The Cycling Holiday


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I can't really say I was unaware of what I was doing, but it wasn't really me in control of my actions. I mean, I'd never knowingly have shown myself off to this stranger in such a blatant way, or so willingly have indulged in such sex acts. But it was me, and nobody was forcing me! It was no time at all before Dick must have deemed my pussy was ready to take his cock, and he effortlessly lifted me up and around, lowering my pussy into the vicinity of his throbbing monster. As the flesh of my pussy lips made contact with his throbbing shaft, I could feel the hot blood pulsing through it. My hips heaved, and slid my pussy forwards along the shafts length, until the big fat bell-end was reached. As my pussy sipped over the end, his cock lifted, and I lunged myself back.

It located as if drawn by powerful magnets, and the head pushed into my pouting hole. There was a split second pause as the walls of my pussy first resisted the excess stretching, and then relented wrapping his shaft tightly as his cock drove in ever deeper.

"Ohhhh God!"

My gasps and audible expressions were involuntary, but the purposeful way I drove my pussy down onto his shaft wasn't. I meant to drive it down hard, and even though I couldn't stop myself wincing with the pain, I wanted it more. And my god did I get it. It took a good minute or more and a lot of persisting lunges, but I wasn't the only one making a noise about the event. The men around were cheering me on, and literally shouting words of encouragement; not that I needed any.

And when my clamping orgasm took over, and I drifted off to the land of ecstasy, Dick apparently began to shoot his cum. I think I was aware of it happening, but it was all like some kind of dream sequence. But when I came back to reality, Dick was already cleaned-up and busy dressing. But the clean-up for me would have to wait, because as the landlord was now kneeling in between my spread open legs, and he took no time at all before he began to hump himself hard into me. I don't know just how big, or more to the point, how small his cock was. But knowing this must be some kind of reward payment to him, I tried to make believe he was doing things to me. But in truth, he came and went, without really making much impression at all. And although I made an effort to fake an orgasm, I'm sure nobody was fooled.

It was then the turn of each of the men from the boat, and they all managed to ring my bell, Steve and Ian both having two goes, rattling my clapper both times. It was early morning as they walked me back to the boat with them, and to say I was unsteady on my legs would be understating the case. But they got me back safe, and I slept soundly, with Steve at my side. And unless it was all dreaming, he spent some of the time inside me, as apposed to alongside me.

It was ten in the morning when I eventually came to my senses, and it was Ian who was busy heaving himself on top of me. It was the ensuing climax of my orgasm which brought me out of my deep slumber, but once he'd cum, and my orgasm had subsided, the hangover pounding in my head, reminded me of how I'd drank to excess the night before. I was told later, I'd not just had three small glasses of wine, I'd actually finished the full bottle by myself.

But as Ian got himself dressed and I was again alone, it was more the very heavy feeling of guilt which bore down on me. I tried to blame the fact they'd got me to drink too much of that white wine. But I knew that wasn't the case. I'd drank it without needing encouragement. I think in retrospect, I'd wanted the experience with this man who had the reputation for a big cock, and I'd drank so heavily to bolster my own courage, lest I couldn't go through with it. But drink or no drink, at the very least I was guilty of curiosity, if not out right lust. But now in the cold morning light, I felt so ashamed. I'd spent the night with, I don't know how many lovers, and woken up having an orgasm whilst my husband was lying in a hospital bed.

Suddenly I was shaken from my remorse, as Dave came sauntering into the cabin. He was totally naked, with a semi-hard cock limply drooping out in front of him. I shrieked out,

"Get out!"

He stopped suddenly, and in an amazed stance, asked,

"What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong. I just want some privacy."

Then he spoke in a kind of hurt school-boy tone,

"But I've just come to have my turn."

"Well you're out of luck. Nobodies having any more turns. I'm getting dressed, and then I'm getting off this boat and going to find my husband."

He looked stunned, but didn't attempt to force himself upon me. Instead, he just said,

"You get yourself a shower and get dressed. And then once you've had time to gather your wits, we'll see how you feel."

I tried to shout, but my eyes were welling up with tears, and my protestation just sounded so limp,

"Get out."

"Ok. I'm going. Just calm down."

