The Coffee Shop Pt. 02


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I looked to the left and sighed. Doug was out like a light. His jacket was unbutton and pushed open and he was slumped down in his chair. I wasn't really that surprised, though. Doug was an experienced subject of mine and I had expected him to go under while listening to me hypnotize Bob. The only problem was that now I'd have to explain this to John, who was no fool. He'd realize what had happened to Doug, even if he didn't understand how it had happened. Doug looked so peaceful sitting there. My eyes wanted to keep drinking in the sight of my 'cowboy' all dressed up with nowhere to go. But I had John to deal with. I sighed and dragged my eyes away from Doug. I looked over to my right and got ready to field John's questions.

My jaw dropped and my heart skipped a beat. John was sitting slumped in his chair with his jacket unbuttoned and pushed open. Like both Doug and Bob, his eyes were closed, his head was nodding forward on his chest, and his arms hung limp and loose by his sides. He too had a small smile on his face as he sat there in a chair. He was hypnotized too! It took a few minutes for the situation to register on my mind. I smiled with delight. This was going to be a lot more fun that I'd thought But first I had to take care of a couple of things.

I walked over to John, and speaking softly so that only he could hear me, I told him to open his eyes and look directly into mine. Once he did, I mentally commanded him to obey me completely while he was hypnotized, because he enjoyed hypnosis so much. I told him that any time I said to him 'your jacket is torn' he would return to this wonderful state of hypnosis. That accomplished I told John to close his eyes and go back down even deeper. I did the same thing with Bob, except that for him the trigger phrase was 'your belt is purple'. Doug was already obedient to me from a previous session so there was no need to interrupt him. I told all of these wonderful hypnotized gentlemen to count backward from 100 to 0 and to go down deeper with each and every descending number. I sat back in my chair, watched and enjoyed the sight. I had much to think about, and to consider.

Chapter 9. Preferred Customer Service.

So here I was, alone in a men's clothing store with three very good looking hypnotized, submissive and obedient men.. The store is closed and we won't be interrupted for hours. Yes, there IS a God.

What to do first, though? I knew what I could and could not do with Doug, but John and Bob were unknowns. Were they gay? Straight? I was pretty sure they were not married, since neither was wearing a wedding ring. There was only one way to find out. Ask. But should I bring them out first and let them know that I'd hypnotized all three of them? That seemed like a good idea. It felt right. I counted them out.

There were several yawns and a few smacking of lips before they were all awake and fully aware of where they were.

"So all my sleeping beauties are awake, are they?" I asked with a smile.

"We were all hypnotized?" John asked in disbelief.

"Exactly, even though only Bob was supposed to go under,' I said. "I can understand Doug going under, since I've hypnotized him before, but you John are a special case. You appear to be an especially good subject. So tell me how do you all feel?"

"Good." "Really great." "Relaxed and refreshed." They looked at me and each other and sheepishly grinned. No one knew exactly what to do or say about this most unexpected turn of events. It was an embarrassed silence that followed. I decided to break the ice.

"I don't normally tell my subjects about each other, but in this case there really isn't any way to not have you know that you've each been hypnotized by me. The question is where do we go from here? Is there anything in particular that you want to have happen or to experience?"

Doug looked at me and winked. I KNEW what he wanted, and from the way his hand was brushing his crotch every now and then, he wanted it soon. Bob and John looked puzzled, confused and bewildered. "If you just want to relax some more, that's fine too," I said. "It's your choice." Still no one spoke.. This was getting us now where fast.

"Okay, then," I said with a sigh. "I'll be heading home now and you guys can get back to work. I'll be by Friday night for the tuxedo fitting." I stood up and headed for the till where there was a phone. I need to call a cab.

"Please, wait, Paul," John suddenly called out. "I don't know about the others, but I'd like you to put me back under. I just don't want you to do it front of them. I want a private session."

So that's what the problem was. Privacy. I should have known. I looked at John, and then glanced at the other two guys. The same message was written on their faces. I looked up at the ceiling. I had to think. What I really wanted was all three of these guys under at one time. I'd never done a group before, and the idea of three guys under my control at the same time was a huge rush. I could almost feel the power building inside me. (Okay, so that was hormones...but you get the idea.) I stared at the ceiling a bit longer and wished in earnest that the three of them would just slip back under and not care what the other guys saw them do. My head suddenly felt like a big rubber balloon stretched tight. There were spots before my eyes and an intense pain building behind my eyes. I shut them quickly and grabbed my head as I started to swoon. Just as suddenly the balloon popped and I felt better immediately. That flash of pain sort of felt like the pain I had when I pushed my powers too far. I hadn't done that in a very long time, though, so it couldn't be that. Besides, I was well under the fifteen persons in 24 hours limit that my powers had. I stood back up and opened my eyes to see what was going on.

