The Deal Pt. 01


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I felt like I was losing control of the evening but upped the ante when the waitress came around. I took both menus and looked at the evening's selection.

"Hey buster, don't I get to eat?" She looked a little uncertain.

I gave her my best shit eating grin. "You do what I say!"

I then ordered the same starter for both of us, the Coquilles St. Jacques or Scallops in sage cream -for the less informed, and a glass of chilled Rhine Riesling each. The waitress was a little surprised at how I made the decisions without any input from my 'date' and she raised an eyebrow at Shannon who looked up at her. "I have to do anything and everything he wants. It's a DEAL." She said deadpan. The waitress left unsure if she should laugh or be shocked and suddenly we were both snickering at her retreating back and then laughing. "We'll it's true." Said in mock seriousness and that set us off again.

The evening got a whole lot easier from there. We spoke of everyday things then reminisced about mutual friends and acquaintances and generally caught up. She asked me about my law practice, and I told her about the defining case that set me on the map. I asked her about her time after college and she told me she had her teaching degree and had worked right up to the time she got married - Ray said he didn't want his wife working. Then, she was pregnant with twins, and they took up all her time but at least she had professional help in the form of a live-in maid for most of the time.

We ate our starters and drank the crisp Riesling and I marvelled inwardly at how her entire demeanour changed and her eyes lit up when talking about Kayla and Kerry.

Our starter plates cleared, I again ordered without asking her what she wanted. It was Rib-eye steak, pan fried medium-rare in duck fat, sprinkled with sea salt, Ashanti pepper and Grains of Paradise, then flambe'd in Cognac, with Gratin Dauphinois potatoes and wild mushrooms in a garlic butter sauce on the side.

I knew that Maximilien's had a good selection of French wine but instead of ordering the expected Bordeaux I asked for two glasses of the Chateau Neuf-du-Pape instead. Shannon was fascinated by the choice and was about to quiz me on it when I leaned in and said. "Give me your panties".

She looked at me in surprise bordering on shock." Wha- what..." It was like the rug had been swept out from under her feet.

I put out my hand. "Give them to me now!" I spoke loud enough that if any other table had focused on our conversation they would have heard. She was about to argue then resigned herself and started to stand up no doubt to head to the ladies, but I reached across the table and placed my hand on her arm. "Take them off right here."

She dropped back down in her seat with the deer in the headlights look. "Erik?" She whispered. "I can't just take them off here. What if someone sees?"

"What if they do?" I countered.

"I'll be... Why they'll think that..." She was pleading now.

"That you're a slut?" I gave her my trial face, stone-cold - I'm only stating the facts your honour.

"I, I'm not a slut." She hissed.

"Now." I gestured with my hand. Her back stiffened and I thought she was about to stand up and walk out but instead something unreadable passed in her eyes and she put both hands under the table and started working her tight dress up her hips. I idly wondered if she now wished she had worn something less tight. I glanced around and one man and at least two women had noticed and were quietly watching her progress. She lifted her ass off the seat and pulled down her panties. First the one side, then the other, down her thighs. She got them over her knees and down to her ankles before she bent at the waist and picked them up.

Her face was red with exertion or embarrassment or both. She held them out to me balled in her fist. "Place them on the table." I instructed and she flamed an even deeper red. She looked around and her worst fears were confirmed. There were at least four pairs of eyes on her, at least that I could see.

"Please Erik." She held them out. "Just take them."

"On the table." I was unrelenting. She dropped them between us and jerked her hand away and leaned back in her chair in denial that she had anything to do with the little black G-string that had magically appeared between us. "Nice." I gave her my second shit eating grin for the evening. The G-string looked like it was made from a combination of satin or silk and lycra with a row of small glass beads looking like pearls threaded through the string. I had to stop myself from picking it up and smelling her fragrance.

By now, there was a quiet commotion amongst the tables that had noticed. Next to us a man and woman were leaning into each other and having a conversation which led to her standing up and heading in the direction of the toilets. At another table a frumpish woman was quietly berating her husband even as he kept his eyes locked on the small black item which was the cause of consternation. One guy caught my eye and gave me an exaggerated wink. I picked up my wine glass raised it in salute and took a sip. With a slightly jerky movement she picked up hers and had a really large gulp. "Now what?" She looked at me.

