The Descending of Jessica Ch. 12


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"You should probably sit down," I lustily whispered.

I slowly kissed my way down his neck, then his chest, stopping to circle his nipple with my lips and tongue. As I slid to my knees, I looked up into his azure eyes and left a trail of kisses down his body.

"I love you," he whispered.

I smiled back at him. "I love you, too, more than words can say, but I want to show you," I whispered as I took his shaft in my hand and gently let my hand stroke it slowly up and down. I saw it now for the second time since the wreck, and this time I would not be stopped in loving it, and Brent through it.

I licked where the shaft meets his body, then slowly planted a row of wet kisses up the shaft, each with the affections of my tongue added. His cock was heavy in my hand and throbbing, and I could feel its heat in my face as I slowly worked my way up it.

After what seemed a minute, but was probably only half of that, I reached the tip and gave it a short wet kiss. I savored his salty cock taste, as well as the tartness of his pre cum that was now oozing slowly from him. All the while, one hand continued to gently stroke his rod while the other kept busy gently massaging his testes. I tried to be as loving and deliberate as possible, but I hungered for his cock now, my own breathing as hard as his panting was.

It was time to taste my husband's cock for the first time as his wife. I opened my mouth and took as much of him into my wet oral cavity as I could, which was maybe a third of his generous shaft. Then I sucked on him as hard as I could. I massaged the underside of his dick with my tongue and slowly pulled myself back up his shaft. I sucked as hard as I could, until just the head was in me. The salty cock taste and masculine aroma of his loins were intoxicating to me, and I was soon repeating this action with more furor and urgency.

It took just a few times of me taking his cock into my wet, hungry lips and sucking hard as I lifted my head back up the length of his shaft for Brent to lose himself in desire and begin to pump my mouth with his thick meat. He started thrusting his cock into my mouth and throat, fucking my face. I licked and sucked him whorishly, using every trick I knew and a few that came to me as inspiration.

Around the swollen head of his meat was a darker purple rim and I took the time to lavish it with kisses and flicks of my tongue, then slid my tongue around it in the groove that separated the head from the shaft, before pursing my lips and planting a wet, sucking, kiss on the bottom. When his reaction of groaning and thrusting showed he enjoyed this, I repeated it again and again before taking his cock back into my mouth and sucking him down as much as I could.

It did not take long for him to approach climax, he firmly gripped my head in his hands, not painfully, but just enough that I could not again pull him from me and began face fucking me with abandon. He was out of his head with desire as he forced his meat deeper into my hungry slut throat. I did as best as I could to take all he fed me but I confess he caused me to gag a couple times as he went too deep. Even then, less than half his cock was in me.

He didn't stop. His cock relentlessly drove into my mouth and I was happy to be his fuck toy. I was exhilarated to be used for his pleasure. My love for him was so great, my desire for him so burning, that at that moment I would have done anything for his cum.

Brent did not make me wait. He seized up, clinching every muscle in his hard body, and the first spurt of his sweet seed filled my mouth. I stroked his cock as he froze, not moving other than the gasp and cry of ecstasy coming from his voice, and pumped his cum into my mouth. His semen was so delicious and satisfying, both to my desire and emotionally.

Jet after jet of hot slime filled my mouth as I swallowed as much as I could and the rest seeped from my lips and ran down his shaft. He had never, in all the times we had been together, cum so much. I was in cum slut heaven!

When he finally stopped shooting his seed, and the ooze leaching from the tip of his dick ran out, I lovingly licked his cock clean so as to not waste a drop. As he sighed and tried to catch his breath, his chest rose and fell and his muscles clenched as my tongue and lips slurped up his man sauce from his most sensitive places. Finally as he watched, awestruck, I slowly licked the cum from my hand that had leaked down to it as I pumped him dry. I made sure to savor each hot, sticky, drop.

With a wipe of a tissue across my lips, I laid beside him.

"That's how much."

"Huh?" he asked.

"How much I love my husband," I said, smiling. I rolled on my side to face him and absentmindedly dragged my fingertips up and down his chest over his sexy pecs and abs.

"That's a lot," he whispered.

