The Dark Chocolate or the Milk?


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If there's one thing I have enjoyed from the first time we were together it's the excitement of watching these two fuck, and I mean that in the most erotic of ways; they don't just make love to each other, they fuck. Even in my most demanding of moments they are never rough with me. Yet together, when male libido and testosterone-filled lust meet, they are both totally wild and unmerciful with each other in a way only two men can be. As they caressed I watched Bow's hand slide up Cain's back and wrap itself into his long black hair. As Bowdy moved as if to kiss Cain again he paused inches from his face and pulled suddenly at his locks, snapping Cain's head back to open up his neck. Bow bent and plunged his teeth into Cain's neck, Cain howling like a banshee. When Bowdy released him he had a large welt on his neck; Bow's way of branding him with his love. The biting never seems to bother Cain at all, in fact I think he relishes it. That night, Bow began this little thing between the two of them which always brings a smile to my face. He began to whisper in Cain's ear. I've never asked him what he says or how he gets the older man to comply but Cain always does, in his own quiet way. It is the only time I ever see Cain passive, when he is in the delicate hands of Bowdy. I just remember that first time, Cain sitting with his head back blinking as Bowdy whispered those words of command. With his hair still wrapped around his fingers, Bow moved and allowed Cain to drop onto all fours. Bow shuffled in behind him; the scene reminiscent of a rider holding his horse's mane. Cain waiting patiently as Bow began to suck at his own fingers. The look of pure hunger and bliss that spread over Cain's face as Bow pressed his wetted index finger to Cain's tight hole was beautiful; his blue eyes flashed and the furrow momentarily lifted from his brow. He didn't move or moan he just held his position as Bow circled him and pressed a little more. With an almost wicked grin on his gorgeous face Bow pulled tightly again at Cain's hair as he pushed forward and drove his finger deep into the waiting man. To say Cain was surprised by the sensation would be an understatement. He growled and writhed as the pale little finger pushed deeper, his head snapping from side to side as Bowdy held tightly to his hair. Whichever of the two has control – and it's usually Bow that gets his way first – this little act of foreplay is always so boisterous and teasing. Cain always appears to try to pull away, yet silently begs for more and Bow always smiles and flashes his eyes so lecherously, giving and taking away as he so desires.

I know now to let them be when they are on each other, taking pleasure in watching, but that night as I watched those two perfect bodies I wanted so much to be a part of it. When Bow released Cain's hair and began to tug at his own manhood I couldn't help but lean forward and wrap my mouth about him again. The little drop of pre-cum on the tip coated my tongue and brought the saliva to my lips. When he was good and wet I released him and he turned to press the hard swollen tip between Cain's cheeks. Bowdy guided himself to just the right position, letting himself push gently against Cain's primed ass. When Cain's muscles finally gave in, Bowdy gasped as he slid forward almost to the hilt. Cain groaned loosing his grip on the cushions. For a few moments there was a stillness as the two men felt each others presence for the first time, not wanting to break that one moment. It was so delectable to watch. Bowdy finally began to move it was almost in slow motion, but steadily the wildness of their joining soon returned; thrashing, scratching, groans and growls as Bowdy pumped Cain relentlessly and Cain devoured everything Bow gave him.

It's interesting how one notices the tiniest of things in such an intimate moment, but I couldn't help but be aware of the shining pearls of sweat gathering in the soft black body hair of Cain as they fucked. It almost seemed to sparkle in the soft light of my apartment and I had this urge to want to drink him in. Lowering myself onto my back in front of Cain I shuffled forwards until my head – although upside down – was directly under Cain's. When he saw me there he bent carefully and placed his lips to mine in an attempt to kiss me, but the driving force behind him overwhelmed his thoughts and he pulled away with a moan. Without thinking I continued to wriggle my way under his body until I was level with that most exquisite of sights, Cain's erect and swollen phallus; it waved gently back and forth above me as he rocked to Bowdy's movements. He has the softest of hair at the base and it too was coated in little beads of sweat. I ran my fingers through it and then took gentle hold of him. His back arched up at the touch and I smiled at the thought of what I was about to do. Sliding my hand along its thick girth I pulled it down towards me and, raising my head, took it lazily into my mouth. Cain bucked again as I closed my lips around it and began to suckle him. It was some minutes before I realised that Cain was trying to lift my hips up towards him and I aided his efforts by planting my feet and arching up my back. I felt the softness of a cushion being shoved unceremoniously under my butt to support my position. It was then that I knew Cain's intentions. The sight of my fury strip laying just inches from his face as he rocked over the top of it had been driving him wild and he wanted it. He'd struggled to get to me as Bowdy pummelled him and by lifting me up on the cushions he was able to gain his prize without loosing the support of his arms. I yelped and nipped at his thickness at the first dab of his tongue on my clit. It moved in time to the rocking of his body and the rhythm only sought to intensify my pleasure. Here we where in a kind of sexual game of twister; Bowdy with his fine athletic body buried deep in the ass of the divinely muscular Cain while at the bottom of the pile I lay, coiled like a snake, my mouth and fingers locked around the thick spike of Cain's manhood whilst he sunk himself into my soft open wetness. When we came, we all came together, moaning and writhing like some sea-serpent, the scent of hot sweating sex heavy in the air. Pulling our selves free of the carnal melee, we all took our time to recover, lying curled around each other in the now damp pillows. Later I found blankets and the three of us snuggled in close and held each other till morning.

