The Descending of Jessica Ch. 12


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Just when I thought I could stand no more Brent clinched up. Every muscle tightened. He let out a guttural groan of his own and I felt for the first time in months his cock rhythmically swell as he pumped his seed deep into my womb.

Time froze as his body sought to fertilize mine, and mine willingly accepted his slimy, messy discharge. I was a reformed cum junkie and I had fallen from the celibacy wagon to once again relish in the sensations his body could give mine, and the white creamy matter he injected into my cum starved cunt.

All too soon, he relaxed and lifted himself from me. Brent laid beside me on the bed, which was still made. I kissed his cheek as we both sought to catch our breath, then lay my head on his shoulder and soon was asleep. No more words passed between us that night, nor were any needed. I felt his love, and knew he felt mine. Words would have been wasted. The warm feeling was just indescribable.

Some time in the night, Brent must have awoken and tucked me into the bed before joining me himself, as I awoke under the covers with my head on his shoulder having slept better than I could recall. He was awake and looking at me, smiling.

"Good morning, sleepy girl," he whispered.

"Good morning! Did you sleep well?"

"Better than ever," he replied.

"Me too. Can you do that again, every night, forever?" I asked with a smile.

"Just at night?"

"Hmmm, no. Some days, too," I giggled. We basked in the glow of a wonderful morning after, nuzzling and sharing our affectionate kisses for a good half hour or so, but it was soon time to get up. I showered and readied myself for the day first at Brent's insistence, then called Trisha and Amber while he was in the shower about the idea I had to help Carolyn deal with her parents. They quickly agreed and Trisha reminded me that I still had to register for classes and that my schedule card would be in my mail box at the campus post office. So that was one more thing to do before we met the trucks. Breakfast would have to wait. Although I managed a cup of coffee while I did my makeup.

Dress for the day was casual. I wore some jeans that looked outwardly conservative but did a good deal for my ass, a push up bra to hoist the girls a bit more in the air, covered by a light sweater top and a hoodie. I started to tie my hair back, but decided I looked more feminine with it down. A pair of cute sneakers completed the outfit and I thought I looked like a sporty, demure girl. Which I guess I am.

Brent was ready in a few minutes and we were off. First by campus to get the mail, and then to meet everyone at the new house, hopefully before the trucks and the Watsons, Carolyn's family, arrived.

"So," we both said at once when we entered the highway, causing us both to laugh.

"You first." Brent smiled.

"Well, I was just going to say that Trisha and Amber were coming over this morning to help out."

"That's awfully nice of them! Not sure what they can do. It's mostly moving furniture today."

"Well, yeah, but Carolyn needs to spend some time with her folks today, telling them about the whole Steven break up and with her brothers coming down, well, Trisha and Amber agreed to distract them." I smiled, only to find a frown on the face of my beloved.

"We really shouldn't get involved, Jessie."

"Well, I'm not getting involved. But she's my friend and she needs some alone time with her folks without her brothers pressuring her."

"Well, yeah. But this just has disaster written all over it now..." Brent said quietly.

"Why's that? They're just there to help me move," I replied.

"Because the odds are really good that Steven is coming with the Watsons," Brent said.

I was taken back by his words. "What?"

"I was going to tell you but the time never was right. He called yesterday while you were at the doctor and said he might come up to help unload the truck, and that the Watson's had asked him to. I told him I didn't think that would be such a good idea, but he said... well, fuck what he said. Look, since they invited him I couldn't say no. All I could do was tell him it was a bad idea and wouldn't work, that Carolyn had moved on and so should he. I didn't know she was having problems with her folks."

"Well, its just they think she should give him another chance because they don't know how many other chances he's had. And since he is her first real boyfriend I guess they figure they'll never get her married off if she doesn't jump at the first guy that's interested. It's stupid. She can have any guy she wants. She's beautiful and funny and well, she's just great."

"Can't have me."

"What?" I asked.

"She can't have me. I'm taken." Brent smiled, then added, "I found the most perfect girl in the world and grabbed her while I could before she wised up and found out I was too big of a loser to be with her." He smiled trying to lighten the mood, but a feeling of impending disaster was still prevalent as we rode despite his self-denigrating remarks.

"Hey, Trisha and Amber can still keep the guys busy. That will let Carolyn talk with her folks, right?" Brent finally asked.

