The Coffee Shop Pt. 02


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Doug slowly raised himself back up, rose to his feet and stretched his arms up over his head for a second. Easily he lowered his arms back down to his sides and slid his jacket off of his body, catching it with one hand before the jacket could fall to the floor. He bent forward and slipped the jacket onto the back of his chair, all the while insuring that I could see his backside, and most importantly his butt. The man knew I had a thing for butts, and he was making effective use of that knowledge. Those smoke gray pants of his were almost clinging to his ass like a fly stuck on flypaper. The effect was enhanced by Doug's large wallet residing in his left hip pocket of his pants. The bulge it made was very sexy, mostly thought because it caused the material at the crotch of Doug's pants, and along his butt cheeks to become even tighter. He wasn't through yet though. He climbed up onto the chair and knelt there. The effect was to tighten the grip of those pants on his butt and crotch. I heard him moan, as he knelt there on the chair and slowly wiggled his butt back and forth as thought he were wagging his tail, second after second after second with no sign of stopping. Oh so sexy, and so desirable. I almost gave him a wolf whistle, but restrained myself. I had to be an impartial judge after all. My watch alarm went off. Damn! Reluctantly I called out, "Freeze", turned towards Bob and pointed at him.

Bob picked up right where he left off. He continued to walk around his chair and sway his hips seductively at me, for a about another minute. He stopped when he reached his chair and tuned away from me to stand in front of it. He knelt down dropping to his left knee. What a wonderful view I had of his ass in those pants, and the cheeky little sneak KNEW it. "If this is torture then chain me to the wall," I thought to myself. Slowly Bob reached down and started to untie his right shoe, glancing back at me coyly and winking. A few times he tried to adopt an air of innocence as he looked at me, but he couldn't maintain it for long. His face would dissolve in a chuckle of gentle and soft laughter as he saw the naked desire and lust on my face. (I'd given up trying to be objective. I was having too much damn fun.) Eventually he removed his right shoe and tossed it away, gracefully. His right sock followed, but not at all quickly. Bob had my undivided attention and he was playing it for all he was worth. He stood up when his right sock was off and then dropped down to his right knee. I knew what was next, and I was dying to see it. I wanted to have Bob remove his left shoe and sock, and I nearly called out to him to tell him to get a move on. My watch alarm went off again. "Son of a...." I muttered to myself. "Freeze," I yelled out in frustration and swung around to point at John. I stood up and slipped of my jacket. I was much too warm. Is it any wonder why?

John, continued his 'toweling' of his body while he finished the walk to his chair. With the grace and ease that comes from much practice, he causally almost offhandedly slipped off his suit jacket and hung it on the back of the chair in front of him. He walked backwards a few steps, heading towards me and then stopped. He bent forward at the waist and reached down to touch his toes. He was doing a fine job of showing off his butt to me and in those beige pants it was a sight to behold. His pants were pleated at the front and thus somewhat more loose than either Bob's or Doug's. John was suffering a competitive disadvantage, even if he was not aware of it. Seconds later John smoothly dropped down into a squatting position and then waddled back to his chair. His pants were clinging to his butt very nicely as he made the journey back to his chair, and I silently approved.

Once at the chair he turned around to face me and slowly sat down on the floor with his back against the chair. Fixing me with a hot and hungry stare he slowly opened his legs to give me a direct view of the crotch of his pants. He brought his right foot up to his left knee very slowly and without blocking my view for more than an instant. I could clearly see the bulge in his pants that marked his fully erect cock. It started to twitch and push against his fly as John's hands slowly unlaced his right shoe and slipped it off his foot. He repeated the maneuver with his left foot and removed the shoe residing there as well. With both legs now back on the floor, John spread his legs apart just a bit more as a couple of moans escaped his lips. He brought his knees up until his socked feet were flat on the floor. He placed his hands on the floor beside his hips and with a slight grunt lifted his butt and lower body off of the floor until he was walking on just his feet and hands, like a crab. It was difficult but he managed to move a few feet towards me while still keeping his crotch centered in my line of vision. Remembering my injunction about not crowding me, John stopped a several feet away from me and lowered himself back on the ground. He lay there panting, trying to catch his breath when my watch alarm went off. (Walking like a crab is not easy. It's very tiring. Try it and you'll see what I mean.) "Freeze," I said and pointed at Doug.