I waited until I could tell he had moved through the kitchen into the cabin the other side, and then draped in a sheet, I made my way to the shower. Whilst I was in there, Steve's voice came through the thin shower door.

"Are you alright?"

"Go away."

"What did Dave do to upset you?"

"Just leave me alone."

"Ok, I'll let you finish your shower in peace, but I'll be right outside the door waiting with a towel. Just crack the door open when you want it. Don't worry, I won't try to come in and once you've got the towels, I'll go back to the steering well and let you have some privacy to get dried and dressed."

So I finished my shower, and he was as good as his word, passing in the towels and then leaving me to get dried and dressed. Once dressed, I made my way out to the back of the boat, but there were only three of them out there. Steve, Ian and Dave.

"So where's the other one? Has he been secretly filming me when I got out of the shower?"

Steve answered,

"No. he's gone to the hospital to get your husband. He went at six this morning."

This shook me. I felt it should have been me who'd got up early and gone to my husbands bedside. So again I was filled with guilt. Steve obviously picked-up on my look, and said,

"Hey don't look so down, they'll probably be on their way back by now, we should be getting into Tamworth in about half an hours time."

"Tamworth? I thought we'd passed through there yesterday?"

"We did, but only to go up to Whittington. Now were re-joining the ring, and making our way back down the other side."

"I see."

I didn't really, but as we were at least going back towards Tamworth where my Tom was in hospital, I at least felt more at ease.

Of course, my Tom had been close to death when he'd been under water for so long, so his recollection of what happened, came back to him some time early morning as he awoke in hospital. Tom now takes over the story.

As I opened my eyes and could see the rows of beds, I realised I was in a hospital. And now gradually the nightmare of the last hours began to piece themselves together. I remember hearing my Kelly scream. I was on board a boat, with other men. Men I hardly knew. But we'd been getting along fine, even though I could tell by their glances they fancied my wife, I felt I could keep them at a reasonable distance from her. Then she'd got all stroppy about me drinking, and after a few words, she'd gone to the other end of the boat to sulk. And it was from this end, I'd heard her. I remember looking back and seeing that big guy Steve holding Kelly's shoulders. I was about to climb onto the top deck to go and sort him out, when I missed my footing and ended up in the water.

From then on, it's all very hazy. I remember seeing her and Steve on the back of the boat as it sailed straight past me in the water. I was clinging onto something, I'm not sure what. But even though I clung onto it like the proverbial drowning man, it was wrenched from my grip, and under I went. Then I remember someone shining a light in my eyes. Various people prodding and turning me over. Sticking needles into me. Wrapping my arm and the wrapping getting so tight it felt like my arm was going numb. These things just kept going on endlessly, but now I was awake.

I see a nurse coming my way, I call out,

" ."

Nothing! My throat feels like I've swallowed a ton of mud. I try again,


Well that's what I was trying to call. But it was such a pathetic squawk. But even though she maybe didn't know what I'd tried to call, she heard something. She turned, her eyes showed acknowledgment. She held her finger up, as if to say she'd heard me, but I'd have to wait. She then turned and went on her way to another bed. I waited, but while I waited, I tried speaking again. It appeared I could actually speak, if I tried to whisper. So the softer I talked, the more audible my voice. I didn't understand it, but I waited until the nurse made her way to my bed.

"Yes Mr."

She stopped and looked at the chart at the foot of my bed.

"Ah. Mr Walker. Tom isn't it?"

Carefully I tried to make myself heard.

"Yes, it's Tom. How long have I been here?"

Again she looked at the chart,

"Well you were here when I came on last night, and it looks like you came up to the ward yesterday afternoon. It says here you had a lucky escape."

"I fell in the canal."

"Yes. But when you were fished out, you were almost gone. Apparently, you have to see the neurologist. They feared you could have gone into a deep coma. I have to go and make a call to let them know you've come around. Is there anything I can get you?"

I've tried drinking the water in that glass, but it tastes dirty."

"The water is clean; it's your throat that is infected. I'll get you something to put into the water to numb the taste. I'll be back soon."

