The Cabin


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During the night, spooning like they had the first three nights, Amy felt his cock come alive. She spread her legs and guided him home, happy to have him in her. When his dick expanded, announcing his imminent load, she pushed her butt back into him, determined to take it all.

They drifted off to sleep again, his hand on her lower belly, as if protecting her womb. It made her feel loved in a way she'd never felt before.

The next morning they were woken by a 'halloo' from outside. They sat up so abruptly Amy fell from the bed onto her knees, breasts hanging lewdly.

"Yes, we're here!" Chris called, as they scrambled to dress in the clothes they'd cast off the night before. He finished before her, and stepped out onto the porch.

Amy managed to spot the older man who'd dropped them off 5 days ago before the door closed, saving her modesty. She could hear a few words, as her son spoke to the man, before he ducked back in. "Let's go, let's go," he urged.

Quickly, they gathered what had been unpacked, locked up, and walked back to the road with the driver.

"Sorry about the wait, the road had some issues yesterday due to the rain. I hope everyone's okay," the driver said. He was a stout man with dark hair, perhaps in his 50s. He'd said his name was George when he dropped them off.

"Um, yes, we're fine," Amy said. "I'm glad you're here, we were very confused when the pickup didn't happen, but I understand why you couldn't make it."

"Yeah, well, the folks who stay here normally don't mind an extra day, so I figured you wouldn't be upset."

It was an odd comment. Surely the cabin wasn't in regular use? Amy let the comment go, intent on getting back to civilization.

When they got to the road, they all piled into the crew cab truck and started the bumpy ride back to town. After a while, the comment came back to Amy. "Excuse me, George. Did you say other people stay at that cabin? It doesn't seem like it's been used much."

"Yeah, well, it's been a few years. I was surprised we got another couple for the package, I thought all those old ads had disappeared, but we're happy you came."

Amy's confusion grew, and she shared a glance with Chris.

"Package? What package?"

George gave them a confused look. "The mother and son package. The one you came for. We've been running the package for years, ever since we moved back to town. It was quite popular for a while there in the 90s."

Amy started to feel an idea form. "Do you know Peggy and Josh?"

"Know them! I'm their son, named after my grandfather. They're who inspired the package. They stayed in the cabin for a bit in the 70s, and well, I'm here now," he laughed. "Found the diary, did you? Yeah, it's always good for helping the moms ease their way into it. Never have an issue getting the sons involved!"

"So the package is..."

"The mother and son romance package, the one you bought. Unless...did I get it wrong? Were you not here for the getaway?"

"No! No, you got it right, that's us," Amy said, grabbing hold of Chris' hand and squeezing it before letting go.

"Right, I figured. I could see it when I picked you up, scrambling to get dressed. We usually have a 'problem' with the road due to rain, and the extra day never goes awry with the folks humping away on mom and dad's bed."

Amy blushed, blood flooding her face and other parts. "Did they work out okay, your parents? The diary said they were headed to Chicago."

"Yeah, they were happy the rest of their lives. I have two sisters and a brother, and we were raised with love and happiness. It was my parents' idea to create the package, to encourage other mothers and sons to get together and find the joy they did."

"I'm glad. The end of the diary seemed to hint at something dark."

"That was my mom's idea. She figured a little hint of 'every day could be your last' would move up the time table."

"It's astonishingly effective. How many couples did you have here?"

"Well, they ran it for a long time, but I think we averaged 8-10 packages a year."

"That many? Wow."

"Yep, and I would guess a 95% success rate. In fact, make sure to drop me a line if you catch, and I'll add you to the list."

A chill ran through Amy. "Which list?"

George looked over at her with a knowing smile before going back to the road. "The list of moms who got preggers, of course, there's a reason we call it the Breeding Package. There's something about that cabin, seems to make every son a stud breeder."

They fell silent, Amy staring out her window, thoughts and feelings a whirlwind. She put her hand on her lower belly, meeting Chris' hand, and their fingers intertwined above her womb. Was she pregnant?


Epilogue :

Amy took the keys held out by the landlord, and saw him out the door before turning back to the piles of boxes. It was done; she was separated from her husband, on the way to divorce. Jason hadn't protested in the slightest when she told him she was leaving, in fact he seemed relieved.

A knock came on the door, so she opened it to let Chris in, weighed down by the last of the boxes. She took the top one away, despite his protests, and put it on a nearby pile. He found an empty spot for his load, and stood up, stretching his back. "That's all of it. Want to start unpacking?" he asked with a grin.

"Ha, ha. I'll need to rest a bit first, thank you."

"I'm teasing. I'll do it, it's the least I can do."

"We'll both do it."

They found the couch and sank into it, amid piles of boxes and other buried furniture. Amy felt herself relax for the first time in two months. Ever since they got back from the 'mother and son package', she'd been anxious their secret would be found out. It didn't help that she couldn't keep her hands off of her son, and constantly threatened to out them with her need for physical touch.

