The Coffee Shop Ch. 06 - Michaela

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Michaela - The Conclusion.
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 04/05/2023
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A/N - I would like to share with you chapter 6 of this fun little fictional jaunt. Again, this is fictional and written for you to enjoy. #LoveNotHate


As my tears slowed and her hug softened I told her. "She is moving to Chicago, a promotion. I am happy for her. I am taking a shower and going to bed."

I stood feeling frustration, sad and hurt. "I hate my life."

I screamed, turned and stormed up the stairs. I showered, put on fresh panties and a t-shirt then crawled into my bed hugging my pillow crying myself to sleep.

There was a knock on my door. "Baby?" Another knock, "Baby, I am here if you need me."

I didn't respond to Mom. I just rolled over hugging my pillow. It was the middle of the night when my door opened. I was still awake. My mind was running a thousand miles per hour. That all vanished when Michaela crawled into bed with me, wrapping her arms around me.

She whispered, "It's all better now. You are where you belong."

I felt her lips kiss my shoulder. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

*** End of chapter 5 ***


I wasn't given the opportunity to wallow in my sorrow or sadness, Michaela wouldn't have it. Each morning she had me up and exercising with her. We had started a "routine" she explained. She explained that if you continue to blah, blah, blah. I just smiled but I doubted this was for me but I played along. Her routine was not as formalized but she is my sister, and yes I love her so I tolerate her.

We had taken a tour of the campus at Point Park and the surrounding areas, which we were well acquainted with. The house we grew up in was just a few miles away. She thought it would be good for me to stay at home and commute to and from classes and not have the additional expenses as she did for her first two years at Chapel Hill.

We fell into a nice routine over the next few days. The second week of June, Michaela had started shadowing a Medical Social Worker at the local hospital a few hours per day and I was still working full-time with Marcia at the Coffee Shop.

I got home after a rather long shift; Marcie still hadn't hired another barista. Again, I am not complaining but my feet hurt. I kissed Mom and Momma and went up to shower and stream some of my docu-series. After I showered, I changed into panties and a crop top.

I grabbed my laptop, sat on my bed and opened the streaming service. I looked at my current list. Nothing felt right. Then to the categories. RomCom, Docu-series, Dramas, Romance, yuck, I wasn't in the mood for anything. I mean nothing looked good or interesting to me at the moment.

I opened my email and started scrolling through the ridiculous amount of spam in my in box. One day I needed to concentrate and mark this crap as spam. My dear little brother Francis would help me out, maybe there was a quick method. Ugh,

My phone pinged a text from Michaela. "No excuses, McKenna's in 30."

"Not interested! Feet hurt, tired from work."

Less than thirty seconds later my phone rang, the caller ID Mich K. I didn't answer. I just let it go to voicemail, turning my attention back to my email.

I continued flipping through what appeared to be endless spam emails when I paused. I couldn't believe my eyes, how stupid of me; this message was five days old.

The message was from Career Services and Student Affairs at Point Park. The message was titled, Spring Internship opportunities - Deadline July 10th.

I immediately opened the message reading intently.

The Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera invites Point Park University, Third Year students in the BFA program to consider applying to the below listed internship opportunities. These internships are established for the candidates to gain real world experience and are accompanied with an hourly rate of pay.

The application deadline is approaching for the Spring Semester rotations. If you are interested, apply via the associated link, or by dropping your the below at the Human Resources office. Included in your packet will be your resume, with cover letter specifically stating which internship(s) you are interested in, undergraduate transcripts and no more than three (3) letters of recommendation.

The internships are open for these departments: Artistic Theater Performing, Costume Design, Lighting Design, Music, Producing, Production Assistant - Construction, Production Management.

Professional dress is a requirement. Internship hours vary based on the department. The internships are considered full-time working at a minimum 32 hours per week for the full Spring semester. The work schedule for all at a minimum will include Thursday - Sunday.

Depending on the student's BFA Major, course credit can be earned and will substitute. Once a candidate is accepted, coordination of credit hours / course substitution will be discussed through and with the Point Park Career Service and Student Affairs.