Doug's ass picked up right where it left off, to my delight. Doug continued to swing it back and forth and moan. Doug reached back and tried to remove his left shoe but he couldn't get a good grip on it in that position. (I wanted to race up and help him, but I couldn't do that, I was the judge after all!) He slid off the chair and then stood up in front of it with his back towards me. Placing his left foot on the chair he leaned over and untied his left shoe, all the while gyrating his hips to some unheard musical beat. Tight pants time again. He slipped off the shoe and spread his legs apart a bit wider. Bending way down he managed to look back through his legs at me and smile for just an instant. His head popped back up as he put his left foot back down on the floor and lifted his right foot on the chair. His right shoe soon joined his left. He pushed off away from the chair with his right leg and simultaneously spun around to face me. He stood there looking at me with a cocky and sexy grin on his face. His eyes never left mine as he unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt. Doug let his hands start to roam all over his chest and stomach as he openly caressed himself, and began to dance slowly and sexily. Doug closed his eyes as the waves of pleasure started to flow through his body. His movements became graceful and natural as he surrendered himself to the role he was playing. Doug pulled gently at his shirt as his hands continued to weave a magic spell around his chest stomach and ass. It was as if his shirt was rising up out of his pants on its own, it was so gradual and subtle. It was only when Doug spun around quickly a few times that I noticed his shirttails flying out and away from his body. His hands moved oh so slowly towards the bottom button of his shirt and slipped it open, as he moaned loudly. My watch alarm went off. Damn it! This was starting to become a real annoyance, but I'd set up the rules and I had to go along with them. I forced myself to yell out, "Freeze!" Doug's hot and sexy body became a statue. I turned to Bob, and pointed at him.

Without missing a beat, Bob sprang back into action, and continued with removing his left shoe and sock. With those tight pants on his ass, it wasn't hard for me to shift my focus from Doug and back onto Bob. (As naughty as the thought was, I sincerely wished that I had a couple of camcorders recording this event. I'd tapped into some unexpectedly talented men.) His hands were clasped behind his head as he started to gyrate his hips in slow circles. First to the left and then to the right. He turned around to face me and his face was soft and yet seductive as he looked at me and fluttered his eyes at me. He walked a few steps towards me as his hands slowly traveled down to the knot of his tie. When they met there, he pulled at the knot to loosen it, and suddenly jerked it down hard. Bob slipped his tie off very quickly and held it clutched in the fingers of one hand as his hands flew to his belt buckle. In a flash he pulled his belt open and out from his pants. I was taken aback as I thought he was rushing it a bit, but hey it was his show after all.

Belt in his right hand, and tie in his left, Bob sauntered over to his chair. Looking back at me for just a second, he started to whip his chair with his belt! It was a half hearted attempt and not at all serious. He grinned and laughed as he kept missing the chair. After about a dozen attempts he dropped the belt and walked over to where Doug stood frozen waiting for his turn. Bob carefully dropped to his left knee in front of Doug, looked back at me and winked. I decided not to say or do anything. As long as Bob didn't start fondling Doug I would wait and see what Bob was up to. Bob took his tie and carefully passed it between Doug's legs and pulled the tie up until it was snug against Doug's crotch. With an evil grin at me, Bob started to pull his tie back and forth slowly between Doug's legs. After a few pulls of the tie, Doug started to moan. He might not have been able to move, but Doug still had feeling in his body. What a turn on, to see Bob caressing Doug and yet not touching him. Bob kept at it for only a minute or so before he let his tie fall from his hands and turned away from Doug and back towards me. Bob started to pull at his shirt. Soon he had it pulled out of his pants and was dancing in front of me, a few feet away. He dropped to his knees and sat back on his heels as he pushed his shirt up to expose his flat and smooth stomach. He undulated his stomach in and out, while swaying from side to side. He looked like a belly dancer, and what a belly he had to dance with! Every few seconds he would push the shirt up a bit higher and give me a quick peek of his chest, before letting go of his shirt and letting it drop down in front of him. Running his hands over his chest with his shirt hanging down and covering his chest and stomach, Bob moaned with pleasure. He looked at me with hungry eyes as his hands absently unbuttoned his shirt cuffs. He leaned back as far as he could dropping his head backward, and arching his back. He reached up to his shirt collar and undid the button, and let out another moan. His hands slowly but steadily worked their way down his shirt until all the buttons were undone. A gentle shake of his torso, and the entire front of Bob's body lay exposed to my gaze. His shirt hung down from the sides, and without a moment's hesitation he slipped the shirt off and let it fall to the floor. He spread his legs a bit wider and reached down to his fly to run his fingers over that mountain of a bulge in his pants. Bob moaned a few more times and threw a couple of quick smiles my way. He slowly raised his body upright and was sitting back on his heels when my watch alarm went off. "Freeze," I called out to him, and pointed at John. I was getting used to this switching around every five minutes.