And away she went. Her idea of soon, wasn't mine. I must have lay there for a good half an hour before another woman approached. She wasn't dressed the same, and I soon found out, she was the head doctor. That head as in brain, not the top doctor in the hospital. She went through a long series of tests, just simple things like counting her fingers and suchlike. And then from her notes she began to tell me about what had happened to me yesterday. But like all stories, her version was given her by those men from the boat, and it bore no resemblance to the way I thought things had gone.

Apparently, according to what she'd been told, the big guy, Steve, was some kind of hero. I thought he was just a pervert who'd attempted to molest my wife. But the notes she was reading from told her, this man had dived in to rescue me, and then set about reviving me. But the clinical tests and scan they'd given me at the hospital showed I'd actually died. I guess in real terms, I wasn't actually dead; otherwise I wouldn't be alive now. But clinically, my brain had shut down, and ceased to control my heart. How they could establish this I have no idea, but she was adamant if it hadn't been for Steve's ability and persistence, I would no longer be living. Now when you are blaming a guy for causing the whole thing, and then find out it is only due to his efforts that you are still alive, it kind of fucks with your head.

Well anyway, after all her tests and questions, she said I was a lucky man to be alive, and that I'd be able to resume my holiday as soon as someone came to escort me back. So for the next hour I lay in the hospital bed, trying to resolve the dilemma. I mean the only reason I fell in the canal in the first place, was because this guy had been trying it on with my wife. But conversely, if I'm to believe the doctors here, I literally owe him my life. Well as you might guess, I hadn't come to any kind of conclusion an hour later; when who should I see walking into the ward but Derek. He'd brought clothes for me to wear and after just a few polite words, he left me to pull my curtains around the bed and get myself dressed.

So once all the discharge formalities were done, off I went with Derek in a taxi. I guess you could say the atmosphere was on the frosty side, I couldn't bring myself to thank him for his help, but I was reluctant to have a go at him, for the attack his friend had made on my wife. Then he broke the ice,

"Kelly sends her love."

"Where is she? Why didn't she come with you?"

"She's having a well earned sleep-in."

"What? What d'you mean well earned? What have you been doing to her?"

"Hey now, hold your horses. There's been nothing funny going on. But your little lady has done you proud."

"Doing what?"

"Helping us with our promotion."

"Doing what?"

"Being what she is; an attractive girl, and getting the attention of potential buyers."

"I don't get it."

He then went on to explain that they'd been introducing their new canned Stout in some village, and they'd bought my wife new clothes, which she'd worn, and acted as a leggy model to attract people to their stand. As he kept saying it was all above board, and instead of them employing a professional model, my wife was getting the fee. Now this all sounded ok, but I couldn't rationalise this with what had taken place on the boat. So as the anger about Steve was coming to the boil, I asked,

"And how did you keep that pervert of a mate of yours off my wife?"

"Pervert? I don't understand?"

"Steve. The one who was molesting my wife."

He raised his eyes, as if in despair,

"I see. I wondered when we get around to that."

"I'll bet you did. I guess you thought the near drowning had washed it out of my memory."

"No lad, but you do know you made a fool of yourself."

"Bloody fool am I? We'll see who's the fool when I ring that bastard's neck."

"There you go again. You still don't realise you got hold of the wrong end of the stick."

"I'll shove a bloody stick up his arse if he's touched my missus."

"Just calm down, and let me explain something to you."

"What's to explain?"

"For your information, what you took to be an attack on your wife was actually Steve coming to her rescue."

"Pull the other one."

"If you remember, Steve and I were on the back deck with your wife."

"I know that."

"Well what you wouldn't know, and at the time neither did we. But while the boat had been moored up to the bank, a rat must have climbed onto one of the rope fendoffs hanging from the side. And then as we were travelling along, it climbed up over the boat side, and bold as you like, just stood there on the rear well deck. Kelly saw it first, screamed, and ran to the boat side. Steve; fearing she would fall over the edge in panic, ran and took hold of her. At that point you appeared looking over the top of the boat from the front. You saw Steve holding Kelly and put two and two together, and made five. There was no attack. And nobody has touched your wife. Do you think I'd be sitting here so calmly now, taking you back to meet your wife if she'd been molested?"

So again it sent my head into a spin. Had I got it all wrong? Was Steve a nice guy, and I'd just mistaken the whole event?

