The Dead World Ch. 16


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He passed her a roguish grin, his eyes sweeping down her slender form to take in the light changes she'd made to her attire, looking much more the image of the Charlie he had met early on with the exception of her long, wavy curls sweeping from beneath the beanie upon her head.

She heaved a sigh, and rolled her eyes, her voice a dangerously low, demanding tone. "Where's Danny?"

"Shit, was 'bout ta ask ya the same thing, dollface." Slash chuckled at her and shook his head slowly. "Ain't seen him since last night. Oz was on the overnight shift with Ruthless. When he ain't show at dawn for relief, Boss took a stroll around ta check fer him. Nobody's got eyes on him this morning. All figured he was with ya."

He shrugged absentmindedly and heaved a sigh, shaking his head as he did so with that passive smile still etched upon his lips. "I'll tell ya what... ya shoulda sent him away the other day, baby. You fuckin' idiots just keep rufflin' lil brother's feathers."

"Skully has him if he's nowhere else..." Her dark brows knitted together, and she felt the prickles of anger rising. Moments from demanding their leader's room-number from Slash, he shook his head again, and frowned, this time almost thoughtfully.

"Checked with Skully already. Dog pushed some fuckin' buttons with that last one, kid... ya know that well as I do, don't'cha? Skully came down on him fer it, but he ain't rough him up or nothin'. Ain't seen him since last night, like I said. Don't fret, dollface... he'll turn up. Prolly just takin' a walk. Shit's changed a lot since we got here, an' Dog ain't fond o' shit changin'. Anytime it gets tense, he'll take off in a heartbeat... but he always turns back up. He's loyal like that."

The weather was harsh and unforgiving for anyone to be outside, exposed to the elements. There were dangerous people looking for them. No good could come of Dog being out somewhere on his own... and even more than that, it was hard not to question what exactly had pushed Dog to leave when they had been so... so happy, only a day prior?

She felt the nervousness slowly subside, but couldn't deny the pulse of heart wrenching sadness at the thought of it... of Danny just disappearing without a word to her about it. The sinking feeling was hard to come to terms with. The tease of panic she wanted to let grip her was carefully redirected, and instead, Dove thought to hold on to only her worry over it. Slash moved in the doorway, pressing it wide, and tossing his head back in a wordless demand for her to enter the room. It earned him a heated glare from the younger woman, who crossed her slender arms haughtily over her chest. God did she detest this fucking man.

"Chill the fuck out, girly... he'll be straight. Dog's a survivor if ever was one. Boy's smart as a whip. Prolly found his way back to yer lil' hideout... He'll turn back up when he's ready, that's the way of it." She pushed past him, and he let the door slip closed after her, not bothering with the lock.

Slash's space was chaos. She supposed it only suited him, the scattering of various items of clothing here and there, the multitude of weapons of various sorts strewn about, clusters of bullets and travel bags of multiple purposes.

Charlotte winded her way through the landmines of material on the floor, and sunk languidly down to sit in the chair nearest the door to the patio. Slash didn't seem to mind the clutter at all, moving through it with expert focus to swipe the square silver lighter from the nightstand aside the hotel bed, drawing a joint from his pocket and placing it between his thin lips.

"... Skully took him on when we passed through Texas, first time 'round close to winter when the shit first went down. Was just a scrawny lil' shit then. Ain't nobody but Skully have the mind or patience ta deal with him. Damn feral he was--raiders took his tongue, couldn't speak--only growled and barked an' tried takin' yer fuckin' hand off with his teeth if ya got too close to him... Colt brought him around again. That's why Dog owes him e'rethin'. Been thick as thieves, girly... til we came by ya, at least."

She was hesitant still, and tried not to allow her mind to dwell too long on the details of it all, knowing only what the man standing before her was telling her now. Her arms remained crossed tightly over her chest, and she nodded slowly. "... Alright.. I... I, um... I'm supposed to..."