John took up the action. Slowly he climbed to his feet and started to gyrate his hips as he walked back and forth in front of me. He slowly started to run his hands over his chest stomach and ass, as he began to whistle the tune of "Do You Think I'm Sexy?". John undid his belt and slowly pulled it out of his pants as he walk around, pausing every now and then to shake his ass in my face. His belt discarded, John got to work on his tie and slipped it off in only a few seconds. Now he really got down to business. He planted his feet firmly apart and stood directly in front of me as he got to work on the buttons of his shirt. Winking and raising his eyebrows at me, John undid each button one at a time, pausing between each button only long enough to moan out loud. His shirt was finally undone and he stood there with his fists planted firmly on his hips and continued to move his body around in every direction that he could, while still whistling the tune. He undid the shirt cuffs easily and slowly start to work his shirt up and out of his pants by pulling the shirt open to expose some of his wonderful chest to me, and then pulling the shirt closed quickly. It took several minutes to for John to finally pull his shirt out of his pants, but it was delightful watching him do it. He started to walk around again and to turn around to give me a view of his entire body as he slowly slipped his shirt off, allowing me to finally see his chest and back. It was well worth the wait. John's chest wasn't hairy but there was enough chest hair on it to make it interesting. He didn't drop his shirt to the floor as I expected him to. Instead he passed it between his legs and began to pull it back and forth across his crotch and ass. It must have felt wonderful because he stopped whistling and started moaning more and more. He moved his legs and pelvis around so much that I thought he was going to hurt himself. He started playing with his fly at the same time, zipping it open when he pulled his shirt (still passed between his legs) back toward his ass, and zipping his fly closed when he pulled his shirt back to his front. My watch alarm went off just as John had zipped his fly open for the umpteenth time. "Freeze," I said, though I didn't want to stop John. I pointed at Doug.

Doug started on the next button on his shirt without missing a beat. Slow and sexy, that is how he moved as he undid each button in turn. When he reached his collar he loosen his tie just enough to undo the collar button, but no more. Somehow he managed to slip his tie up and over his shirt collar so that his tie was riding above his collar and directly on his neck. Doug lowered his right shoulder and let his shirt slide down (with a bit of encouragement), and expose the right side of his body. I felt like I was unwrapping a Christmas package. I'd seen Doug's body nude many times, but the way he was moving made it feel like this was the first time. He slipped his right arm out of his shirt and let his shirt just hang there from his left side as he started to spin around slowly. With each rotation he pushed his shirt off of his left arm just a little bit more. When finally the shirt flew off of his body Doug stopped spinning and froze to a stop. He was facing away from me, so I could not see what he was doing but I had a pretty good idea. Doug pumped his hips a couple of time and then slowly turned around.

His belt was in his left hand. He let the belt drop to the floor. He was still wearing his tie though and he had pulled it tighter so that it was snug against his neck. His face was joyful and beaming. And why not? His fly was open and his underwear enshrouded cock was poking out He was fingering and caressing it lightly. I knew he was starting to get close to shooting his load. My watch went off, I called out 'Freeze," and pointed to Bob.