"Yeah, but Steve will be there with them, too. So its not like that's going to help," I replied.

"Hey, you did what you could. It will all work out somehow. Carolyn isn't ever going back with him. You know that. Maybe we can find a way to keep Steven busy. Well, maybe I can. I don't think you should be around him at all knowing how you feel."

"I know, but she needs her family to be on her side, not his. That's just bullshit. Your parents should take your side. Am I right? I mean, when the rest of the world is against you, you're folks should have your back. It just pisses me off. And I can't get around him. Unless we go by home first so I can put on my ass kicking boots," I grinned.

The only good news was that I remembered my post office box combination. I had only used it a couple times in the fall, and it was stuffed full of mostly credit card ads that went straight in the trash. A copy of my official grade sheet was in it, a 3.8 as Ron had already told me, as well as a couple of recent letters from the dean of my department and my registration materials. The first letter congratulated me on making the Dean's list. The second invited me and a guest to a dinner for the Dean's list to be held at the student center the following Saturday. Oh, well. At least Brent and I had a date next week.

By the time we made it to the new house, I was a nervous wreck and in a cold sweat. My head still was a bit stuffy and I was having trouble hearing still as well. I didn't want to see Steven anymore than Carolyn did, unless it was to punch him in the throat. I really just wanted to put that whole mess behind me, and behind Brent and I. His presence was going to be just a reminder of the pain he had caused us all. Brent assured me he would make sure Steven didn't bother me, Brent said that I could just stay inside, on our side of the duplex, and avoid him. But that would mean abandoning Carolyn to her family's pressure. I didn't think she would crack and take him back, but it was sure to be miserable for her, and crimp her relationship with them. The thing is, neither she nor I had any idea what to do about it and we discussed it by phone throughout the drive. She knew he was coming, too, but didn't tell me so as to not upset me. But now my stomach was sour and my heart raced in nervous anxiety.

We arrived and found Allison, Ron, Brat, Donna and Carolyn already there. Promptly at 10:00, right on schedule, the store truck arrived with Brent's and my new furnishings. Brat, Donna, Allison and I busied ourselves putting things away and planning out various uses for my new living space. Brat was anxious to spend the night in her new room. Other that a bit of privacy lost between Brent and I, well, there was no excuse for her not to spend the night. She would not return to school until Wednesday of the next week, the same day our classes began. I truly adored her and wanted to spend as much time as possible with her, so I was down with it if Allison agreed. I think Allison saw a chance for some alone time with Ron and quickly consented. This distraction was helpful, but I was still a nervous wreck.

Sometime close to 11:00, I heard a commotion outside and looked to see our truck leaving and another, with a sign that said "Watson" on the side, backing in. Carolyn was signaling the truck back like a pro as if she had helped park trucks many times. It made me wonder how she had never learned to drive a straight if she was around trucks growing up. I made a mental note to ask her about that sometime. Once parked, from the cab leaped a couple of guys who looked vaguely like Carolyn. They were shorter than I expected, both less than six feet, and both quite muscular from years of moving furniture, I suppose. Both ran towards Carolyn screaming her name and engulfed her in their strong arms as she returned their hugs.

"Okay, I did miss a few hints," I said to Brent as we stood on the porch now watching this familial scene unfold.

"What do you mean?"

"During the first two years at Allison and Ron's, before we were a couple. Now I can see how siblings act, and we never acted like that," I smiled.

"We hugged a lot."

"Yeah, but we hugged differently, and you know it." I smiled. "Geez, if I hadn't been so dense just think of where we could be now."

"Married, dropped out and working at a burger joint with two kids and another on the way?" he joked.

"Yep," I deadpanned, then we went down the steps to be introduced. Everyone else was congregating there already.

"Hey, everyone, this is Kevin and Reg, two of my deadbeat useless brothers," Carolyn announced, then introduced us one at a time. When she got to me, she said, "And this is my best friend, Jessie. Don't call her Jessica, she hates that! You two met her before at the hospital, but she claims to not remember it."

"Yeah, I was kind of out of it, sorry about that. If I had known I was going to meet Carolyn's family that day I would have tried to spruce up a bit." I grinned as I took each of their hands in turn.

"You look a lot better now, how are you feeling?" Kevin asked.

