The Cassidy Chronicles


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Sonya glared at the laptop screen. George was keeping something from her all right. It had to do with money and that made her angry. She stormed up the stairs into the bedroom. George was fast asleep so she slapped his feet that were hanging off the bed.

"Wake up. We need to talk."

George rolled over, trying to ignore the nagging annoying voice. Sonya slapped him again and he opened his eyes. Sonya had her hands on her hips and had her death glare.

"You better tell me what's going on with you and Chief White. Now."

Sonya glared at her husband as George tried to shrink into his chair and disappear. Sonya was always demanding and he had normally thought throwing money at her would keep her happy. Obviously, she was getting smart as she got older.

"Tell me what is going on. I fucking hate everything that is going on." Sonya thrust the email into George's hands. He looked at it, reading it over a few times then slowly breathing in through his mouth.

"It's a long story Sonya."

"It's two in the morning for goodness sake. We have the time."

"I paid the Chief for arresting your brother. It wasn't a coincidence. I hate how he treated you when you were younger. I hated how you were ignored because your brother was going to be someone important. That's all Sonya. I gave him fifty thousand dollars two days ago and will give him another fifty thousands the day after the ball. No one is going to get hurt." Sonya processed what was being said. Was he actually saying he had done something sweet for her? He was actually protecting her. Sonya's face lit up. She ran and jumped on top of George and kissed him hard.

"You are amazing baby. God I love you. Of course, it makes sense now. No one will find out the truth about the arson attack. I'm assuming the chief is a little short of cash. I guess with the Christmas season he needs some money." Sonya was rubbing herself against George and George couldn't help but react. She was beautiful. There was no question about it. Her body looked to be that of a forty year old and knowing that soon her breasts wouldn't be so saggy and small made his cock even harder.

"He said he has some business to clear up with some drug deal. I didn't ask questions. All I know is that your brother is dead, although not as we planned. The Chief is on our side. The ball will be perfect because you are planning it. You'll get your boob job in January and then I think we should go off to Cuba for a few weeks in February. I love licking your tan lines." "Mmm. I like. With the insurance settlement we'll have lots of money right?" George nodded.


Cassidy was wandering through the baby section of the big department store in town. She and Molly were having a girl's night out and Cassidy had been silly enough to say that whatever Molly wanted to do tonight, she would go along with. Molly decided she wanted to go through every baby store in Fort Erie to see what options she had.

Cassidy was a good actor and didn't even show the slightest jealousy as her best friend went on about how excited she was. Cassidy had a brave face as her friend practically jumped through each store. Cassidy tried to engage herself in the situation.

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" Cassidy was wandering through the stroller section as Molly examined car seats. Molly didn't even look pregnant yet but she had the glow of someone excited about something. Cassidy was truly happy for her best friend although it did cause her to be a little melancholy.

It had been a few days ago that she had cried herself to sleep. Ryan had tried to comfort her but there was no use. She didn't know why she was crying so she couldn't tell him what to do to calm her down. She was crying for many things but now it upset her that her best friend was pregnant. She would never tell Molly, or Jeremy, or anyone else that. She felt so evil and bitchy even thinking that thought. She was so jealous that Molly was going to be a mom. So insanely jealous that if she wasn't dating Ryan she probably would have sunk back into a depression. Cassidy tried to think of something good and Ryan was it. That was the only good thing in her life.

Cassidy stared at the patterned strollers, each one a weird shape and extremely expensive for it's intended use. She thought back to how she had lied to Ryan about her worries. He had asked flat out whether she wanted to be a mom. She had diverted his attention to something else and he had thankfully not asked again. She wanted to tell him but was fearful.

"Huh?" Cassidy looked up and tried to figure out why Molly was looking at her funny.

"Did you have a vision or something? I answered your question and you didn't move or say anything."

"Oh. No. Sorry. I was just thinking about Ryan."

Molly grinned. She was so happy that her best friend was in love. "I said that I don't care whether it's a boy or a girl, as long as it's healthy. Jeremy would like a little girl to spoil and I agree. But if we have a boy don't you dare tell him we wanted a girl."

