The Decision


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"Josie had her panties off and was finger fucking herself while watching the action. Phil undressed and walked up to her and tried to pull her fingers out of her pussy so he could fuck her, but she wouldn't let him. I was busy trying to work my cock into Sue's ass so I lost track of what was going on between Josie and Phil, but the next time I looked their way they were kissing and Phil was finger fucking her while she was jacking him off. That's all she did though. It was the same for the next three weeks. She would let you suck her tits and finger fuck her and she would give you a hand job, but that is all she would do. She wanted to join in and once she was even on her hands and knees getting ready to suck Charlie's cock, but at the last minute she pulled back, said she couldn't and just jacked him off."

"That's it?"

"That's all I know about. I know Billie and Sue have gotten together with Charlie and Bill on nights other than Thursday, but I don't know about any of the others."

I cut the wraps loose and then said, "This little talk never took place. If I find out that you have mentioned it to anyone I'll burn you. You and Todd are the only single ones in the group so if I find out you have told anyone about this I'll make sure the husbands and wives of the others find out about what has been going on and I'll make sure that everyone knows the information came from you. Got it?"

He nodded a yes and I left his apartment. As I drove home I had the answers to at least two of my questions. I know knew why Josie's sexual appetites were fired up and I knew why she had been so wet the times I'd noticed. She was wet from getting off on some one's fingers. I was not at all happy with my bride. She might not consider having another man's hands on and in her body and his mouth on hers and on her tits as infidelity. She might not feel she was cheating as long as actual fucking didn't take place, but I didn't see it the same way. Granted, her body was hers to do with what she liked, but when she said "I do" she had given me exclusive rights. I didn't yet know what I was going to do, but I was not happy. I was not happy in the least. And there was something else. Something about my talk with Ryan didn't ring right, but I couldn't put my finger on it, but it would come to me eventually.


Josie was hot to trot that night; probably in anticipation of what she would be watching the next night. Or maybe actually participating in if she were to give up on involving me or somehow getting my approval.

Thursday morning I decided to throw some shit into the game. Over breakfast I said:

"I think I'll swing by and join you at the bar after work tonight. I had a pretty good time at the picnic with Todd and Ryan and I think I'd like to get to know them a little better."

I didn't say "Would you mind" or "Would it be all right with you" I just flat out told her I was going to be there and then waited to see what she would do. She didn't sound too enthused when she said:

"That would be nice. I'd like for you to get to know the guys I work with a little better."

As I drove to work I was thinking that there would be some interesting conversations in her office that day.


It was maybe an hour after lunch and I was sitting on the toilet in the bathroom when what I had been thinking about on my way home from my talk with Ryan came back to me and I realized what it was that bothered me. What he'd said was too 'practiced' if that is the word I was looking for. It was almost like he was reciting from a script. Well practiced and memorized. Done well, I'd have to admit that, but just enough 'off' to plant something in my mind. I was going to have to do some more digging.

I left work early and hit Wal-Mart. They had a digital voice operated recorder that had a thirty-seven hour capacity and I bought two of them. Next stop was Radio Shack (I bought the recorders at Wally World because they were cheaper there) where I bought a lapel microphone with a cord that would plug into the recorder and a package of alligator clips. Then I headed over to where Josie worked. I watched her and her co-workers leave and then I went around the building to the loading dock. Josie's company had the third and fourth floors and they got off at five. The company that had the first and second floors was open twenty-four/seven and I knew the loading dock wouldn't be locked.

I was taking a gamble that I thought no one would expect me to take. I went through the loading dock hoping not to be noticed, but not really worried if I was. I had come through it once before and when the loading dock foreman had seen me and asked who I was and what I was doing there I told him I was there to surprise my wife. It was her birthday and I was going to take her out for a night on the town. If I got stopped I'd give a similar story.

No one saw me and I made my way up to the third floor. I crossed my fingers and hoped that everyone was gone from the office and then I went in. The floor seemed quiet and I quickly moved to Josie's work area. It took a few minutes to find a suitable hiding place for the recorder. From its hiding place it would be able to record anything said around Josie's desk and it would pick up her side of any phone conversations. If it were to be found by accident no one would be able to connect it to me. I got out of the building and as far as I knew no one had seen me.