Now that they were in their own place, she could show her affection without fear of discovery. "Hey," she said. Chris turned to look at her, and she pounced on him, straddling him and peppering him with kisses.

His erection soon made itself known under her, pressing into her pussy. "Get these off," she hissed, not wanting to waste another minute.

Hastily they disrobed, until she was on his lap, cock pressed up against her dripping vulva. Lifting up, she placed him at her entrance, pushing down and keening as she felt that wonderful stretching feeling as he entered her. While she was distracted by his cock, he took her breasts in hand and suckled, pulling her tit flesh into his mouth.

Riding her son for all she was worth, Amy thanked Peggy and Josh for passing their legacy on, and bringing them together.


Amy pulled the last book out of the last box and placed it on the shelf. It had taken three months to get unpacked from their move, but she guessed it was normal to take a while. She wasn't in the best shape for vigorous activity anymore.

She stood up, holding onto the shelf to help. She had a bit of a belly, enough that she had new clothes and was feeling awkward. Chris was a big help, but he was at school. She had the day off for a doctor's appointment, and had decided to take the extra time to unpack.

Feeling accomplished from the completion of her chore, Amy went to the couch and sank into it, her breasts swaying loosely in her top. Since moving out with Chris, she'd been wearing a bra less and less, at his insistence. Gone were the days of annoying pain, replaced by the days of sensitive nipples moving under cloth, making them perpetually hard.

She watched a bit of TV until it was time to go to her appointment. Chris wasn't able to attend with her, as he wasn't her husband, and it would be beyond awkward to announce he was the father. She wished she could have his support, but knew he'd ask all about it when he got home.

The appointment went well, with the Doctor giving a clean bill of health to both mom and baby.

When she got home, she put on her normal 'laying around the house' clothes: shorts and a tank top. Chris insisted it was good for the baby, but she thought he was probably referring to his penis.

When he got home, he did ask about the doctor visit, but as soon as he was filled in, he was filling her in. She bent over the couch, panting and screaming as he pounded his heavy cock into her pussy. His stamina was amazing after so many months of fucking, and he could make her come with his cock alone. Amy thought it was probably half cock, and half her love for him, but was pleased to be on the receiving end regardless.

After coming down from their coupling, Amy lay on the couch with her top off to let Chris massage body butter into her belly and breasts. It was a heavenly, intimate chore; one that he relished and took his time with, and she was happy to indulge him.


Seven months. If asked seven months ago if she would like to have her son's baby growing in her belly, she'd have recoiled at the thought. Now, it was what she lived for. She woke up daily, happy to feel movement and kicking, happy to have a small bladder and back pain. Other pregnant women in her support group thought she was mad, but they hadn't taken the Mother and Son Breeding Package. It gave her a certain perspective, and now more than ever, she was glad she skipped the Plan B.

Amy, just napping, had to roll out of bed to go pee. The motion highlighted how much her breasts had grown, as they rolled on her chest, unbound. Her nipples were dark, thickening in preparation for the job of delivering milk, matching her growing breasts. Chris was delighted by the changes, and took pains to tell her often. It made her feel good to hear his compliments.

When her tiny bladder was empty, she pulled her shorts up and practically waddled to the couch. She knew the actual waddling would come - she still had two more months - but liked to exaggerate the motion for effect.

"Hey, you're up," Chris said, jumping up off the couch to help her.

Amy accepted his hand and let him ease her down. She'd tried to tell him she was fine, but gave in when he just looked sad at her refusals for help. He sat on the end of the couch, and put a pillow on his lap for her head. She loved this time, as this was one of the few positions they had left that didn't cause her discomfort. When she was settled, she purred deep in her throat when she felt his hand rest on her breast.

In the months they had been living together, exploring and learning their likes and dislikes, this was one they loved equally. His hand caressing and fondling, playing with her sensitive nipples. If he did it long enough, it could lead to her having an orgasm, which inevitably led to time in the bedroom. Sometimes he just fondled for hours. He was the biggest breast man she'd ever met. Or maybe, he was just a man who liked big breasts. Either way, they enjoyed the intimacy.


Amy woke up, feeling...horny. Before the cabin, it would have been noteworthy, but since then, she'd been horny regularly, eager for her son's dick any time of the day. Now, her need for dick was intense, her pussy practically aching to feel him inside of her.

She nudged him with her elbow, saying, "You up?"

Chris came awake instantly. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, well no. I need your dick in me, now." She emphasized her point by pushing back with her butt.

"I just woke up," he said, but didn't complain more than that.

"Get hard, I need you," she whined, which surprised her. She didn't whine. Surprisingly, she felt that telltale poke in her butt soon after. Was he attracted to her whining? It was a question for later.

