The Butler's Tale - Lady Mary

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Adventures of a mid 20th century butler.
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Lady Mary watched totally entranced by the sight of the two bodies writhing across the hall table.

The woman was laying front down across the heavy rosewood surface with her head turned to her right, facing the mirror on the opposite wall. Her legs were spread wide by the body of the partially besuited man ploughing between them. Her skirt had been pulled up over her back exposing her naked buttocks and long legs. The knee of her right leg had been lifted up onto the table and her left foot was on the floor, the ankle decorated by a pair of flimsy lace knickers. Only the toe of her patent leather shoe was on the carpet, the long slim heel was waving in the wind as she slid on the table. Her knuckles were white from tightly grasping the edge.

The man pounded away enthusiastically, his trousers at half-mast. His chiselled face was expressionless with just a hint of a smile. His eyes looked down watching his cock moving in the very damp pussy.

His left hand was holding her head firmly against the tabletop spreading her medium length black hair out over the dark surface. His right arm was underneath her leg pining it to her body. His hand at her belly enthusiastically massaged the pussy lips that his prick was splitting. The woman groaned each time that he pushed firmly into her. The material of her dress squeaked as it was driven back and forth over the polished wood. Her groans became sharp cries as his speed increased towards a climax. Her eyes opened wide, and she screamed as he grunted, and the hot seed gushed into her.

He paused for a moment and then pulled back so that his cock dropped out of its cave. He and Lady Mary watched as the white seminal fluid appeared in the crack and dripped slowly down onto the polished surface.

Lady Mary came at the same time. The memory that the woman in the reflection was actually her and the man on top of her was her butler, Wilson, came flooding back to her.





Lady Mary had been married to her husband Sir Harold shortly after her twentieth birthday. This mainly resulted in ten or so years of childless boredom. She had given up counting them. Sir Harold had been awarded his KBE for services to do with some rather obscure scientific, and secret, experimentation several years before the marriage. She neither knew nor wanted to know what it was exactly other than it was to do with things going bang.

Sir Harold was some fifteen years older than Mary and was now beginning to develop the physical characteristics of the more sedentary lifestyle common amongst his peers. Mary, on the other hand was still in her mid-thirties and had gone to great pains to maintain her youthful figure. She was of medium height, slim with long delicate legs and elegant arms that flowed gracefully into hands containing long slender fingers. Her nails were long and well-manicured. Many a man had looked lustily at those phalanges and dreamt of what they could do for him.

Her face was slender with high cheek bones and delicate nose. A pair of vivid blue eyes against her honey skin gave her an appearance that few forgot. Mary's hair was a stunning raven black, usually worn in a fashionable bob to the top of her shoulders.

Fashionable was the key word in her world. Despite being deep in rural Cotswolds she insisted on having the latest styles and fads. This was not too much of a problem for Sir Harold but some of her friends had a little difficulty keeping up to date. To be more accurate, her friends had no real problem, their husbands however sometimes did.

Lady Mary sported a slim body to match her appendages, furnished with modest well-rounded firm breasts and a very noticeable slim waist. Most of her female friends looked on her with total envy and her male ones with often barely disguised lust. Several, of both sexes, had tried it on with her over the years but all had been singularly unsuccessful. Her position in local society depended on a lack of scandal, or at least a lack of major scandal. She had been tempted.

Mary, the daughter of a local school headmaster, had been drawn to the idea of becoming a real lady, if only to spite her older sister. Sir Harold had been drawn to the idea of having an attractive young wife to tote around the local social circuit and the stuffy London scientific scene. Lady Mary, as she now insisted on being called, soon bored of that but decided it was worthwhile for the position it gave her.

The marriage was childless mainly because Sir Harold had never really got into the spirit of fucking of his lovely young wife other than it being his duty. They screwed fairly regularly at the start, but his uninspired performance was lacking the sparkle that a young woman needed. Lady Mary soon became bored with the lack lustre performance of their couplings. The events became less frequent as the months passed. Lady Mary ensured that their conjugations were mainly confined to the most infertile points in her cycle. She discovered that her fingers, her hairbrush, and regular horse riding, though not side saddle, provided far more adequate relief.

The house was a rambling mid-Victorian tiled property set in several acres of garden, rough woodland, and paddock. Stables housed a pair of decent thoroughbreds looked after by a part time stable boy. He also provided help around the house when required. The house was equipped with two cars, a brand new bright red Jaguar SS 21/2-litre sports saloon and a more sedate black 1932 Riley Nine Monaco. These were housed in part of the converted coach house. The only drivers were Wilson and Sir Harold, as Lady Mary had never shown any inclination to learn.

Sir Harold insisted on having a butler, as befitted a man of his standing. A cook, gardener, and cleaners also worked part time. These all lived off the premises. The only other staff member was Anne, a teenage housemaid who lived in and occupied one of the attic bedrooms.

