The City


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"You okay Sunny? Looks like you've rather slipped up here. I'm a little disappointed." Leila said trying not to let her anger show.

"Leila...."Sunny groaned again. Then without warning she suddenly grabbed Leila's head, pulled it to her and kissed Leila, violently pressing their mouths together. Her tongue forced its way into Leila's mouth as the Russian tried to pull away. Immediately all Leila could taste was the salty demon cum that covered Sunny's lips and mouth. It tasted both foul and delicious at the same time. She let her own tongue slip into Sunny's mouth, tasting more of the cum, licking as much as she could. She knew she should stop, knew this was just what the demonic powers of the city wanted, she had to stop, she couldn't fail so soon.

Leila broke the kiss and violently pushed Sunny back, shaking her head to try and clear the enticing stench of the cum.

"Please Leila...." Sunny begged the blonde reaching up for her again.

"You were fucked by a demon Sunanda! This is just what they want. I won't fail like you did!"

"I'm sorry....I couldn't stop it then I didn't want too...I'm sorry." Sunny said as she opened her legs a little, a hand slipping between her tanned thighs to her dripping cunt.

Leila stared at her for a moment trying to control her anger but it was so hard, her head seemed foggy, nothing seemed right. She could hardly keep her eyes off Sunny's cum soaked breasts.

"It''s okay. Don't worry. We knew it might happen. We just need to move on. Try and avoid it again." Leila answered as she lowered her eyes to Sunny's hand massaging her pussy, a fire now growing between her own legs too.

"I will, I promise." Sunny moaned as her fingers began to pick up pace.

"I just need to clean the cum off first." she said as she raised her free hand up, one finger held out. Like the rest of her body it was dripping in white, demon cum. The smell assaulted Leila's nostrils again.

Finally unable to control herself any longer Leila bent down and sucked on Sunny's finger, letting all the cum slip down her throat. With a final flick of her tongue she let the finger drop out of her mouth. With a few swift movements she pulled off her vest, skirt and underwear and tossed them aside with Sunny's clothes. She still had just enough sense to realise it was the demonic jism causing them to act this way and that once it had gone the danger would pass -- getting it all over their clothes would not help so being naked was definitely a good idea. All she had to do now was clean all the cum up, not matter how many pints and pints of it there were.

She fell to the cum soaked ground and set about her task with vigour. She pulled Sunny's cum slick body to her own, their arms and legs entwining. They kissed again, naked breasts crushing together, hands roaming over each other's curves. Within moments Leila was as covered as Sunny, the still warm cum tingling her skin all over.

Leila broke their kiss again."We have to lick it all both of us.....urgghhh..." she cried as Sunny's hand slipped between her legs and two fingers pushed into her wet pussy. "I remember now! Ahhhhh!! Your whole hand!! Please!!"

Sunny did as asked and pushed her whole fist inside Leila's cunt. Leila savoured the feeling of being fisted for the second time that day, unusual only for the fact it was the first time another woman had ever done it to her. As Sunny's hand flapped about inside her Leila tried to continue her explanation "I the Book of Antioch....urrghhh.....the cum of some demons is intoxicating....urgghhh.....impossible....urgghhh....impossible to wash just....urrgghhh.....have to swallow it all....URGGHHHHH!"

With that, Leila came. A huge orgasm shuddering through her body. But within moments it was past and she felt as horny as she had before. Pulling Sunny's hand out of her pussy and panting she said "Come on...we just need to lick it all off."

Finally understanding Sunny lent forward and slipped Leila's right breast into her mouth, sucking hard on the nipple and licking the jism off the damp flesh. Loving the assault on her breast and unable to reach much else of Sunny she lent over her back and began to lick the streams of cum off her smooth flesh as her hands began to rub up and down Sunny's legs, scraping up what she could. Every half minute or so she would have enough and stop licking at Sunny's back to pour the collected cum from her hands and into her mouth, licking the last of it from her fingers.

