The Crazy Yuri Loving Girlfriend

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Gender bent guy and his yuri nympho girlfriend.
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The crazy yuri loving girlfriend and the terrified boyfriend.

[Foreword: old piece, features cracy girlfriend, gender bender, yuri]

It had just been another normal day.

"Doesn't she look amazing? The things I would do to her, mmm!"

Yup, just another normal day. I'd been together with Ali for a few years now, 3 I think? Either way, it'd been pretty great. Although, she had her...quirks.

"Like look at her ass!"

"Please, don't be so loud!"

"Quiet Jason, you just don't appreciate fine art."

Yup, my girlfriend definitely had her quirks. Not just bi, no, but strongly bi, leaning towards females. A complete and total nympho perv for women and an "eh" for men. Romance and lust aren't the same thing, so, I've never really been worried though. Well except when she tried to get me to crossdress and told me that if I was a woman I'd "never be allowed to get off the bed" again.


I love my girlfriend, but I never want to hear "soooo....have you ever heard of pegging?" ever again. No, no thank you, none of that now. I'll keep my anal virginity till I die and not a second less thank you very much. Though this...quirk, does make our dates rather hard at times.

"Jason, you're such a prude. I won't mind if you look a little you know?"

"Ah, but I've got everything I'd ever want to look at right in front of me."

"h-hey, you can't just do that! That's not fair and makes me feel really bad!"


What a silly woman. Truly, I love her.

"So, Jason, same time tomorrow?"

"I might be a little busy but maybe the day after."

"awwww, okay."

She leans in close and I can feel her peck me on the lips really fast. haha, foul mouthed, perverted, but still has trouble with being romantic in public. Cute.

We say our goodbyes and truly, I think I could not be more blessed. I'm on paid holiday from my work, something about a gas explosion and "potential unforeseen circumstances". I've got a beautiful girlfriend who I'm definitely gonna marry one day and it's given me time to try and write. Which is why I might be busy tomorrow. Can't exactly write with my girlfriend hanging all over me and wanting to go go go all day. She tried to be under the table and give me a blowjob while I wrote once. I think I never made it past "In the beginning" haha. I live in a tiny apartment but at least it doesn't have any bugs or roommates. Hmmmm. Maybe I'll invite my girlfriend to live with me? After I finish writing my first book at least or I'll never be done. Before would've been hard but after the pay raise...well...hmmm.




"Hey, hey you! Are you okay?!"

W-what happened? I feel like I was hit by a truck.

"Hey! Speak to me!"

"Ugghhh. What happened?"

I look up and see some kinda, lab coat guy? Huh.

"Seems like an explosion, hey, we should really get you to a hospital."

A hospital? I think I'd rather just die.

"Hey, that won't be necessary, I just fell. Thanks though. I'll just go home and lie down."

"WHAT! Kid, you might have a concussion or worse. We really need to get you to a hospital."

"No no, I'm perfectly fine, thank you! Bye!"


Nope nope nope nope. No hospitals. Nope. Un uh, not happening. Some may call me a coward...and they'd be right. And I'm fine with that! Really! I'm just not okay with needles okay?! I don't like things...going into me. It's scary! Bah, whatever, just go home, lay down and let this all pass over.




Ugghhhh, is getting up feeling like I was run over just a thing now? I remember getting home, laying down and then, did I even get out of my clothes? Ughhhh, what time is it? Worst concussion ever.

As I glance over to the alarm clock, to my right I see the date.

Oh good it's only been.....TWO DAYS?! What the fuck! I quickly shoot up and immediately fall on to the ground. Ugghhhhhhhhhhhh, what, what's wrong with my body?! It feels sore all over and what, what? I can feel things and lack of things and it's too much, my brain feels like it's on fire. I half crawl, half stumble and half pray my way into the bathroom and move towards the mirror. The mirror, the mirror, I need to see what's wrong, what's wrong with my body. What's going on.

And I see... a woman. A woman with big breasts, long hair and oh... that's me. Ah. Right. As I slowly fall to the floor my only thought is simple. "Waking up is gonna suck."




Okay. Okay, I've thrown up, stared at myself in the mirror, thrown up again and haven't moved from my bed since. Woman, female. Right. No, not right. What? No, no more spiraling thoughts. Staring at the ceiling for three hours hasn't helped, another three won't help. Female, woman, no. No, I need, I need to think.