"I get tired a lot and right now I'm feeling kind of queasy, but pretty good over all. They've cleared me to return to normal now so I have to work on getting back in shape."

"Look like you're in pretty good shape to me," Reg said.

"Down boy! This is her husband, Brent." Carolyn said, introducing them.

"I didn't mean anything like that Carolyn! Jesus, you trying to get me in bad with these folks?" Reg replied.

"No worries, I hear that a lot," Brent said. "Jessie is the most beautiful girl I've ever known or imagined," he continued as he kissed my forehead and held me closely. Great, now on top of queasy and anxious I was feeling warm all over. Oh well, that's the price of being loved I guess.

"So," Ron said. "How can we help?"

"Oh, no worries. It's just three rooms. Reg and I can be done by the time the folks get here if Nerd Girl will show us where we're putting it."

"Right this way, guys. Come on," Carolyn said.

"Wait." I stopped everyone. "'Nerd Girl'?"

"Yeah, that's her nickname. Not very creative, I admit. But nothing else has stuck. She didn't tell you her real name is Nerd Girl?" Reg asked.


"Sometimes we just call her "NG" for short," Kevin added with a grin.

"Come on guys!" Carolyn said as we snickered.

"If we're in a real hurry, we just pronounce it 'Nag,'" Reg added as we all giggled.

"Hmmm, yeah. I can see that, sometimes," I smiled as I looked at Carolyn and we both knew I was thinking of the first day when she rescued me at my dorm.

"Go ahead. Laugh it up, guys! Make me look bad in front of my friends, sure. Just remember, I have a key to the house in Ohio and you gotta sleep sometime," Carolyn said with a wicked gleeful smile.

While she showed them, Donna and Allison pulled me aside.

"Are you feeling okay?" Donna asked.

"Just a little queasy and weak. I don't think I slept enough last night," I said.

"Well good, our afternoon yesterday wasn't wasted," Allison quipped.

"No, it was quite well spent." I smiled.

"You look pale, Jessica," Donna said. "You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. If I feel any worse, I'll lay down. But a nap this afternoon is looking really good right now." I forced a smile.

"We can take you by the hospital to have you checked, if you like. No problem."

"If I feel any worse I'll let you know. I've been nervous all morning because Carolyn's ex might show up. She doesn't want to see him but he's in good with her parents and they invited him to help her move."

"Ugh, that sucks. The cheater?" Donna asked.

"Who's this? The one that had her crying all fall?" Allison inquired.

"Yeah, Steven. Brent's old roommate."

"Well, maybe he won't show. You don't worry about that, Brent and Ron won't let him be mean to her," Donna opined. "You just sit here and rest for a bit. You'll feel a lot better. Allison, shall we make some tea for everyone?"

"Good idea." Allison smiled as they left for the kitchen, leaving me on the couch. Brat came in almost on cue and cuddled beside me.

"Can I really spend the night?"

"Sure! I would love that! Do you like your room?"

"Needs decorating, but yeah." She smiled. "Why are you sweating?"

"Uh, because it's hot in here?"

"Duh, the doors open and its freezing outside. It's cold in here, dummy." She giggled.

"Well, it feels hot to me," I said, smiling at my little imp. She didn't know all the layers I was wearing and how hot it would make the room seem I supposed.

True to their words, without accepting any offers of assistance repeatedly put forth by Ron and Brent, they had the truck unloaded in less than half an hour. The two of them were more efficient that the three guys that had delivered our things. In no time at all, Carolyn's place was furnished.

And then the fun began.

A late model Camry pulled in and I rose to see who it was. Out stepped Trisha and Amber, looking like two angels ready to sin. Trisha was wearing a form fitting top and jacket with yoga pants that showed her pristine dancer's ass off perfectly. But she still managed to look like an innocent little girl. Amber, with her red hair and tan skin, opted for an emerald green sweater that was quite snug on her and jeans that looked painted on. Her attire didn't look innocent at all, but her smile and demeanor certainly did. Kevin and Reg certainly paid attention to the two hotties as they strolled to the house from the driveway. I came out for introductions and we all stood on the porch as Amber and Trisha hugged me and caught me up with the goings on in their lives. Both made a point of saying they were available. Amber mentioned that her long distance with Michael was, well, open. Trisha reported that she wasn't seeing anyone at that time, although she claimed to have been dating this cute guy from the college in her hometown that used to come to all the games last year. She added that it was nothing serious.

