The City


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Finally turning from the statue she continued down the last few rocks towards the opening where two other statues, one of a Pictish warrior and one of Cernunnos, sat in their own alcoves. After a brief examination of them, her eyes mostly drawn to Cernunnos thick cock she reached the dark hole. It was less than a foot across but several metres high and now she was close enough she could see that it led into a deep, dark cave. This was obviously the entrance to the city she'd spent her life searching for. Without a moment's pause she squeezed herself through and into the darkness.


Ensuring that no one could follow Dmitri carefully placed the large flagstone back over the entrance above them. Darkness briefly overwhelmed the group until Sunanda and Marie flicked on their powerful torches lighting the large but rather barren cave.

The entrance, which according to Leila's sources lead to the heart of the city via a much quicker route than the cave entrance Jess had gone too, had been hidden in one of the roundhouses above. Under two millennia of dirt had been a single large, grey square stone. With Leila's knowledge and Dmitri's muscles it had only taken a few minutes to find and dig out. Lifting it has been even easier. After a couple of metres drop Leila had stepped inside the hidden city for the first time. She was excited and eager to explore as quickly as possible, the cave was just an entrance but the real treasures would be very nearby.

As the others began to look around Leila's attention was drawn to two large friezes carved into one wall of the cave. It was the only sign, other than the entrance, that the cave wasn't entirely natural. The first was of the ancient horned god Cernunnos. Leila had expected this as it seems the god was much worshipped in the city, the more demonic denizen were claimed to have served the god directly. The other was more of a surprise and not something Leila had previously found reference to. It depicted a beautiful woman, she was clearly a person of power and dressed as a Celtic warrior queen. Leila had not been expecting a queen of the city to be venerated as highly as Cernunnos but it was clear from the positions of the friezes that the woman was thought of just as highly as the horned god.

As Leila examined the carvings more closely she realised that the one of the queen was added much later, at a guess maybe as much as 500 years after the one of Cernunnos. Leila began to suspect the queen was perhaps a late ruler of the city that tried to elevate her personal position by equating herself with the god but it was hard to draw conclusions from such scant evidence. Hopefully the city would contain more clues.

"The plants, they are all normal here." Marie said in her thick accented English, pulling Leila away from her inspection.

"Of course, this is only the entrance. This carving is fascinating though, not at all what I expected." Leila said scowling at the French women.

"I do not care about the rocks!" Marie shot back as she bent down to examine a large green creeper growing up one wall of the cave.

Leila shook her head and began to search the rest of the cave. It was large, perhaps 55 metres square. Only a small amount of natural light came in from a handful of small holes in the high ceiling most of which were centred around the source of a small stream that ran down one wall and into a pool on one side of the cave. It was around that pool that the plants Marie was inspecting grew.

But what really interested Leila was the single passageway that led off from the far side of the cave. It was dark but clearly the route into the city. Leila switched on her own torch and swung it at the tunnel entrance. As she did so a dozen shapes suddenly burst from the tunnel into the light. Sunny screamed. Leila dropped her torch and began fumbling around for the the automatic pistol on her belt.

A burst of shots filled the cave with thunderous claps as Leila finally managed to yank the gun out of it's holster. Looking around she saw Dmitri had his rifle in hand, ready to shoot again.

"Can you...see anything?" A clearly terrified Sunny cried.

Marie sauntered across the cave and waved her torch down the tunnel. "Oui. Two dead rats. I'm impressed.".

"Better than two alive rats I think." Dmitri snapped back as he lowered his rifle.

"Okay. Let's get moving. Marie, Dmitri you stay here and set-up base camp. I want somewhere safe with all our supplies to come back to. Sunny you can come with me -- I want to see how much of the city we can find nearby." Leila ordered hoping to end any argument before it started.

"Fine." Marie said in a voice that made it quite clear it wasn't. Dmitri simply nodded and started unloading the first of their packs.

"Do I need to bring anything?" Sunny asked, seemingly still a little shaken by the rats and the shooting.

"Just a flash light. Leave your pack and gear here, we'll only be a few hours at most. And I have a gun if there's any trouble."