I drove over to the bar and joined my wife and three of her coworkers – Todd, Ryan and Sue. Three guesses as to where the others were. As I sat down at the table with them I wondered if Ryan had talked and that Josie, Todd and Sue knew that I knew what they had been up to. They didn't show it if they did.

Todd, Ryan and I talked motorcycles and took turns dancing with Sue and Josie until it was time to head on home. Todd, Ryan and Sue were still there when Josie and I left and I wondered if they had enough time to get in a quick one with Sue before she had to get home to her husband and kids.

That night for the first Thursday in a month Josie didn't come after me when we went to bed. I took that to be further proof that our increased sex life was fed by either guilt or the excitement of what she had been doing. When she didn't make the move I did just to see if she would put me off. She didn't, but the wild unrestrained passion of the previous Thursdays wasn't there and there was no morning sex either.


I left for work at my usual time and drove a couple of blocks away and waited to give Josie time to get out of the house and head to work and then I went back home. Out of my toolbox in the garage I got my wire cutters and wire strippers. I cut the microphone off of the wires it was attached to, stripped the wires and put alligator clips on them. I plugged the cord into the recorder and then went down to the basement and found the phone wires where they came into the house. I stripped the outer casing off the phone line exposing the four wires inside. I ignored the black and white wires and stripped the coating off of the red and yellow ones. I attached the alligator clips to the bare wires and then I went up to the kitchen, took out my cell phone and called the house phone. The phone rang and I answered it, said "Testing, testing" and then hung up. I went back down to the basement and checked the recorder and saw that the counter had advanced. I rewound it, hit play and heard "Testing, testing" and then I rewound it again and headed off to work.


When I got home from work that evening Josie had dinner ready and she gave no indication that she suspected that I knew anything about what she had been up to. I remembered Ryan saying that Josie and the other women in the group were working on a new plan and I wondered what it was and when they would put it into play. There was no sex on Friday night and I was up and out of the house by seven to meet three friends for a round of golf. I would get home around two and since Josie was usually up by eight on Saturday she would have six hours without me around and maybe she would use some of that time to talk to her co-conspirators or for all I knew invite them over.

My game suffered that morning because I couldn't concentrate on it. I kept thinking about the situation with Josie and wondering what might be on the digital recorder when I checked it. I got home a little after two and Josie was in the basement doing laundry so I couldn't get to the recorder and then it was time to get ready to go to her Cousin Laurie's birthday party. I had to wait until Josie went shopping Sunday afternoon before I could get to the recorder. There were several calls I had to skip through to get to the one that was interesting.


"Hi, it's me. Is he there? Can you talk?"

"Yes. He's out golfing."

"I'm dying of curiosity. Anything new to report?"

"No. Why would there be?"

"You mean he still hasn't said anything?"

"No. I'm watching him close and so far he hasn't let on that he knows."

"Have you decided what you are going to do?"

"About what?"

"About Thursday nights."

"You already know I'm not going to do anything until I can find a way to talk to Frank about things."

"Why are you playing games girlfriend? You want to do it. You know you want to do it."

"I won't be unfaithful to Frank and I've told all you guys that."

"Get real Josie. You already have been unfaithful. Phil, Charlie and Mike have all had their cocks halfway down your throat. Just because you haven't given up your pussy doesn't mean that you are still true to your hubby."

"That's not the way I see it Sue. My pussy and ass are Frank's and no one else's unless he says I can let someone else have them."

"Bull hocky girlfriend. The only reason you can still say that is because Marge and Billie pulled Todd off of you the last time we were all together."

"What do you mean?"