"Now we enjoy our mains and maybe dessert then I will take you to the car park where you will get down on your knees and take my cock in your mouth and blow me till I come. And if someone sees you bobbing up and down then so be it."

"So, you want to embarrass and humiliate me in public?"

"Why not, you didn't seem to mind embarrassing me."

"That was a different woman Erik. I was young and stupid and scared I'd never live up to your expectations and it was easier to just bail on you."

"So you say now." I stopped before I lost control and we both looked at each other warily. She was probably wondering how much more this deal she had struck with the Devil would cost her. Me, I was wondering if I would be able to stop or if I was in a spiral that would make me an even bigger asshole than her husband. The question doctor, is whether the cure is worse than the disease. I grappled with that for a while and thought: 'Fuck it!' Then our mains arrived.

Our waitress noticed the G-string on the table as she placed our plates in front of us and hesitated for a moment, then with the air of a consummate professional asked Shannon if she would like a top up of her wine.

The first few minutes consisted of us enjoying the rich succulent steak, and I asked her if the meal was to her liking. I was pleasantly surprised when she flashed me a shaky smile. "This is the best steak I've ever had." She looked me in the eyes without any subterfuge. "You know your way around fine dining it seems," she conceded. I raised my glass in acknowledgement of her compliment and took a sip. "I wish we were friends Erik. Two old friends having a great meal and simply enjoying each other's company but this is not that, is it?"

I shook my head negatively. "No it's not, but it's still a great meal."

She sniffed and nodded her agreement and we ate the rest of the course in quiet contemplation. It gave me time to look around, it seems that our antics had some consequences. The woman who had disappeared into the toilet earlier was halfway down her chair and looked like she had her foot in her date's crotch. The guy who had winked at me was leaning across the table holding his date's hands and whispering something that made her lick her lips. The frumpish woman who had berated her husband seemed to have melted and they were in an animated but warm conversation. Shannon followed my eyes around the room and broke into what I thought looked like a small smile.

There was a choice of two desserts, but I didn't order any as I was already quite full and I didn't want to have to face a groaning stomach.

"No dessert for you?" She queried. " Saving yourself for later?" She tried to sound light-hearted but it came out strained.

"Shannon," I reached over and captured her hand. "I've changed my mind about what I said earlier about taking you outside to blow me in the carpark."

Her eyes went wide but before she could say anything I continued. "I want to take you outside right now, throw you over the hood of my car, push your skirt up to your waist and spread your thighs wide. Then I want to put my mouth on your pussy and taste you and kiss your pussy lips like I would kiss your mouth and then I want to lick you and nibble you and suck your clit like a little cock and I want to kiss, lick and bite the inside of your thighs and slide my tongue from your clit to your asshole and back and I want to taste every bit of you." For a moment, her face lost all colour, but a flush quickly crept up her neck and onto her cheeks. Her green eyes were wide and bright. "Then I want to roll you onto your back and hang your head over the side of my car and fuck your mouth deep into your throat and hold my cock in it while I come and make you swallow every drop."

I called for the check while she looked at me shaken and silent. I paid cash and left a huge tip. I stood, picking up Shannon's G-string fighting the urge to sniff it and put it recklessly into my jacket's top pocket and waited for Shannon, but she kept seated looking embarrassed. I gestured for her to stand but she called me over unsettled. "Erik, you'll have to stand and walk behind me." She said softly. "I've soaked my dress."

I walked around and pulled out her chair shielding her as she stood up. I looked down at the wet spot on the seat of her dress. It wasn't that big, but it was there. We said goodnight to our waitress and Marcel, and I shadowed Shannon into the carpark.

Once outside, I wrapped my arm around her waist from behind and pulled her ass against my re-awakened cock. Up close I could smell her arousal overriding the smell of her Angel perfume. I was somewhat surprised but secretly satisfied that I had this extreme reaction from her. She spun around and pushed her whole body against me her face tilted upwards. Her lips open almost panting. She was a woman in heat. "Kiss me Erik, or will that spoil your punishment of me?" She pulled me to her lips. She smelled of steak and wine and garlic but so did I. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips and I pulled her into me and crushed her lips to mine. They were soft and moist but demanding. I was losing myself and I grabbed her face with both hands and turned her head so I could get my tongue as deep as I could.

