The Bride's First Dance


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But the night wore on and the girls plied her with drinks one after another and soon Alexia was a little more tipsy and so she didn't quite care as much how she looked. She even began living it up a little more confidently.

She was in fact beginning to feel good about how she looked when all of a sudden Amy announced that it was time for them to go out. The sudden thought of being seen in public in the dress was almost sobering and so she downed what was left of her wine before the girls shufted her towards the door and out into the warm air of the night.

Shorehaven seemed alive as they drove in the large taxi minibus, drinking and laughing still as they all looked forward to the night ahead. People were out in the streets heading to clubs and restaurants and other places of fun. And they all seemed happy.

Soon the bus stopped and Amy got everyone out of the back. Heading just a little way down the street, Amy turned and walked backwards as she spoke to Alexia.

"We've been planning this for a while so we hope you like it. We didn't want you to know straight away so we are going to walk there." Amy announced and Alexia looked at her friend curiously. What had she planned?

Dropping off the rest of the alcohol they had brought with them in a bin as they walked, Alexia felt as if every eye was on her as she walked in the midst of this large group of sexily dressed women.

At first she felt self-conscious, but then the laughter and good times of the other girls got to her a little and soon she was relaxed and barely taking notice of how she was dressed. Besides, it was her fun night. And she was the bride-to-be!

As they were laughing Alexia suddenly became aware of a large crowd ahead of them. Well, it was more like a long packed line of people than a crowd and they all stood waiting to get in to this one building. That was where Amy stopped and grinned.

Alexia took a look around and up and suddenly she was shocked. The Eros was a very exclusive club with a waiting list as long as Alexia's legs. She had wanted to get into this place so many times and had never made it passed the queue. The rope barrier was like a window that you could see through but could never get passed to the wonders within, and yet Amy didn't walk up to the queue. She just made her way straight to the bouncers at the front and grinned broadly.

"Bachelorette party with the bride-to-be." She simply announced and the bouncers nodded before lifting the rope barrier to the door.

The move shocked Alexia as much as the long line of people waiting to get in, but she didn't protest as Amy took her by the hand and began leading her inside. Alexia just smiled broadly and followed. She was sure she heard one of the bouncers say something about how she looked but she was too flustered by getting in to this place that she couldn't really tell.

Instead she walked in and up the few stairs and then down a hall and into a large room. The room had an enormous dance floor already packed with people. The rest of the room was booths and a sweeping neon bar, a stage at one end, and poles for dancing on dotted around the place.

Amy led Alexia to the bar first.

"So what are you having?" Her friend asked brightly.

Alexia felt all a fluster with finally being in the nightclub that it took her a moment to answer.

"I'll have a glass of wine." She replied. The bartender nodded but Amy caught him by the arm before he could move anywhere.

"And a round of tequila. My friend is celebrating her bachelorette party tonight!" Amy said to him.

"Really? Well in that case I'll make her something special on the house." The bartender replied and Amy grinned.

Letting the other women order their drinks, Amy waited only long enough for hers and Alexia's drinks to arrive before she led them both over to a booth. As they sat down the other girls made their way over one at a time with their drinks and joined them. Finally the bartender came over with a tray of tequila shots for them all and a tall, thick glass with an umbrella in it for Alexia. What was inside it she had no idea but it almost blew her head off.

And so the night out really began with drinking, talking -- over the loud music, laughing, and people doing funny things that made Alexia and the others laugh. The drinks flowed freely and every time that Alexia finished the mysterious drink the bartender brought her another one for free. Whether he had an eye for her, he owned the place, or this was just policy for a bachelorette party, she didn't know, but she drank the drinks anyway.

As time wore on Alexia began to feel warm inside and even began to forget what she was wearing. Or at least that she should feel somewhat self-conscious of what she was wearing. She joined in with the other girls as they did silly things and generally acted like drunken women out on a night where they could completely let their hair down. Amy was worse, she kept pushing Alexia further and egged her on. Until the beautiful bride-to-be was basically dancing on her seat as she stood for everyone clapping.