I remember that night now like it was yesterday; that first magnificent moment of our joining. It's not hard to realise, standing here in the doorway, why it is we love each others company so much. What sane person would not find the sight of two naked and sleeping men, exhausted from hours of love-making and wrapped in a tangled mess of sheet, the most erotic sight to ever exist?

Tonight was our third anniversary, yes three years of sexual bliss. One would assume that after three years we would be spent; bored with each others bodies and in need of other stimulation. But the truth is we never have been. It's true we don't see each other as often as I know we would all like, but on the three or four occasions a year that we do, it is like the first time all over again.

Even though I have spent nights since then with both men, it does not come close to the incredible feelings of elation we feel when the three of us are together; naked and open. There is a freedom, a feeling of understanding and acceptance of each others bodies. There are no expectations or demands, only the anticipation of experiencing the nature of our being and the true pleasure that is released when we make love. But tonight, oh tonight, the boys surprised me yet again.

We never make plans to meet; it's always spontaneous, but knowing the date, I think all three of us had secretly been hoping that we would 'bump into' each other, and I suspect Cain had pulled himself off another job to attend this particular fashion show, knowing the two of us would be there. It had been many months since we last got together and I can admit that I had missed them, but work is work. Tonight however, Bowdy was working the catwalk, as always with his immaculate looks. I was taking shots for the designer and Cain just happened to be 'attending' to one of the supermodels. It didn't take long for us to seek each other out at the after-show party, sliding easily into conversation interspersed with little knowing looks and the odd clandestine touch.

When the party scene had lost its interest, Cain offered his place for our little 'gathering'. By the time I arrived at his apartment – having dropped off my gear at the studio – Bowdy was already draped across the couch with a martini in hand as Cain dropped into the seat next to him and reached for a beer. I could tell something was going on – you don't spend three years intimately with these two not to know something was going on – they kept looking at one another and glancing at me and smirking. When I finally got sick of the teasing and asked what, the boys were on their feet and taking my hands, leading me from the living room.

Cain's place is quite sparse but the two things he does have are a large shower and a huge bed. Bowdy and Cain let go of me as we entered the bedroom and I watched, leaning against this very door frame, as the two of them helped each other from their clothes. This little ritual, which they both love so much, allows them time to touch and stroke and kiss and re-affirm their desire for each other. Once naked they turned their attentions to me, both scooting around the bed to begin my 'unveiling', but tonight they paused. Tonight they sat down together on the edge of the bed and they watched me for what seemed like a long time. When I could take it no longer I demanded to know what was going on.

"Sirocco." Bowdy almost never addresses me with such formality, usually calling me by my pet name Coco, so that really set me on edge. "Tonight's special...for all of us and so Cain and me had a little idea."

I waited for the explanation and it was Cain who continued in his deep growling tone. "It was you that brought us together Siro, if it hadn't been for you we would never have discovered each other. So tonight...tonight's just for you."

Bowdy added. "Tonight we just want to please you Coco, tonight we are all yours." Bowdy threw Cain a glance and a look of agreement passed between them. I was a little surprised by this announcement but I can stand here now, smile and thank them silently for their glorious pact.

They both stood and began to liberate me from my garments before I really had time to think on their proposition. I love the way they undress me, always taking their time to let their hands run seductively over me. But tonight they were different; tonight they were even more deferential than normal; pausing to kiss my shoulders and arms, breasts, thighs and legs. I was already moist when they led me to the bed. It was clear that in the time it had taken me to get from the studio to the apartment Cain and Bowdy had decided exactly what their roles would be in this night of pleasure and I began to feel overwhelmed by their generosity and caring. Tonight they were both mine to ask of whatever I wanted, but first they had their own way of showing me their gratitude and love.

I have never been so covered in kisses as I was tonight; my body was soaked in their saliva and tingling from the sweet touches of their lips. After several hours of spectacular foreplay; my labia swollen and my clit numb from endless stroking and licking, they had primed me to their satisfaction and were ready to demonstrate their devotion for me.