"Yes it was, but I wanted to swallow it all. You must have been saving up for two months," I giggled. Then I continued, "And my husband? He's perfect. I have the most perfect, wonderful husband ever. He makes me so happy, and tonight, I got to make him happy. And for the rest of our lives, I want to make him happy every chance I get." I smiled.

He had caught his breath, finally, and rolled to his side so as to face me.

"No, just a week or so. After my then fiancé told me about her and her friend last week, I had to take care of things myself or I would have exploded I think," he laughed. Then he added, " And I have the most perfect, wonderful wife. I wouldn't change a thing about her. I've loved you since the day we met, you know that?"

"Yeah, you told me. Not sure I believe the whole 'love at first sight' thing, but I'm glad you do. And no more taking care of things yourself, you pervert! That's why you have me!" I said with a grin.

"No, its true, the moment Ron and Allison brought you in my room to introduce us, it was like you were surrounded by a halo. The rest of the world was blurred and you were in focus. I knew. I knew right then. You were perfect. An angel sent to complete me."

"Yeah, right. 'Mister I'm going to bone most of the senior girls and half the juniors,'" I giggled.

"Well, its not like you were responsive at first." He laughed and slid his arm under me and pulled me tight into a kiss. "And I saved the best for last," he added.

We kissed slowly and deeply for several minutes, until he broke away. "Does it bother you than I dated other girls after we met?" he asked with worry on his face.

"Ugh! We've been over this Brent!" I nearly shouted, "No. It doesn't bother me! What's more, it's none of my business! Geez, at least I didn't get videos of you on my cell phone! Now, after we became a couple? Well, yeah, that would be my business. You're damned right! But not before. So, unless you secretly hate me because of the video, let's not ever bring up again anything any of us did before the last Monday in May of last year, at about 5:05 in the afternoon, okay?"

"Not to worry. I've seen how mean you get when you only 'think' I was with someone," he laughed. Then he added, "You really remember the exact date and time?"

"You don't?"

"Well, I mean, I could figure it out, I guess."

"It was on our first day working at the pool. We were driving home. You told me how you felt. Our first day working was the last Monday in May. You told me about half way home, at the stop sign on Walnut Street. And its about a 10 minute drive from the club to the house. I was stunned at first, but by the time we got home I knew you were right, that we weren't siblings. We weren't off limits, and we should be together. In my mind, although you never said it on the drive, you had offered to be in a relationship with me, and by the time I got home, I knew I was going to accept that offer. So, if you banged anyone between 5:05 and when I came down to the family room to talk to you, well, yeah, I would be pretty pissed about that. Did you sneak any of your old flames over that evening and not tell me about it?" I giggled.

"What? No! I sat on the couch wondering what you were doing and how bad I had pissed you off and wondering if things were going to be weird for us since you clearly didn't feel the same way I did. I didn't know how you felt until you came down, what, four hours later, and said that yo...." he stopped abruptly.

"Said what?" I grinned.

"Uh, that at night you thought about me and, uh, touched yourself," he smiled.

"Oh, so you think our relationship began when I told you I thought about you and masturbated. That's really romantic, Brent. And what I was doing was getting ready to spend the first night of my new life with you." I smiled.

"Yeah, well, I'm a sensitive guy that way. Tell you what, a minute later we kissed for the first time. Why don't we say it started then? And the only one of us that has done anything else since was you and Carolyn, and you thought we were on a break, and I don't mind, because... well, it's really freakin' hot!" He laughed.

"Yeah, that will probably be a better way to tell the grandkids than, 'And then I gave him a blow job!'" I grinned. I wasn't really comfortable with him bringing up Carolyn. But I had stepped into it by saying anything since last May counted. So I guess it was best to get that addressed, if somewhat tactlessly.

"Yeah, but telling them you gave me a blow job would keep them from complaining about grandpa and grandma's boring stories!"

"True. We wouldn't bore them."

We silently cuddled for a few minutes, just touching each other and kissing. Brent was still recovering and I was still aroused. There was no rush.

"Did you ever know your grandparents?" I asked.

"No. You?"

"No, I mean, I don't know who my father was, so his side is out. Mom's parents died young in a car wreck as I understand it. I think I had been born, but I don't remember them. Hey, can I ask you something?"