Nobody had moved. Doug and Bob were still standing in front of the chairs they had been sitting on, and John was a foot or so away from me. He had a look of genuine worry on his face. I smiled at him to show that I was okay, and then turned and headed for the telephone. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned back around and saw that it was John's.

"Please, reconsider, Paul," John implored me. " Is privacy too much to ask?" I guess he had a point. I looked at him for a second. John smiled at me, and then something strange happened. His face started to go blank. His hand slipped off my shoulder and fell limply to his side. I hadn't said anything to him, nor had I given him any mental commands, but I was sure that he was slipping back into his trance, and fast. He stood there with a blank look on his face and his eyes glazed over. I waved my hand in front of his face. There was no reaction from John. He was in zombie land, no question about it.

Doug and Bob had walked over to where John and I were standing, when they saw John's strange behavior. I looked at Doug as he stood there only a few feet away from me and his face too suddenly went blank and zombie like. Bob's attention shifted from Doug's face to John's and back again as he tried to figure out what had happened. Bob looked at me, for just a moment, and his face became a match for the other two guys.

What the hell had I done? It hadn't been any conscious decision of mine. I had not ordered these guys back into their trances, nor had I used the trigger phrases. For some unknown reason, though, they were back in their trances and even deeper it seemed. "John, how do you feel? What do you want to do?" I asked him.

"Good and obedient, sir. I will do whatever you tell me, sir," John replied in a monotone almost robot like voice.

"Why? What about the other guys seeing what you do?" I queried him further.

"That is not important, sir. I do not care about it, sir. All I care about is obeying you so that I can continue to feel good., sir," he replied in that robot like voice.

"What about you, Bob?" I asked him.

"The same, sir," Bob replied simply.

"Doug?" I asked.

"The same, sir," Doug replied in the same voice tones as the other two guys.

This was getting really strange. Exciting, and erotic, but strange.

"What are the limits?" I asked no one in particular.

"No limits, sir," they replied in unison. Then after exchanging glances with each other, Bob spoke up.

"We would ask only that you not permit us to remember anything of what we do here tonight, sir. Let us know only that we were hypnotized and enjoyed ourselves. We wish to forget the details. We wish to serve you whenever and however we may, though. It is an honor and a privilege to do so, sir."

"Return to your chairs, close your eyes and relax until I call for you," I said to them. Each nodded his head to me, and merrily sauntered back to his chair. When he reached it each man sat down and immediately slumped down blissfully. I walked over to them and touched their foreheads one at a time as I scanned their minds. It was the same story in each case. They were excited and thrilled to have been hypnotized by me. They wanted only to serve me in any way possible while entranced by me. When I mentally asked what would happen when they woke up, they didn't like the idea much, but knew that it had to happen sometime. Things would be back to normal then, and I would be just another customer. They looked forward to the next time that they could give me some preferred customer service.

This was all very nice, but I still didn't understand what was going on. My cock was normal size and not getting hard at all, which is a sure sign that something was wrong. I was excited about the possibilities this situation offered me, but inside I could not get turned on until I figured out exactly what was going on here. I thought about it for nearly thirty minutes without coming up with any possible explanation. I knew what my powers were capable of, and this was something beyond them. It was kind of scary. Was I in control here or not?

"You've progressed much faster than I thought you would, Paul," said an old familiar voice. I nearly jumped out of my skin at that, and whipped around fast. I saw Mary (my old mentor from the Coffee Shop) standing just inside the front door of the store.

"How did you get in, and what are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I have a key. John is an old friend of mine. I look after the place for him when he takes a vacation," she said with a warm smile. "I was never able to touch his mind like you have. As for what I'm doing here, well you wanted an explanation right? I felt your mind calling out to mine. Remember our link? I never dissolved it. I always know when you are in trouble. But don't worry, you're not in trouble now."