With that Leila, with Sunny close behind her, started off down the tunnel. At first their torches just revealed more natural rock walls but after fifty or so metres they started seeing more signs of artificial construction. At first just the odd carved portion where bumps in the walls or floors had been flattened but then it was embedded stone slabs on the floor making a paved pathway and then heavily corroded metal on the walls which must once have been torch brackets.

Finally the tunnel opened up into a what was clearly a carved room. It's was bare with just large slabbed stone walls and nothing else but nonetheless it was the start of the city proper.

"We're here!" Leila exclaimed in triumph.

"Look! It's light too!" Sunny cried turning off her torch.

Leila did the same and realised she was right. The roof of the room, apparently made of the same thick stone slabs as the walls, seemed to give off a natural light, duller than the sun but more than enough to see by. Both girl's packed their torches back into holders on the side of the belts around their skirts.

"Do you know what this room was?" Sunny asked.

"Not exactly, if the map was correct we've entered what you might consider the military part of the city. It seems the barracks and even industrial areas were on this side. Jess has entered on the more domestic quarter but this route should take us to the central palace much quicker." Leila explained, "Come on let's see what we can find."

Following the only exit on the far side of the room the pair soon found themselves in maze of similar rooms and side passages. Each seemed much the same as the first with bare stone walls and the strange light eliminating from the ceilings. The odd room contained decayed wreckage that may once have been furnishings and they saw several statues and carvings Cernunnos or the Celtic queen along with other plainer, geometric designs. The only living things appeared to be some mosses and a few insects. Sunny quickly grew despondent.

"I thought you said they would be strange new creatures to study?" She asked.

"There will be!" Leila crossly answered. She knew what the city contained and was not keen to discover them.

However Sunny soon got her wish as the pair entered a large room at the end of the one long passage. It was much like the others in design yet at one end a wet area had been formed by the slow seepage of water from the ceiling above. It was just the kind of place moss and fungi would be expected to form but here in the city the area was covered in a thin sheen of thick green slime in the centre of which sat three green pods. Each pod was about three foot high, egg shaped and apparently made of sticky, green, fleshy substance.

"Oh my god! Look at those!" Sunny squealed in delight as she ran toward them, "They're are amazing!".

"Be careful! Stand back!" Leila shouted reaching for her gun.

But it was too late Sunny was already kneeling down beside them placing her hands with a squelch on the top of one of the the pods, the thick layer of slime squishing between her fingers.

"Don't worry, they're dormant." She said as Leila paced towards her, pistol at the ready.

"You sure?"

"Yes, of course. I've never seen anything quite this big but they're similar to some kinds of amphibian spawn. Nothing will hatch out of these for a long time yet." Sunny explained, waving Leila away as the Russian continued to point her gun at the pods.

"Okay. But let's keep moving anyway, lots of the city to see yet and I don't trust these things. Dormant or not."

"You go. I've had enough of old buildings. I want to examine the pods. It's perfectly safe."

"I'm not sure..." Leila said nervously, slowly lowering her gun.

"Go!" Sunny demanded as she started running her hands gently over the pod.

"Fine. I'll be back soon and call if you need help."

Leila then turned and headed out the back doorway into another dark tunnel.


Sunanda watched Leila walk out of the room, her eyes fixed on the Russian's cute butt which was barely covered by her short skirt. It really was a great bum Sunny thought as it finally vanished into the dark tunnel. And attached to a very sexy body too. Sunny sighed at her own foolishness. She might have had a crush on Leila from the moment they'd met but it was very clear the girl was simply not into other women. Not for the first time Sunny wished everyone was bisexual just like her.

Still even if the trip wasn't going to give her a chance to fuck the gorgeous blonde she could at least do some interesting work and the pods in front of her would be an excellent start. So she turned her attention back to the one under her hands. It felt very warm to her, hot even. The slime coating them seemed naturally cold, she sure of that as the small puddle she was now sitting in was no warmer than the air temperature but the pod's flesh was a lot warmer and seemed to heat the slime around it too.