"I have no secrets from you ever again, you know that."

"I know your dad died overseas. But your mom, what about her? Where is she?"

"At home with Ron I guess, or out with your mom causing trouble. Those two have really hit it off, haven't they?"

"Yeah, and that makes it easier for me to transition to having two moms, but you're changing the subject. If you don't want tell me, that's okay."

"No," he interrupted. "You should know. It's just not really... Well, it hurts."

"We don't have to talk about it."

"No. I know all about your family. You should know. Well, uh. After Dad died, Mom, well, she, she never really recovered. I mean, she had like a breakdown. And I guess about a year or so later, I can barely remember because DCS was intervening a lot by then, well, she was in the hospital, the mental hospital for a long time. When she got out, well I lived with her again for maybe a year or so. That's the time I really remember her from. She was on so many meds it was like she had no soul inside, like all the drugs that were keeping her sane were also keeping her just staring into space most of the time. I know she had family from I think New York but her and dad had married against their wishes, and well, they didn't want anything to do with her. So one night, she tries to light the house on fire, to kill the demons she saw chasing her, and the cops came and I didn't see her for a long time. I went to the youth home, then to two or three foster homes, but all of them were short term while they tried to get my mom sane. But she never really was again. Finally I was reading at the home. When I was 12, thats what I did to keep away from the older kids that were always kicking the younger ones asses. I read and I worked out. That's why I read and work out so so much now, I guess. But, anyway, that day Ron and Allison came in and took me to my forever home. Four years later, I meet the girl of my dreams. You know how Ron and I used to take off on Sundays after church while you and Allison went shopping?"

"Yeah, you guys went 'guy shopping', I remember."

"Sometimes. But most times we visited my mom if she was in the convalescence home rather than the mental institution. She started out with depression, but became schizophrenic. Sometimes she would hallucinate so bad, well... Anyway, sometimes the drugs work, other times they don't. Sometimes they mostly work, but not enough. Those times she would think the drugs were causing her problems and stop taking them. Sometimes she was lucid, and one of those times she signed to let Ron and Allison adopt me. We had to go to court and do it in front of a judge. I remember her looking sad and relieved at the same time. So, I wanted to keep seeing her. I mean, she's still my mother, ya know? And Ron and Allison were cool with that."

Brent pulled me close and continued. "Last summer, before Orlando, I asked her doctors if it was genetic, if it was something that could be passed on to our kids. If it was, well, I wasn't going to marry you. I was going to break it off and not tell you why. But it wasn't. They said it could happen to anyone, no one knows why. But losing Dad was what triggered it, or was the last straw or whatever. I would never want you to have my children if it were possible to pass it on, and I wouldn't want you to be with me if I ever lost it like that. I love you too much to see you feel like I did then..."

I understood. Because of our foster care situations a solid family life is probably more important to Brent and I than most people. It touched me and felt like that this was the most loving thing he had ever said to me, and I kissed him deeply as a result.

"Is she still there?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's at the home. I saw her after you woke up and said you would marry me. I wanted to tell her. She just stared. She usually just stares, but this time, well, I think she smiled when she heard me tell her."

"Can I meet her?"

"Do you want to? I mean, she's probably never going to get better, and if she does, well, she still won't really be all right. If you meet her, she's probably not going to ever understand who you are... There's not much of her left in there."

"I need to meet her. She's part of your life, and that means she's part of mine. You love her, and because I love you, I love her too," I whispered as our embrace became more sensual. He kissed my neck ever so softly and my arousal began to demand immediate attention. We could talk later...

As I looked into his eyes, and we continued our light kisses, I slid my hand down his chest, across his abs to his cock. It surprised me by being hard again.

"Oh!" he suddenly murmured as my touch surprised him. "That feels nice.. but I think its my turn," he continued as his hand cupped my breast, gently touching my stiff nipple as he kissed me deeply and rose slightly up, causing me to roll onto my back to continue our embrace.

Brent kissed my cheek, then my neck right below my ear where it meets my jaw. Then he ever so lightly kissed his way down my neck to my chest and breasts. Soon my nipple was in his warm mouth. First one, then the other, as my arousal and lust grew. He lifted my hand gently from his cock and placed it on his side as he suckled on my breasts. I slid my hand down his side to his firm, cute butt.