Explosion, hospital, something hit me. Okay, right, something, did this to me. Okay, okay! That means, something can undo this to me! Right?! Right! RIGHT!

I sit up in excitement and immediately crash back down. Ughhh, this new body couldn't have been less sore? This isn't just some kinda weird DNA change, my entire muscles are different, bones maybe too, facial differences, and just gone and replaced with a...NOPE. NOT THINKING OF THAT. Okay, whatever, the point is that this is magic. Or reaalllllyyy advanced science but probably god damn magic. Chromosomes would've been one, major, thing but every single element of my body all at once in just 2 days? Including removing and adding of flesh and even growing out my hair? No no no.

Definitely Magic.

So, so what now? Become a man. Right, I just gotta find out what caused the explosion and make it change me back. So, that means...

I quickly hop on to my computer and go to good old Oogle. After some very annoying searching, it seems like the explosion was from an old factory and was a gas explosion. So, what? Everyone who was exposed became female? Wait, no, that wouldn't make sense. I wasn't exactly walking alone, there were dozens of people on that sidewalk alone next to me. So, just me or was it selective? Gah, not enough info. I'll just need to go back down there.

*ring ring ring*


Oh fuck.

[Ali calling]

My girlfriend, that I was supposed to hang out with yesterday. Fuck.

[Hey. How's it going]

[Where have you been? I called you like 6 times! I thought we were gonna hang out]

[I just got caught in writing.]

Oof, lying never felt good but this isn't exactly a good time.

[Well whatever, let's hang out! I'll come by your place later today]

I actually dropped the phone. I could feel my entire body's blood supply leaving and I don't think even an albino could compare to how pale I went. I actually almost threw up. My perverted, extreme nymph, yuri loving, loves me girlfriend, seeing me, as a woman.

All that went through my head was being strapped down and oh god no.

[Hey, now's not a good time.]

[That's why I said later, duhhh]

[Today's not a good time. I'm working really hard on writing right now.]

[Awww, come on. I'll just visit for a few hours and you can go back to it, I promise.]

[Sorry, maybe another day. Today just is a really bad day for it.]

[Bah! Fine! But then we better hang out tomorrow!]

ONE DAY?! Can I really change back to male in a single day? There's no chance.

[Maybe, no guarantees. Sorry. I just really need to focus right now. I love you. *smooch*]

[What! Gah! Fine, I get it, you'd rather write than hang with your girlfriend. I love you too but I might just stop by tomorrow anyway hehe.]

If I keep dropping my phone from shock it's gonna break. I'm gonna break at this rate. Stopping by suddenly, she sees me and suddenly her hands are around my waist and moving down as I bleh. Oh god, I'm gonna be sick. I can't, I can't let that happen! Got to get down to that damn factory right now! clothes...damn it.




I'm deeply ashamed. Deeply. I'm wearing my girlfriends clothes. My clothes didn't fit and fuck. Just, Fuck. Whatever. As I'm heading back down to the factory, I'm silently thankful for the most embarrassing time of my entire life. My girlfriend once made me crossdress and she took it too far. She actually made me walk out in public. Yes. Really. The fucking perv. She does that, taking things too far. If it hadn't been for that though, I don't know if I could've walked out in public like this as a woman. No one's looking at me, not really, not like I dressed like a stripper before coming out and I had the presence of mind to at least wear a bra. Which is also humiliating in its own way. I'm bigger than my girlfriend. God, and people want this?

Hair gets in your way, breasts jiggle, I can feel a space between my legs and that is creepy and my entire body just feels, weird. Sooner we get to the factory the better.

And lo and behold, I get there and it's policed off with that yellow tape all around it. Barricades too, which is a bit odd. Now, now what? Uhhhh, fuck.

"M'am, can I help you? M'am?"

Oh, me, right.

"Y-yes, I was wondering, was there any more information about this?"

"Seems to just be a gas leak ending with an explosion. Pretty rare and never this bad, but not exactly a lot more info to be had. Why? Did you want to know something in particular?"


"Was anyone hurt? Was there anything weird happening to the people nearby?"

"Ah, no worries, we got here as soon as we can and we've already checked up on everyone that was in the area. No injuries or anything."

Fuck, this is going nowhere.

"This might sound weird, but was there a guy in a lab coat? I remember seeing him and was worried."

"A lab coat? That's not very specific, half the factory was dedicated to research after all apparently. Name or a face?"