Wilson had joined the household to replace the previous incumbent who had got to the age where he was becoming a danger to himself and, more importantly, the China service. He was finding it increasingly difficult to cope with the stairs and Lady Mary wandering around the place being, what he considered to be, scantily dressed. Wilson had no problem with either of those.

Wilson was recommended to Sir Harold by one of his colleagues who was in the process of downsizing as he moved to a smaller apartment in London. He and his wife had recently decided to live apart and no longer needed such a large property. They were both in their fifties and had reduced their staffing requirements accordingly. He kept a maid and she a general handyman. Wilson stayed on for a few months until the mistress found a slightly younger man to take his place. To be honest he was glad to be out of the place as she was becoming a little too demanding.

Wilson was a tall, well-built man in his early forties. His hair was dark with no signs of balding providing a perfect counterpoise for his strong chiselled features. There was no surplus body fat, mainly because of his rigorous regime of exercise. He wore his butler's uniform suit to perfection.

Most women would have classified him as being good looking and certainly Lady Mary could not disagree with that assessment. Several of her friends had commented on the fact but she had merely shrugged and made some comment to the effect that he was a servant and she had not noticed. That was rubbish of course. She most certainly had noticed and was well aware of his masculine looks and physique. She was also had become very aware that he was, in a very subtle and respectful way, constantly appraising her. She noticed that his eyes invariably scanned the full length of her body when he thought, or appeared to think, that he was not being observed. To be perfectly truthful he did not give a damn if she was aware of the observation or not. He knew that she was giving him sideways glances and that was enough to convince him that he probably could get between those rather lovely legs at some point. He had done it elsewhere.

Lady Mary began to modify her dress style carefully to accommodate her admirer. Her outfits became more tailored and slightly tighter in the parts where tightness was important. The material used indoors changed from a thick traditional country style weave to softer, more conforming cloth. Her shoes became softer, more elegant and grew modest heels that emphasised her stocking covered legs. Skirt lengths shortened to match the current London fashion. Sir Harold commented that the change was very pleasing. This rang slight alarm bells. Lady Mary smiled sweetly, patted his arm, and refrained from telling him that he was not really the intended target. She also decided that this might be a good time to increase his nightly allowance of malt.

The annual county ball came in June as usual. Lady Mary had decided to be a little more adventurous that year and had ordered a rather tight fitting full-length red gown made from close knit lace and covered with several hundred sequins. The material was more than a little see through and required an under garment. She had chosen the option of having a very thin silk shift built in. This made the outfit a little more decent but still clearly delineated the line of her curves, particularly when back lit. The lower half was very close fitting over her hips and upper thighs with the bottom flared out from the knee. This made walking somewhat restricted. The top was also very close fitting and strapless with slight stiffening material around the bust. Fastening was by a thin zipper running from below the waist to the top between her shoulder blades. The outfit left no doubt as to the shape contained within. Her hips and buttocks were very well displayed. The tightness resulted in a very pleasing spectacle when she walked, or indeed made any movement. The outfit was completed by a pair of slender stiletto heels, also in red, and a large multi-gem ruby necklace.

Wilson almost gagged when she managed to make her way down the stairs to the lounge. She gave the briefest of smiles when she noticed the reaction she was getting. Wilson felt the front of his trousers tightening as he assisted her down the front steps and into the Jaguar.

They arrived at the ball and Lady Mary was assisted out of the car by her butler.

"Will this do Wilson?" She whispered quietly.

"Oh yes, I do think so My Lady" he replied.

She walked carefully away towards the entrance and Wilson commented under his breath "Yes, very fuckable indeed M'Lady." He noticed the very briefest break in the rhythm of her step. He had taken the slight chance knowing that Sir Harold was a bit deaf on that side from his regular shooting.

Later that evening Wilson collected a rather inebriated knight of the realm and his Lady wife. Lady Mary paused while her husband was eased into the car and then waited for her door to be opened.

"A good evening M'Lady?" Wilson asked.

A not quite so drunk Lady Mary replied that indeed it had been a very enjoyable evening as she sank into the soft leather seat. She had the contented glow of someone who had had just enough to drink and still be in control. Someone who had also been stimulated by the event. Wilson could imagine what might be behind that stimulation.

The journey home was uneventful. Sir Harold was assisted into the house and into the lounge where Wilson provided him with a large Highland Park. Lady Mary shook her head, rolled her eyes, and settled back into the depths of the chesterfield with a large glass of wine. Wilson retired and waited for further instruction. This came some half an hour later when the bell rang. Sir Harold was about to attempt the negotiation of the long staircase to the landing and then to his room. Wilson assisted him and then putting on his valet hat assisted him into bed.

He returned to the lounge to find Lady Mary making a rather half-hearted effort to get out of the chair. Her dress while being delightful when she was standing was far from ideal when she wanted to get out of a chair designed for more comfort. Wilson refilled her glass. By the time that the glass was empty her ladyship was having not inconsiderable difficulty in releasing herself from the prison of the chair.