"My husband has the cutest ass," I whispered as I gave it a squeeze.

Brent reached behind me and grabbed my cheek firmly and whispered, "Yeah, and it's on my wife. Your ass is glorious, perfect, just, well, perfect."

"You can use it tonight if you want, but I need to do a little prep work first," I managed to moan as his hot, wet mouth left my breast and planted a trail of kisses down my stomach.

"I was thinking more traditional tonight. If that's okay," he whispered between kisses.

"Whatever you want. Whatever I have is yours."

Brent gently nudged me onto my back and slipped over my leg and began kissing his way up my thigh ever so slowly. I opened my legs, inviting him in.

Finally, after a torturously long time, he reached my mound and kissed all around it. He sucked just slightly on the joint between my leg and my abdomen beside it, before slipping his tongue into my slit and slowly raking it up my gushing cunt to my now throbbing clit. I was panting then and a moan escaped me involuntarily, as if my body was crying out for further attention of its own accord.

He began slowly like that, lapping me like a kitten lapping up milk, as I ran one hand through his hair while the other massaged my own breast. I closed my eyes and enjoyed each touch of his tongue and lips and every joyous sensation they brought me. His speed increased, as did the attention he was paying to my clit. I began thrusting my hips against his face as my breathing increased. I moaned his name, I loved him and knew in that moment I could never love another.

A finger gently probed me as his tongue flicked against my clit, followed soon by another. My body welcomed this invasion with a gentle spasm that soon had me shaking all over, thrashing about as climax approached at its tediously torturous pace.

I was out of my mind with desire when relief finally hit me. A climax so intense I cried out crashed upon me, washing over any resistance to it like a wave knocking me over. I gasped and cried out Brent's name as he steadily focused his attention on my clit, now on fire with orgasm. I was out of my mind and every nerve in my body rejoiced as electric pleasure racked my body. Finally, after an eternity, Brent slowed his attentions and I began to return to earth, or at least the same solar system.

I tingled all over as Brent raised himself above me, kissing his way back up my body.

"That was wonderful," I said as I ran my hands up his body.

Brent's affections reached my breasts again, still tingling from the numbing orgasm I had just experienced and he whispered, "I hope you like the next part just as much."

He kissed me on my mouth and I tasted my juices on his lips and tongue. I was wondering what he meant, when he shifted his position upward and his hard cock entered me.

I impulsively moaned and lifted my feet from the bed and opened my legs as wide as I could around him. I gave him as much access as I could. I welcomed his manhood to my slippery, wet, hot pussy.

"Oh shit!" I cried out, surprised and overjoyed by my husband's cock filling and stretching me. Brent groaned as well and I looked to see his eyes closed and his face contorted.

"Damn, you are so fucking tight," he nearly shouted.

It took a minute to adjust to each other. He hadn't been in me in so very long, and I was no longer accustomed to his length or girth. But nothing ever felt so good, ever. I was full to the limit and stretched beyond that, and soon my ecstasy multiplied as he began to pump himself in and out of me. He started slowly and gently, but my juices were gushing forth and his speed increased.

Soon he was fucking me with abandon, and I was thrusting my hips back at him on the same frequency. Each stroke was long and the top of his cock massaged my clit sending a chorus of signals through the nerves there and up my spine. When fully in he rammed my cervix, occasionally bringing that uncomfortable jolt of pain. But usually the angle was just right and I was able to accommodate him. I wanted him to fuck me forever. I never wanted the sweet release of orgasm for either of us. I just wanted to feel each delicious stroke of his cock over and over again all night.

But that isn't how a body works. We fucked for a good 10 minutes, maybe longer, or perhaps it was only five. Time was meaningless as we grunted and ground our sex together. And then that same wave hit me, washing me in orgasmic delight. My body seemed to explode with ecstasy, and I wrapped my arms around him and scratched at his back with the nails the salon had applied earlier that day. I was shouting out and breathing in at the same time, making primal noises so loud folks sleeping five floors away must have heard me.
