The Cycling Holiday


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So a few minutes later, I'm in the back of a taxi with Derek, Steve and my Tom. When we got to the hospital they helped Tom in, but by now he was awake, if not fully functional. As normal the admittance procedure took for ever, with them wanting to know everything but his shoe size, before then telling us to take a seat and wait. Derek inquired what the approximate waiting time would be, and was told it would be at least an hour, maybe two before we'd even get in to see the doctor. So he suggested as he knew all the details they'd require; that Steve should take me shopping in Tamworth to buy some clothes. I kept saying we hadn't got the money, but he insisted it was all covered on his expense account. So with Derek stopping with my Tom, Steve rang for another taxi and off we went to the shopping centre.

It was kind of unreal, shopping with a man for one thing; if I was shopping for clothes, Tom would never come with me. And this man being a stranger; that is if you ignore the fact he'd just fucked me not two hours ago! It was also bizarre to be with a man who'd come into a lingerie shop and help, no, advise me as to which underwear to buy. I couldn't believe the bill, £276! Just on underwear! Then on to a normal shop where with dresses, skirts, blouses and cardies he ran up another £457! And not content with that, we called at a sports shop and bought swim-wear (bikinis and one piece), shorts, socks and trainers. And again, the bill was mind blowing; £389! Now I know to people with money who buy designer gear, these sums must sound pathetic, especially these days. But this was back in the 1980's, and he'd just spent more on me in one day, than I'd spent on clothes since Tom and I married!

I assumed we would now go straight back to the hospital, but Steve had other ideas, and we next visited what I can only describe as a porn shop! The outside was just a boarded off window, but inside there were devices I could only begin to guess the use of. In here he bought thigh-length boots, kinky underwear, and lubrication oils. I just followed him around in a kind of mind blown trance, wondering if this was really happening. Then once we emerged from the den of iniquity, it was into a hairdressers/beautician, where I was given the full treatment, right down to hand and foot manicure, and then to my embarrassment, the girl told me he'd paid for a bikini line wax. I mean, I'd never even thought of having that done even before I'd gone on holiday to Spain. But as he'd already arranged with the salon what I was to have done, and paid for it, I reluctantly went along with his plans.

Once all the work was done, even I found my new appearance attractive. And as I'd changed into one of the new outfits he'd bought me, I left there feeling, and I guess looking quite good. The outfit I was wearing was one he'd selected, and passed on to one of the girls in the salon to give to me. As all the stuff he'd bought was skimpy and sexy, it meant this outfit was just that. A top, which left my tummy exposed, no bra. And a pair of shorts, no knickers. The shorts were a new thing at the time, looking like a pair of jeans with the legs cut off. The cut edge not seamed, so the material was all frayed, and the straggly threads hung down like a kind of fringe. But it wasn't the straggly ends that worried me; it was the height the legs had been cut off at. It was as if they'd taken a pair of scissors and starting at the crotch seam, cut directly out sideways. I mean, wearing these without knickers, meant if it hadn't been for the fringe effect created by the frayed material, my pussy lips would have been exposed completely. As it was, even the girl who handed me the clothes said she'd go back and ask the gentleman if there shouldn't have been a pair of panties included in the bag of clothes. But I wasn't surprised when she returned, saying,

"I'm sorry, but he says the shorts are designed to be worn without underwear. Apparently, they have a special lining for that reason. I did say they might be a little revealing, but he assured me they'd be ok. Sorry, I did try."

To be honest, I felt guilty for letting her go through with that, I mean; I knew all along that his answer would be along those lines.

So I left there looking like 'a tart on the make', but instead of now going straight back to the hospital, he walked me into a coffee-house. I wanted to protest, but for reasons I can't explain, I sat patiently at a table and waited for him to bring our coffees. As he sat, I spoke as forcefully as I could, without shouting (I didn't want to draw attention to us),

"We shouldn't be doing this."


"We need to get back to the hospital."

"There's no rush. When they say there's a two hour wait, you can double that."

I could see it was pointless arguing, but I drank my coffee as quickly as I could and just sat there glaring at him. Eventually he finished his, and we made our way back to the hospital.

When we got there, Derek was waiting by himself; I dashed across to him,

"Where's Tom? Have they seen him yet? Is he alright?"

