The Captured Butterfly


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He smiled at her, "You relinquished it over to me remember? I can control your heartbeat; even stop it if it pleases me. If you try to leave it would anger me; that is not something you would want to do, not after me binding you to me. Ellie I told you it was a serous decision, I thought I made it clear what you where deciding to do, do you regret it now?"

She swiftly looked up into his eyes, "No! I'm not sorry at all. I know I should be and especially with your eyes looking at me like that," she winced, but I don't. I mean you control the very beat of my heart now and after I give you a son you're going to take my very life, right?" she looked down into her lap now, "Yet all I want you to do is make love to me again. Is that not insane?"

He grabbed her chin lifting it to look at him, "No it's not insane." He kissed her hard on the lips. "I will make love to you until you're spent if it pleases you."

As her body became conscience she smiled, she could feel herself still wrapped up in his strong arms. "How could he terrify her and love her so deeply at the same time?" She asked herself. "Is it the power he has that makes me want to stay or the complete devoted love that he gives me? I want to hate him but I can't. I want to cry out for help but I don't." she looked up into his eyes as he smiled at her.

Chapter 10 A Lesson Learned

"Good morning my dear or should I say good afternoon?" he laughed. "Your need was great last night, I thought I wouldn't be able to satisfy you. Don't blush or turn away, it pleases me to fill such a great need. I think I should phone Dorie and tell him to order the cook to send over a brunch for two." He reached over to the side table and grabbed his cell phone. "Dorie get the cook to send over a brunch for two." Then he flipped it closed.

"Brunch for two?" she looked at him puzzled. "I thought you don't eat?"

He laughed, "I don't but Marinda does and she's hungry. Shall we join her downstairs this morning since you don't need naps anymore?"

"I don't, you mean I'm not stuck in this blasted bed anymore?"

"Anyone with as much energy as you had last night, doesn't need naps...yes your sprung," he laughed.

The days that followed fell into a routine; Ellie felt loved by Renald so much, he rarely had to ask her to do anything more than once, she went out of her way to please him and he was very happy with that. They both became very relaxed around one another, like they had been a couple for years instead of months. She wanted to please him because she saw it as a way to give back to him for the pleasures he gave her every night something she couldn't even come close to equalling. Her life was finally on the right track, finally feeling like life for her might have changed, he showered her with love and that was good enough for her. Of course there would always the cruel consequences to follow once she gave him a son but she would be with him forever. The way she was looking at it if she were bound to him then he would be bound to her. The class reunion would be expanded to include the whole town inviting everyone to the grand ballroom for an engagement party. This would throw Merinda into becoming a busy tornado with being the one given the job of not just planning this grand event but the tedious task of being Ellie's maid of honour, something that would have broken her heart if not asked to do. Yes things where working out quite well so it should not have been a shock to Ellie when a jolt of reality struck to pull her into some really hard facts about her future life. There would be things that she would have to except and somethings in her life that she would lose. Ellie would have to get use to living a whole new life one she might not have complete control of.

Like every other day she woke up in his arms rested and content. "Morning," she said looking up at him with a smile.

"Morning, sleep well?"

"Yes quite solidly," she giggled.

Since it was a Friday Mitch wasn't working so Renald grabbed his cell phone like he did every morning and ordered two breakfasts, from the estate's kitchen for her and Merinda.

"Oh Renald please no food right now I'm not really that stomach is kind of upset when you mentioned food."

"You couldn't eat breakfast yesterday ether maybe when the doctor comes to take your cast off I tell him to give you a check over, might be coming down with something you know."

"Oh that's silly I'm fine, I just don't feel hungry in the morning that's all, anyway Merinda has my day booked and you have meetings all day you said so we best get up and start our day." She gave him a kiss on his lips then shimmied off the bed. "It sure will be nice to get this stupid cast off. What time is he suppose to be here?"

"9:30 this morning," he watched her with amusement.

As she hobbled back to the bed with her clothes she looked at him, "What's so funny?"

"You are, you amuse and thrill me greatly." He got up and gave her a kiss on the nose then got dressed himself.

