The Day My Sister Tricked Me Ch. 11-12


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Then, my sister's eyes turn to her friend. "Jessica," she says in a reassuring manner, ever-so-convincing, "don't you worry about that! I promised not to say a thing to our parents. You didn't mean to show me, so don't feel bad about it. Besides, me and my brother are REALLY good at keeping secrets." As she said that last part, her eyes darted to me again, piercing me with another threat.

Jessica sees the exchange, but couldn't have known anything malicious was going on. She must have thought my sister's glance was indicative of some agreement Sarah and I had already made, as if we had previously discussed the video and both agreed never to tell our parents that I smoke (I WISH things had gone that smoothly!) The girl seemed to weigh my sister's words, oblivious to the threat against me, then said "OK, great! That's such a relief!" and her wide smile defined her face again. She was convinced nothing was up, and just glad of the weight lifted off her shoulders.

My sister tells Jessica to take a seat, then politely asks me if I would mind getting us drinks and snacks. Right, I see what game we are playing now. Sarah isn't going to boss me around like a dominatrix now that her friend is here. Instead, she's going to ask me nicely and make it look like I am doing all these deeds out of my own free will. But the truth is I am still in no position to disobey her, not unless I want my life ruined. My thoughts dart back to other video, the one Jessica doesn't know about, the one of me slamming into the door in panties and heels. From now on, I need to continually remind myself that such footage can be shared at the tap of a button, and I know Sarah will be ready to strike like a cobra if I make one false move. She'll send the video to Jessica and everyone else. Outside of the endless embarrassment I'd feel, imagine what the innocent girl would think of me dressing up in my sister's clothes - she'd think I'm a pervert! If that isn't incentive to play along under the guise of a loving brother, I don't know what is. Well played, Sarah.

Although I have tasks to do, I find myself lingering by the doorway, watching Jessica as she neatly sits on the couch, holding her black skirt down as she does. She sits up dead straight, her posture perfect, her form respectful. So mannerly, not like the way my sister lounged around on the same couch. I can't take my eyes off the girl, pretty and elegant and so humbly dressed. Sarah catches me looking and sends me yet another death-stare and I panic, the thought of our secret jumping to mind. Sarah has to understand that I wasn't checking her friend out! It's not my fault I appreciate manners and grace! But my sister definitely thinks I was staring at Jessica's legs or something, judging by the rage she is trying hiding on her face. She plants herself firmly on the ottoman and casually taps along the side with her lemon nails, doing so to remind me of what's inside, and that she could whip out the whole miserable outfit anytime she wanted. "You're not in the clear yet, bro" her actions said. But in reality, my sister says, "Oh, and if you don't mind bro, can you bring my glasses and heels upstairs? They should be just inside the front door."

"Yeah, I noticed those, actually!" Jessica chimes in, in a voice naturally chirpier than Sarah could ever hope to feign. "Were you in heels? Were you at a party?" Her voice was excited, anticipating a story. She's the type of girl to find out a best friend went to a party, and desire to hear of all the fun they had rather than dwell on the fact they weren't invited themselves. I think she could only ever see the bright side of life, and her positively was downright infectious. I find myself smiling like an idiot just listening to her speak, forgetting all the bullshit I'm currently going through. I can't believe I thought this girl would be another Sarah, ready to embarrass and torture me. I think even Sarah herself must be mad I am enjoying her friend's presence. But what did she expect? She's the only evil one here. And, as if my very thoughts were her cue, Sarah begins to answer her friend's question, and it is only then that I realize how bad that is for me.

"Well..." Sarah begins, and I can tell she is savoring every moment of this. "There's actually a really funny story behind those heels." She says this to Jessica, but her eyes are focused solely on me. And I just stare back, frozen in fear. She can't do this to me! I can just imagine Sarah dashing forward any second and yanking my shorts down, revealing my little forest-green panties. "It's easier to show rather than tell," she would quip. Imagine what Jessica would think if she knew what I wore and what I'm STILL wearing! She'd leave the room and probably never want to look at me again, and tell every girl she knows what a freak I am. But Sarah doesn't move from the ottoman, instead choosing to reveal all verbally. Crossing her legs, her housecoat hitching up and revealing her thick, golden thighs, she begins:

"You see-"

And then it all comes spilling out...

From me.

"IT IS A FUNNY STORY!" I blurt, awkwardly loud. I laugh nervously and hope it sounds convincing. Jessica's gorgeous brows furrow in confusion, and Sarah's smirk creeps onto her face; "I can't wait to see you get yourself out of this one," it said.

"It is REALLY funny," Sarah agrees with fake enthusiasm. "Why don't you tell Jessica?" The brunette looks at me eagerly, forgetting her confusion from moments ago.

