holding is in the east.

Well I hope that clears that up because keeping this a short story I do not get to give everything the details that I would like.



DogFuzzDogFuzzabout 6 years ago
Well Done

What spelling and grammar errors? Perhaps that is how they spoke and wrote back in the “olden days”. I really enjoyed your tale. Not what I usually see and a delightful change. So, top marks from this “knave”.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
thanks for posting again

Your stories are delightful.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
An enjoyable read.

And told in a compelling narrative style. The only questions remaining is of the setting. At first I though medieval then later on gaelic and then finally it reminded me of the mongols. Oh, and then dire wolves. DnD maybe?

But still well worth a 5 in my book.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Great I could only wish it was longer so I hadn't finished it so quick.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
scent, not sent

A really enoyable story, it would benefit from a little more editing.

calgarycamperscalgarycampersabout 6 years ago
Freaking AWESOME!

Great story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

really great story, keep them coming. make the next one about the son and how he becomes a man after his father.

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