She trailed off abruptly as she tried to regain her pattern of thought, finding it difficult to clear Daniel from her mind.

"He'll be back. Best believe it, so calm down. I think after bein' that way for so long when it all went down... sometimes he just needs to reset. Sometimes he just wants to be off by himself."

Charlotte's teeth teased her bottom lip nervously. She took in the calm tone of Slash's voice as he sought to do something rather unexpected when reading the absolute worry on the pretty thing's face. He reassured her as best he could. He inhaled deeply of the medicinal herbs, and closed the space between them, his thin fingers curling around her chin delicately to tilt her head back and bring her gaze to meet his own. His thumb brushed her bottom lip as he leaned down and pressed their lips together with devious intent, breathing the mind-altering smoke into her lungs.

This time was glaringly different from the first time he'd dared to be so bold. Charlotte looked as if she wanted to kill him the first time... but now she hardly seemed phased by the gesture. She didn't impulsively pull back or away from him or push her little hands into his chest with vicious defiance and demand for her personal space. Her dark lashes fluttered, threatening to slip closed, and when he pulled back, the mellow annoyance that echoed in her deep brown eyes was far from the smoldering hatred she had looked upon him with days ago.

"Chin up, Charlie. Ain't used ta seein' ya so fuckin' defeated and mousey... not a good look on ya, lil' shit. Where's that spitfire, huh? All that fight and spirit gone, just like that?"

"Dove," she corrected him promptly. He arched a brow, and straightened up, placing the joint between his lips as she exhaled slowly and averted her gaze. "... I... I haven't gotten anywhere fighting against any of you. It's only made things harder for me. It seems the more I fight, the worse things get, so... I gave up. That's what he wants... isn't it? He wants me to be obedient... he wants me submissive, right? That's why I agreed to the contract, because I knew if I fought him on it, he was going to make me accept it. So no... no more fighting, Slash... not from me..."

"... Always a reason ta keep fightin'... Charlie." He extended his hand and offered her the joint. Dove hesitated, and slowly turned her eyes back to him before plucking the small, smoldering bat from his fingers and placing it gently between her lips. "Buck up, kid. Ain't take ya fer a quitter."

"You don't know anything about me," she snapped dryly, the wispy streak of thick, herbal smoke trailing languidly from her lips as she shifted in the chair and crossed her legs. Her eyes shifted back to Slash, who turned his back to her now, and moved about the room quietly, shifting through various bags before digging out a long-sleeved, thick knit shirt better suited for the drop in temperature with the power now cut in the hotel.

"I know yer a stubborn lil' shit... an' ya care too fuckin' much about e'rethin' but yerself, huh? Not gonna win anythin' stickin' yer neck out fer nobody, girly, best believe that." His light green eyes grew hard as he turned his eyes back upon her, carefully winding his belt through the loops of his jeans as he nodded at her. "Ya here ta settle up? Don't worry 'bout it. Pass me up. Like I said, I'm not fond of ya all meek and mild, lookin' like yer about ta fuckin' cry, pipsqueak. Where's the fuckin' fun in that?"

"... How fucking thoughtful of you, Slash! Seriously, you're the last fucker I thought who'd turn me away... except I can't just 'pass you up.' I'm sure you already know that though, don't you? You and Skully talk it all through... right?" She turned her head and pulled her eyes away from him, glaring off at nothing in particular with an uncharacteristically dark, sneering smirk curled over her plush lips. She tapped a bit of the ash growing on the end of the joint against the arm of the chair before placing the joint back between her lips and inhaling deeply.

"I can't go anywhere. I'm sure he's watching, and he's said already he wants details to make sure I'm 'holding up my end of the contract'. If I don't do what he says, then I have to spend the 'wasted night' with him, and I'm not fucking doing that..."