Wilson took the offered hand and gently assisted her to her feet. He kept hold of her until he was certain that she was reasonably stable. She groaned and muttered that the "dress was too bloody tight." She turned, well staggered actually, and instructed Wilson to start undoing the zipper.

He moved quietly behind her and began to slowly unfasten the top of the fastener. "I expect most of the gentlemen and one or two of the ladies have been wanting to do this all evening M'Lady" he said quietly into her ear. She giggled and leaned back into him.

"One or two ladies? Oh, do tell." She slurred.

"Far be it for me to gossip about some of your close friends M'Lady."

She wriggled her shoulders slightly. The top parted and began to slide over to the top of her arms. Wilson gently slid his middle fingers under the edges of the material and slowly encouraged it on its downward path. She pulled her elbows inwards slightly allowing the material to fall further. Wilson pulled it slightly forward so that the front dropped down and away from her breasts. She gave a contented sigh as the tightness eased. Wilson's hands gently moved down over her biceps, his thumbs just grazing the side of her ribs. She giggled. Wilson's hands left her arms and moved slowly across to cup her breasts. She gasped and pushed further back into him. His hands began to mould the soft flesh, his fingers playing with the rapidly hardening nipples. She groaned and pushed her buttocks gently into his crotch and began to rotate them.

Wilson left her breasts and moved his hands down over her belly to the top of her hips. His fingers lifted the material and pushed it downwards until gravity came to his aid. There was a gentle swish sound as the dress reached the floor. His left hand moved round behind her and began to massage her buttocks. His right hand moved inwards and began to explore down inside her small lace panties. His fingers finally made contact with the soft hair of her pubis. He played there for a few moments before working down to the hot moist lips of her pussy. His fingers began to slide up and down the damp crack. She shivered and began to moan softly. The moans turned to groans and increased in depth and frequency as his finger went deeper. Her right hand moved behind her and began to knead his crotch. Her fingers desperately sought out the fastener. Wilson moved his hand from her buttocks, deftly undid his trousers and let them fall. His right hand returned to her buttocks and worked their way into the bum crack. Her groans became louder as he pulled the panties down. She wriggled her legs so that they slid down to join her dress on the carpet allowing her to step out of them.

Her hand found and grasped his now stiff cock. She began to slide her fingers along the length wetting it with his precum. Wilson worked his fingers deep in making her groan and squeal. After a minute or so he withdrew his hands and pushed her forward towards the chair while ensuring that she didn't fall. Her hands gripped the arms tightly to steady herself. He moved her legs apart using his feet and then grasped his cock and leaned forward. The tip made contact with her now very wet pussy. She made a deep groan as he slowly slid the tip in. He paused for a moment before beginning to slide in and out with ever increasingly deep thrusts. She cried with each forward thrust. He found his pace. Her cries became louder. Wilson quickly turned and looked over his shoulder to check that he had indeed closed the heavy door. Content that it was as closed as it ever was going to be he began to fuck the writhing woman beneath him. Her hips bucked and pushed back into him as his thrusts became deeper and faster.

He could feel the spasms building in her belly as he worked his prick from side to side, the head exploring her very depths. She twitched, gave a loud long cry, and collapsed onto the chair shaking violently as the orgasm flowed over her. Wilson groaned inwardly as he was not ready to come.

His right arm reached round her belly and pulled her back up to him. His left hand grasped her hair, his fingers digging deep and pulling her head back. She cried out again, much louder. He continued to pump ever harder at the shaking body in his arms. He soon felt the heat rise, his balls tightened, and the hot seed shot down his cock and into her belly.

She went rigid, cried out and then began milking away at him as the heat entered and filled her.

Eventually the flow ceased, and she slumped forward in his arms. He held her for a few minutes and then gently lowered her onto the chair. She turned onto her right side and curled up with her arms around her knees, pulling them into her chest. The white fluid began to seep from her pussy and Wilson quickly pressed her panties against her to stop the flow getting to the Moroccan leather. He certainly didn't want the job of cleaning that in the morning.

He stood, adjusted his clothing, and looked around before retrieving one of the blankets from the window chest to cover her. Slowly her eyes closed, and she drifted off into a deep contented sleep. Wilson began to prepare the room ready for the morning. He finished and waited for a few minutes more for her to get to sleep properly. He picked her up and cautiously carried her in his arms up to her bedroom, thankful that she and her husband did not usually sleep in the same bed.

The following morning Lady Mary appeared first for breakfast at roughly her usual time. She looked calm, contented, and apparently unphased by the previous evening's events. No comment or eye contact was made by her or Wilson. She did appear to be walking a little stiffly though.

Sir Harold finally arrived half an hour later looking more than a little the worse for wear.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

An engaging and assured debut, I look forward to reading more of your sexy stories

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