"Calm down my dear. Yes he's alright. And yes they've seen him; they took him in not long after you left."

"What did they say, why isn't he back out here with you?"

"There's nothing to worry about. They've checked him over, but they say he needs rest and observation for the next twelve hours; so they're keeping him in overnight."

"I must go and see him, is he still here or in a ward?"

He got to his feet, and took my arm as he ushered me across to the information desk.

"Come on, we'll ask."

I did get to see Tom, but Derek was right, they were keeping him in overnight. I asked if I'd be allowed to stay with him, but they said as they had no overnight visiting rooms free, I'd only be allowed to stay until end of evening visiting time. Which was 7:30pm, and as it was already 4:30, this left me with two options. Either to go back with Derek and Steve to their boat, and return tomorrow to collect Tom. Or stay with Tom, and sleep rough on the streets of an unfamiliar town; as I had no where to go once they made me leave, and no money to get home. Tom was asleep, and totally unaware of my presence, and the nurses said there was nothing I could do if I stayed. So reluctantly, I kissed Tom goodbye, and went off with Derek and Steve.

On the way back to the boat, which only took minutes, Steve and Derek were discussing the travel plans for the remainder of the day.

"Do you think we can reach Whittington by dark?"

"If we get going straight away, and just keep up a steady pace."

I looked at Derek,

"Aren't we stopping here so I can come back tomorrow?"

"No need, it might take us the rest of today's daylight to get to Whittington, but it will only be five or ten minutes more journey time in the taxi tomorrow."

"I see. But why is it so important to get to this place tonight?"

"Its not deadly important, but we have arranged to meet someone there."

"I see."

"I'm sure you don't really. But you do know a little about us."

I didn't ask what, but he could see I looked curious.

"I told you about the special club we're in."

As I remembered him telling me about the club based upon the size of their cocks, I blushed bright red.

"Yes, you do remember. Well, we are interested in rural myths and legends about the same kind of thing."

"I'm not with you."

"Well we aren't the only men who are well endowed. And every rural locality has its 'Robin Hood' of the cock world. You know, someone who has a reputation of having the biggest cock in that area. They normally then inherit some kind of name. I guess dreamt up in a pub by a local wit."

"You've lost me again."

"The man we've arranged to meet tonight, doesn't actually come from the village of Whittington. I mean Whittington is only a small village. But he comes from a farm in that locality. So tell me, what name would you give him?"

I couldn't see what he was getting at, but I said,

"I don't know. Farmer Whittington?"

"I'll give you a clue. Think pantomime."

I thought, and then blushed as I said,


"Well they call him Big Dick Whittington, but you were close."

"I see. So are going to sign him into your club or something?"

"Well our mission on this canal journey is to verify as many of these legends as we can."

"I see."

"But how do you find out about these men."

"Ah! We're here. I'll tell you all once we get the boat underway."

So the next few minutes were a mad rush to get everything they'd bought me aboard, and get the boat underway. But once we were underway, Derek took me out to the front well on our own, and he continued his explanation.

"Where was I?"

"I was wondering how you got to hear about these men. I've never heard of one in my area."

"Oh but there is. Big Jerry. Jerry Keppel. They have a run-down old farm just outside Dadlington. That's the next village on from where you live."

"Well yes, I know who you mean. He's a big man, but he's a bit simple isn't he. He always goes around with his dad in their little van."

"And your mom never warned you to keep away from him?"

I thought back, and he was right,

"Well yes. She did. But I thought it was because he was maybe violent."

"Oh no my dear. He's as strong as an ox, but gentle as a kitten. But we've verified his cock, and he's neither an ox nor a kitten; he's a bloody horse. Twelve and a quarter inches. Now you wouldn't want a little girl to get tangled up with something that size. And being simple, he thinks it's a game, and doesn't know when he's doing wrong."

"I never thought it was anything like that."

"Not many children do, that's why he's regarded as a danger. But there are a few local ladies who have old man Keppel delivering veg, just to cover the visit from Big Jerry."

"You're joking."

"Think about it, you've seen the pair of them stopping at certain houses, and young Jerry carrying in sacks of veg. Would you buy off a scruffy pair of sellers like that."

I didn't answer, but thinking about it, it all made sense.

"Anyway, back to tonight. I think I wouldn't be overstating the situation, if I was to say you owe me a little favour?"