Slash laughed crudely at that, pausing in the search through the cluttered flooring of this suite to look back to her with his light brows arched high. "Tough fuckin' break, kid... but like I said... I don't like this look on ya. So just kick back. I'll tell him myself I shooed ya off, so he don't come down on ya. I got shit ta handle anyways... clock's tickin' down, gonna be a rough ride up coast assuming we don't all end up fuckin' dead tryna make it outta here."

Dove's weary gaze said everything. She didn't trust him; she had absolutely no reason to, but... she had also never known Slash to be anything short of an insane, selfish fucking prick. To be met with a sudden and unexpected act of apparent kindness from him took her off guard. She shifted nervously in the chair and watched as he approached to reclaim the burning herbs from her.

"Ya look like ya slept like shit. So take the pass, and I dunno, fuckin' sleep or somethin'..."

As he moved to sit on the bed and pull the dark tan boots onto his feet, Dove moved to stand and close the space between them. She stole the joint demandingly from his hands and placed it to her lips, drawing in a deep breath.

"...I want you to find Danny."

The mellow, thoroughly amused expression he met her with as he straightened up held an essence of dark curiosity. He had never known Charlotte to be demanding. He certainly didn't expect her to request help from anyone... He took her as proud and untrusting through and through, and so to have her standing before him now basically commanding him to act on her behalf did nothing but ignite a curious sort of amusement in him. He studied her expression as she exhaled and offered the joint back.

"I would do it myself... but I can't, you know that. And I know you know more than what you're telling me of why he isn't here... so do this for me, please. Just check on him. You can call me on the favor later," she said.

"I guess that lil' spitfire's still in there after all, huh? ... Alright, lil' Dove. I'll check up on him fer ya." He laced the boots rapidly and stood in front of her. She stepped back as he moved to shift through the weapons on the floor, taking from the haphazard collection the sheath containing a machete, and one of the high-powered rifles. He checked the magazine, and satisfied with its contents, looped the strap of the weapon over his shoulders.

"... 'Fore I set out, I want somethin' from ya. Aht-aht, save the fuckin' death glare, I ain't mean it that way... just let me check the wound on yer shoulder." A low chuckle answered Charlie's irritated glare before she heaved a heavy sigh and shook her head defiantly.

"It's healed. There's nothing to check." She all but snapped the words.

"Fuckin' hell, kid... just let me fuckin' look at it, will ya?" It was Slash's turn to roll his eyes as she argued against him, but she moved to sit at the foot of the bed nevertheless, easing her arms from the form fitting feminine leather jacket. She didn't bother entirely disrobing, instead simply pulled up the slightly large black thermal up at the back until she fully exposed the healed wound on her shoulder. The signs of scarring were entirely gone now. The area looked as if it had never known violence at all. Smooth unblemished skin with no telling signs of prior injury left behind.

"This is fuckin' wild, Charlie. I'll tell ya what. Looks like ya got yerself some kinda fuckin' superpower."

"Make sure you tell everyone so you all can stop gawking at me like some kind of fucking circus attraction every time you notice..." She released the gathered material with mild irritation and slowly laid back on the bed, letting her eyes slip shut. Slash moved about the room, gathering items that suggested he certainly meant to spend his time out in the cold. Once he was satisfied with the supplies, he moved on toward the door... and hesitated there for a moment.

"I'm sorry 'bout it... catchin' ya with the knife. Fer what it's worth, wasn't even my idea. All the same... it's my bad, kid... and I'm glad ya mended up the way ya did. Lock up, will ya? I'll check back on ya close ta sundown after I find yer lil' boyfriend and we get the shit settled in the back o' the Hummer."

Dove felt a flicker of satisfaction that the insane asshole had thought to apologize for the violence he brought against her... it was unexpected... like much of his behavior today. But it was not at all unwanted or unwelcome. She hesitated a moment before rising to her feet and crossing the room where he waited. That coy, obnoxious, lop-sided grin pulled over his lips. He took the black band from around a thin wrist and gathered most of his silvery blonde hair up, securing it in a loose knot, his eyes sweeping down the petite woman's nimble frame as she drew near. Oh, Slash was showing exceptional restraint by not going back on the earlier gesture of kindness, allowing her out of the contracted day. Even with that brooding scowl on her face, Charlotte had no less of the disturbing allure she always had.