She pressed down with her hands against the pod, it's was tough and she could only press inwards a little but she could feel something inside the pod. Something living no doubt, probably surrounded by more of the slime and either growing or perhaps, Sunny thought, hibernating. It was as that idea crossed her mind that she felt the insides of the pod shift, only for a moment but it definitely moved.

She wasn't as paranoid about whatever was inside as Leila was, she had faced enough alleged monsters in career after all. But she was still not keen to face whatever it was just yet so she gently removed her hands for the pod. As she lifted them much of the thick, green slime slid off her skin, but her fingers were still coated in the stuff. She desperately wanted to run some detailed analysis on the substance but lacking a full laboratory she fell back on an old field science trick and licked a tiny amount from one finger. Much to her surprise it tasted great, a sweet mix of zesty fruit and a thick cream. Not wanting to waste a drop she started sucking on her finger, licking off every ounce of the slime. Once clean she switched to next finger and then the next.

She'd started on the fourth when suddenly a large tearing sound filled the room. Or rather three large tearing sounds.

Pulling the finger out of her mouth she looked down to see all three pods had ripped open. Fascinated she leant forward and look inside the pod in front of her. For a moment all she could see was the green slime filling the pod and then a green tentacle shot it's way out of the pod. It wrapped itself around the back of her head.

Sunny screamed and reached up to try to pull the tentacle off her but before she could a dozen more tentacles had shot out of the pod. Some grabbed onto her head too whilst others wrapped around her arms, chest or shoulders. She screamed again now almost unable to move.

A third cry of terror filled the room as the tentacled thing in the pod used her weight to pull itself out, slime flowing off it's form as it did so. It's body was perhaps a foot across, dark green, broadly spherical and with only two features anywhere on it's form. The first was a round, gaping mouth-like opening towards the top of the body and the second was a long, stiff protuberance spearing out the bottom. Even in the brief view Sunny got of the monster, that was clearly its penis and it was obviously very pleased to see her.

Sunny only got a quick view of the creature though - as soon as it was free of the pod it used the strong tentacles to pull itself onto her. Her scream was silenced as it's slimy mouth attached itself to her own. The demon creature started kissing her, it's lips caressing hers and then a thick, sticky tongue pushing its way into her mouth. She gagged as it flapped about in her mouth and then pushed its way down into her throat. Meanwhile she could feel the thing's cock press down the front of her shirt to sit rubbing between her breasts.

It was too foul and with a sudden surge of strength she managed to free her arms from the thing's grip and then yank it's body from her face. As she threw it off into the corner of the room but as it's tentacles had managed to remain grasped onto her shirt and bra it tore them off as it flew away onto the floor.

Sunny promptly covered her large, naked breasts with her hands, immediately feeling the way much the top of her body had been smeared in the pod's slime. But that was the least of her worries as she saw two more of the creatures pull themselves out of the other two pods.

"No, no no, no! Get away from me!" She cried as she tried to stand up. But she was far too slow. With incredible speed the two demons leapt onto her, wrapping themselves around her legs and stomach. Tentacles grasped firmly onto her skin and clothes, constraining her, holding her tight. Sunny tried desperately to rip the creatures off her body but as she did the original one jumped back onto her naked chest. It's weight knocking her back onto the stone floor. The blob quickly wrapped half it's tentacles around her so she was effectively pinned to the ground. The other half began flapping around, rubbing over her naked chest, down around her legs or up trying to grasp at her head.

Sunny tried to knock the tentacles away, to push the creature off her chest but she was now coated in slime as were the creatures and she just couldn't get a firm hold. The one of her chest wasted no more time and using two tentacles to push them together wrapped its thick cock with her breasts. It then began sliding up and down between her large mounds.

"Noooo!" Sunny screamed, still desperately trying to free herself but with no more success. The feeling of the monster cock sliding between her slime slick breast was too much, she needed to get away -- she began crying hysterically in panic.