She wasn't passive though and she pushed my tongue back into my mouth with hers and returned the kiss with a sudden bruising ferocity. She grabbed my face and held her lips hard against mine. She bit my lower lip to the point where I tasted blood, and I returned the favour till she cried out in pain but she didn't disengage for a moment. My right hand was under her skirt, and she lifted and curled her leg around my thigh to give me wide access to her pussy.

I slid my hand to the top of her thigh till I brushed up against a wet volcano. I ran my fingers against her lips, and they slipped easily to her clit which was raised and hard as a nut. I pushed my fingers downwards and slipped two into her sopping wet cunt. She bucked her hips wildly against my invading fingers - then my phone started ringing. I reached for it with my free hand and rejected the call. We stumbled in the dim light locked in our embrace and trying to get to my car. She looked up at me.

"Do it Erik, I don't care who sees or what they think of me. Do it just as you said, lay me down on the hood of your car, kiss my pussy, lick it bite it. Fill my mouth with your cock and flood my throat with your cum."

I was almost out of my mind with desire, but my phone was ringing again. I ignored it. I found my car and I lifted her onto the Merc's hood. Her hand was rubbing my cock and trying to pull down my zip, her lip-lock was unrelenting.

The phone was ringing again.

"Oh, for God's sake, answer that!" She shouted exasperated! So I did and the whole evening went to shit.


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GlamDenBCGlamDenBC3 months ago

@oldtwit.... I'm re-reading the Deal for the third time and after the first page which should gave been Italicized tonindicatecthe original, thereafter it was pure NickTee and I'll say it again that the restaurant scene ending in the carpark got every woman who read it sopping. I shared it with some girlfriends and let's just say that their men were very happy later.

oldtwitoldtwit3 months ago

So much of this was just a cut and paste job from the original

GlamDenBCGlamDenBC4 months ago

NickTee has delivered the most erotic scene I have ever read on LW. I'm with Helen 1899 on that - I was as soaked as Shannon. I wonder how much of Erik is modeled on NickTee personally. In the final chapter he said that he wrote this for his wife. Lucky girl!

TracklTrackl4 months ago

Hmm, I thought it would be some drama, but for now it seems more like a sex story.

Helen1899Helen18994 months ago

Wonderfully erotic, the restaurant scene made my pussy as wet has hers. What a great start to the series. 5* . Whose the idiot Muncher? Get a life to somewhere else to Get your thrills.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades5 months ago

Good start. Thanks for your writing.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

To repeat what so many others have already said. The restaurant scene was one of the most erotic things i've ever read. Thanks. I'm onto chapter 2 with high expectations.

Anonymous for a reason.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Why is there always a vocal minority ready to post an ugly comment. The stories are free and anyone can write what they like. If you think you won't like the story don't read it. If you read it and don't like it offer positive and considered criticism to the author. It's not like you wasted your money. If you liked it and want to tell the author do so. Can we also remember that the loving wives category is about wives behaving badly in an erotic sense. I'm not quite certain how its been turned into what it is today. I think the author should have published this under Romance where it would have received an overall rating of 5. Well done this is the best Loving Wives series of 2023

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Dear Muncher354 - thank you gor letting us know what an under endowed loser you are. Next time try reading the story before you regale us with your inconsequential opinion based solely on your sad inability to read much more than - see spot run...

patilliepatillie6 months ago

Great first installment, you hooked me! Cant wait to see how this turns out.

muncher354muncher3546 months ago

This is a pathetic story for divorced dudes. Man I'm glad I ain't one you, because this is just sad.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Decent writing, dreadful story.

enderlocke77enderlocke776 months ago

Eh lost me when the Mc turned into yet another sleezy lawyer/pimp

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Doing shit in public with his CLIENT was a very stupid move. Otherwise…..nice story.


4 ****

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This wasn't great as Rehnquist's original. No improvements by upping the sleaze factor

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