A little later in the night Amy pulled out a sash, from where Alexia had no idea. But it was the typical 'bride-to-be' sash for any bachelorette party, and she hung it around Alexia's neck. Slipping her arm through, Alexia settled it around her body, noticing how it covered her cleavage a little and shouted out.

"I'm getting married in a week!" She belted out. The girls cheered and laughed, clapping as they all raised a drink to the bride-to-be. Alexia put away the last of her wine at that, but was forbidden to get up as Amy went to the bar to get her a refill for her. Even though Alexia still had one of those mystery drinks still in front of her.

The drinks flowed and Alexia began to feel more than a little drunk, but oh how happy and good she felt. There were no worries, no bad things in the world today. Only the good times and good people she was with. And oh how she loved them all.

At one point she slipped out of the booth and stood up in front of all of her friends. And then nearly toppled over. She was drunker than she thought! Laughing she steadied herself as the world continued to spin around her and she announced that she was off to the dance floor! A horde of screaming women joined her as they all led her to the dance floor and began dancing with her.

Alexia could barely keep herself up right as she danced the night away on the dance floor. At first her friends were all around her, cheering her on as she oddly danced well despite how drunk she was. Swaying and undulating, the 25-year-old twirled away until some of her friends found men to dance with. That was such a thing that happened with a group of attractive women, men almost always came to dance with them.

And so Alexia was soon left alone on the dance floor with even Amy having been taken away by a guy. But Alexia didn't mind, she was lost in the rhythmic thumping of the music, the intoxicating swirling of the lights, the primal feel around her, and the buzzing of the drink through her system.

It took her a moment to notice that someone had danced up behind her and had slipped their hands onto her waist.

"Hey. I saw you dancing and I thought I'd join." Came the voice from behind.

Alexia drunkenly turned to look at who it was and found herself looking into the face of a handsome stranger.

Smiling to him she ran her hand down her stomach and back up, holding it in the air as she swayed side to side.

"It's a free country." She replied warmly.

And the two of them danced. His hands on her waist as the music pumped and the movements of their bodies were their words.

The next song came on and Alexia kept on dancing, Amy was nowhere to be seen but right then the beautiful bride-to-be didn't care, she was lost in her moment with the handsome stranger.

"So what's the mask for? A beautiful woman like you shouldn't be hiding." The man said as he swayed in time with her from behind.

"It's my bachelorette party. The girls thought it would be fun." Alexia answered as she drunkenly held up her left hand to show her glittering ring.

If it phased the guy he didn't show it. He still kept his hands on her waist despite knowing that she had a fiancé. And Alexia let him.

"How kinky. I like it." He replied, fingering the sash. "This should have been a dead giveaway."

Spinning her around in his arms so that his hands slipped to just above her ass as she came around to face him, the man smiled down at her. Alexia, drunk and feeling good as the music flowed through her, just continued to dance.

"It's hard to see in this light." She responded brightly.

"What you're wearing isn't." He replied and suddenly Alexia became aware of her dress once again. She was too drunk to care about it though, so she just smiled playfully.

"You think I look too much like a slut?" She asked impishly.

"I think you look like the perfect bride-to-be." He answered and Alexia smiled deeper.

With that the two of them continued to dance. Alexia swaying back and forth in his light but firm grasp. The handsome stranger staring down at her intently with a wondrous smile on his face.

"Can I get you a drink? Maybe we can dance some more after that?" He asked her after a little while.

"I already have a drink. Thanks, anyway." Alexia replied as she spun around, then glanced over her shoulder at him as he held her by her flat stomach, "But we can dance some more if you like?"

With a smile she thought he was going to lean down and kiss her but before anything could happen Amy came laughing over and took her by her hand.

"A friend of yours?" The man asked as he looked over to Amy.

"My best friend." Alexia replied lovingly and stepped away from him and into Amy's arms.

The handsome stranger smiled at her and watched the two of them for a moment as they danced together happily and then as Amy turned towards him he dipped his head and walked back into the crowd.

"Who was that?" Alexia's friend asked her.

"Just some guy." Alexia answered honestly then threw herself into dancing with her friend even more.