"You were so into giving Phil a blow job that you weren't paying any attention to anything else. You were on your knees gobbling Phil's dick and your ass was up in the air and waving and Todd stepped up behind you. He had his hands on your hips and a half inch of cock into you when Marge and Billie pulled him off. He had his cock starting in you and you never even noticed. I'd bet everything I have that if Frank hadn't interfered Thursday and you had gone to the motel with the rest of the guys you would have been on your back with three of them in you before you went home. The truth is that you want to do it, but are afraid to bring it up to Frank and it is going to happen whether you bring it up to him or not. Either talk to Frank and get him on board or quit stopping with the group because if you keep stopping it will happen whether you want it to or not."

There was a second or two of silence and then Josie said, "Todd really had his cock in me?"

"Just enough to start parting your lips. A half second more and he would have been all the way in."

"And I never noticed?"

"You weren't concentrating on anything except seeing how much of Phil's cock you could swallow."

"Well it is a pretty nice cock" Josie said and Sue laughed.

"Oh yes indeed it is girlfriend and the fact that you just said that is all the proof I need that with or without Frank's blessings you are going to become a full fledged member of the group and soon. I'd bet on the coming Thursday. Hey! Got to go. Hubby just pulled into the garage."


As I walked back up the stairs my mind was in a huge tangle. I loved Josie. I loved her enough that I would have died to save her if it ever came to that, but loving her or not there were some things a man just could not tolerate, I wasn't at all happy with the finger fucking and kissing and hand jobs, but I figured I could work by them. But blow jobs? That was a different breed of cat and I didn't know that our marriage could survive that.

I didn't know if I could compose myself enough to face Josie right then so I went outside and busied myself doing yard work. I was cutting the grass when Josie got home and I went from that to pulling weeds out of the flower beds. I was washing my car when Josie called me in for dinner and then I did my best to keep up my end of the dinner conversation. After dinner I went out into the garage and found things to do to keep me busy and keep me from going into the house and having to be with my wife.

Eventually however bedtime was upon me and I went into the house, up to the bedroom and then into the shower. When I came out I found a naked Josie waiting for me on the bed and for the first time ever I told Josie that I wasn't feeling well. I could see that she was stunned by that, but I ignored her, slid under the covers and rolled onto my side with my back to her. After some hesitation she snuggled up against my back and I fell into a fitful sleep.


In the morning I was up and out of the house before Josie woke up and I spent most of the day at work not getting anything done as my thoughts on the situation with Josie rolled over and over in my head. By quitting time I still had no clear idea of what I was going to do. I did know that I needed to get my head out of my ass and get back to acting natural if I wanted to keep Josie confused. It was obvious from the conversation between Josie and Sue that Ryan had informed Josie and probably the entire group that he had blown the whistle on them and that Josie now knew that I knew. She had to be on pins and needles waiting to see what I was going to do and I wanted to keep her on that edge. To do that I had to act natural and keep on pretending I was "Frank the Clueless." That meant that if she offered pussy I needed to take it. But even at that there were limits. I would not be kissing the mouth that had sucked Phil's, Mike's and Charlie's cocks and let her think what she wanted to about that.

I left work early and was waiting when Josie and her bunch left work. I went in through the loading dock and up to Josie's desk and retrieved the digital recorder and once again I was sure that I hadn't been seen. I played the recorded as I drove home. There was a bunch of work stuff that I wasn't interested in and then it got to a place where I was. Once again it was Sue talking to Josie.

"What happened when you left?"


"He didn't say anything? Do anything?"

"Not a word. He is acting like he doesn't know."

"You couldn't tell that he knows?"

"No, he hasn't shown a thing."

"I don't believe it. How could he not show something after Ryan told him everything?"

"I don't know, but maybe it was because Ryan didn't tell him everything."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Remember that we coached the guys not to mention the blow jobs if Frank came after any of them? We told them to only tell about the fingering and hand jobs. Maybe that was a mistake. Maybe he is still thinking about things. Maybe it is a case of Frank not being all that upset over what little Ryan told him and he is still trying to make up his mind about what to do. Maybe if Ryan had told him about the blow jobs he would be reacting differently. I'm hoping that the fact he hasn't confronted me means that he is thinking about doing what I hoped we could steer him into with the van setup. Maybe he is trying to talk himself into it. All I know is that I'm not going to do anything. He knows, I know he knows and I'm going to let him run with it and see what he does."