"That's fine you're having two girls actually." Cassidy clapped her hand over her mouth and squealed. Her eyes were wide as she stepped back way from Molly. She understood the moment she said those words exactly what it meant and Molly was quick to comprehend as well. Molly smiled from ear to ear, partly from the news and partly from the fact that Cassidy, in shock, had stepped back and had tripped over one of the strollers She was sitting on the ground surrounded by expensive strollers, trying to calm herself.

"Are you serious?" Molly pulled Cassidy up and they hugged. Cassidy hugged Molly back, smiling at how happy Molly was. She pulled away and looked at Molly.

"I think so. I mean why else would I say that. I thought my mom tried to get rid of that power but I guess it didn't work. Wow twins. Do you hope I'm wrong?"

"Nope. In addition, if you are that's fine. Jeremy might want to keep it a secret from everyone and if you're wrong then you won't know either. Wow."

Both women giggled and then continued walking through the large store. They got to the clothing section and Cassidy couldn't help but laugh as Molly looked at all the cute pink outfits available. She watched as Molly enjoyed herself. They didn't realize how long they had been in the store until the announcement came on telling them the store would be closing in five minutes.

"I guess we should be going."

"Yeah." Cassidy grabbed her keys and they walked out into the cold wintry night. It was only December 5 but it had been cold and snowy for what it seems liked months even though it was only a few weeks. The sky was pitch black and the road was covered in a thin layer of slush and snow. Molly and Cassidy walked carefully to the car, trying not to slip. It was cold outside as well and the two women rubbed their hands together as they waited for the car to warm up and for the windows to defog.

"How do you think Ryan and Jeremy got along tonight?" Molly grinned. She had her own ideas. She imagined the two men chatting non-stop about each other's jobs, trying to prove to the other that their job was the best. Molly knew that Jeremy was obsessed with the paranormal and she wouldn't be surprised if Ryan was freaked out and refused to see Jeremy and Molly again. She knew that Ryan was aware of Cassidy's talents but there was a big difference between seeing the figure and purposely going out and hunting ghosts.

Molly knew that Ryan was eager to talk about his job although he didn't seem the type to gloat about being a police officer, a private investigator, and an honored member of the community for arresting, as the newspaper stated, 'the evil man who put the lives of the innocent in danger in his attempt to gain some attention.' Molly didn't know the whole story but to her it sounded harsh, considering the poor man had died of a heart attack and that other then his sister and brother in law, no one else was at the funeral.

"I think they are either going to be playing video games all night or Jeremy will get him into those childish adult cartoons. If he becomes brainwashed like your husband I'm blaming you." Cassidy laughed and since the windows were defogged, she pulled out and drove back to Molly and Jeremy's place.

Molly and Jeremy lived in a small bungalow in the middle class area of town. They lived on a dead end and the house was just the perfect size for them. There were two bedrooms. One was the master bedroom and the other was used as a home office. That one of course would soon be renovated into a nursery. The basement was finished although there was no furniture in there at all. Molly had gone crazy with decorating so each room had a different theme. It was cute really. No one would guess that two ghost hunters lived in this house.

Cassidy pulled into the laneway behind Jeremy's van. They had joked that although they were a married couple with no children, a mini van was the best idea for all the equipment they carried around for their business.

The two women entered the house and both stood gasping at what they saw. Jeremy was on the ground, flat on his stomach while Ryan had his knee to his lower back while his hands were holding Jeremy's wrists tight. Then Jeremy struggled out of the hold and pinned Ryan to the ground. There was heavy breathing along with the sounds of them gasping for air. Molly was the first to respond.

"What the hell is going on?" she screamed at the top of her lungs until both men stopped what they were doing and got up. They both had guilty looks on their faces and were trying to fix their clothing. Cassidy leaned against the doorframe, hands crossed over her chest. This was going to be an interesting story.

"You gals are early. Sorry. We were ..." Jeremy trailed off, trying to explain, but the death stare that Molly was giving him was not pretty. He smiled then frowned. His attempt to make her laugh only made her furious.

"I was showing him the defense techniques I learnt when I was a police officer. That's all." Ryan was looking straight at Cassidy and he knew that she was only pretending to be mad. She was also doing that to stay consistent with her best friend. "We watched a movie and then got bored. Sorry if you got scared Molly." Ryan was looking at Molly now, trying to warm up to her. Jeremy was standing far away from her. He was smart. He knew how irrational a hormonal pregnant woman could be.