It wasn't long before the two of them returned to the booth and had some more drinks, the ladies returning two at a time every now and then between dances. Alexia just shooed them on to dance more and even got up herself a few times more.

Once or twice as she danced she lost Amy again and every time another guy came over to dance with her. Some suave and gentlemen-like, others more primal and alpha-like. Each swaying with her and holding her by the waist, some pressing themselves against her from behind so that she could feel firm bulges she had apparently made from what they whispered to her. Each time she laughed and brushed them off, dancing off to find someone else or Amy.

After a few more drinks though she just found the whispers funny and even played along a little. Teasing the guy with a little rub of her ass against him or swaying sexily in front of him as she ran her hands down his chest. But each time she laughed and danced away or was pulled away by Amy who led her back to the booth and her drinks.

She felt good. She felt drunk. But oh fuck did she feel playful. It was then that Amy gathered the girls conspiratorially as she glanced at her watch and led them all back to the booth.

"It's time for you to sit down, girly." Amy announced to Alexia as she sat down in the booth beside her, blocking her in with another of their friends on her other side.

"But I want to dance!" Alexia replied playfully.

"You can dance in a minute. I promise." Amy responded conspiratorially, "Just sit for a moment and relax. You'll enjoy yourself, I promise."

Alexia was about to ask what her friend meant when a police officer showed up at the end of the table.

"Good evening, ladies. Having a good night are we?" The officer asked and Alexia, being as drunk as she was, sat up straight pretending like she was doing nothing wrong.

Amy on the other hand just glanced at her amusedly then answered the officer.

"A perfect night, officer. Can we help you with anything?" Alexia's friend asked in return.

"I am just checking up on you. I was told the drinks had been flowing freely here so I wanted to make sure you ladies were all alright." He answered rather considerately.

"We're fine. We're just celebrating my friend's bachelorette party. She's going to be married in a week." Amy responded and the officer looked over at Alexia.

Suddenly Alexia wanted to be wearing more clothes. But then, from the way that the officer looked at her she may be in less trouble with what she was wearing! God she shouldn't have drunk so much!

"A bachelorette party is it? Well congratulations, miss." The officer said warmly.

"Thank you." Alexia replied shyly, and took a sip of her mystery drink again. The thing made her dizzy it was so strong!

"Is there anything you need, miss, seeing as this is your night?" The officer asked.

Alexia just shook her head as she drank from her glass. She was too flustered and drunk to really answer a law official.

"Well I'm afraid I may have to ruin your night..." He replied as he moved closer towards the table. Alexia felt the world spinning as he did. "...I may have to take you in..."

Amy looked at her with a stupid grin and Alexia could only wonder if she had broken some decency law with what she was wearing.

She didn't have time to answer though as the officer stepped up onto the table.

"...For being too hot!" He said emphatically as he reached for his top shirt buttons, flicking two of them open as he began to sway on the table in front of her.

It took Alexia a moment to realise what was going on, as the officer stood in front of her on the table dancing and opening his shirt buttons as he looked down at her, but when she did she laughed and leaned back, holding her mouth as her cheeks reddened.

The officer -- the stripper -- continued to undulate in front of her, his hips snaking back and forth sexually and thrusting his impressive bulge out towards Alexia. Alexia gaped as he unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it out of his pants, holding the edge as he swayed back and forth in front of her, grinning.

"I told you that you'd have fun!" Amy giggled next to her as she leaned over and Alexia slapped her friend on the arm.

She should have known that Amy would get her a stripper! Well, if Taylor could have one curtsy of Jesse then she could too.

Clapping, she whooed the stripper on as he leaned forward and placed his hat on Alexia's head before pulling his shirt open to reveal well-toned abs and perfectly chiselled muscles, all oiled to perfection.

His shirt came off and went onto the floor with a spinning motion before he undulated his crotch again as he took hold of his pants button and zipper. Opening them slowly he pretended to pull them apart but pushed them back together again quickly, before grinning and slowly easing them away from each other.