"I'mma hold ya to that favor later on, dollface.... Expect a good show outta it, too!" He moved beyond the door, and she slammed it promptly behind him, snapping the deadbolt in place and the security bar as well with a low, irate growl. How was it that Slash had single-handedly reversed most of her absolute seething detest of him in a few well said phrases, only to obliterate it in two minutes with only two sentences at the very end...

"Fucking asshole."


© 2023 Seraph Nocturne, All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this literary piece without expressed permission of the author for any purpose is prohibited.

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majapromajapro5 months ago

what a man has to do for love, poor dog :)

SeraphNocturneSeraphNocturne10 months agoAuthor

evebroughtanaxthistime - Aaaaaah yes, yeyes! Update coming, maybe tomorrow? Yippee!


Yesss it's in pending still but it's ready to go! As soon as I get a publication date I'll update in my profile! :D Thanks for being so patient, you guys are awesome.

evebroughtanaxthistimeevebroughtanaxthistime10 months ago

Aaaaaah yes, yeyes! Update coming, maybe tomorrow? Yippee!

SeraphNocturneSeraphNocturne10 months agoAuthor

Anonymous - Update?

Chapter 17 is completed, my editor should have it back to me today so it’ll be submitted by this evening. It usually takes two days or so before they publish.

I’m beginning 18 promptly to make up for my little hiatus. Thanks so much for being patient!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

☆☆☆☆☆ :) great story, looking forward to more

Djmac1031Djmac103111 months ago

Slash is certainly an interesting bird, isn't he?

Still don't know quite what to make of him.

Sigh. Oh, Danny. I get why he ran off. But he still hasn't learned, has he?

SeraphNocturneSeraphNocturne11 months agoAuthor

@ Anonymous - Just purchased on smash words...

Thank you so very kindly, delighted you've enjoyed the series so much! I'm on holiday, so I'll be well at work on Chapter 17 for the next few days with a hopeful release of the weekend at the latest, thanks for being so patient everyone!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Just purchased on smash words site. Excited for chapter 17 soon! 5 stars

SeraphNocturneSeraphNocturne12 months agoAuthor

Anonymous - I just finished The Last of Us...

My love for post-apocalyptic media like The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, Black Summer, Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days Later etc. DEFINITELY inspired my creation of The Dead World! I've been a sucker for anything zombies or dystopian for the longest. I've tried very much to deviate from stereotypical tropes and avoid mimicking any plot points I've seen elsewhere in my hopes of creating an original story with The Dead World, it's not easy to do, seeing as just about everything under the sun has been done with zombies!


It's origin point was a roleplay idea that was never fulfilled, right here on the Literotica forums. I couldn't find a collaborator who could portray the all-male survivor group quite how I wanted, so I shelved the plot to work on as a solo piece, and here we are.


I had the thought of readers who've been intrigued by popular media featuring the dark, gritty world of post-apoc reanimated corpses entirely in mind when penning this series... it touches places where popular media dare not tread. I can't see this story ever seeing the light of day in popular media, unless they omit a LOT of really fucked up scenes, but might make it as an anime rendition some day!


Thanks so much for reading! I'll be pumping out Ch. 17 here soon, and hopefully Ch. 18 right behind it... these chapters leading up to 20 are going to be wild!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I just finished The Last of Us and maybe that's why I like this series so much. I need my Pedro fix haha. There are definitely similarities, but this story features all the things we actually wanted from the show 🤠

SeraphNocturneSeraphNocturne12 months agoAuthor


I agree, the absolute fucking chaos in the earliest days is going to be intense to pen. As of right now Charlie, Oz, Skully, Slash, Diablo and Ruthless are all definite stories going into Ground Zero. Once I'm not juggling so much I'll start plotting them out. Given Dog's age and the violent nature of his backstory, I might not write it because it might make me cry, but if I do it'll only be available upon request. Age paired with violence is not going to pass here on Lit.