"Is that safe?"

"If he was going to go off on me he would have done it by now."

"What was he trying to do last night?"

"I don't know. I hoped he was going to bring it up with us and maybe indicate he wanted to be a part of it, but he didn't so maybe all it was was a way to keep me from being in the motel with the rest of the guys."

"So that's it? Wait and see?"

"Yep; wait and see."

There was a lot more on the recorder, but it all had to do with work. There were some sounds that I took to be the cleaning crew moving around in the office that evening or over the weekend and then some good mornings and how were your weekends. A couple of business related talks and then Sue and Josie again.

After an exchange of good mornings Sue asked, "Everything still the same?"

"As a matter of fact no. For the first time ever Frank wouldn't make love to me. I was ready and he turned his back on me."

"That isn't a good sign."

"No it isn't."

"What are you going to do?"

"What can I do? I just have to wait and see what happens."

"Yeah, but what are you thinking? You going to give up on Thursdays or just keep things going the way they are and hope?"

"I don't know Sue; I really don't know."

Just then Josie's phone rang and the rest of what was on the recorder was all work related.

Josie had dinner ready when I got home and we both acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Josie asked me if I was feeling better and I told her that I was.

"I think it was just a mild touch of stomach flu."

She smiled and said, "You left me horny last night and I've been carrying it around with me all day. Think you can help me out tonight?"

"I wouldn't be the bit surprised."

I helped her with the dishes and then we watched some TV until bed time. Once again Josie was naked and waiting for me when I came out of the shower and I crawled between her spread legs and started eating her pussy. She moved into a sixty-nine and we went at each other for about five minutes and then she pulled away from me and swung over me and rode me cowgirl style. After we had both gotten off she went down on me and got me hard again and that time she wanted me to "puppy fuck" her which is what she called dog fashion. It took a supreme effort on my part to keep it up as I remembered her Saturday conversation with Sue where I heard that she was on her knees ass up sucking Phil's cock while Todd was getting ready to do her doggie. I managed to get the job done and Josie snuggled up against me and we fell asleep.


Tuesday and Wednesday passed with the two of us giving Academy Award performances as two people who had no secrets from each other. We did make love Wednesday night and when we were done and snuggled up I wondered if she had noticed that I hadn't kissed her in over four days. I had spent the time since hearing the Saturday conversation doing an awful lot of soul searching and by Wednesday evening I had decided what I was going to do.

I did love Josie and I loved her so much that I couldn't make a decision on my own so I took the cowards way out and dumped the decision onto her.

I woke up early Thursday morning and set the scene and then I left the house and headed out. I stopped at a Waffle House for breakfast and then went on into work. When Josie got up and came down to the kitchen to get her first cup of coffee she would find the kitchen table set for her. In the middle of the table she would find three sheets of paper. On her left the paper was a list of the names of the people she worked with. On the right was a blank sheet of paper with my wedding ring sitting in the middle of it. Between the two sheets the third piece of paper sat with only two words in big block letters on it.

"Your choice."

I would have my answer when I got home from work. She would either be home...or she wouldn't.

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AccelarVesterAccelarVester5 days ago

Why do husbands make things so complicated? Cal her out then figure it out.

ReadyOneReadyOnealmost 2 years ago

Alternate ending:

Josie drops out of the group and nothing more is said. They both save face, and reset the relationship back to before Josie started off the reservation.

Josie ether gives up her wonderlust, or formally talks about it. She has learned that going behind his back will be fatal, and neither want to break up.

And that is the key assumption to the story which explains the hesitancy in both characters which many readers see as whimping out.

SunnyU2SunnyU2almost 2 years ago

Good read. In my mind she ready went to far. Even without the sex, her entire plan was a betrayal.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Passive cunt of a husband character. Same old, same old

TheRealMadtexTheRealMadtexalmost 2 years ago

Leaving a good story like this, is just plain lazy writing.

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