The Cabin


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"Guess you aren't cold anymore, are you baby?"

I shook my head.

"How badly do you want to cum right now Cass?"

"Badly," I breathed, still panting.

"What would you do for me to bring you right now with my mouth?"

"Whatever you want!"

He chuckled and cocked his head. "Whatever I want? Just for a moment's pleasure? Your ex must have really sucked in bed for you to need to come that badly. I can't imagine I am just that good. Whatever I want? You remember that baby," he smirked, then went to his knees in front of me and lifted me off the boxes. His hands under my knees, he lifted my crotch to his face and began licking and sucking and tongue fucking me. I didn't even care about the weight on my arms. I came within seconds, my limbs flailing with no purchase, my back arching in my bonds. My scream was euphoric as wave after wave crashed over me. I finally went limp in my bonds and let my head roll forward to look down at him. He was covered, I had squirted all over him and he was smirking at me. He let my feet down, moving the boxes closer together, knowing my knees were weak. When he stood, he kissed me, passionate and full of need. I kissed him back, arching my body into his. My breasts pressed into the fluid on his chest and he pulled me tighter against him, covering me as much as he was covered.

I pulled back and looked up at him. "Fuck me," I whispered.

He didn't wait, he lifted me again and I wrapped my legs around him as he lined his cock up with my slit. He shoved in roughly and I cried out, but it was in pleasure as much as pain. He took me by the hips and bounced me off of him, ramming into me as I screamed. The pain was almost too much, hanging from my arms, the pressure in my ass, the huge cock ramming into me, but it was also perfect.

"Yes!" I pleaded as he yanked my hips harder and harder, working for his own release. "Oooooh, fuck yes!" I cried as I started to get close again.

"Don't you DARE fucking come," he snarled, jackhamering into me.

I gasped and wailed, but I could not stop it as the second orgasm flooded over me. He groaned in something close to pain as he pulled me against his chest and I felt him throb and shoot into me. We came together as he clamped me against him and I held him just as tightly. I was coming down, completely blissed out when he shot his final load into me and relaxed his hold on me.

"I told you not to," he growled.

"I... I was already there," I gasped. I badly needed a drink.

"Then you should have told me. I wanted to cum on those perfect tits."

"Sorry," I panted. "Next time? Please, may I have a drink?"

He made a disagreeable noise in his chest, but he reached up and loosened my bonds, pulling my wrists free. He let me down and got us both a bottle of water. I stretched my arms and rubbed my shoulders, then drank the whole bottle in one long swig.

"Can you take this off too?" I asked, plucking at the rope binding my breasts. I was sticky and hot and had cum dripping down my thigh. I needed a shower in the worst way. "And... the other thing?"

He took the ropes off, but caught my arm when I headed to the bathroom. "Not yet," he said, then lifted me to lay on my back on the island counter. He got his camera and spread my legs wide, taking creampie shots with the cum dripping down on whatever it was he had in my ass. He lowered the camera and looked down at my swollen, sore and very used pussy with a happy, dreamy smile. His eyes went to mine and his grin turned impish. "Whatever I want? I should make you come and lick my cock clean. Maybe I will work you up to it and fuck you in the ass. Maybe I should invite a nice big group of guys up here and watch you get gangbanged by a dozen different cocks. Maybe I will tie you back up and leave you till morning. What do you think Cass?" he asked.

I knew he was hoping I would try and talk him out of those awful things, go back on my promise, but I only looked up at him. "Whatever would please you the most, it's your choice."

He wasn't expecting that answer, but he smiled like he knew I was just playing to his ego. He pulled me off the counter and set me down, then followed me to the bathroom. I started to reach behind me to feel for what was in my ass and take it out, but he caught my wrist. "It stays."

I didn't argue, though it was uncomfortable, especially in it's length. I turned on the water in the shower and we both got in. I immediately turned to him and bent enough to start licking his long cock, lifting it with my hands. I sucked and licked every inch of it, then moved down to lick his sack too, swirling his balls in my mouth. He watched me, his face unreadable. By the time I had licked him completely clean, he was half hard again. I turned to shower, but he spun me and lifted me, pinning me against the wall. He kissed me within an inch of my life, until we were both breathless and panting again and I could feel his raging hardon pressing against my ass.

He lifted me higher and lined himself up to my pussy, then lowered me slowly, working himself in again. I was getting wet again, quickly as he bounced me with his hands and thrust with his hips. Every thrust took him deeper until he was ramming into my inner wall and we were both crying out in ecstasy. He came before I did, unloading inside of me with a deep throated roar. Feeling him throb and pulse inside of me and shooting his hot cum felt so amazing. I leaned against his chest and sighed in contentment. He lifted me higher, off his cock, high enough that he could kiss me again. Softer this time, gentle and sweet. He let me down to finish my shower though the hot water was barely warm now. He pulled me out to the couch wrapped in a towel and pulled me onto him while he watched the news. I laid my head on his chest and he stroked my back and hair as he watched. I was so languid and happy I made a noise of protest when he got up to make food. I followed him and sat on the stool, my legs under me so I would disturb the thing in my ass, watching him. He was so hot for an older guy, his body muscular but not cut so hard that he spent time in a gym. It was from whatever he did for a living and maybe running or cycling. He smirked at me as I drank him in with my eyes and set a plate in front of me.