If you have any questions, please direct them to the Career Services at Point Park University.

I immediately opened the links for Producing, Music, and Production Management internships. I selected print on them and bookmarked the pages. I continued reading the application instructions and suddenly realized that I didn't have any letters of recommendation.

I leapt from my bed, and sat at my desk pulling out a pad of paper and a pen making a checklist. I opened my email and sent my Advisor at Point Park an email requesting a meeting to discuss the CLO internships. I sent an email to CCAC, Student Affairs requesting three official copies of my transcripts and the purpose of the request.

Next, I sent four emails to different professors at CCAC requesting a letter of recommendation for the internships. One for the Producing, one for the Music, and one for Production Management, I included a link for each internship in my request. I was hoping to get good recommendations from my Music Theory, Music, Theater & Arts professors.

I opened a blank document and started typing but it was getting late and my mind was flopping all over. I looked at my phone, 10:45. I had to work tomorrow from 11:00 - 7:00 again. I thought it best to try and get some sleep going back at it with a fresh mind starting in the early morning.

I closed my laptop and shut my door, then crawled back into bed.

Part way through the night I heard my door open and then close. I ignored whoever was there and rolled over going back to sleep. At 5:30 I woke up to use the bathroom, when I got back to my bed, my mind started churning, I got out of bed. I opened my laptop and started researching. I needed to learn to do a proper cover letter. I also needed to create a resume.

I got a résumé template from online and completed it. I deleted the cover letter I had started the night before seeing it wasn't proper. I downloaded an example of a proper one and went to work.

When I thought I was finished, I reviewed, revised and then saved the original. I would need three separate letters but I knew it started with a core letter. I stood thinking, and then realized I needed a potty break and some coffee.

Peeing and getting some coffee from downstairs, I came back to my room and sat at my desk again. I was reading, editing, and saving what I had written. I printed two copies.

I messaged Marcie asking to speak with her when I came in as there was something school related and important I needed her assistance with.

I closed my laptop, opened my bedroom door and made my way downstairs to the living room carrying the pad of paper and the copies of the document I printed.

Mom and Momma were sitting on the couch with their morning coffee. I stood to the side, mom looked over at me.

"Baby?" Mom questioned.

"Momma?" She looked up at me. "I could really use your help. Sorry Mom but this has Momma's expertise written all over it."

They both smiled, Momma nodded, patting the seat next to her. I sat down composing myself. Now, it isn't all that often that I sit next to Momma. I would say it was rare that I sat next to her.

That said, please realize I love Momma dearly but there is nothing like the comfort and feel of safety when I sit and cuddle with Mom.

I handed Momma then Mom a copy of the cover letter I had been working on. I started explaining the email last night, my research and what I had accomplished so far. I shared my goal for the Spring semester. I told them I knew I needed to prove myself in the upcoming Fall semester but this was what I wanted and where I wanted my career.

Momma paused and grabbed her reading glasses and started reading the cover letter. She looked at me and held her hand out asking for my pen.

"This is good, but we can make it great and pop if you want." She smiled at Mom and said. "It is well written and exceptional Frances."

She made a few notes off to the side and circled two things, not horrible corrections but there were logical recommendations for edits.

"Now, baby doll, you do not need to make these changes as I said, it is very good but this is what I would send."

I dropped the pad of paper and hugged her tight and kissed her cheek. "Thanks Momma. I appreciate your help more than you know."

As I walked away, I heard them talking but was too busy to worry about what they were saying. Back upstairs I went and typed out the final edits and with those completed I saved the documents, all three of them.

Time to get ready for my day. An hour later I walked into the shop. Marcie looked up at me from behind the counter.

"You are a bit early for your shift."

I smiled and shook my head, "Just a customer for now."

I ordered a fresh coffee and a cranberry & walnut scone. I took them and sat at a familiar feeling table in the back. Hmmm, it was delicious; I was going to miss this.