I couldn't control myself there, I had to interrupt Sarah. I couldn't have her revealing the real story! And there's no way I'm gonna reveal the truth either, so I guess I gotta come up with a lie to cover up this morning's events. I hope Sarah doesn't intend on punishing me for interrupting her, but looking at her now, she looks absolutely delighted by my panic and my awkwardness. You'd swear it's what she lives for by the look on her face. She knows I won't tell of what really happened, so I have to come up with a "really funny" story right here, right now, and try (somehow!) not to look like a fucking idiot in the process. And if my story makes no sense, or if I'm a bad liar... the truth will come out! Yeah, I doubt my sister will punish me, because this IS a punishment itself.

"Yeah, it is a funny story..." I say, stalling for time as I try to make something up.

"You just said that," my sister observes. I throw her a nasty side-glance, as I feel my face redden slightly.

"Yeah so... uhhh," I continue, awkwardly. "This morning... This morning our neighbor called over! Yeah..." (WHERE am I going with this?)

Sarah lets out a little snicker, Jessica thinking she is just laughing at the funny story yet to be told, I knowing better. The graceful girl looks on politely, waiting for the tale she was promised. I notice the faintest row of little freckles sprinkled across her small nose and above her rosy cheeks, and the cuteness of it all does little to help my nerves.

"Yeah, so our neighbor called over this morning..." I repeat. "With her kid!" I add, before Sarah can chime in with another, "You just said that"

I am not sure exactly what I'm talking about, but I can't back-track on what I just said, otherwise I'd look insane. So I run with it. "Yeah, she's got this adorable little 5-year-old named Macy!" I continue. That technically wasn't a lie, our neighbors do have a kid named Macy. I just haven't seen her in a while, let alone this morning. But Jessica's smile gets bigger still, thrilled at the mention of a little girl. "Cute!" she says, brown eyes wide.

"Yeah!" I respond, grateful I have her convinced (so far!). I lean up against the doorway and carry on with my story. "And so our neighbor, Anne, sits down with us in our kitchen for a quick cup of coffee. She was told to call over to check on us, you see, since our parents are away for the weekend"

Damn, that was good. I'm proud of myself for coming up with that detail, it actually sounded convincing. Jessica nods, beckoning to hear the rest of it.

"Anyway, we're all chatting - Sarah, Anne and me - about how we are getting on and all that, with little Macy after wandering off somewhere. We assumed she was just in the hallway, so we thought nothing of it"

The ever-overly-enthusiastic Jessica is full of intrigue at this point, and even Sarah looks a little disheveled at the confidence I've suddenly gained.

"So," I continue, "fast-forward like ten mins, and Anne tells us she better get going. She heads out of the kitchen, right? And me and Sarah too. But, none of us can see Macy around! Anne calls out for her, wondering where the kid went. We're all surprised, we thought she was just outside the kitchen door"

At this point, I kinda know where I'm going with this story. Let's hope I can pull this off.

"Next second - Oh my God you should have been there! Next second, we see her trudging down the stairs, and believe it or not, she's got on those big pink heels and my sister's huge sunglasses. She must have sneaked her way into my sister's room!"

"No way!" says Jessica, "All in the space of ten minutes? Kids are SO crafty!"

"I know, right?" I reply, and I can see Sarah is not impressed by how well I am getting on with her friend. "And you know the best part?"

"Oh my God, what?"

"When she gets to the bottom of the stairs, the kid sticks her hands on her hips, posing, and says 'Look at me, mommy, I'm Sarah!'"

I don't know how I came up with that whole thing on the spot, but I did. And Jessica found it all too funny, and more importantly, believed every word of it. "That's hilarious!" she said through little bursts of laughter. She was the type of girl to put a hand over her mouth when she laughed.

"Oh, believe me, it was! Anne was so embarrassed and must have apologized a hundred times! Especially when little Macy refused to take the heels off!"

It seemed that once I got the flow of it, the lies just came to me. I somehow bluffed my way out of a potentially embarrassing situation, and got a cute girl laughing to boot. However, there was still one major concern... Sarah.

Jessica turns to her friend. "You inspire the younger generation, Sarah!" she says, and laughs some more. She doesn't see any foul play going on, but my sister might not see it that way. I bet she thinks I was trying to insult her or embarrass her with that story, to get back at her for all she's done. And while she would TOTALLY deserve the payback, that actually wasn't my intention; I just blurted the only funny thing I could come up with! I can't get punished for that, surely... Sarah threw me in the deep end and I just found a clever way to throw it back at her. God, I hope it didn't rile her up too much; she could send that video, or take back her shorts, or kick me in the balls again, or whip out the outfit... Who knows!