Slowly and sexily he pretended he was lowering his pants, easing them down to reveal the top of a perfectly pert ass, before pulling them back up again. And then, with one quick tug his pants ripped forward and came off, flung just behind Alexia's head.

Now he was dancing in front of her in a tiny g-string that barely contained what was hidden within. It bulged madly, almost as if trying to burst free. The girls were in hysterics.

The man continued to dance for them on the table until he reached down and held his hands out towards Alexia. Realising what he wanted the beautiful bride-to-be shook her head, but with Amy's urging she was soon pulled on to the table with the stripper.

He danced sexily in front of her, thrusting his bulging cock out against her stomach as he towered over her. His big arms flexed as he swayed back and forth, each muscle clearly visible from the oil and how defined he was. Alexia slowly began to dance back as the girls urged her on until she was sexily riding his leg as he bounced back and forth in front of her.

Alexia was laughing, and as the drink took her, whooting and whooing and urging the stripper on. He took hold of her waist and spun her around, bending her over a little so that her ass was against him as he faked fucking her from behind as he danced.

The girls shouted out and laughed, loving every second of it. And soon Alexia was playing along, turning around and dancing up and down until she almost knelt in front of him, running her hands up and down his thickly muscled body.

Soon the stripper picked her up and Alexia wrapped her legs around him as he carried her off the table and began undulating with her in his grip. One hand almost on her nearly revealed ass as he pretended to fuck her standing up. Her tits bounced like crazy in the low-cut dress and bra, but Alexia just pretended she was riding a bull. Which she sort of was.

Finally he put her down without even breathing hard and began dancing up and down her body until this time it was he that was almost kneeling in front of, and behind, her. As his hands ran up and down the sides of her body Alexia laughed and stood still. It was only when his hands slipped just under her breasts that she turned around and backed away from him, laughing still.

As if that was a sign the stripper continued to undulate in front of her, his hands sticking to himself this time as he placed his hands in the stringy straps of his g-string. Alexia's eyes went wide and her hand went to her mouth just in time for him to pull the thing down and step out of it.

Standing there completely naked in front of her, except for his shoes, the stripper placed his hands behind his head and began to dance for her -- just a foot away from her! -- his big dick swaying as he did.

Alexia -- and all of the other women -- were transfixed. He was enormous! And all there for them to look at. And he had no shame as he danced for them all completely naked.

Alexia looked over to Amy who sat grinning and clapping.

"Touch it! Touch it! Touch it!" The women began to chant and Alexia shook her head.

She could barely look away from it it was so big and beautiful! But she was definitely not going to go so far as to actually touch the dick of another guy. She was getting married in a week!

The stripper came thrusting over to her and grabbed her hand, but she pulled it away and shook her head. A smile broadly painting her face as she stared down at his dick like she couldn't pull her gaze away. Which she couldn't.

Amy wasn't going to waste this opportunity, however, as she and the rest of the girls climbed out of the booth and surrounded the man. Amy's hand immediately went to his cock and began to play with it in front of Alexia.

"Come on, Lex. Just touch it once." She pleaded amusedly and Alexia shook her head again.

If she was going to touch a dick it was going to be Taylor's.

Amy didn't seem to care though as she began jacking her hand up and down the stripper's cock, smiling at him as she kissed his taut stomach muscles.

Alexia burst out laughing at that and watched as the incredibly well hung cock became an engorged monster in her friend's hand. Fuck it was huge! Her hand would barely fit around that if she did take a hold of it! How could any woman fit that inside her?

Letting his dick go, Amy turned towards Alexia.

"Dance with him now!" She shouted happily.

Alexia shook her head but the girls all pushed her closer to the guy who undulated towards her. His big cock pressed against her stomach hard and Alexia tried to imagine it was something else. Amy grabbed his dick though and pulled it down, aiming it at her crotch and so Alexia quickly spun around. Only that drove the thing right into her ass, which made Amy laugh loudly and the petite bride-to-be shout out.

For a little while they struggled to dance as Alexia tried to pull free and the girls held her there. But finally as the stripper seized hold of her hips to play as if he were fucking her again -- only this time he was completely naked and hard! -- Alexia broke free and backed off, laughing again.