There was a lull in customers; Marcie came over with a refill. She handed me the coffee and told me to come back and chat regarding my text when I wanted. I smiled and knew this would be bitter sweet. I walked back to her office to have a difficult discussion with her.

"Marcie, if there is one thing you have taught me it is that I must chase my dreams and continue to thrive. I look at what you have done with this coffee shop and know that I want to be just as amazingly successful as you are."

She smiled. "Well that is an opening statement I can't argue with but I am afraid of what is coming next." She winked.

I continued telling her about the internship opportunities with the CLO. I dreaded telling her about the Thursday - Sunday requirements but she deserved the truth from me. I finished our conversation by saying.

"I doubt I will get selected but in the event I do I need you to know I would really need to cut back on my schedule working for you here."

I paused as reality hit me. "I will miss this place and your shop so much Marcie." I winked, "Not as much as I will miss you though. I will work when I can but I just wanted you to know."

She stood from behind her desk, walked around and opened her arms. I stepped into her arms and hugged her. As she wrapped her arms around me, she gently stroked my back. I felt a calm come over me. She kissed my cheek whispering in my ear that she would certainly miss me but I would be welcome at any time in any capacity.

I leaned my head back slightly, winked at her and softly kissed her lips then said. "You will never get rid of me my love; never."


One week later I walked out of my advisor's office with his feedback and thoughts. After his review and guidance, he felt I was ready to move forward. He commended me on the assertiveness and speed at which I moved.

He told me I had a good chance but that I needed to understand I was a transfer student. He shared that in his experience, being a transfer student somewhat lowered my selection chances. He also recommended that I hand deliver the three separate packets to the HR team at the CLO Business Office, which he pointed out was an option in the application details.

I smiled and thanked him for his guidance and would keep him informed as to any communication with them. As I left his office I sent a text.

"Hey Mich, I need your help if you are available this evening F."

I knew she wasn't necessarily able to respond to the text with her being in the hospital. I would wait to hear back from her but I knew she would help me out. I arrived at home seeing Francis, my brother. I hugged him tightly letting him know I missed him but needed his IT assistance with my email.

"How could I deny my favorite older sister?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"You are a geek and goof. Don't you dare say things that aren't believable? I know you like your other older sister, Michaela better." I winked and ran upstairs and grabbed my laptop.

Sitting at the kitchen table I explained to him what I needed. How I almost missed the email from Point Park and the CLO. He went to work on my laptop. After a few seconds he explained how it needed some organization and optimization. I nodded asking him to do his thing.

When he had finished, I thanked him graciously and asked him his thoughts on the age and the capabilities of my laptop. Would I need one for the new semester?

He explained to me the pros and cons of my laptop versus what was new on the market. I was amazed when he shared that nothing was ever really top of the line as the next best technology was right behind what was "brand new" on the market.

That evening when Michaela came home, I got her to help me pick out the proper professional clothing I should wear for tomorrow when I took the applications to the CLO Human Resources office. Francis was out with his friends which left Michaela and I time together. She was amazing, putting together my slacks, a blouse, shoes and simple jewelry for me.

When she finished, she explained her schedule in the morning and if I wanted help with my hair she would. I hugged her tight, thanking her as we bid each other good night.

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling apprehensive. I got up, walked out of my room, opened the door to Michaela's room and crawled into bed with her. I wrapped her in my arms, spooning with her; her back into my chest. This felt so perfect.

"Missed me didn't you?" She mumbled.

I moved my head closer to her cheek and kissed her. I was slightly shocked when she took my left hand and brought it over and pulled it under her t-shirt, flat on her skin. Our fingers just below her left breast.

I couldn't resist, so I whispered, "I hope you are aware how much you are teasing me, my little sister."

I slowly and very cautiously let my hand drift down her torso, to her stomach as I circled her navel, slowly caressing her skin, returning to and coming to rest just below her left breast.

"Stepsister, we have different mothers and fathers."

Then she murmured something else I wasn't able to understand. She shimmied her body backwards pressing against me. God she felt so good. Our breathing slowed, we fell asleep with Michaela still wrapped in my arms.