The breakfast hadn't been brought over yet as they entered the kitchen but since Ellie only wanted tea she didn't much care. It was Renald that seemed upset about it and gave his cook a call to see what the hold up was.

"Renald don't worry about it I'm just going to have a tea that all and Merinda isn't even down yet, don't upset yourself before your day full of meetings."

"You are not going two days in a row without breakfast or your going back to bed." He said in a flat stern voice, leaving no room for argument."

"And you call me stubborn," she said under her breath.

"What did you say?" He pulled the phone from his ear and snapped it shut. "It's on its way."

Merinda bounced into the room, "Ellie I have something to do this morning but I'll back at 10 o'clock to pick you up ok?"

"Hey your breakfast is on it way."

"I'll grab a coffee and muffin downtown, got to go, see ya at 10." She said as she kissed Ellie on the cheek and bounced down the hall to the front door. She opened the door, "breakfast is here." Then she grabbed the coffee that was on the tray and skipped towards her car. "Thanks Renald I'll bring the cup back."

"Thank-you Dorie that will be all." Then walked back to the kitchen and placed the plates on the table.

"Before the lid was even removed Ellie knew what it was and it curled her stomach. "Oh no Eggs ahh," she ran to the sink and heaved what ever she had in her stomach from the night before.

"That is it back to bed for you and I'll cancel my meetings for the day."

"Renald don't do that I'm not sick just get rid of those eggs please the smell of them...Oh no," she ran over to her computer desk to check the calendar. She slowly looked up at him, "I think I'm pregnant!"

Renald looked stunned at her for a minute then the largest grin she ever saw opened up across his face and he ran over, picked her up and swung her around the room.

"Oh egg smell...swinging around the room not a good idea love."

"Sorry," he gently put her down and ran over and got rid of the eggs then went back and picked her up and placed her in the chair.

She grabbed the toast that was on the plate, "I'll eat the toast though," then grabbed the toast from the other plate. He silently sat in the chair and watched her suddenly he flipped his cell phone open, "Dorie...When Ann and Brenda are done there work for the morning I would like you to bring them over to Miss Stantons. They are going to pack her stuff up for her tonight...She will be moving to the main house tonight!" then he flipped it closed as he saw the start of her objections.

"What are you talking about I'm not moving over there for a couple of weeks yet, after we're married. What are you doing?"

He took her chin with is cool fingers, "You are carrying my son. You are not staying alone in this house; I want you where you are going to be taken care of properly. It doesn't matter, you would have been moving over there in two weeks anyway it's a two weeks early that's all." He then quietly sat in the chair across from her.

She let out a loud huff then stood up, "I am going no place until I am married so you can just phone them back and tell them not to bother, I can take care of myself."

He just smiled at her as if amused.

"I'm not!" she screamed.

He flipped open his phone again, "Dorie...I want them here by one o'clock because Miss Stanton is to be moved in by 5." Then he clicked it closed again with his grin even bigger. "Yes you are, Ellie so sit down and eat your toast."

Her leg was sore from standing so she flopped back in the chair but she tightly folded her arms across her chest, "I'm not hungry anymore and no I am not!" Then she lifted her head obstinately towards the ceiling.

Someone knocked on the door so he got up, "We'll discuss this later, Ellie."

"No we won't, Mr. Branston!" she said in a snappy voice.

He stopped and glared back at her for a second then continued on down the hall to open the door.

The doctor came in, "Well today's the day isn't it?" He said with a happy smile. It melted her anger right away and she uncrossed her arms. This was the day she had been waiting to come all month; she wasn't going to have it spoiled by his stupid unyielding ideas.

The doctor bent down and with a small contraption that had a tiny round blade he cut the cast off exposing a very skinny, white leg and it had a scare just below the knee. He felt around the break then put out his arm. "Ok I want you to stand on it very lightly," he said as he helped her up. She stood up but looked for the chair to sit down again, "it feels really weak to stand on," she said disappointed. He smiled at her while he helped her back into the seat, "You'll have to still walk with these for a couple of days just until your leg gets strong enough to take the weight. You need someone to work that leg for you while you lie down, it needs to be exercised, and he glanced at Renald.

