The City


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Jess then felt another flower push up against her thigh, rubbing more pollen on her bare skin before it began to push it's way up under her skirt, between her legs. She cried out an alarm as the tendrils holding her legs pulled them apart giving the flower easy access. In response the flower promptly began pushing with it's petals and stamen against the pink cotton of her panties. Unable to progress further one of the vines briefly joined it under her skirt and managed to tear her panties half off even as Jess tried desperately to pull her legs together.

"Noooo!!!" Jess cried out as the vine pulled away and the flower pushed against her now naked opening, spreading it's pollen on to her lips. She knew what was about to happen, the map has warned her and as she'd expected it wasn't at all like her fantasies but terrifying. She tried to struggle out of the plant's grasp, screaming as she did so. Finally she managed to pull her arms free, tearing the vines holding her.

Yet it was too late as the vines tore she felt the thick, sticky stamen push slowly into her pussy as the flower's white petals grasped around her thighs, locking it firmly in place. It felt so strange to be taken like this but almost immediately felt a shiver of pleasure inside her. The long, thick stamen was filling her like nothing before, so much better than any man she'd ever been with. Nonetheless she reached down and grabbed end of the vine that the flower sat atop. She desperately tried to pull it out of her, not wanting to be taken by a planet but it's immense strength resisted her.

Feeling quite helpless Jess then squealed in a mixture of shock and delight as the flower pushed further into her pussy. She didn't want to enjoy it, wanted to escape but her body wasn't listening. As the stamen pushed another inch into her she finally gave up trying to pull it out and just tore away the remnants of her panties instead, tossing them to one side.

"Uurrghhhhh!" Cried Jess as the stamen was finally hilted within her, the petals now tightly wrapped against her skin. She was so full and it felt amazing. Groaning she turned her head slightly and let the flower by her head push its stamen into her mouth. She promptly began sucking on it, letting the sweet pollen slip down her throat.

Meanwhile with her hands free she managed to unzip her top. Sensing this the vine wrapped around her tits briefly released them before ripping off her bra and then sliding back around her naked breasts. The flower buried inside her pussy then began to slid in and out of her, it's thickness forcing open her tight hole each time it entered her.

More vines then slid around her body and with amazing dexterity pulled off her top and skirt, flinging both back onto the path. As soon as the skirt was removed Jess felt a second flower push up against her pert bottom. Knowing what was about to happen she released the stamen in her mouth and just managed to reach her arms around behind her so she could pull her arse cheeks apart. As she did so the flower shoved its stamen into her arsehole and clamped its petals around her pert butt. Nothing had ever penetrated her anus before but now, being fucked in both holes felt amazing and she began to moan in total pleasure as both stamens in her started to violently piston away.

"Ahhh....Ahhh...Ahhh....Ahhh" Jess cried as the botanical abuse continued. Soon her naked body was slick with her sweat and the plant's sticky yellow pollen and her orgasm was moments away.

"Yesssss!!!!!!" She screamed as her climax hit. It started in her stretched pussy but shot to her arse and then across her whole body, an orgasm greater than any she'd ever had. The ecstasy seemed to last forever and end instantly. Slowly she felt herself regain control, her vision and muscle control returning. As it did the plant suddenly shoved her away from itself, throwing her pollen coated body on to path next to her discarded clothes.

Rather shocked by the abrupt ending to their coupling she turned to the plant to see it stop moving, its vines and flowers slowing to rest. Apparently it was as exhausted by their fuck as Jess was. Happy she wasn't about to be taken for round two a shaken if satisfied Jess lay on the rocky ground trying to get her breath back.

Once recovered with the early evening sun now low in the sky she pulled herself to her feet and grabbed her pack. Inside she pulled out a large spoon and promptly used it to scrape the pollen off her leg. She knew it was rather wrong but couldn't resist the taste of it. So slowly she either licked or scraped off every globule of pollen on her naked body, gobbling down the contents of the spoon each time it was full.