In the morning when I woke, I was still spooning with Michaela. My right hand was curled underneath her holding her arm, my left over top of her chest, my hand under her shirt cupping her breast. I leaned forward and kissed her cheek whispering how much I truly loved her. Very gently I released her and crawled out of bed.

As I sat on the toilet, I was challenged with a 'right shoulder angel' and 'left shoulder devil' conversation with myself. I was so conflicted.

I showered and waited for Michaela's assistance. When she knocked on my door I signed heavily fearing I made a mistake last night. I stood and opened the door letting her in to assist.

Her fingers felt so wonderful, her breath on my neck, the manner she touched helped with my hair and makeup, and I felt warm all over. With a final check of my hair, she kissed my cheek and told me how perfect I looked.

God I wanted to grab her and kiss her so deeply. Yes, I fear I am falling in love with her. I need to talk with Mom.

With the assistance of my amazing sister, I was dressed and out the door at 8:30. I was welcomed into the CLO Human Resources department by a young man and woman in the office. They were both admittedly surprised that I took the time to bring them in where most students "took the easy electronic route".

I saw the opportunity and explained my situation. I wanted to put my best foot forward and thank them for their time and ask them if there was anything I could do or needed to do, please let me know.

The more experienced woman, Rebecca, invited me to a small conference room where she shared with me the review and then interview process giving me thirty minutes of her time. Time and energy on my part I believe was well spent.

As I was walking back to my car, I sent Mom a text. 'Mom, I could really use your help with something."

That night she and I cuddled on the living room couch while the rest of the family was in the family room and spent some time together. I poured out my heart to her. I cried, as she hugged my fears away.

"My dearest, you don't think that your Momma and I aren't aware? We aren't blind. We see how you look at each other."

She hugged me once more and told me to slow down and let nature take its course. Then she said, "You have grown up in the same home but you both have different fathers." She kissed my cheek.

I stood and excused myself going to shower and to bed explaining I needed some personal time.


The summer rolled on and the heat rose. I tried to wear less clothing around the house which drew a few comments from Mom and Momma. Most nights I curled into bed with Michaela. I was her big spoon and she was my cuddle doll. So many times I was tempted to kiss and love her deeper but I feared her rejection.

There is a written dress code at the coffee shop but I pushed those limits as much as I could. It was Tuesday, after a very hot July 4th weekend that I went to work. Admittedly my shorts were short, like ass cheek viewing shorts, and my midriff top was showing a bit more midriff. When I put my apron on you really couldn't see much as my stomach was covered.

Marcie looked at me with an arched eyebrow. I smiled, winked and blew her a kiss.

"I'm covered with my apron." I said teasing her. I moved forward with what I needed cleaning the tables, once done I came back behind the counter waiting on customers.

It was 4:30 when Marcie walked out of her office leaning up against the side wall near the counter. "I do not know why I am doing this to myself but I am."

I looked at her curiously and continued listening. "Tonight at 6:00 Annalise will be coming in to meet with me. She is a student and needs some part-time work."

I could hear the frustration in her voice. There was a look in her eyes of uncertainty. I smiled then asked.

"And what's the issue with that?"

Marcie exhaled in a huff, "She is studying Criminal Justice at Point Park."

I just smiled and went about my work. It was just before 6:00 when I heard the chime of the front door. I had just finished cleaning the pastry case windows, the shelves and the trays when I looked up. I paused; I was stunned, slightly in awe.

The most beautiful woman I had seen in years had just walked. I stood and took a deep breath, remaining calm. I smiled and she acknowledged me. She had beautiful shoulder length chestnut hair, flowing as she moved with grace and strength.

Her skin was darker, maybe a light olive tone. Her high cheekbones and her face were astonishingly perfect. Her sensual brown eyes struck me and held me captive.

He was dressed in a light brown or tan blouse which buttoned down the front; she had the top two buttons undone. Crisp jeans which hugged her hips and legs displayed her figure which seemed the closest to perfection I could never imagine.