"No... I just remember seeing him at the time."

"Well, if you need any more help, feel free to contact the police."

That went nowhere! I nearly tripped over my own words hearing myself talk and my only lead was probably just a random researcher. Wait, what were they researching?

"Ah, sir, do you know what they were researching here?"

"Hmm? I think it was just dog food."

Hmm, probably a cover. So, find the lab coat guy, force him to tell me what's going on at the threat of suing him, and change back. Good plan. Now how do I find him? Gah, we can work on it tomorrow, this has taken all damn day and it'll be night by the time I get back.




As I was heading back to my apartment, it was the light that warned me. My apartment faces the outside of the building, so if you look up from the front door, you can actually see the windows. And the light was on. I don't leave lights on. Someone's in my apartment.

Before my brain exploded into a massive conspiracy theory and my heart could go from "extremely scared" to "exploding terror", I checked the garage and to my relief and fear, my girlfriend's car was there. So no murder or conspiracy, just my girlfriend who is probably going to go too far if she sees me and rape me. Right, better. I have to get out of here. As I was fleeing at the brisk pace of "not quite a run" I looked up and saw her, looking down. Oh shit. I don't think she saw me but I gotta GO.

Ugghhh, what now. Hotel? Yeah, hotel room. What the hell am I even supposed to text her? God damn it, this just got complicated. Hotel room, tomorrow I ask the police about the guy I saw, find him, threaten to sue him, have him fix me. Damn good plan, proud of it.




For once, I did not wake up feeling like I was hit by a truck. Till about 10 seconds later.

[You weren't home.]

Fuck, what am I suppose to say to that?

[Yeah, I went out briefly. Were you at my place?]

[Yeah, I stopped by. Thought you might want to relax.]

Gah, that nymph, always horny.

[I did, briefly, that's why I wasn't home]

Not even technically a lie, that damn walk made me very relaxed, it gave me a plan of action.

[So, gonna be busy today too huh?]

[Yeah, probably. Sorry, I'll come to your place on the weekend.]

[Jason's, that's 3 days from now]



She didn't text back. God damn it, this is ruining me. But I know her. I love her but, I just, can't trust her. Not with this. She'll play and then she'll play some more and then she won't stop. Hell, she warned me of that kinda thing when I was a guy. There's no way.

After a quick stop by my house (thankfully the lights were off, thank you convenient warning) I could change clothes and left again. All I have to do is go to the police and ask about the lab coat guy. Simple right?




As it turns out, not simple. Asking about someone simply because "you're worried" and "you saw them hurt'' is not enough for the police to give you their information. I was able to get them to give their boss my number, so they can pass it down, so that's something. Wouldn't even give me the boss guy's number. So I can literally do nothing but wait. What a god damn joke, I've got 3 days till I'm basically raped. Or come up with a really big lie.

I walked home and just laid down. I'd been panicking, running and going all over. I hadn't even really taken stock of my body and I will continue to not do so. In some other time or place, maybe I'd be interested (not in that way!) about how this works. Or what this could mean or more and more. Instead my DOOM is approaching at rapid speeds. Hell, I had to barricade my door, in case my girlfriend comes while I'm sleeping.

I'll just play video games all day and sleep. Maybe actually get some writing done.




I knew today was gonna be awesome. Because it started with a phone call.

"Am I talking to a miss, Jason?"

Ah, man, that's still weird.

"Yes, that would be me."

"I've heard you've been acquiring about one of my researchers. You may not have said his name, but there's only one with the comb over you mentioned. Can I ask why you want to talk to him?"

Thankfully, I've had time to prepare.

"I didn't want to tell the police, but the explosion knocked me down pretty hard and he was worried about me. He suggested I go to the hospital when I saw him and I took off running. I've been feeling pretty bad ever since and I just wanted to know that there was nothing weird about it. I haven't heard anything back from the hospital yet and I'm more worried about my health then pressing charges."

Just tell the truth. The fear of being sued is pretty damn strong after all.

"Oh my! Of course, if it wouldn't be a problem, I'd like to meet with you right away and discuss this. Would you like to meet at the local Donald's on 8th street?"

"Sure, I just want to know I'm safe you know? Heard there were all kinds of chemicals in that explosion."

"Absolutely, we'll discuss this more in person."