Her arms were in front of her, over her belly, and she was wearing a tank top and thin shorts. Amy didn't move, passively waiting for Chris to do it all. When she felt his hands on her waistband, she did her best to lift, allowing him to drag her bottoms off her legs. He moved back behind her, spooning in close and lifting her leg to put his cock by her weeping pussy.

With a subtle pelvis tilt, Amy was transported nine months back, to the cabin, the first time they'd made love. The familiar feel of his organ stretching and filling her was next, and she sighed with contentment when he started to slowly fuck her, careful not to jiggle her too much.

It was a good fuck, and near the end she started to push back in time with him, achieving a deeper penetration. He'd teased her the first time they had sex after confirming the pregnancy that he was afraid of poking the baby in the head. At this point, she figured if it got him or her out of her belly, it was worth it.

Chris gave her what she needed, the feel of him in her horny pussy driving her wild, until she came on his dick. It was a good one, and at first she thought their combined juices were draining everywhere. It only increased when he pulled out...oh.

"My water broke. There's no rush, but you need to start getting ready."

"Fuck," he said, elegantly.


Amy hoisted Josh up onto her hip, bending to pick up the few toys he'd pay attention to. He wasn't able to walk just yet, but was crawling faster than she'd like.

Chris emerged from their office, his 'room' when people were visiting, and came to take his son.

"All done?" she asked. He was studying for exams, and needed to focus, but always seemed to have time for her and Josh.

"Just about. I've got my courses locked up as it is, this is just gravy. Except for Economics, the professor makes our final worth 50%, so we have to pass it or fail the whole class."

"Don't wear yourself out too much. I've been feeling a bit frisky, and you're going to need your strength." She reached around to smack his butt.

He grinned, "Yes, Ma'am."

As she walked by, she went on tiptoes to put her lips by his ear and let out a high pitched whimper and walked away.

"Evil temptress!" he called after her, and she giggled.

It turned out he enjoyed a submissive mewl now and then. In the kitchen, she got started on dinner, humming with contentment for her life, thinking back on how it all got started. A chance stay at a rustic cabin, and an incestuous story leading to her getting knocked up. She couldn't have dreamed it up.

As she swayed around the kitchen, milk-heavy tits swaying in her top, she thought of Peggy and Josh, and their legacy. Maybe it was time to revisit the could be fun to actually try and get bred this time.

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momloversonmomloverson21 days ago

fuckkkk....what an amazing mother son story...a prolific writer doing total justice to the mother son romance, tease, flirt genre...hats off dude....keep writing and rocking....

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I've read this a couple of times, and like it

great balance of sexy stuff and back story

ready for part 2 please

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Fantastic. Awesome. Hats off to your story writing skills. Please continue.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Enjoyed reading the Story; all filled genuine love ,sex, fulfilment.

sexsutrasexsutra5 months ago

You are an amazing writer. There are very few left now who are regularly bringing up great mom-son romance stories.

This story got me hooked. I finished it in one go. With fun break The sensuality, romance and passion in this mother-son was truly epic, like your other stories.

Minnie_La_LaMinnie_La_La5 months ago

Another great story.

Fenris420Fenris4205 months ago

What an interesting story... particularly the diary element and the resolution to it's cliff-hanger ending. Well written and entertaining. Sexy as hell, too. 5/5* Fav

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I loved the mother son love......I NEVER like the mom getting pregnant.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

What a wonderful story!

MillCreek1986MillCreek19867 months ago

Great story! Thanks for posting it!

live4thebjlive4thebj7 months ago

Loved everything about the story. 5 stars!

FutaloveadickedFutaloveadicked7 months ago

I loved every word. Very well written and so sexy. The dairy is really giving it a nice touch. Would love to read an part 2 . My favorite story so far.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago


bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg1239 months ago

"The Cabin:" - Thirty-eight Year Old Married (Estranged) Mother, Amy and Nineteen Year Old Virile Son, Chris

This story grabbed me , literally by the balls, from the initial reading of Amy and Son, Chris. My comments of five months ago--today being September 22, 2023--is at least ten-fold as appreciated!!. This is not the most perfect mother and son story that I've ever read.....but it is within the top five of my most ever best incestuous readings. The length of the writing, the context and theme, the characters and their roles, the love and romance and respect and the familial content and the bottom line, makes this incest story even better than any story I could ever compose--or wish in my own life! Unfortunately for this fabulous story and being the father of the most beautiful daughter ever, I'm most partial to father and daughter's incestuous familial lives. I'm still awed though, by this awesome mother and son incestuous rendering work!!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

My second time through. What an amazing story this is. Romantic as heck, thoughtful dialogue, real world worries. I will definitely read again because of the romantic qualities of this story. Thank you for not turning Amy into a slut, no outrageous name calling, no orgies, etc. Just a great story. Thanks for sharing

LaurawkLaurawk10 months ago

Amazing story and so well written

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