Renald gave a knowing nod then said, "Doc I think you should give Ellie a check over before you go. She thinks she has morning sickness." He ginned at her as she glared up at him.

The doctor looked at her, "Have you skipped?"

She looked up at him, "Yes, 2 weeks?" He dug into his bag and held out a bottle to her. You know what to do." He smiled.

"Ya I do," she smiled sheepishly. Renald helped her up the stairs then waited for her outside the bathroom. Two minutes later she came out and he helped her down the stairs. She handed the doctor the container, taking the lid off he placed a long strip inside then took it out, "Looks like your going to be a mother Ellie, congratulations," She gave the doctor a hug, "thanks doc." He took out one of his cards and wrote a date on it. "Here I want to see you in two weeks I'll check your leg and we can start your prenatal visits. Well got other people to see." He grabbed his bag and headed the door. Ellie hobbled over to her seat while Renald walked the doctor out.

Ellie folded her arms and looked into her lap, she knew he was going to be difficult on this but she had to win this one. She had to make him understand that giving 100% of her independence was not fair to ask. She knew she would have to give the place up and move in two weeks when they got married, she just wasn't ready yet. She would have to make him understand.

He was standing in front of her but she didn't want to look at him. He had ways to make her except it and move into the main house without argument. He waited for quite sometime then finally took a tight grip of her chin and made her look into his eyes. "Your things will be moved into the main house tonight and that is that. No more arguments and no more impertinence. I will not abide by that Ellie. Now eat your toast Marinda will be here soon. By the time you come back it will be 5 and you can come to the main house." He bent down and kissed her on the lips and let go of her chin. "Now behave yourself and don't make me angry, it's time you took your proper place by my side, I'm leaving to go my meetings now." He turned around and went out the glass doors to the garden.

What happened she wasn't even given a chance, lost before she even started, her feelings and her side to this debate cast aside, she felt like a child that had just been slapped on the hand and scolded. She let her face drop into her hands and cried until Marinda came.

"Hello anyone home? Hey!" she said as she entered the kitchen. "I knocked 5 times what...Hey," she said as she noticed Ellie crying. She ran over to her and gave her a hug. "What's the matter...where is Renald?"

"Meetings all day," she managed to sputter out. "I'm pregnant and..."

"Pregnant! Hey isn't that suppose to be a happy event...I mean I know you two aren't married for another two weeks but El this is the 20th century and you'll be husband and wife eight months before you have him."

She suddenly stopped, "Him? You think it will be a boy too?"

She blinked at her then smiled, "ah I don't know I guess so, look we have all day and an unlimited credit why are we sitting here still? We need to go spend some money. Oh I told David to meet us at 6 o'clock at the dinner for supper, ok?"

Ellie looked down in her lap again and started to cry, "I can't I have to be back here for 5. He's moving my things to the main house tonight instead of in two weeks. He said he doesn't want me staying by myself, wants me where I can be taken care of, like I can't take care of myself.'

"Well that makes sense."

She looked up at Merinda glaring at her, "What?"

"Well I know you like to take care of yourself Ellie but hey over there you're going to be waited on hand and foot. You won't have to do anything for yourself, just focus on your up coming wedding and your baby."

"I like taking care of myself," She glared.

"Hey Ellie I don't think you have really grasped it yet but your about to become the envy of many woman, you are going to be the riches wife around, the man is worth billions." She bent down to look into her face and made a huge grin, "I'll have you back for 5 ok, now can we go spend some of his money you're getting married in two weeks?"

She wiped her cheeks with her sleeve, "Oh you, give you credit you'll take a mile."

"Damn right! Money is to be spent," then she dragged her down the hall to front door. The day of shopping with Merinda always brought up the spirits weather you want it to or not and soon she had forgotten the argument she had with Renald. They shopped and laughed just like old times only with less stores to do it in.

Marinda was driving her back when Ellie's memories jolted her into reality, after today she would never have time to herself, no space, no say, and no independence. Her stuff would be packed and they would be waiting for her so they could take her to the main house.

Merinda looked at her friend with pity, "hey why don't you tell him how you feel?"

She managed a glance at her. "I tried that, believe it or not he's more stubborn than I am."