Sunny meanwhile switched to her other breast and then down to her flat belly. After a few minutes they had swallowed a pint or two of cum each but they both were still covered in it. As they started to switch position Leila noticed Sunny was still wearing her black, high heel boots which were as covered as her skin. So she position herself facing Sunny and lifted one booted foot to her mouth. She began running her tongue up and down the leather, slurping up the white cum from the black surface. Unable to reach anything else Sunny pulled Leila's foot to her own mouth and started sucking on her toes. Soon both girls switched feet until all were quite clean of the cum.

Sunny then moved herself onto all fours and Leila, her juices dripping down her thighs in excitement, sat behind her and drove her tongue into the Indian girl's anus. As she had hoped it was still flooded with the sticky demon juices and she just let it pour into her mouth, her tongue just guiding and licking at the large globules. In response Sunny was groaning and gently bucking her arse back against Leila.

Wanting to really treat the girl and having more or less cleaned her arsehole Leila then let her mouth fall to the girl's pussy. As she began licking and sucking on the sodden cunt she slipped two fingers back into Sunny's arse just to make sure all the cum was gone. Sunny soon screamed in orgasm and as most of the jism that had been in her cunt had dribbled out the girls then swapped positions.

Leila came again, twice more, the first time as Sunny licked out her arse and then again with her tongue in her pussy. The thought did cross Leila's mind that very little cum would have been inside her but didn't bother to point it out.

With her third climax slipping away the girls slid back next to each other and licked off the remainder of the cum from their bodies -- off arms, legs, backs, flat bellies and pert breasts. Finally done they sat back.

"It's gone....we're all clean." Sunny moaned as her hands massaged her own big breasts.

"Then why are we still so horny?"Leila replied as she slid a finger into her arse. She then looked down and saw the rocky ground was covered in the stuff. "It's the floor! We can still smell it!"

Knowing what they had to do Sunny dropped to all fours and began to lick the cum off the ground like an animal drinking from a puddle. Leila, slightly more in control of herself, just started scraping it up with her hands and pouring it into her mouth. They quickly found the jism had been spread far and wide, pints of it covered the floor. Soon Leila began to feel very full, her belly brimming with the cum but they couldn't stop. Their progress was slowed as each time they got near each other fingers or tongues would dive into a waiting hole until one or both of them had cum again.

Several hours passed as Leila and Sunny continued to lick up the jism and make each other cum until finally they were both lying on the ground, exhausted and jointly tonguing up the last small puddle. With each mouthful they would kiss, letting the now cold and very sticky jism roll around their tongues before letting it slide down their thoughts. With one final, long and deep kiss the last of the demon cum was gone.

As Leila swallowed she felt the fog of arousal lift and her mind return to normal. For a moment she looked at Sunny sprawled next to her and was disgusted with what she'd done. But the smile on Sunny's face melted such thoughts. It had been foul but when she set out on the expedition she knew such things could happen, they had little control of the power of the demons denizens of the city. And least it had been with a friend and not some horrible monster. Perhaps most importantly she couldn't deny that it had been the best sex she'd ever had.

Clearly Sunny thought the same way and silently the exhausted girls wrapped themselves in each other's arms, lay back on the rocky ground and fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter 3 -- Into the Dark

At the same time Sunny and Leila set out from the cave to explore the city Jess pushed her way through the small opening she'd found and now stood in a dark, deep cave. She pulled a torch out of her pack and immediately saw that about twenty metres in the rock walls of the cave gave way to worked stone walls which were covered in elegant geometric patterns. Hurrying she looked over the walls and then ducked through a small door which led down a man made tunnel.

As she entered the tunnel she discarded her torch as the luminescence of the tunnel's ceiling was more than enough light. She marvelled at that but keenly pressed on figuring the grand tunnel must eventually lead to the main part of the city. So she scurried along the ancient stone path, the heels of her boots clicking on the floor, knocking up a little dust. The tunnel slowly got wider and the simple patterns in the stone became much more elegant with pictures and figures in their place. The carvings were just the Celtic style that Jess expected but of a quality far greater than anything she'd seen before. It was if they were done by medieval stonemasons not the workings of a Celtic tribe, clearly the city had advanced far beyond the rest of their society.