But whatever punishment she has in store for me, Sarah decides not to act out on it now, and instead, feigning mild embarrassment, playfully says, "Oh Shut up, Jess" and then adds, "It was SO embarrassing. I was lucky it was only heels and sunglasses she took from my wardrobe!"

Jessica giggles at that, as Sarah puts on a shy smile, nothing like her evil smirk. If she was angry, she was hiding it well. Is she playing along for her friend's sake? Maybe she doesn't want Jessica to realize she's been blackmailing me all morning, since Jessica would certainly feel guilty, being the one to send the original video. And who could ever want to upset a girl like her? Well, I'm not so sure that'd be enough to restrain Sarah from punishing me. I'm honestly lost, and would love to know what's going on in my sister's head, what's she plotting.

"Anyway," Sarah says, after a few more false laughs with her friend. "You better put them away in my wardrobe, bro. If we leave 'em lying around, someone else might end up striking a pose in them. You never know".

The threat certainly didn't go over my head. She was warning me that if I try to mess with her again, I'd be forced to prance around with my hands on my hips in heels and sunglasses. And something about the umpteenth glare she threw at me suggested it would be ONLY heels and sunglasses. I got the message loud and clear: YOU ARE ON THIN ICE. She's definitely full of rage and just waiting to release it, I don't doubt it. I decide it best to obey her without hesitation this time, and leave the room.

In the hallway, I bend down and pick up the heels, and the sunglasses that lay on top of them. As I do so, I find myself trying to stretch the shorts as they don't quite cover me entirely when bent over. Something I have to be careful about, but I'll get used to it. Somehow, I can't help but be in a good mood, at least somewhat; I was pretty proud of my fictitious story, and the fact that I escaped embarrassment for the time being. Not to mention, I made Jessica smile and laugh, AND I'm in the shorts and shirt I've been craving all day. But, when I'm about halfway up the stairs, as if to remind me not to become too optimistic, the living room door opens up again.

I pause and look back. Sarah steps out the door, her housecoat lifting dangerously high in her quick movement. She clearly wanted to catch me before I disappeared upstairs. "I'm gonna text Rose and see where she is," I can hear Jessica say from inside the living room. My sister turns her head back with a smile and says "Perfect!" Then, turning to me, calls up the stairs with, "While your upstairs Bro, mind grabbing my slippers? You know the pink fluffy ones?" Then, as I watch her take a few steps closer until she reaches the bottom of the stairs, she adds in a low voice so that Jessica can't hear, "Who ends up wearing them will depend on your behavior. You better be the best brother in the fucking world for the rest of the day and do exactly as I ask, or else the entire internet finds out you like to play dress up in your spare time. I'm only leaving you off this time because I enjoyed watching you squirm when I put you on the spot, but try to embarrass me again and I swear..."

She didn't have to finish the sentence. I knew what it meant. I nodded and nodded, and when she gave me leave to carry on, I scrambled up the rest of the stairs, not feeling so good anymore, instead thinking of all the ways to be the best brother in the world.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

When will you write more???

TheSlutInsideTheSlutInsidealmost 2 years ago

Great series. So hot. Loved the things she made him wear / do and how it made him feel

Jasmines_PetJasmines_Petover 2 years ago

A brilliant series! Loved the manipulative nature of the relationship and would love to read more.

DiaperboyMiDiaperboyMiover 2 years ago

Fun story!!!!!! Will there be more.??????

chloe2chloe2over 2 years ago

Really loved the story! Do you have any plans to continue it?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I like this story, I understand the difference between the fantasy and the real life... that the story has to be more concentrated than real life. This story is inspiring for me in some ways, but it also reminds me of "old times", from time to time. Thank you... (Sorry to googletranslate :-)

GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationover 3 years ago

The story-line remains interesting and provocative.

I went back to the beginning story, hoping to find clues to Sarah's motivation in some casual comment. The closest was a reference to him having teased her in the past. Not really a significant enough explanation. That lack of info makes it easier to assume the worst (of both her and him), yielding some of the name-calling of commenters.

If she is getting off on the power, she doesn't seem secure/comfortable in it. If she only wants his $$ then the shallowness will be disappointing. I'm hoping there's something like an incest vibe, or pleasure from turning him into a cross-dresser, and -once the guys get there- a sissy. It's a mystery.

I had the hardest time sticking with the story when he agreed to pay $500 for the shirt & short, especially when she said she'd be coming for the rest of it. At this rate, I have the expectation that he's going to lose it all; the money, his reputation, the concert/gig. I just hope we get to witness someone enjoying it.

Goddess_WorshipGoddess_Worshipover 3 years agoAuthor


And what would you do any different?

dressingSaradressingSaraover 3 years ago

Love the story, cant wait for more

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The brother is retarded. That is the only possible explanation.

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