The Day it Snowed in 'Nam


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He had a priority -- to find Binh -- he'd explain the details about the donations once he knew the truth.

"Um- yes- um- our Jane Doe. Do you know her?" Doc Ramsey scrapped the heel of his hand over his beard. "She hasn't said a word since she arrived."

Trigger didn't answer the doc, as he saw Deuce walking out of the hospital.

Cradled in the pilot's arm's was a small bundle. Tears streamed unashamedly down the pilot's face while he cooed to the swaddled baby.

Shuffling behind him, with her head down, was Laken.

Trigger couldn't breath, it was really her. Blinking rapidly he felt his own eyes sting and hot, wet streaks tracking down his face. It was really her. Glancing over, he watched AJ turn away. With his back to Trigger the bulky man raised a hand to rub across his eyes.

Smithy was beaming, and though Trigger wasn't sure through the fog of cigarette smoke, the older man's eyes appeared to be glistening. Self consciously, Trigger wiped his own tears away. He couldn't believe it, it was her, they'd found Binh.

The doctor politely stepped back.

Trigger's heart lurched seeing Laken so broken. He moved away from the team huddled around Deuce and the baby, and stood in front of Laken. He crouched to be closer to her height.

"Laken, we're here," he assured quietly, gently stroking her arm.

Painfully slowly the young woman met his eyes.

He waited, softly running his hand against her arm.

Bit by bit her vacant expression changed, until a spark of recognition flared.

Suddenly Laken collapsed into Trigger, who wrapped his arms protectively around her as she sobbed into his chest.

"Mister Trigger, you came. You came," she cried in hoarse, heavily accented English.

He lightly kissed the top of her matted black hair, his own tears dripped and he didn't give a damn who saw. Correct protocol could go to Hell, they'd found her.

His shirt grew damp where her face was pressed hard against him.

"Yes, we're here now," he gulped, his own voice wavering with raw emotion. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry, Laken."

The guilt at not being there to save her and Binh completely consumed him.

Not wanting to let her go, Trigger just held Laken. Gradually her sobs slowed as he regained his own self control. He could feel her trembling violently. He pulled her tighter into his warm embrace, frightened if he let go she'd disappear. He wished he could have stopped her family suffering from the horror they had, but grateful beyond words that she and Binh were alive.

Still holding Laken tightly, he looked up at the clear blue sky.

"Thank you," he mouthed silently to a higher being. "Thank you."

Once his composure returned, his mind began doing somersaults, flooded by extreme relief combined with intense embarrassment from his public display. He was not a man who let others see his emotions. But as he stood holding the small Vietnamese woman he felt overwhelmingly happy. Happier than he had been for days -- no weeks, Hell, he felt happier than he had been for months.

This truly was a Christmas miracle. And he, Tom Ashton, had witnessed it.

Laken calmed and disentangled herself from his arms, heading over to hug the rest of the team. Deuce gently passed the precious Binh to her mom. AJ sniffed loudly, giving Laken the biggest smile, while Smithy chuckled leaning over the baby in her arms.

"Would you like a tour of the hospital?" Doc Ramsey asked warmly, his own eyes misted by the power of the moment.

"We'd like that very much," Smithy replied, following the Aussie doc into the hospital.

Trigger grinned at Deuce and his buddy beamed back. Yep, this was the best Christmas ever.

The two men flanked Laken and Binh with AJ half a step behind, none of them wanted to let their Christmas miracle out of their sight.

"The hospital is staffed mainly with British, American and Australian volunteers from Project Concern," Doc Ramsey was explaining. "We demonstrate God's love by treating all civilians while remaining neutral."

Trigger half listened to the conversation as he admired the numerous homemade decorations adorning the wards in the hospital. Each patient was surrounded by family members. He wasn't surprised; due to low staff numbers in the smaller hospitals a lot of nursing needed to be performed by friends and family. Looking at the brightly colored paper chains he realized it was probably the families who'd made them.

Despite the setting, the hospital was filled with hope and love; emotions Trigger rarely had the luxury of experiencing. Something he needed to rectify. When they got back to base he would research the possibilities of a jaded, war-hardened soldier getting into medical school. Today anything seemed possible -- and becoming a healer was far more appealing than his current situation.

"We also train medical technicians to deliver care in their villages," Ramsey continued.

"The MACV program does much the same," Smithy replied.

"No, you don't!"

The doctor's sharp tone snapped Trigger's attention away from smiling at a shy little girl grinning at him from one of the wards.

"You're building relationships to unearth informants." Ramsey tugged at his beard in clear frustration. "Once you've got what you want you hand anyone named over to the interrogators... and they're never heard from again."