I thought, and although I'd felt I'd repaid Steve for his heroics, (saving my Tom). I guess this man (he was the one who seemed to be in charge and footing the bill for everything) had not only made sure Tom was taken to hospital; he'd bought me clothes, and was looking after me while my Tom was incapacitated.

"Yes, I know I'm in your debt. Does that mean you want to have sex with me again?"

"Well if you put it like that, yes, of course I do. But that wasn't the favour I was going to ask for."

I again coloured up.

"No my dear, what I was hoping for, was for you to assist us with the measuring of Dick's cock."

I put my hands to my face, covering up my embarrassment.

"It's not that bad, it's just being four men, when we meet Dick, or any of these men who have reputations, we are hardly likely to arouse their passion. So measuring the cocks requires a female. I usually hire a street girl. But I thought being as you have a liking for large cock, you might agree to help us?"

My face was bright red, buried in my hands, and I was sweating.

"Don't be shy. It's no big deal. It'll all be done on board the boat in total privacy."

I didn't reply, and he said nothing for a good five minutes.

Gradually I began to calm down, and then from the back of the boat, the sound of Ian's voice came floating over the cabin roof.

"Hey Derek, when are we gonna get the fashion show?"

Derek looked at me, and smiled,

"I think the lads want to see the new clothes you bought."

This just reinforced how indebted I was to Derek, and I smiled back at him, saying,

"I might have known they'd be a price to pay for a shopping trip like that."

"Do you mind?"

"No, I guess it's little enough to do in return for what you've done for me."

"And later; will you think about helping with 'Big Dick'?"

"I've already thought. I'll go along with a bit of touching and stuff. But I won't let him have sex with me."

He got to his feet and as he ushered me into the cabin, he said,

"You're a star. Come on then, let's see you modelling the gear you and Steve bought."

So in the rear most cabin, I began to try on each of the various combinations of outfits. Each time, climbing up from the cabin to the rear deck, where I'd give them a twirl, or even a cheeky pose to show my bottom or other feature according to the particular style or cut of whatever outfit. Right from the start, they all showed their approval with comments whistles or sometimes a quick pat on my bottom. I have to say, from the second outfit onwards, I really got into the swing of it; totally forgetting I had a husband lying in hospital. But once I'd tried on all the normal clothes; dresses, skirts, jeans and shorts, I sashayed my way around the deck area, flirting with the attention of their roaming hands. This last outfit was a short tennis type skirt, but without the normal built-in knickers, so I'd got on thin white cotton ones. The top was no more than a white band of material, like a head scarf, wrapped around my bust, no bra. They were taking it in turns to pull me into contact with themselves, and it was obvious from the hard bulges each of them pressed into contact with me, that my flirtatious actions had aroused their passions. But as I didn't recoil from what was obviously a dangerous situation, I have to admit, it wasn't only them who were aroused.

But as they passed me around, Ian said,

"Come on then, let's see the next one."

"This is the last; you've seen all the outfits now."

Steve said,

"Not quite, there's the swimwear."

I hadn't wanted to go that far originally, and even in my flirtatious mood, I'd purposely stopped at the last daywear outfit, knowing, just how excited swimwear at close quarters, might make them. But now, it was a kind of dare, and I stupidly rose to the occasion.

The first two costumes were one piece, but although they both looked like normal beachwear at first glance, they were both cut with very high legs, very narrow gussets, made of the new thin Lycra material, and had none of the usual double thickness or lining to the gusset. So, on my first sashay around the deck, as they took turns to hold me and roam with their hands, fingers were touching bulging pussy lips. But this didn't deter me from trying on the next costume, and coming back out on deck for another stroking. And when I appeared on deck in the first bikini, I was disappointed to hear Derek say,

"Well lads, it looks like we'll have to take a rain-check for the rest of the show, that bridge ahead is where we're mooring up for the night."

Ian took a hold of me, and slipped his hand down into the front of the pants of my bikini, and with the material being stretchy, he was able to reach right under, and slip his finger into my hole. But as Derek turned and saw him, he only needed to make one short rebuke, to achieve a very swift retrieval of Ian's hand,

"Hey! Enough! I said later!"