"You don't really think we'd touch your wife? I mean we're all professional business men."

"So you're saying neither Steve nor any of the others have touched her?"

"Not so much as a hair on her head. I mean you'll be able to ask her as soon as the boat arrives."

Just at that point, we were pulling into a boatyard.

"Where are we?"

"Tamworth. This is where we pulled in yesterday, to take you to hospital."

He then went on to explain how once I'd been admitted to hospital, they gone on to another village to do the promotion, but the boat would be arriving back soon to pick us up.

Then he said,

"Look lad, I know from what your wife has said, money has been a little tight lately for you. And you don't like her old man breathing down your neck."

"Huh, that old sod. He never wanted me to marry her. He said I was no good right from the start, and he'd just love to see us break-up."

"And Kelly says you're too proud to accept any help from him?"

"He'd only rub my nose in it. Fuck him. If I can't earn it, we'll do without."

"Don't get me wrong, I like your independent stance. But now, maybe there's a chance you can prove him wrong."


"Well for a start, if you agree to Kelly helping with our promotions, I'm prepared to pay her a hundred a day."

I about choked, I mean my last job was only bringing in £350 a week.

"A hundred quid a day?"

"Well yes, that's about what I'd pay for a two hour model booking. So having your Kelly on board all day as well, just in case we find punters along the way at various stopping points, makes her very good value for money."

"But what is she doing to get paid that much?"

"Wearing the outfits we've bought, and looking pretty. There's nothing like a pretty girl to attract people's attention. Funnily enough, even women will come and get interested if there's a pretty girl promoting."

"Jesus. So what you're saying is if we stop on your boat, for the rest of the holiday, we'll get; let's see, twelve days in total. That's one thousand two hundred quid."

"That's not a bad start, especially as you're both getting a free holiday with meals and drinks thrown in."

I was gob smacked, and couldn't think of how to respond.

"You've gone quiet, doesn't the idea suit you?"

"No. I mean yes, of course it does. But I don't understand."

"What don't you understand?"

"I mean why us?"

"Fate. If we hadn't come across you and your wife, I'd be spending the same sort of money on models, and not having the pleasure of your little ladies company."

As he said that, I felt a tinge of some sort of threat to my wife, and I guess it showed on my face.

"Ah but that's one thing you'll have to control."

I snapped,


"You do tend to have an attitude problem."

"What d'you mean?"

"That's it in a nutshell. If you're going to be all caveman about your wife showing her charms, then I think it's best we let you both off here and just forget the whole thing."

I realised I was screwing up the whole deal; and I began to ask myself why. But I had no answer to give myself. I took a deep breath, and tried hard to think what to say.

"I'm sorry. I guess I still haven't got used to the idea of men looking at my wife, and talking about her, without them hitting on her."

"It's your call my boy. But the first sign of aggression from you, and you can kiss any money goodbye. I'm not paying up front, but if you play ball with me, I'll promise you'll go home a lot richer than when you arrived on the boat. And if things go to plan, and I can see you've mastered that temper, I might even see about you getting a position in one of our factories. We've got one in Barwell."

"So I guess you're saying I'm kind of on probation?"

"Let's say approval. It sounds better. But if you play ball, not only will you end up with a job, you'll also have some money in your pocket for a change. Hey look, isn't that our boat coming into site now?"

He was right, and within five minutes we were aboard, and I was able to hold Kelly and make sure she was ok.

So now Kelly once again takes over the story.

So now Kelly once again takes over the story.

Things on board the boat had been very subdued all morning, and I'd been sitting up in the front well on my own. They had each tried in turn to join me, but I'd made it clear I didn't want their company. And give them their due; none of them had tried to force themselves upon me. But as I'd been sitting here, I'd thought through the events of yesterday, and I'd managed to forgive myself for throwing myself at Steve. I mean after all, he'd just saved Tom's life, and Tom was my world. But I should have drawn the line there. I shouldn't have capitulated to Ian, Dave and then Derek. And as for helping; no, throwing myself at that 'Big Dick Whittington'. I have no excuses for that. Drink or no drink, that was not only out of character, but well out of order. I was the guilty one, but I knew if I kept these men at bay, I'd manage to keep my inner devil in place.