Whilst the quality intrigued the historian in Jess the subject matter of the carvings interested other parts of her too. Some were simple designs of warriors, of battles and of great hunts. But many showed the now familiar demons and tentacled monsters, more often than not in the process of fucking some beautiful woman. Jess hurriedly pulled out her camera and took some pictures of the key carvings. She thought it was important to start collecting as much evidence of the city as she could, the fact she took photos of the most disgustingly sexual carvings was, of course, just a coincidence.

Once done she hurried on down the tunnel and could soon see bright light at the end, the tunnel seemed to open out into wide space. A she continued towards the light she noticed that the carvings slowly changed both in the level of wear and in the styling though the subject matter was much the same. What was clear was the further down the tunnel the older the carvings got - from the Celts of the iron age through bronze age carvings back to what Jess suspected were ancient neolithic carvings. It seemed the city, it's warrior people and its worship of Cernunnos stretched back much further in history than anyone had ever suspected. The historians of Cuthenburt's time didn't understand prehistory properly and so he just subscribed everything to the Celts but obviously the city was perhaps founded thousands of years before the Picts and Celts. This was shocking to Jess, even the oldest cities of the near east were only just being founded in that time. There was meant to hardly by anyone but a few farmers in Briton, but clearly that was wrong. This strange, magical city predated any other civilisation in Europe, it was a huge revelation to Jess and very exciting. All she needed to do now was get as deep into the city as possible to really understand if, other than for her flowery friend, the monsters depicted in the art of the city were real.

Finally she reached the end of the tunnel and stepped out into what seemed like bright sunlight. But Jess wasn't outside just in the largest, most incredible cave she'd ever seen. It vanished into the distance but must have been several miles across with the roof a couple of hundred metres above the ground floor. Jess stood on a wide balcony which overlooked the cave floor, astonished she carefully stepped to the edge to see all she could -- spread below her was the ancient city she'd spent her life searching for.

Despite much of it being concealed by the huge size of the cave she could still see hundreds, if not thousands, of buildings. Many were small, probably domestic dwellings but in between were tall towers, large domed buildings, huge pillars and massive statues. The largest of the statues stood in the apparent centre of the city, standing at least hundred metres high. It depicted Cernunnos in the same triumphant pose as many of the others she'd seen and like those he was muscled, mighty and had a giant erect cock. Staring at the statue Jess's hand slipped under her denim skirt, fingers rubbing at her wet opening.

She was about to start really going for it when she stopped herself, she didn't have time for distractions. So instead she grabbed her camera and took dozens of photos. To properly map the city would take weeks but she could at least get a good overview from the pictures.

Once done she headed towards one end of the balcony, as she had hoped she found a wide and grand staircase carved into the rock which lead down into the city. Desperate to get a closer look she hurried down as quickly as she could.

A few hundred steps later she stood in a large plaza on the edge of the city. It seemed to be some kind of market or meeting place with lots of small shop-like buildings with larger, more formal structures in between. One of these large buildings really caught her attention. It was easily the biggest in the plaza with a large domed roof over a central section and several smaller squarer sections sprouting off from it. It a single large entrance on one side of the domed area with a series of wide steps leading to it. On either side of the staircase were two statues. Both were identical and depicted a strange blob creature with odd appendages. Jess couldn't make out the details however as both were fairly worn and somewhat damage by age. Nonetheless she was sure the building was some kind of temple. Knowing that understanding a people's religious beliefs could tell you much about them she ran up the steps keen to see inside.

The temple was dark, only a little of the huge cave's luminescence penetrated through the small windows. It was enough to see but gave the large building a slight creepiness. The room itself was fairly bare with just some small stone benches at one side and what appeared to be a large pool at the other, the pool was empty and Jess had no idea what it once contained. She then noticed to one side of the pool a patch of yellow liquid, she hurried to investigate it.

Jess bent down to examine the yellow slime, it seemed to be a trail that led from the empty stone pool to a small door at the back of the main temple room. It was clearly fresh as it hadn't dried at all in the warmth of the city. It was also very viscous, the texture of thick syrup, it hardly seemed to flow at all.