"So how do you explain this, then?" I asked her pointing to the three men siting quietly on the chairs in front of us. "What happened here?"

"You've just discovered another facet of your powers, is all. Now without you telling me a thing. I can deduce what happened. First, one of these three men is a regular of yours whom you are deeply involved with. The other two men are first time subjects, at least one of which you influenced tonight. The other man is just a very natural and deep hypnosis subject. Finally, you wished for something that you want very badly, but that you knew you couldn't have for some reason or another. Your mind reached out and tapped the mental energy off all three minds in this room, added it to yours and shifted those minds so that they would agree with whatever it is that you want so badly. This is known as a 'group mind shift'. You should feel proud, Paul. Most people with our talents don't acquire this ability for another five or six years, if ever. You've made remarkable progress." Mary stood there and softly clapped her hands, applauding me.

"But what does it mean for them? What harm have I done them?" I pleaded with her. I knew enough about my powers to know the dangers involved. I was scared to the core of my being.

"You scanned them, didn't you?" She asked me.

"Yes," I replied 'But what I found seemed too good to be true. There doesn't seem to be any mental or psychological damage. But it just doesn't seem possible."

"It's okay, Paul," she assured me. "Without wanting to sound like a broken record, you have what you want. Enjoy it. You've earned it. I know, and you should by now, that you won't harm these men." And with that she quietly left the shop and locked the door on her way out. I wanted to ask her more questions but she left before I could even think of the words. I looked back a these three suits studs sitting before me and my shriveled cock suddenly tingled with excitement and began to stir.

"Everyone stand and do up your jackets," I said out loud. Three entranced and obedient men stood and did just that. They looked at me with joy and pride on their faces. They were serving me, obeying me, and relishing every second of it.

"John, is there a bathroom in this shop?" I asked him.

"Yes, sir," he replied quickly. "Would you like to see it?"

"Not right now, thank you John,' I said to him. I was pleased to hear this as it meant I'd be able to have some fun tonight. Looking back at my harem, (Well what would you suggest I call them?) I addressed them. "Gentlemen, listen to me most carefully. I know that you enjoy obeying me. (There were sudden and frequent head nodes at that statement.) When I snap my fingers you will each be competing for the title of the world's greatest male stripper. The top prize is $100,000, so you have to give it your best shot. However, you will not assault or harm any of your competitors in any way. This is a clean competition. You will find that stripping turns you on, and that the more clothes you remove the more turned on and sexy you feel. You must stay in the immediate area of your chair when you do your show. There is to be no crowding around me. Once you unbutton your jackets your cocks will be hard and fully erect. However, you will NOT be able to cum without my permission. No matter how turned on you are, you cannot shoot your load until I tell you that you may. Is that understood?"

I was greeted with a 'yes, sir' from each of them. "One very important point, guys," I said and looked at them sternly. "I'm the judge. The ONLY judge of this competition. If you want to win it, you have to please me. You have to be creative. Since I cannot watch all of you at the same time, you will strip in a round robin fashion. We'll start on my left with Doug, and go around to John and then back to Doug again. You will each have five minutes of show time before moving on to the next contestant. I happen to have a yacht timer function on my digital watch, and I'm setting it now." (For those readers who may not understand what a yacht timer is, please let me explain. It is a simple countdown timer that continues to repeat until you stop it. So in this case, after five minutes the alarm on the watch goes off and the timer starts another countdown of five minutes. The alarm goes off again, and the timer starts another countdown of five minutes and so forth.) "When the timer goes off, I'll say 'freeze' and that is what the current contestant will do. The next contestant will then continue from wherever he left off. The contest will continue this way until each contestant is down to just his shorts or underwear." I looked at them as they absorbed the rules of this game. There was delight and smiles all around. I walked back to my chair slowly, and three pairs of eyes watched my every move. They were like horses at the starting line, raring to go, but waiting for the starting pistol to fire.

I made myself as comfortable on the chair as I could, then I snapped my fingers. I punched the button on my yacht timer and pointed at Doug. The show started.