Carolyn had met Trisha at Halloween and met Amber while I was comatose. Allison, Ron and Brat knew everyone, but Donna got to meet the girls who kept me company. Reg and Kevin mostly just stared.

"So the big news is, I'm moving in with Amber and her sister, and we're just a couple blocks away!" Trisha announced. I knew this already, but I think it was news to Brent. It was a relief that they would be rooming together as I had kind of left Trisha in the lurch as far as roommates go. Although we knew when we moved into the dorm that I would be with Brent come springtime. Still it was nice the way it had all worked out. We all talked about how nice it was to get out of the dorms for a few minutes as my stomach churned and I felt weaker and weaker. My skin was now soaked with sweat, and I was freezing and burning up at the same time. I really needed to rest soon.

"So who wants to show us around?" Amber asked.

Carolyn started to reply, but before she could Reg piped up. "I can. I'd be glad to. Come right this way, Miss Amber."

Kevin held out his hand to Trisha, saying, "Here, watch your step, Trisha. Do you go by Trish? I heard Jessie call you 'Trish' a minute ago."

"Either one is fine," she smiled and accepted his assistance with a smile though clearly it wasn't needed. They entered Carolyn's side of the duplex and the rest of us remained on the porch smirking at one another.

They were almost to the door when a Nissan SUV pulled in with Steven's car right behind it and everyone stopped. Carolyn's mother and father stepped from the front, and Steven from his vehicle. I felt ice in my veins as I saw him. My hatred for him ran so high. I can only imagine how Carolyn must have felt. The trio approached us in silence, her mother and father smiling, clearly glad to see their only daughter again.

Carolyn hugged her mom and dad. "I think you know everyone," she said, "But I don't think Jessie knows you yet," she added with a forced smile. She was purposely ignoring Steven and, as hard as it was, I was determined to join her in this.

"So you're the young lady we've heard so much about! It's so nice to meet you, Jessie!" her mom exclaimed. Despite her bringing Steven here, I could not help but like her. She was so much like Carolyn, like an older version of the same warm, bubbly personality. Even as my anxiety peaked I just wanted to hug her, and so I did, and then in turn hugged her father as well.

"Its nice to meet you at last, too." I said, "Carolyn has told me so much about you", which was a lie, but the sort of white lie people tell. In truth, Carolyn had told me practically nothing about her family. "She has been such a wonderful friend and good Christian soul, she takes such good care of me when I need it and keeps me on the straight path," I said, nearly in a whisper as I was just about given out for the day. It was clear to all now I was feeling weak. I couldn't hide it, and had Brent not kept his arm around me I would have probably collapsed by now.

"And you all know Steven? Why don't we go in and let Carolyn and him talk. It's so cold out here," her mother said.

I didn't want to go in. I was burning up now, but couldn't really refuse or resist without pissing off my best friend's parents. Carolyn looked at me sympathetically and nodded her assent that it was okay to leave them be. And I turned to enter our home with everyone else.

Then it happened.

The door to Carolyn's side of the duplex swung open and Trisha bounded from it. "Steven!" she shouted, "I thought you were going to call first? How did you find me?"

"Uh," Steven said as she flung her arms around him. "Jessie! Brent! This is the guy I was telling you about!"

"The guy?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Yes! My boyfriend! Steven and I have been together off and on for the last couple of years. I mean, we've had our troubles but we always come back together. He goes to Tech. We met when he was helping Dad coach, don't you remember? I told you last fall about the guy that helped Dad on Fridays?"

I didn't remember anything about a guy, but her dad was the high school coach in the same town that Tech was in. She was clearly hoping I would back up her story and was trying to save face in front of Steve. Her eyes were begging me to agree and cover for her as she held him closely, and he became white as as sheet. His cheating was now exposed for the world to see. What are the odds that one of the girls he cheated on Carolyn with would end up being her friend's roommate? Pretty steep, I would imagine, but Carolyn and Brent were the math experts. I would let them figure it out.

"So this is the Steven you told me about all year?" I asked.

"Yes!" she exclaimed. "Did you just drive around until you saw my car? Amber and I don't live here. We're two blocks over! You should have called first!" she said as she kissed Steven's cheek.