Bob did not waste any time. His fingers flew to his fly and zipped it open as quickly as he could. He spread his fly open as wide as he could and tried to get both of his hands inside so that he could stroke himself. He was getting very hot and very turned on. He almost tried to rip his pants off before he came back to his senses and undid his pants. He quickly forced his pant down off his hips and to his knees exposing his black jockey shorts for me to see. He tried unsuccessfully to force his pants down further until it finally dawned on him that he needed to straighten his legs. I was forgotten as he sat down on the floor and uncurled his legs from beneath him. He frantically pulled at his pants to get them off. That done he lay back down on the floor and pulled his jockey shorts down to mid thigh, exposing his hot, hard and horny cock to my gaze. He stroked it lovingly and tenderly moaning with delight each time. His eyes were tightly shut and I knew he was on the edge. I was saved the trouble of having to decide if I should let him cum or not, as my watch alarm went off. "Freeze," I said to him and pointed at John. John continued right where he left off, pulling his shirt back and forth between his legs, except that he left his fly open and did not bother to close it again. His moans slowly got louder and louder over the next minute or so. Suddenly he tossed his shirt away. He ran his hands over his nipples as his body shuddered in pleasure. Eventually his hands strayed back to his pants and he ran his hands over his pelvis, cock, hips and butt before he walked near to where I was and turned around. He glanced back briefly at me to be sure I was paying attention, and then started to wiggle his ass back and forth. Slowly at first but with increasing intensity and frequency. His pants surrendered to the force of gravity and slipped off his hips to lie in a pile at his feet. (He must have undone his pants while he was facing away from me.) John stepped out of them quickly and bent over. I had a beautiful view of John's ass in those white cotton briefs. John turned around and presented me with the front view. His cock was straining the fabric and around the tip I could see a small wet spot developing, but it was hard to be sure since John' cock would not stay still. He was staring to pump his hips again making it difficult for me to see what was going on. My view improved greatly when John slipped off his briefs and exposed himself to me. His cock was free at last and the relief on his face was unmistakable. He started to strut around showing off his equipment to me, and every now and then he'd touch his cock with one hand or the other and wiggle in ecstasy. In the middle of John prancing around, my watch alarm went off again. "Freeze," I called out to him, and turned my attention back to Doug. I pointed at Doug and snapped my fingers.

Doug's hands flew to his pants and undid them. He took them off in only a second or two, and his underwear followed. That left Doug wearing only his tie. He made good use of it though. He loosen the knot just enough so that he could run his tie over and around his cock when he bent over. With each caress of his cock I could see Doug getting closer and closer. When he started to whimper I knew he was on the edge. (I was getting there too and knew I would have to attend to myself as well as these guys.) "Freeze," I called out. The watch alarm had not gone off but I couldn't wait for it.

"Take off your tie and lie down on the floor on your back, Doug," I commanded him. "Point your cock at your chest and stomach. When I touch you on the forehead you will cum. Totally and completely." He looked at me in surprise and relief. I headed to the bathroom and grabbed the roll of toilet paper from the spindle. I needed it. Once I'd made a catcher's mitt out of the toilet paper I took out my own hard and hot cock and put it inside the mitt. I sat down beside Doug, near his head and braced myself against one of the chairs. Panting strongly I called out to Bob to take off the rest of his clothes and to lie down next to me. I gave him the same instructions as Doug. Once Bob was ready, I dealt with John in the same manner. How I managed to hold myself back from cuming while I got these three guys ready, I'll never know.

When I was sure I was ready, I touched each of their forehead quickly in turn, and they came like a row of dominos right after the other. Somewhere amongst all the shouts of joy and screams of passion I came too. We all had a good orgasm, to say the least. (Again I wished that I'd been taping this, if only to have it as a memento of the evening.) I guess this was the closest I'd come to having an orgy, but it was a wonderful experience.

Once everyone was back to normal and had recovered their strength I had them all get cleaned up. I got to watch all three of these men get dressed and that was almost as much fun as watching them strip. I looked at my watch after they were all back sitting slumped in their chairs. Nearly 2 hours had passed. Even if I wanted to continue this there really wasn't any time. They still had work to do, and I was getting a bit tired myself. In case you are wondering who won the contest, it was a three way tie. Yes, that is what I told them as well. I decided not to actively suppress their memories of the nights events. I told them only that they would remember what they wanted to remember. I counted them out.