So then as they all went about various tasks to get the boat moored safely, I was told to get myself dressed in the red dress, and put on the red panties, with the big thigh-length black boots Steve had bought in the porn shop. I have to admit I dressed in this sexy little short dress, red panties, and long boots without really taking notice of just how over-the-top sexy I looked. I guess I was still in a kind of turned on trance-like state. But by the time everybody was ready to leave the boat to go to the pub; just some ten to fifteen minutes later, the trance had worn off, and I was beginning to feel very silly.

I took Derek to one side,

"I don't think I can go out dressed like this."

"Why not?"

"Look at me. I look like a street walker."

"No my dear, you look exactly like we want you to look, like a pantomime character."


"Yes, you know who accompanies Dick Whittington?"

I gave him a blank look. I guess because my mind was a blank.

"Puss in Boots. And I've never seen a better example of a pussy in boots."

"But the dress is so short; everybody will be able to see my pussy!"

"Just the effect we want."

"But I mean. Surely I won't be allowed into a pub dressed like this?"

"We have a private room booked. Don't worry, it has all been arranged in advance."

So still worried and attempting to make a protest, off we went to walk the fifty or so yards to the pub. It was still daylight, so even with them flanking me, giving a modicum of cover, I still felt very self-conscious. When we got to the pub, we walked right through the public bar, and all heads turned and looked on in amazement. But in seconds we were into the pre-booked private room, and sat around a table, where we all made our choice of meal from the menu. I can't now remember what I ate, but I know I uncharacteristically let them order me a white wine. But instead of just one glass they ordered a bottle, so when 'Big Dick Whittington' arrived about an hour later, we were just about done eating, but I'd downed three glasses of the wine and it had gone to my head.

As I looked at this giant of a man walking across the room, it was obvious that if his name was Richard, he'd get the nick-name 'Big Dick', even without knowing the size of his cock. He stood a good six foot six inches, and had massive broad shoulders. All the men got up from the table as he arrived, but as I followed their lead, and began to get to my feet, the effect of the wine hit me. I staggered, and then had to sit again for a moment, just to let my head stop spinning.

Derek walked across to intercept Dick, and they shook hands,

"Ah Dick, I'm Derek, it's good to meet you at last."

Then as he introduced each of the men, they all moved forwards to shake his hand.

"That's Ian."


"And Steve."

And then as he turned and gestured with an open palm towards me, Ian took my elbow and helped me to my feet once more.

"And this is your pussy for the night. Is she to your liking?"

"Very much so. I like the boots."

Derek said,

"Hey lads, lift her up onto that empty table."

Before I knew what was going on, arms had taken hold of me, and I was standing up on top of one of the tables.

"Come on then pussy, show Dick what you have to offer."

I can't explain why, or come to think of it, how I got not only the nerve, but the ability. But it was as if all my blood had rushed to my pussy, and was surging around. Every fibre of my body was on fire, but my pussy was throbbing fit to burst out of my knickers. I gyrated slowly, bending my knees open, and exposing the meagre gusset. Or I think in reality, with my pussy lips being so pumped-up; exposing my lips, with the thin strip of panty material tucked into my wedge. All of them stood there looking gob-smacked.

I know Derek had asked me to show myself, but I'm sure none of them expected me to comply so willingly. And in truth, neither did I. It was like little miss naughty had been let out of the box, and she wanted to play. Within minutes, I was being lifted down from the table, and the landlord of the pub was showing us out through another door, up a staircase, and into a bedroom. Derek then indicated I should set-about working my charms on 'Big Dick', and I willingly began to release the belt in his trousers. The cock in his underpants was already firm, and with just a few gentle caresses, it was standing big and proud. And my god had it got something to be proud of. It had to be over twelve inches, and so fat, it was too big for my mouth. The most I could manage was to suck on the end, and lick up and down the shaft.

But while I was busy gorging myself on his monster cock, he was busy stripping. When he was naked he sat back on the bed, laying himself back, lifting and turning me in the process so that I was now astride his chest, with my pussy above his face. I didn't feel my knickers being lowered down my legs, so whether someone had slipped them down whilst he'd been lifting me, or they'd just cut them free, I don't know. But his mouth was now lapping at my naked pussy. It was at this point a rule was brought in, and I also noticed Dave was manning a video camera. But once they'd documented the length of his cock, and the rule was taken away, the performance was left to Dick and me.