She smiled, "Ya like that's possible." She placed her hand over hers, it will work out I know it, he really loves you and wouldn't do anything unless he thought it was..."

"Do not say for my own good or I shall just scream, ok. I couldn't take that for you Mar I need to know you're on my side even if you do agree with him." She glared.

She pulled up in the driveway and then gently put her hand on hers, "I am on your side, always."

She smiled up at her, "Thanks Mar. What you going to do for supper?"

She smiled evilly, "I have a dinner date to keep, I don't mind you bowing out three is a crowd anyway," then she laughed.

She shut the car door then turned and said, "Enjoy dinner."

"Dinner," she scoffed, "Its desert I'll be focused on tonight!" she smiled then backed out.

She turned toward the house then after a longing sigh she hobbled towards the house dragging her bags up the porch. Dorrie came running out of the house and grabbed the bags, "here Miss Stanton I'll take those and put them in the car; most of your things are already at the house.

As he moved to put the things in the car she walked up the porch and into the house. A ghost of memories flowed threw her mind as she found herself staring at the kitchen.

Dorrie came up behind her, "Everything is in the car are you ready to go, it's almost 5?"

Setting her mouth into a firm line she turned around, "No I'm not, you can just go back and tell him that." She folded her arms in stubborn defiant stance. "You go back and tell Mr. Branston that." She turned around again to face the kitchen.

"Miss Stanton he is not going to be happy. You really shouldn't push his temper, he can get very angry, please."

"I don't care about his happiness since he has totally disregarded mine. He can take everything out of this house but I'm staying so go!"

Dorrie shook his head, "Oh Miss Stanton you're making it hard on yourself," then he turned and left. She walked over to the sunroom and looked at the garden, placing her hands longingly on the glass.

"Jerry I'll be but a moment." He growled. She heard him come in and walk up behind her. "Ellie it is past 5, why are you still here?" he spit threw his teeth.

"Dorrie didn't give you my message?" she said calmly.

"Yes he did and I had to come out of a meeting to come over here and hear it for myself because I couldn't believe you would be so cheeky, after our little talk this afternoon, now get your ass out that door over there and get in the car Now!" he yelled.

She flinched but stood firm, "No, I'm not ready to leave here yet, I want another week."

He spun her around, "NO?" he rolled his eyes to look at the ceiling. Without another word he pinched a nerve in her neck causing her body to be paralysed so she couldn't move. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder then carried her out of the front door, throwing her into the back seat. He got into the front seat, "Lets go home Jerry."

"Yes sir."

He carried her yelling and screaming into the house.

"Sir the dinner is ready."

"Good!" then carried her down then hall to the dinning room. "Dorie the chair please." Dorie pulled out the chair and he threw her into it. "Give me ten minutes then you can serve the meal."

"Yes sir." Then he bowed, turned and left.

"Let me go. This isn't fair, un-paralyse me?"

He leaned over and pinched the nerve in her neck again releasing her body. She instantly got up but before she could take one step away from the chair he yelled a command that made her cringe on the spot.

"STOP! Sit or I shall have Dorie get me some rope and I'll tie you into it."

She looked at him in disbelief but what she saw in his eyes made her know he meant it, with arms folded in front of her she plunked down into the seat.

Dorie poked his head between the doors, "ready sir?"

"Yes Dorie, serve." He said calmly. He came and placed a bowl of soup in front of her and a silver cup in front of him, bowed then left.

"Pick up the spoon and eat unless you want me to force feed you my self and since I'm not in the best mood right now, you might want to avoid that." He was glaring at her with his flamed black eyes.

She knew he would be angry but she just wasn't ready to admit defeat yet. Her independence was too important and she couldn't go down with out at least trying to stand her ground after all she owed it to all the women of the 20th century. The more she thought about the unjustifiable way he was treating her the more stubborn she felt. She glared back at him, "Are you sure I can handle lifting the damn spoon?"

"Ellie don't be insolent! You know I could make it a damn lot worse on you my dear. It would be very uncomfortable for you to be fed threw tubes for the next 9 months but if you don't eat I shall have no choice. I want a healthy son, now eat."