"And you guys are how old?" Molly rolled her eyes and then walked through the living room to the kitchen. Cassidy kissed Ryan gently on the check and then followed Molly to the kitchen.

"I think it was pretty funny actually. I mean two grown men play fighting. Seriously!" "They could have gotten hurt. They could have broken something. What if Ryan's gun went off accidentally?" Molly was sitting at the kitchen table holding a glass of water between her hands. "How do you do it? I mean knowing that he could get hurt or killed."

Cassidy bit her lip and sat down next to her best friend. She wanted to tell Molly so much. She had been quiet about everything so far but she figured this was a good a time as ever. "I get freaked out all the time. I had the same vision as I did at the charity ball a few weeks ago. It was identical. Every element of the dream. He keeps telling me I'm just worried but I'm scared. He doesn't work for the police force any more but he could take on a private investigation case that could be equally dangerous. I love him and I'm not going to tell him what he can and can't do."

"Wow you have changed. You spent the whole time you dated Jason going on about wanting to change him. I like the new Cassidy."

"Thanks Molly. I'm going to dye my hair red tomorrow. No more weird colors. I don't know why I've changed."

"I know why you've changed. It's Ryan. He's amazing. Well except for thinking that teaching my geeky husband how to tackle him was a good idea."

Molly and Cassidy looked up and saw the two most important men in their lives walk in. "It's late. We should be going." Ryan was rubbing Cassidy's shoulders lightly and Cassidy nodded.

The four adults walked to the front hallway and after getting dressed in jackets, hats, scarves, and gloves, Molly and Jeremy watched as the new couple walked down the pathway to Ryan's car. They shut the door quickly.

"I'm sorry I scared you. It was fun though." Jeremy was grinning like a big kid and Molly laughed.

"You better make it up to me in bed tonight or I'm not wearing the sexy lingerie I bought today." Molly giggled and ran towards the bedroom. Jeremy locked the door and followed his beautiful pregnant wife into the master bedroom.


Ryan pulled into his underground parking spot and then held Cassidy's hand as they walked towards the elevator. They had not said a word the whole drive home but it was a comfortable silence. Something that neither one of them were used to. They got in the elevator and then Cassidy spoke.

"I'd love for you to tie me up and be rough with me." Cassidy leaned up on her tiptoes and bite his earlobe. "Maybe you could search my body." Cassidy was grinning but her voice was quiet and seductive. Ryan reacted quickly and pushed her against the opposite wall.

"You drive me crazy. You have no idea how badly I wanted you tonight." Ryan ran his hands down her body until he cupped her round butt. He squeezed it then slapped it hard. Cassidy whimpered but he did it again.

"You have me. Forever." Cassidy was whimpering. Ryan aroused her like no one ever did. Even with Jason the sex was hot but not this passionate. Cassidy wanted every part of Ryan right now and he was going to give her everything she wanted. He slapped her butt again then ran his hands lower until they were around her inner thighs. She was wearing jeans and the material felt great against his hands. He leaned forward and cried out as Cassidy bit his neck.

"Someone's in a rough mood." Ryan giggled. He was eagerly waiting for the elevator to get to his floor. He looked into Cassidy's eyes and she looked back.


Ryan didn't have a chance to answer. The elevator arrived at their floor and he practically dragged her to his apartment door. He opened it and both of them stepped in. The room was filled with heavy breathing, as both of them frantically took off layers of clothing. Boots were kicked off. Jackets were thrown on the floor. A trail of gloves, hats, jeans, shirts, and then finally a sexy pair of green lace panties and bra led to Ryan's bed. Ryan picked Cassidy up and threw her on the bed. She bounced once then he was on top of her. He kissed her hard then bit her bottom lip, pulling it with his teeth. His hands were everywhere, trying to touch every part of her body.

Cassidy arched her back. She wanted to kiss him back but he wasn't letting her. Her hands were pinned above her head and she was struggling to get free. She wrapped her legs around his waist and moaned when his burning hardness pushed against her pussy. She titled her hips up and felt him enter her. He pushed against her then stayed still. He was so deep that the tip of his cock was pushing against her cervix. He held her tight, looking into her eyes.