Feeling disgusted with herself but able to feel the huge amount inside her she then stuffed the spoon into her pussy and managed to scrape out three large spoonfuls. With a line crossed she then gingerly slipped the spoon into her already sore arsehole and pulled out two more. Her pollen banquet was concluded after she pulled off her black leather boots and slowly licked off every yellow smear covering them. Once done she slid the boots back on, and feeling that her belly was rather full started to search for her clothes. Her panties and bra were too badly torn to be wearable but thankfully her denim skirt and white top were still in one piece. So underwear-less but dressed she picked up her pack.

She briefly turned towards Lairg, thinking she should flee whatever monsters waited for her in the city. But with a smile quickly turned right back around towards the rocky outcrop. She wanted to find out all she could about the city and she couldn't deny the monsters intrigued her rather than scared her too. In part it was scientific curiosity but mostly it was much dirtier thoughts. After all one had just given her the greatest orgasm of her life. Some girls might think that was weird but she figured if it had bothered her that much she wouldn't have spent five minutes eating it's pollen out of her own pussy and arse. Maybe her preferences had changed from guys to things with more tentacles after all.

Starting down the path she began to think that the discovery of the city was going to put an end to the sexually unadventurous but deeply frustrated Jess for good.

Chapter 2 -- The Rival

Leila watched as the naked Jess was finally thrown from the giant plant and sighed, realising the show was over. She'd watched the whole time from a hilltop overlooking the pathway while Jess had been grabbed and then fucked by the monster plant. From about halfway through the demonic sexuality had become too much for her and she was now kneeling on the ground, her skirt pulled up, panties tossed to one side, one hand on a tree to hold her up and the other buried up to her wrist in her pussy. Leila was quite the fan of being fisted, either by herself or a partner, ever since she'd got a bit carried away one evening as a teenager back in Russia and found she loved the experience. She'd long found she couldn't make herself cum without her whole hand in herself. The orgasm that she'd given herself on this occasion was now slipping away and so with a squelch she pulled her fist out.

Standing up the beautiful blonde Russian brushed her black skirt back into place and did her best to straighten her tight green vest over her perky though smallish breasts. She hadn't meant to get so excited let alone masturbate when Jess had been first grabbed by the plant. At first she'd seen it as a chance to be once again get ahead of the British girl but the sight of her actually being fucked by such a creature had turned out to be a lot more arousing than she'd expected. Leila was in fact rather surprised by her reaction having prepared herself for facing such creatures she'd planned on fighting such things off not get turned on by them.

Still it had only been a brief delay and it looked like Jess would take a while to recover so she would still easily beat her into the city which rather amused Leila. The Russian had been something of a rival to Jess for some years. The two were of similar age and Leila had studied the tales of the city for her own PhD. However unlike the academic authorities in the west in Russia they had been a lot more accepting of her left field theories and she soon made a successful and lucrative career for herself. Much of her work had been in other areas but she'd never forgotten the city and much like Jess had slowly become more and more obsessed with finding the allegedly mythical land. The pair had first meet a couple of years previously when Leila had begun searching for the city in earnest and soon heard about the maverick Brit who was shunned by mainstream academia. At first she pretended to show interest in Jess's work, enough to become friends with her. This allowed Leila to understand all the background and every unpublished snippet Jess had uncovered. Once she had all she needed she took a certain pleasure in tearing into the girl with the rest of the establishment and ensuring her own reputation was undamaged. Leila then used her own far greater resources to build on the stolen work and so was now far ahead of Jess in her understanding of the city.

Cuthenburt, who was Jess's fixation, had only been the start for Leila and she had soon uncovered much about the city that Jess had never suspected. For start Leila knew the city originally dated much further back than Jess suspected, far further back than the Iron Age Picts to the very dawn of civilisation some 10,000 years before. The Picts had merely been it's last residents but like all who had lived there they had worshipped demonic gods who, from the writings Leila discovered, had an unlimited sexual appetite. At first Leila had considered this merely myth and allegory but she'd then discovered the scroll of the mad Frankish monk Geoffry Ammund hidden in a ruined church in Alsace. The scroll told of a denizen of the city that Ammund had captured and imprisoned beneath the very church the scroll had been found in.