Jess began to wonder what had created the trail, it was clearly quite large, at least human sized. She began to get a little nervous, concerned it may still be around and with no idea what it might do to her. Nonetheless she wasn't going to give up her investigation of the city so quickly. So slightly shaking she reached down and scooped a little of the slime up into her hands, running her red nailed fingers through the gunge. To her surprise it was still warm and felt very pleasant on her skin. Gingerly she lifted her hand to her mouth and ran her tongue along one finger, licking up a little of the slime. It tasted sour but not bad, more a nice tangy taste. Wanting to try more Jess stuck two fingers in her mouth and began sucking on them, the slime dribbling down her throat.

It was then she heard an odd squelching noise coming from the back of the temple through the small door that the trial led towards. She jumped to her feet and nervously gazed at the door but couldn't see anything. The squelching was definitely getting louder however and she slowly took a few steps backward. Not looking where she was going her high heeled boots slipped on the slime behind and before she could stop herself she tumbled back into the slime trial. Sprawled on the ground her skin tingling where her bare legs and arms had landed in the slime, she could feel more seeping through her top and skirt.

Jess desperately tried to stand but found her hands sliding on the slime. As she started to panic the thing making the squelching noise crawled into view. Jess screamed and just froze, she'd never seen anything so foul. It looked most like a giant man-sized slug with a slime coated, rubbery, yellow-brown body. But underneath it's body were two rows of a dozen small legs which it crawled along on. Each leg was short, perhaps only six inches long but wide and it seemed able to move at quite a pace. At the top of its body was a weird bulging head with a large, slime dripping mouth and in place of eyes four sensory protuberances. The thing that really caught Jess's attention however was the large, green, erect cock which hung from the centre of its body between the rows of legs. Jess knew exactly where it wanted to stick the giant cock too.

She screamed again as it kept crawling towards her. It was very fast and even as she tried, again without success, to push herself to her feet it had crawled right before her. It was so close that all Jess could now look at was the massive slimy dick. It was gross, all yellow and rubbery but it was the size that really fascinated her. She began to think what it would feel like inside her and quickly felt herself get wet. Where seconds before there had been terror and revulsion there was now only desire. She didn't know where all these bizarre needs were coming from but she now knew she wanted to experience the pleasure that apparently many women before her had.

The creature bent it's head down and a giant globule of slime bubbled out of its mouth, splatting all over Jess's bare legs. It's tongue then rolled out and licked from the top of her boot up to her bottom of her skirt, spreading the slime already coating her pale skin and adding more in the process.

"Please...I'm yours..." Jess moaned, hoping the creature would understand her.

It seemed to as it finally crawled directly over Jess's prone body and as it did she pulled up the bottom of her skirt, baring her pussy to the demon. Slime started falling off its body and onto Jess, yellow blob after yellow blob fell onto the clothes, hair and skin. The slug demon barely waited a heartbeat before thrusting itself into the redhead's waiting cunt.

"Yessss!!!!" Jess cried as she felt a penetration even greater than the flower had given her.

Then unbidden the demon pulled itself out of her now pussy which was now sodden with her own juices and slime from its cock.

"Please! I need you in me!" Jess cried as the monster held back but it was merely teasing her as it then thrust deep into her again and she screamed in joy. The thing had hilted itself in her and she could feel its tip deep inside her womb, it felt incredible and got better as it started pistoning in and out of her. If the flower had tempted her to become the plaything of the demonic denizens of the city the slug's mighty cock inside her convinced her for good. As it rammed in and out her pleasure grew and grew until she started to become delirious but with her last coherent thoughts she became determined to find as many of the surviving creatures and fuck as many of them as possible. From the carvings she'd seen she was sure it was exactly what the women who lived here used to do and what better way to understand a culture then live like they had.

The slug monster continued thrusting in and out of Jess as she wrapped her booted legs around it's slimy, rubbery body. This allowed it to push it little further into her and that finally was enough.