The two creatures around her legs then began to get to work too. First, despite her ongoing struggles, their tentacles easily pulled off her skirt and panties, so she was totally her naked except for her boots. Then with her still screaming futilely they moved their round bodies about so one sat atop her stomach and the other between her thighs. In unison they then drove their cocks into her pussy and arse.

"Urrghhhhhhh!" Sunny screamed. But it was no longer in fear and panic. She didn't want it to be true but being violated in both holes at the same time was the most amazing thing she'd ever felt. The feeling got even better as they began to pump in and out of her. She immediately stopped struggling and lay back, letting the weird creatures abuse her body.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She cried as the doubly thrusting monsters pounded in and out of both her holes.

Then the demon blob on her chest shifted and as she knew exactly what it wanted she opened her mouth, her tongue sticking out enticingly. The monster immediately jumped up and stuffed it's cock down Sunny's throat as its tentacles wrapped tightly around her head.

Still unable to really move Sunny just lay there, letting the pleasure grow and grow as the three blobs humped away at her holes. She had no idea why Leila was worried about by raped by the demons, it was incredible. She never wanted the assault to end, she wanted the monsters to fuck her until the end of time. Slowly Sunny started to feel a mighty orgasm build and she knew it was going to be huge.

The creatures wrapped several tentacles around her breasts, squeezing hard and tugging at nipples. Several more slipped inside her already full cunt and anus joining the cocks buried in her and increasing her pleasure even more. The three creatures seemed to be working in unison, their appendages programmed to pleasure her more and more.

With thrust after thrust of their cocks Sunny was penetrated endlessly. Tentacles writhed about in her whilst others tormented her breasts. The best was the cock in her mouth, it tasted of the sweet slime and she joyously sucked and licked it. The creatures just kept going, not slowing down until finally Sunny hit her peak and her body exploded in orgasm. She lost all touch with reality, just wanted the ecstasy to continue forever, crying in pleasure around the demon dick in her mouth.

The blobs sensing her cumming let themselves finally cum too. The first of the torrent hit Sunny's anus, cunt and throat at the same time, causing her cum even harder. Quickly a second, third, fourth spurt came very quickly after, each larger than the last. She felt her insides filling, she felt she might choke, it was just too much. Then as they spurted as fifth time they pulled their cocks out of her body and the jism squirted all over her body. But they were not done. Pint after pint flooded out of the blobs, utterly coating Sunny head to toe, every inch of her flesh dripping in white monster cum, her black hair was plastered to her head, her mouth wide open to catch as much of the flying cum as she could.

Finally spent the creatures managed to slide away from her body where they collapsed, their bodies saggy and deflated. After a moment they stopped moving entirely, apparently dead. Sunny had drained every drop of cum from them and their purpose was over.

Sunny meanwhile just lay back on the cum soaked ground, the last of her orgasm subsiding, two fingers gently rubbing her pussy and two more slowly scoping jism into her waiting mouth.


Leila found the naked, panting Sunny a few minutes later, still curled up on the ground. She'd heard her screams and come running, fearing what might be happening but being deeper into the city than she realised it had taken some time to find her way back to the girl. As Leila looked over her jism coated body it was clear that she'd been too late. She sighed in disappointment, it wasn't that it was unexpected just Sunanda had been the only one on the team Leila had any affection for, she'd hoped it would be Marie that got abused not the sweet Indian.

The term abused almost seemed too slight for what had happened to Sunny though, she was utterly covered in demonic cum. The smell of it was almost overpowering, the room stank of it, and it filled Leila's head. Unsure what to do she just stared as streams of demon cum ran down the girls back and down into her arse crack. For the briefest moment Leila had the desire to stick her tongue between Sunny's pert arse cheeks and taste the jism, to lick every drop from her perfect, naked body. But she shook her head, vanishing the thought from her mind. She then bent down to her companion, placing a hand on her cum sodden shoulder, shaking her out of her almost unconscious state.

"Sunny? Are you okay?" Leila asked.

"Leila....." Sunny groaned as she pulled herself up to a sitting position and turned to face her. Yet more streams of cumming running down her face, her tongue licking what she could as it ran passed her lips.