"You excited for tomorrow?" he asked as he sat down.

I realized, when he asked, that I wasn't. I sort of wished we had one more day. Maybe even two. I wasn't missing home at all. I shrugged. "It will be nice to let my family know I am not dead," I said softly. "And to get to wear clothes again."

He chuckled and ate. I mostly played with my food, thinking about what he had asked. I didn't even care about seeing Nick again, or any of his friends. They weren't really my friends, just friends by association.

I looked over at him and wondered if I would see him again after tomorrow. I didn't even know his name. He was going to walk away after his fun weekend and never look back.

Did I want to see him again? Or just go back to my life? Finally leave Nick behind.

"Eat, Cass," he said gently.

I ate a few more bites, then washed both of our plates slowly. I turned to him and he was grinning at me, his eyes shining. "Can you take this out now?" I asked, my face red.

He rolled his eyes ostentatiously, but stood up and picked me up. He leaned me over the counter, his hand in the small of my back. "Push gently," he said mildly, then pulled it out slowly. He let me down and I looked at it, then scowled at him. It was a slingshot with a long, wooden handle, thick and curved for a hand as large as his.

"Men actually use those?" I scoffed.

He laughed. "I use it when squirrels chatter too much and give my position away when I am hunting. Grab my t-shirt, we'll watch a movie tonight."

He held me on his chest while we laid there and watched the movie. He watched the movie. I laid there and held him and thought about the morning. How would it all work? Would he let me off near the trail parking lot? Drop me off at a gas station? Take me home? I was stressing about it more than I should and I didn't know why.

He sat up when the movie was over and eased me onto the floor between his legs. He slid his fingers through my hair, then began rubbing my scalp. I moaned and let my head fall back onto his thigh. It felt amazing and I relaxed completely.

"Feel better?" he asked softly.

"Yes," I answered with a sigh.

He picked me up and carried me up to bed, pulling me tight against him. He kissed my head and we both sighed contentedly as we went to sleep.

Morning came too quickly and I lay there awake, staring at the light coming in the windows. It was all about to end.

He woke up with a grumble, then rolled me to kiss me. Soft and slow at first, then harder and full of passion and need. He pulled back and moved lower, shoving my legs up and apart. His hot, wet mouth on me made me writhe and moan as his tongue worked me. He slid first one, then two fingers into my waiting pussy and curled them up, beckoning me to come for him. I came for him with a scream, squirting all over him as I did. He hardly waited for me to come down before he worked his cock into me, making me moan and and pull him closer with my legs. He went slow and easy, as gently as he could. I relished every moment of it, knowing it was the last time. He came with a gasp and a sigh, then moved down to kiss me again.

We took a quick shower and he finally handed me my clothes back with a smirk. I sat and waited while he loaded up his truck, then he came back and led me out, setting me up on the seat and holding my hips to look down at me.

"You don't seem very excited," he teased.

I managed a smile up at him and he leaned in and kissed me again before closing the door and going around to his side. He started down the long drive, glancing at me constantly. I couldn't really bear to look at him, though I could see him looking at me.

"You gonna tell me the name of the trail?" he asked as he stopped at the end of the drive, looking both ways on the road.

"Oh. Umm. Mananoke? I think?"

"I know where that is," he said, turning right.

"Why there?"

"Staging area will be there."

"Oh. Right."

"Probably your friends and you ex. Maybe your family."

"Yeah, maybe," I answered halfheartedly.

He came around a curve and I could see it ahead, probably a mile up. Cop cars, other cars, all flooding the parking lot. People. A van with a table set up.

He pulled off on the shoulder and watched me looking at it. "I guess we should get our story straight?" he asked.

"Oh. Sure, yeah. Umm, I came on your cabin and you brought me here?"

"Ok. Is that what you want?"

I shrugged. He put the truck in gear but didn't move.

"You know," he said mildly. "I never did get that promise you made. Whatever I want?"

"Oh, no, I guess you didn't."

"Maybe I should take it now." I turned and looked at him finally, offering him a smile. He grinned at me. "It's whatever I want, right? No holds barred?"

"Umm, I guess that's the promise I made, so yeah."

"Come back with me. I have a place with two extra rooms. One would make a good studio. Quit school, you don't like business anyway. Paint, create your art. Stay with me."

I felt myself grinning, but I tried to hold back and not blush so hard. "You are still a stranger. I don't even know your name."

"Come with me and find out."

I smiled and looked out the window. "Maybe I should let my family know I am ok while I think about it?"

He laughed and pulled out on the road. He pulled up to the staging area and off to the side of the road and waved one of the cops over. He pulled his wallet out and showed the man a badge, then gestured to me. "This who you are looking for? Cassidy Ellis?"

"Are you Miss Ellis?" the officer asked in surprise.

"Yes sir. I got lost and he found me."

"Can you step out here? Are you hurt or anything? Come over here to the van and let the medics check you out. Sir, can you make a statement?"