I agree with you on the brothers. They're age difference really makes Oz more of a father figure than a brother to Skully. Oz is without a doubt the most sound voice of reason among the group, his sense of morality and being one of the more sane individuals left might push him into making some extremely challenging and unthinkable decisions here in the future, especially as it seems Skully is spiraling into a mind frame of being hellbent on causing some permanent mental trauma to anyone around him.


Matt being alive is a popular theory at this point! You guys will just have to wait and see if it's true or not bwahahaha... I can say that I'm going to have to rethink some directions and plot paths based on fan theories, you guys have some fantastic ideas and some of your thoughts if applied would only make for a better story.

LanaNLanaN12 months ago



That's great news! I'm really excited to see how the group was before they had to become 'road warriors'. I'm a big fan of seeing the beginning of a dystopian future because it's so chaotic.


My last comment cut off (dumb phone), but I was going to say that Skully and Oz had arguably the most complex relationship in the series, which I appreciate. It's fifty-fifty whether Oz will protect or not protect his brother at this point.. or, at least, I feel it's starting to lean to the point will Oz knows Skully is a lost cause and might have to make the hard decision. Assuming the poor man lives. He's a good guy, after all, and they don't have a high mortality rate.


I have also expressed to MediocreAuthor that I had the same theory as Anon about Matt being in the compound. I don't know if he's Achilles, but it's a good bet that if he went missing, the friendly neighborhood dictators had something to do with it.

SeraphNocturneSeraphNocturne12 months agoAuthor

@Anonymous - Fan theory…

I’ll continue keeping TDW fans up to date on my process via Bio, I figured it was wise once I learned that there were members checking regularly for updates.


Matthew is never described in detail just a few mentions of his personality, his presence is very vaguely referred to throughout from Charlie’s point of view… but that’s a fantastic theory. 😄 I will deny nor confirm anything hahahah!


I omitted two scenes that would’ve spiced this Chapter up and I think I’m getting score dinged for it since it’s so mild for the NC/R category… but sometimes I need a break from writing NC guys, I can’t lie, this series is intense! 🤣


I’ve been slowly stretching Chapters closer to 20K words and I’m trying to avoid that while keeping the story progressing forward. Have no fear though. You guys will get your degenerate filth fix here, next Chapter, I promise. 😅


I’m definitely striving to give more insight to our cast, and having them operating as a unit despite the really crazy wedges they’ve got driving in between, the struggles with darkness and morality, and touching base on their humanity. Oz and Ruthless will be in the squad spotlight in the next few chapters!

I’ll also be working on an side series for The Dead World titled Ground Zero, which will showcase our survivors’ stories beginning at day one when the virus outbreak begins!

SeraphNocturneSeraphNocturne12 months agoAuthor


Thank you for reading darlin’, you’re the bestest. While half of our cast is spiraling there’s still a sliver of hope for some among them, some of the boys make really awful decisions but they haven’t completely lost touch with humanity, not all of them.


@Anonymous - 5 STARS…

All of your thoughts are HIGHLY observant here, you’re spot on in a lot of ways. I won’t spoil anything for you guys but, as they say… there’s always a bigger fish and karma is a bitch. Skully is definitely setting himself up to be sans support if and when the shit hits the fan by driving such serious wedges and manipulating the group. Safe to say right now Charlie is making the best of a very bad situation, but she has rallying support from the good among them. It was actually such a hard thing to do to write Dog out, but ultimately, he’d rather them part for now than be forced into anything like they’ve endured in the past.


We’re bound for redemption archs in the future, as well as far greater threats… I’ve said it a few times in the last, our “villains” so far are baby weight in comparison to the evil that’s out there.

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