By the tensing of Smithy's shoulders, Trigger knew his CO had been riled.

"Do you know what Charlie did to her village?" Smithy growled, catching Trigger's eye as he glanced behind him at Laken. "They need stopping."

Ramsey turned to look squarely at Smithy.

"Last week two of my nurses and a trainee medical assistant got their jeep stuck returning from one of the villages." He paused to look each man firmly in the eye. "A Viet Cong foot patrol happened upon them."

Trigger caught his breath, not wanting to hear the next installment. He could virtually feel Deuce bristle on the other side of Laken. AJ emitted a barely audible growl.

"The men dragged the jeep out and sent the medical team on their way," Ramsey continued with a sigh. "Please don't forget humanity in this war. Once you do, all hope is lost."

Guiltily, Trigger looked at his feet, the stark reminder of the reality around them affecting him more than he expected.

The moment of tension was broken by Maureen and Rachel approaching with giant smiles. In Rachel's arms was a tiny baby, which she carefully passed over to an usually flustered Smithy.

He quickly regained his composure and chuckled. "That's fast going. I haven't even asked for your hand and we've already got a child."

Rachel rolled her eyes at him, obviously used to the subtle and not-so-subtle innuendos of troops. "This little boy was born just after midnight. He's a real Christmas baby."

Watching the captain's expression soften as he smiled at the baby, Trigger marveled at the innocence and hope in that new human nestled in Smithy's arms.

Would this child grow up in peace, or would his tiny life be snuffed out by a war that had already claimed thousands of Vietnamese and Americans? Would the deaths of people like Lieutenant Seadal and his team ensure the newborn baby had a life of peace and freedom, or had they died in vain?

Trigger swallowed uncomfortably, before looking at Laken and Binh. The reason he continued to fight... the reason they all continued, was to ensure these people had a future.

The doctor invited them to stay for supper, but Deuce politely explained he needed to leave as he didn't want to fly in the dark. Trigger knew it was just an excuse, none of them would've taken him up on the generous offer, these people barely had enough to feed themselves without sharing their supplies with the team.

Trigger needed to do one more thing before they left. By flattering one of the British nurses he was shown into a doctor's office. He made a couple of quick phone calls then scribbled a note before placing it in an envelope along with some money.

Everyone was by the chopper when Trigger emerged from the hospital. Laken, now smiling, stood with Doc Ramsey who was holding Binh. She hugged each person as they climbed into the Huey.

Trigger gave her the envelope and she looked at him confused.

"How to contact me and people who can help," he explained.

She nodded smiling, but clearly not understanding.

"Deuce, can I have a hand?"

Grinning, Deuce jumped back out of the bird and quickly translated for Trigger. Laken's eyes filled with tears as she gave both men another heartfelt hug.

"Thank you, Mister Trigger. Thank you, Mister Deuce."

"I wish you peace little one," Deuce murmured, gently kissing Binh's forehead before repeating the gesture with Laken.

The flight back to Phu Bai was silent. Each man and woman thinking about their magical experience in the middle of a bloody conflict. Together they had felt the love and peace. Together they had shared Christmas. Trigger knew none of them would ever forget that special day of hope.



November 11th 1993

In his hand Trigger clutched a faded photo. It was now over twenty years old and looking worse for wear, but you could still clearly see him and Deuce standing with their arms around Rachel and Maureen by the Huey.

Today he was surrounded by smiling Donut Dollies helping the visitors at the dedication of the Vietnam Women's Memorial. Somewhere in the crowd, he knew Smithy and the others were searching, too.

Seeing a lady in a Donut Dolly pale blue dress not engaged in a conversation, Trigger straightened the black tie of his own uniform.

"Excuse me, Ma'am." He waited for her to turn to look at him then delivered a gracious smile. "I know it's a long shot, but do you recognize either of these women?" He handed the photo over.

"Oh my! That's my sister Rachel," the lady said with her hand over her mouth. "That's you isn't it?" She pointed at the picture of Trigger in his fatigues having just turned twenty.

He nodded, smiling. "Is she here? I'd really like to see her again."

"Yes, yes, come this way."

Trigger eagerly followed the Donut Dolly. As soon as Rachel saw him she rushed over and threw her arms around him. He reciprocated with his own embrace.

"Lieutenant Ashton, Tom, I can't believe you're here," Rachel said when she finally let him go. "What about the others?"

"It's Doctor Ashton now," he corrected. "The whole team is here, we wouldn't miss today for anything." Trigger took his green beret off and looked at her properly. "You are still beautiful."

The years really had been kind to the woman he thought about every Christmas.

Rachel blushed, dropping her gaze.