He got on his walkie talkie and started talking rapidly as my giant came around and helped me out of the truck. He held my hand all the way to the van where everyone was super excited to see me safe and healthy.

I was still there twenty minutes later when Nick arrived with Mike and Lily. He ran to me, his face still terrified.

"Baby! Oh my god, you are safe! I can't..."

"Stop," I whispered, pushing him back from the hug he was trying to give me.


"I am sorry I worried you, sorry I got lost. I had a lot of time to think. I don't love you Nick, I just didn't want to say goodbye. I hate change. I want you moved out by the end of the month."

"Babe! Are you serious? Are you like hallucinating from lack of water or something? We can talk about this after you get checked out at the hospital."

"I am not going to the hospital, I am fine. End of the month Nick. Find a place, unless you want to take over the rental lease on your own. I won't be there."

"Where will you be?!? What the hell is going on Cass? You can't just..."

My giant stepped up next to me then, putting a hand on my shoulder. "She told you how she felt. Bow out gracefully."

"Who the fuck is this?" Nick asked, taking a step back.

"The man who saved me. Not just from the woods, but from wasting my life. I mean it Nick. I am coming to get my things and calling the landlord. I am month to month now, so I can leave when I want. If you want to stay, you need to talk to her."

"Cass! I have been here every day looking for you! This whole time you have been with this dude?"

"No. I was lost for days. He did save me, the rest is none of your business."

"Can we talk about this? Alone? Please?"

"There's nothing to talk about."

"So what? You're just going to go shack up with some mountain man and live like a redneck?"

My giant stood up straighter and pulled out his wallet, showing Nick his badge. "I would think twice before the next words that come out of your mouth. I have no patience for leeching little jackoffs like you. Step back and bow the fuck out before I make you my problem, boy."

Nick backed up, then looked at me, hurt and angry. He left and Mike and Lily followed, looking back at me wide-eyed.

"Captain Allard?" the deputy asked, coming up to my Giant.

"Yes?" he answered, turning to the man.

"We are ready for your statement, and hers. We are still pulling people in, but since she has refused treatment, you will both be free to go after your statements."

He wandered off again and I turned to look up at him. He was smirking. "So I guess if you are moving out of your place, you will need a place to go?"

My cheeks turned pink as I smiled. "I don't know. I was invited to. I was thinking I might like it. But only if I get to know his name."

"I'm pretty sure his name is Ben Allard."


"I told you I worked for the government."

"What flavor?"

"Need to know basis," he grinned, pulling me close. "So. I'm thinkin Vegas? Gettin' hitched?"

I laughed and hugged him. "Maybe start with seeing if we can cohabitate?"

"Nah. I can keep you in line. Definitely Vegas. After we pack you a bag and get you out of your place."

In under ten minutes, he was putting me back in the truck with a smirk. "Do you want to know where I live, Cass?"

"I am guessing close if you have a weekend place here."

He laughed and got in the truck. "I hope you like snow," he grinned and pulled out on the highway. "I live in Montana. We live in Montana. I come around here a few times a year to see my folks. So. Vegas?"

I laughed again, and my heart felt so light and full. "Sure... but can you bring the ropes?"

His booming laughter filled the truck and I felt myself blushing as I smiled with him. I couldn't remember ever feeling this content and happy. And excited to get him into bed again.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Fibroidkey794Fibroidkey79418 days ago

Lovely story! Thoroughly enjoyed it 10/10

OldNakedHikerOldNakedHiker4 months ago

The very end was a tad to easy but….

phfinaphfina12 months ago

Another lovely story. I loved it!

kisses, `phfina

CleverTwinCleverTwinover 1 year ago

I am so in love with the man in this story. I feel the same way he does about people being deceitful.

TheAfterBurnTheAfterBurnover 1 year ago

Perfection. I want him so bad, she is one lucky woman.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 2 years ago

way above 5 stars!!!!! I imagined several follow up stories, many scenes with her talking and confronting people she knows and him holding out a giant arm and simply saying "up". then she simple jumps into his arm, wraps her arms around his neck and smiles as they walk away.

Quiet_WandererQuiet_Wandererover 2 years ago

That was wonderful Gab.

HarleyKilledtheJokerHarleyKilledtheJokerover 2 years ago

Montana... haha a lot more lumber jack assassin government ops there than people even know. Lol

Good story. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Astrid_GreenAstrid_Greenover 2 years ago

I find myself caring so much and longing for more at each end of your stories.


Jonny_BluelineJonny_Bluelineover 2 years ago

I'm not normally a huge NC fan but I've read this one at least twice. Such a fun read, better the second time!

Sassybutterfly99Sassybutterfly99almost 3 years ago

Totally loved this !! Wish there was more !! Thank you for sharing this ❤️❤️

slave2MSGTslave2MSGTalmost 3 years ago

I love love love love loved this story! I wanted so badly to be Cass myself!

MasterBlogmanMasterBlogmanabout 3 years ago

Weird rape and bondage story that works around to romance by the end. Requires quite a bit of suspension of disbelief, but it works. Great story.

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