Cain lay back onto the bed, making himself comfortable in the pillows. I allowed myself to straddle his waist gyrating my hips slowly, rubbing my wetness into the soft black line of fur running down his belly. His straight ebony hair lay out like liquorice across the white of the pillows and, although that all too familiar frown furrowed his brow, the sparkle in those blues eyes and the crooked smile on his face told me my movements and my presence was loved beyond question. I slipped slowly backward making him desperate for the moment, then slowly I mounted his ample spike as he held it lightly for me, greasing it with my honeyed juices. Even primed and ready for him, he was still enough to force a gasp from my lips as he filled me. Wrapping his thick arms and large hands around my body, he pulled me down onto his chest and we buried our selves in a deep and slow kiss, matched only by the slow steady pace of my rocking. The feel of our bodies pressed so close together and the gentleness of his hands as he caressed me filled me with such love and warmth that I never wanted to leave his side. I didn't notice Bowdy's presence behind me until his hands joined Cain's in slow circles across my back. They glided like silk down my spine then cupped the cheeks of my butt and squeezed. I felt him press against me as he shuffled in between Cain's legs, the hardness of his manhood resting lightly between my cheeks. He squeezed again and I felt myself spread open. Cain pulled my shaking body in tight and buried his mouth in mine as I yelled out in breathtaking ecstasy; the well-lubricated tip of Bowdy's cock found its mark and wound itself into me as I tried to squirm in Cain's arms.

We had made love in so many ways and so many positions but never had the boys given me such pleasure as this. It was not that I had not wanted it or they had denied me, it had just been one of 'those things' we had never gotten round to, but here and now they bestowed their love on me in a way I had never experienced before. Slowly and carefully Bowdy made his presence known, sliding deep into me. It pressed against the thin sensitive barrier that separated his long slick staff from Cain's now throbbing girth and I tightened uncontrollably, driving howls and moans from all three of us.

This was the closest we had ever been; this was our trinity, our joining, all three basking in the glow of our sensual coupling. Nothing would ever come close to the power of this feeling. Bowdy pushed a little more and then leaned in over the top of me, sandwiching me between their two bodies. Below, the dark, muscular, strength and above the pale, slender beauty. The heat of them filled me with such peace. For a moment we did not move, frightened to loose this perfect moment. I felt Bowdy kiss the nape of my neck and, reaching around me to use Cain as leverage, he pulled back a little and as he did I was forced back onto that dark splendour. Steadily the three of us began to rock, their glorious components pistoning me in turn. I thought my body would explode as the speed increased. Cain took the weight of us both, planting his feet to drive into me whilst Bowdy almost lifted himself from the bed as he countered the movement. As the climax rose quickly through my body I lay my head on Cain's broad chest. Tears welled in my eyes as the ecstatic wave swelled over me and I was drowned by its intoxicating brilliance. I heard the boys yell out, unable to restrain themselves any longer and I felt them squeeze me between them as they both came from my tightening pressure.

We lay, gasping and shaking for sometime, our sweat-covered bodies still locked together. It wasn't that we couldn't move, I just don't think we wanted to. I listened to their breathing for ages, and watched Bowdy's hand run lazily up and down Cain's shoulder in gentle comfort. I can't speak for the boys, but when we did finally free ourselves I felt a sense of loss, a feeling that a piece of me hand been taken away. These two, so different yet so much the same, are and always will be a part of me; not just of my mind but of my soul. They are pieces of the puzzle of my life that complete the picture, making it whole and clear, and I love them more deeply than they could ever know.

We spent the next few hours gently touching each other, too exhausted to want more. But who could ask for more? Certainly not me, they gave me more than I had ever expected and I lay warm and secure between them until I fell asleep. Silently now I whisper my thanks to both of them; my two beautiful lovers.


Cain is stirring from his sleep, he must have felt me move.

"Ya aw'right darlin'?"

"Yeah sugar, I'm fine, just needed a drink."

"Come 'ere." He pulls back the sheets and pats the bed.

Taking my glass to the nightstand I place it down and loosen my robe, scrambling in next to him, so warm and firm against my naked body. Bow wakes with a moan and a stretch and quietly moves up the bed to join us, climbing over us both to spoon up behind me. He's already hard again, jeeze he's insatiable. But I know how he feels, it's impossible not to lay here and not want to. Well, I've had my quiet moment, and the sun isn't quiet up yet. Now my only choice is which do I wanted to savour first; the dark chocolate or the milk?

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Very nice, very hot!

Excellent MMF action. Great relationship betw the men. Satifying mixture of the sweet and the hot.

incorrigiblesatyrincorrigiblesatyralmost 19 years ago

Definitely one of the best, and best written, stories I have read here. I'm looking forward to reading all of your submissions. Thank you for such a great one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Talent and Class!

You have TALENT! So well written! I thoroughly enjoyed it! Passionate, detailed, and tasteful! Truly a spectacular job. Thank you.

msboy8msboy8about 19 years ago
Great Story

It's good to read a MMF threesome from the womans point of view. Don't worry about what that troll said, at least he gave you 50%, hahaha. Keep writing, I like your style.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Great story

This was a wonderful story. I loved the connection between the lovers, it made the sex scenes so much more erotic. And to the other poster, this is a group sex story, as a group consists of 3 or more people. It's not going by who's fucking who.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Great, hot story

Excellent, exciting story. I love it when a group sex story includes sex between the men as well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

Not post this story where it belongs? The story belongs in the "Gay Male" ir Bi-section. Why waste a readers time if they don't like Brown growler, ass fucking between two men?

Total bullshit to put it in group.

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