"I've never forgotten that Christmas. I must tell the story a hundred times a year. The day it snowed in 'Nam." She laughed with a teasing head shake. "And you made the story more interesting by surviving a firing squad. I don't think even my family believed that part."

"Yeah, one day I'll have to write a book," he chuckled, running a hand through his hair. He scanned the crowd for the other men, they'd all want to see Rachel.

"Do you know what happened to Laken and Binh? I think about them so often," she asked, bringing his focus back to her.

Trigger's grin grew. "We got them out. Laken is in LA working at a restaurant."

Rachel caught his hand with an excited gasp.

"Binh's in med school, training to be a doctor too," he continued, proudly.

Her eyes filled with tears.

"Thank you, and thank you for my most memorable Christmas." She stood on tiptoe and lightly kissed his cheek while squeezing his hand tightly. "How about you? Doctor... wow. How are you?"

Trigger turned to look over his shoulder. He spotted Smithy and Deuce approaching in the distance, both grinning with AJ scowling a step behind. Then he smiled at a small pretty woman with her arm around a young boy. She beamed back while the boy's bright inquisitive blue eyes shone from his angelic face.

Trigger's heart skipped a beat the way it always did when he saw them. He hoped he'd never get used to it, the perfection that made his life complete. They were the two most important people in his world and they gave him the peace he'd craved all those years ago.

Against all the odds, he was capable of being loved. Love and hope had finally found him.

Leading Rachel gently by the hand, he moved towards them. "Rachel, I'd like you to meet my wife and son."


A/N I'm always grateful for any votes and feedback and value all readers' comments. I'd like to say a massive thank you to chasten, vanmyers86 and the Amigo Association for editing my SPaG and correcting the military references and britishisms.

The Day it Snowed in Vietnam: a true story (Christmas in Vietnam--1969) by Jim Schueckler can be found online. John L. Plaster's books and memories from an 'Out-there-boy' also inspired part of the story. I hope I have done their accounts justice.

I have other stand alone stories about Trigger and his comrades — which do include erotica. Please let me know if you'd be interested in more from these characters.

Dedicated to the memory of the lives lost in all conflicts. Lest we forget.

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JuniorPistachioJuniorPistachioabout 3 years ago
Love it!!!

The author left a kind comment to a little ditty I posted. Intrigued, I checked out her profile and found this terrific effort. Something about Christmas and military members really tug at the heartstrings.

This especially true when service men and women come home from deployment to an emotional reunion with their families. It means a lot to my spouse and me.

Thank you Ginlover. The kudos for this story are much deserved. 💖

Sweetiepie101Sweetiepie101over 3 years ago

By far my favorite yet

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

What a lovely story. And sorry they don’t allow more than five stars


GinloverGinloverover 3 years agoAuthor

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to comment. The edited version with ARVN has now been posted. I can’t believe I let that mistake slip through, I’m sorry. This is a story that means a lot to me to get the details correct. I want to say a special thank you to the vets who have commented, your words are the most positive feedback I could ever have hoped for, I’m glad you enjoyed the story.

I’ll post more stories about the men in Vietnam over the coming months. Each will be a stand alone story but I have a large story arc involving the team and I’d like to share it.

OneAuthorOneAuthorover 3 years ago

That was a wonderful story, and worthy of more than the 5 stars I gave it.

Ravey19Ravey19over 3 years ago

I'm awestruck as it seems you must have lived it to write so evocatively. 5 stars.

More on the characters if you have them please.

chastenchastenover 3 years ago

A very nice story!

gordo12gordo12over 3 years ago

Freaking awesome! 5*

teedeedubteedeedubover 3 years ago

Thank you and Merry Christmas to all.

Crusader235Crusader235over 3 years ago

Excellent Numba 1 Christmas story. 5 Stars plus! Semper Fi from this old Marine, RVN I Corp 01/67 to 08/68. Never did see a Bob Hope show, but they're on YouTube now.

ThefirefliesThefirefliesover 3 years ago

Wonderful story, perfect Christmas reading!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Been There Done That

17 visits to that beautiful country as an enlisted GATC Ground Air Traffic Comtroller. I still think of my time.

VetusNoctuaVetusNoctuaover 3 years ago

Yeah, you got ARVN wrong, but you got it enough right that this old grunt can complain about you dropping that round way too close to my hooch! I've been Mr Dry Eyes since 'Nam, but you sure messed that up this Christmas Eve. At least you gave me some happy tears along with the ones that hurt! 5* but only cause I can't give 10!

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassover 3 years ago

An inspiring Christmas story.

It seems I got something stuck in my eye while reading your story. Thanks for posting it. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Hadn't heard about the "snowflakes" in Vietnam, so I checked my logbook to see the date of my last flight out of Vietnam--October 2, 1969.

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