Doug, my 'cowboy', and the man who's body I had come to know so well. I had seen him naked many times. All of these facts counted against Doug though. He would have to do something extra special to keep my interest aroused, as it were. I couldn't tell if he was entertaining any of these thoughts as he started his show. He looked at me and smiled a small brief smile, and set to work. He ran his hands slowly up and down the sides of his blue blazer, as he started to sway his body back and forth moving to some musical beat that only he could hear. When his entire body was undulating he slipped his hands down to the front of his jacket and casually undid the buttons. Without missing a beat his hands parted his jacket open and I had a clear view of the front of Doug's pants as his cock swiftly became fully erect. Those gray pants were close fitting, but not anywhere near as tight on Doug's body as his blue jeans had been. Still it was easy to see the bulge of Doug's cock and to note that it was straining against his fly. A most satisfying sight indeed.

Doug knew that he had my attention now, so he spun around a few times to try and tempt me with a few peeks of his butt. His jacket was flying up and out as he spun around and it was just high enough for me to get a very brief view of his bubble butt. Damn, it was only a second at the most, and I wanted to see more. Doug wound up with his back to me when he stopped spinning around. He looked over his shoulder at me, coyly, and sundered over to his chair, swaying his hips back and forth as much as he could. He straddled the chair and wrapped his legs around the chair legs. Slowly he lowered his torso down and out from the chair as far as he could, bending his head back to gaze at me lustfully. His hands were firmly gripping the chair back so he wasn't in any danger of falling over. My watch alarm went off. "Freeze," I called out to him. He froze. I pointed at Bob.

Mister burgundy suit didn't' waste any time. He stood up on his toes and raised his hands up over his head until they touched. He knew that his jacket was riding up and exposing his crotch and the lower part of his butt to my view, as he spun around slowly a few times. He wanted to just give me a taste of what he was hiding under his suit jacket. I could see the lower part of the fly of his pants, but there did not seem to be any thing noteworthy there. Bob had only just started.

He returned to his chair and sat down facing me. He winked at me, and blew a few kisses to me as he unbuttoned his suit jacket. With his jacket now hanging open Bob leaned back in his chair and stretched his legs out in front of him. Slowly and sensuously he spread his legs apart as his cock grew larger and longer right in front of my eyes. Bob's face was shining with joy and pleasure as he felt his cock surge forth and stiffen. He put his hands on the gold buckle of his black belt and let a long slow sigh of delight escape from his lips. Slowly he let his hands travel down the length of his fly searching for the tip of his rock hard cock. He shuddered slightly as his probing fingers found the tip of his cock. He traced the outline of that great big bulge in his pants and looked me square in the eye. A smile slowly grew on his lips as he nodded his head a few times. Without warning he bounced to his feet and slipped his jacket off like a snake shedding its skin. Freed of that encumbrance, Bob, began to sway his hips suggestively as he started to walk slowly around his chair. Every few steps he thrust his hips to the left or right, his tie hanging free and swinging back and forth. My watch alarm went off as Bob was standing sideways, and had just thrust his right hip in my direction. "Freeze," I called out, and then turned and pointed to John.

John stood there facing me for a several seconds, looking around the room, and did not move at all. I was starting to wonder if he was having a problem thinking up what to do for me. He looked at me for a few seconds, turned around and walked a few steps away from me. He turned back to face me and unbuttoned the beige jacket of his suit. He was too far away for me to see anything happening to his cock, but the look of pleasure that crept across his face suggested that his cock was responding well to my earlier suggestions. He suddenly ran towards me for a few steps and then drove towards the floor. My heart skipped a beat in surprise. John's arms stiffen as he approached the floor and before I realized it he executed a wonderful forward hand stand and held his position swaying just a bit. His jacket fell down around his head and arms and exposed the seat of Johns pants for one and all to see. They were very nice looking pants, too, and in that position gravity was causing the pants to slide up (now down) onto John's ass and crotch. I bet it felt very good. I had only a few seconds to enjoy the spectacle as John relaxed his arms and let his body fall forward into a somersault roll which brought him back to his feet again, facing me, and with his clothes slightly disarrayed. John grinned at me and held his jacket out and open so that I could see all of the front of his pants, shirt and tie. As he stood there catching his breath, I just looked at him and nodded my head silently in agreement. He'd surprised me all right, even if it had been a bit dangerous. John started to pull his jacket to the left and then to the right as he turned around and walked back to his chair. Of course he was wiggling his ass at me the whole time. It was like he was using a towel to dry off his body after a bath or shower, that was the best way to describe his actions. My watch alarm went off just as John reached his chair. "Freeze," I called out to him, turned and pointed at Doug.