"Fuck me." Cassidy was barely whispering. She couldn't take it any more. He was teasing her and it was driving her crazy. Her wrists were hurting from the tight grip he had and both arms were getting tingly from lack of circulation. Each time she squirmed, he held her tighter. "Feel me inside you. Feel my hardness stretching you and pushing against you. Feel how wet you are." Ryan was whispering those words against her lips. He grunted. He wanted to fuck her so hard but was holding back.

"Do you trust me?"

Cassidy nodded. She watched as he sat up and climbed off the bed. She cried out as his cock slid out of her pussy. She felt empty, alone. She needed him back inside her. He was right. It was an amazing feeling to have him inside her. She spread her legs, trying to tell him with her body language that he was needed. He stepped over the trail of clothing to his jacket and pulled out something shiny. Cassidy knew exactly what it was.

"This is like a bad porno movie." Cassidy laughed but willingly left her hands above her head. She thought that it was convenient that his headboard was a set of ten wooden slates connected together by one long panel at the top. He looped the chain of the cuffs around the middle piece and then snapped the cuffs into place.

"You have a key for that right?" Cassidy felt stupid and then immediately apologized. "Sorry. That was rude. Did I ruin the moment?"

Ryan pressed his body weight against hers. He then sat back up on his knees. She was gorgeous. Her blonde hair was curly and the streak of purple was almost gone. Her breasts were swaying as she squirmed and her nipples were a light brown color and puckered up. She had tan lines then went along her chest and her legs.

"You are very cute you know. Of course, I have a key. It's in my wallet." Ryan bent Cassidy's knees into her chest and in one thrust, pushed his whole cock inside her. She cried out, arching her back as he began to push into her so hard.

Ryan grasped her thighs and pulled her back and forth on his cock. He grunted and before he knew it the first spurts of cum was landing inside her pussy. He continued until he was done then held his still hard cock inside her.

"I need to cum. Please!" Cassidy's body was burning with desire but right now she needed her clit rubbed. Ryan read her mind and reached down to push gently against her clit. She exploded in a violent orgasm, so much so that Ryan had to hold her so she wouldn't pull the headboard off the wall.

"I love you." Ryan leaned down and kissed her, thrusting his tongue into her mouth as he pushed three fingers inside her. She was squirming and moaning but could not put together a sentence. Her eyes were glazed over and Ryan watched as she began to hyperventilate. His fingers were coated in her juices and when he licked he could taste the combination of his cum and her juices. She just watched.

"Can I watch you jerk off?" Cassidy smiled and Ryan nodded. He leaned back and began to stroke himself. Cassidy was left tied to the headboard but had a clear view of his cock. Ryan's cock was thick and average length. He griped it in his large hand and stroked up and down. Cassidy paid attention to every detail of how he was pleasuring himself. He would jerk hard for a few strokes, his panting so loud in the quiet room. Then he would slow down and stroke upwards.

"You can cum on my breasts if you want." Cassidy smiled and felt a thrill run through her body at Ryan's reaction. He nodded and leaned forward, stroking his cock inches from her breasts. He grunted and held his cock as he exploded all over her breasts. Cassidy looked down and saw his white cum dribbling down her breasts and down her stomach. Some of it pooled in her navel.

"Be right back." Ryan rolled off the bed and came back with the key to the handcuffs. He undid her gently, rubbing her wrists then kissing them gently. He slid under the covers, pulling her into a loving embrace.

"You are amazing you know that Cassidy." Ryan kissed her forehead and closed his eyes. Soon the two lovers, exhausted from many things, were fast asleep.


Cassidy woke up first. Both of them were naked and the green cotton sheet was barely covering Ryan's back. She began kissing Ryan gently on any exposed skin. Ryan stirred and woke up. Smiling.

"I love waking up like that. How did you sleep?"

"Great. How about you?"

"Wonderful. I had a lot of fun hanging out with Jeremy last night. He's a great person and he will be a great father. Can I ask a personal question?"

"Sure". Cassidy sat up, pulling the sheet around her chest, not to hide herself, but the apartment was a little chilly.