YESSSSSS. Progress. Sweet sweet progress. Maybe they'll give me the magical serum for free and I can sign some kinda non disclosure agreement. Or maybe I could even convince them to let me know more of what's going on than just that. This has got to be some kinda massive conspiracy.




"Hello, it's great to see you in person Jason."

"You too Mr. Rem"

"Ah, just Rem is fine. So, I hear you took a nasty fall from the explosion and were worried about what kind of chemicals could've been released?"

"Absolutely. My body has felt weird ever since."

Understatement of the year award might actually go to me.

"Well have no worries, there's been a full analysis of our corporation and testing facilities and I can gladly report that all chemicals used in the on site dog food are benign. It was the first thing early responders wanted to know after all, whether they were walking into a chemical hazard. Although the explosion was terrible, none of what was involved would have any negative effects on people."

That, was the least helpful and worst possible thing I probably could've heard. Even telling me you can't reverse it, is better than not knowing anything about it, because then progress could be made to work on reversing it anyway. God damn it, what now? Okay, all in.

"So, there wouldn't be any, gender related chemicals involved?"

"I'm sorry? No, not that I could say. Nothing that affects any specific gender of dog or in this case person more than any other. If you have any doubts, I could email you a copy of the chemicals used, none of it is proprietary info and you could have it fact checked."

"No, thank you. It's been good meeting you Mr. Rem"

"You as well Miss Jason."

What now? He seems totally confused. Is it really a conspiracy? Did he just not know, was there a secret chemical being worked on under his eyes? Maybe there was a completely different cause? There was a similar gas explosion at my own work but I was nowhere close to that. Maybe I was hit by the gas and only affected after a solid shock? That doesn't even make sense. Plus it happened right after the explosion, the two have to be related, but if not through a chemical, then, how?

"Ah, If it'd be alright with you Mr. Rem, could I have the man's number I mentioned before? He did check up on me after the explosion after all."

"Ah, sure thing."

The researcher might have done something to me. Maybe. Ughhh, I'll just go home, call him, drop hints and see where that lead goes. Frustrating but, after all...he was outside when the explosion happened so, maybe, he knew it was gonna happen?




Light off, that's good. Girlfriend's car's not here, also good. I make my way into the apartment, and as I close the door, the lights turn on. I think my heart nearly leaps out of my chest and into the sky. There, sitting in front of me, is my girlfriend. OH FUCK.

We just stare at each other for a long, long moment. My terrified face and her completely neutral face. No, wait, pretty sure that's morphing into anger.

"So, who, exactly, are you?"

Ah, she doesn't recognize me. Maybe, I can, escape?


"Very funny. You see, this is my boyfriend's apartment. And you're wearing my clothes."

"cough well, they're.. good clothes?"

She just stares.

"Where's Jason?"

"Ah, umm, busy?"

If she was angry before, she's furious now.

"Let me spell this out for you, you bitch. Jason misses our date, saying he was writing. He then says he'll be busy all day writing and I go to surprise him. He's not here. I see you, in my clothes, leaving after approaching the building and seeing me. Later, I see our joint account charged for a hotel room. Jason then says he can't see me till the weekend. I go back to here and decide to check what he's been writing. He hasn't written anything, at all, since our last date. And finally, I see you, check the light and then check the garage for my car, still wearing my clothes. And then finally, I go up here and wait, you show up. So, I'll ask one more time."

"Where is Jason?"

Oh. Oh this is really really really bad.

"I'm not cheating, Jason, isn't cheating."

"Mhm. I'll ask him that myself thank you very much."

"I, can't tell you, where he is."

For a split second, I am sure, she's gonna kill me. I've never seen her this angry, ever. Hell, I've hardly seen her truly angry at all. She just stares at me in silence and forcefully calms down.

"You know what I think? Jason's a coward and he's hiding from me."

Ow. That hurt, really bad. True though.

"And you're covering for him. Jason loves me and I think, somehow, you two got involved and now he's cheating and scared to face me. And you admitted, you know where he is. So, you're gonna tell me where he is. OR, I'm going to hurt you."

I'm Terrified, she's dead fucking serious. Oh my god, I'm going to get my ass god damn beat if I don't tell her right the fuck now or come up with a golden god damn lie. Is it too late to say I'm my own estranged sister? I've got the looks, but, would she believe me?

Looking at her completely calm face and hands that look ready to shatter from how hard they're clenched, I'm gonna say no, no that's not gonna work.