Leila had quickly gained permission to excavate the remote church, she had hoped to find more information leading to location of the city but instead had freed the tentacled horror that Ammund had warned about. She had been working at the site alone, late one night when she found the entrance to the crypt. Foolishly she open the stone slab herself and the demon was freed instantly. It's many slimy tentacles had engulfed Leila and as they attempted to tear her clothes off she'd realised all she had read about the city was true. Terrified of the creature and the rape she was about to suffer she had just about managed to slip out of the it's grip for the briefest moment. The demon had been weakened greatly by its thousand year imprisonment and she managed to rip the tentacles from her body and reach for a nearby pick axe. In a state of terror she'd slammed the tool into the creature's head and killed it. With its body at her feet Leila had been convinced she was about to turn all science on its head and become more famous than Einstein. However as the first rays of dawn hit the body, just hours before her team would return, it melted away. Every trace of it's existence was lost.

From that moment she'd committed every waking hour to finding the city and bringing proof of it and the creatures that lived within to the world. Yet despite the much greater knowledge she'd acquired than Jess its location eluded her just as much, even stealing every iota of work that Jess had completed gave her no more information. Leila even paid to have Jess watched in case she made the discovery first, a decision that paid off when it revealed the English girl had planned a visit to the the archives of the British Museum. Leila had no trouble getting access to the archives ahead of Jess and soon had a copy of the map and the location of the city. Whilst tempted to remove the map and stop Jess seeing it, Leila had decided to leave it where it was.

Despite their public rivalry and the fact Leila had been more than happy to use Jess, she did still have a slight affection for Jess, a kinship that they're both been on the same quest for so long, so she had thought it kind to let the girl have her own victory. After all Leila was confident Jess wouldn't get in her own way as she was sure the girl had no idea of the true horrors waiting in the city. The way she'd allowed herself to be grabbed and fucked by the very first demonic creature she'd come to only confirmed Leila's feeling that Jess was going to end up a snack or an imprisoned fuck toy for some monster or other. Leila was sure she would be the one to reveal the city to the world not the naïve Brit.

Leila had certainly come prepared for whatever the city might contain. She'd put together a team of experts and they were equipped with all the tools and weapons they might need. She was desperate not to allow another one of the monster to surprise her, let alone take her. The idea totally disgusted and terrified her, the greatest fear of the whole expedition. The only complication to her plans was how excited she'd been seeing one of the creatures fucking Jess.....

"Dr Romanov? Are you there? Did you see the English women?" The question drifted to her on the wind in a thick Russian accent.

"Over her Dmitri!" She shouted back, hurriedly picking up her black panties before pulling them over her knee high boots and up her long legs.

"Ah! Did you find her then?" He asked as he appeared through the thick undergrowth, dressed an olive fatigues with a old Kalashnikov rifle over his shoulder.

Dmitri was the muscle on the expedition. Tall, rough and far from pretty to look at but highly skilled. He was ex-army and claimed to be ex-Spetsnaz though Leila knew every Russian soldier that looked for private work claimed that. His greatest asset was the fact he too had faced demonic creatures before. In his case whilst in the army at some isolated outpost in Siberia during the coldest winter on record. Some dark force had attacked the company stationed there. Dmitri was the only survivor.

"Yes she is down below. Seems she'd fallen foul of the first creature she encountered. We should head off now whilst she is delayed." Leila said to the gruff soldier as she started to head back into the undergrowth towards the rest of her team. Dmitri dutifully followed and soon the pair reached a clearing in which stood two beautiful women.

"Are we ready to go then?" The first said with a French twang to her English. She looked in her mid-twenties, pretty with long light brown hair and a curvy body. The girl wore light brown combat trousers that sat snugly around her shapely thighs and tight butt, and a cream vest that clung to her pert breasts.

"Yes Marie I think so. Jess seems to be heading for the main entrance." Leila answered the Frenchwoman who was the team's botanist. Unlike Dmitri she knew little about the demons but was a world renowned expert on unusual and tropical plants. Leila wanted to be sure that whatever strange things they found growing were new to science.

Marie had been sceptical about the tales of the city and hadn't stopped saying so since Leila recruited her. If she wasn't needed Leila would have dumped her arrogant, moaning French arse weeks before. Leila was even tempted to take her down to the plant Jess had just finished with to shut her arrogance up but she figured they didn't have time. Marie would find out soon enough.

"Tres Bien. I'm am keen to see this city." Marie said in the usual smug tone.

"Me too." The girl next to her said. She was just as pretty and curvy as Marie but rather different. Short where Marie was tall, dusky skin were Marie was pale, long dark black hair to Marie's fairer brown and best of all sweet, polite and kind.

Sunanda, known to everyone as Sunny was half-Indian with an English mother and Indian father and she'd spent her life between two continents. She was also a top class zoologist who'd worked at half a dozen top universities. Leila had recruited her however due to her less well known interest in cryptozoology, she'd investigated and Leila had subsequently found out encountered strange beasts from the Yeti to the Loch Ness Monster, just the kind of person Leila needed on the team. For the expedition she wore a red patterned shirt which barely buttoned up over her large, firm breasts, a short black skirt similar to Leila's own and a pair of black rimmed glasses which seemed to amplify the beauty of her big, dark eyes perfectly.

"We'll head to the entrance we found under the roundhouse a half mile back. Little Jess is heading for the main entrance as we thought and I want to get deeper into the city than her. That way should be perfect.". Leila explained.

"Is the main entrance not closer?" Marie asked.

"Yes but I don't want to let Jess know we're here, for now anyway. And there was a creature that's best avoided." Leila said with a shiver of fear, or at least what she convinced herself was fear.

"One of the creatures? I want to see!" Sunanda said eagerly as she started off in the direction Leila had just come from.

"No!" Leila shouted as she grabbed Sunny's arm, holding her back, "It's not safe. We go in the side way.".

With that it was decided and the group grabbed their packs and headed towards the last of the roundhouses.


Jess finally made it to the rocky hillock that marked the entrance to the city, the sweat and last bits of pollen drying on her skin in the afternoon sunlight. At first she began to get a little worried, there was no obvious entrance or in fact any sign to mark that the rocks hid an underground city. She was about to consult the map again, concerned she may have made a mistake when she noticed a small carving on one large rock. Looking closer she realised it was a classic 3rd Century BC representation of the Horned God, Cernunnos. Whilst mostly worshipped by Celtic tribes in southern Britain the Picts of Scotland had also been known to have included him in their pantheon, though Jess had never seen such a fine carving in Pictish settlements before. It was small, not even a foot high but very detailed showing Cernunnos as a tall, very well muscled man with two stag-like antlers coming from his head. With the feeling of being penetrated by the giant flowers still flesh in her mind Jess was particularly interested in the fact he'd been carved naked with a huge, and rather erect, cock.

After studying the carving for some minutes, purely for academic reasons of course and not because of the growing wetness under her skirt Jess began to search around the area for more markers of the city. The carving sat on the entrance to small incline and Jess carefully stepped down from rock to rock until she noticed a thin and dark opening at the bottom of the slope.

As she continued to descend she saw several other Pictish carvings high in the rocks above. Some were of Cernunnos again but others more geometric or symbolic, and all were highly detailed and exquisitely carved. As she neared the small opening she came across a small statue embedded into a rock alcove. The statue was of a beautiful, long hair women, totally naked. Surrounding her were carvings of four long, thick tentacles which reached up towards the women's parted legs, clearly thrusting towards her open pussy. Jess examined the statue for some time, as with the others it was skilfully carved but she couldn't deny this time the subject matter excited her more than its historical value. If it hadn't been for her encounter with the giant flower on the path she might have considered it just a mythological image as she had with the drawings on the map but now she wasn't so sure. She again briefly considered leaving the city and heading home. Yet the expression of pure pleasure on the statue's face was enough to convince her to continue on and find out exactly what the city had in store for her.