The Director

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Desperate to keep her job, Deborah pleads with her boss.
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Anxiety crawled up Deborah's spine when she approached the director's door. She was in for it now, and knew that. Getting distracted from work by the other women had come back to bite her. Deborah just wished her boss' bark was worse than that bite. A few scolding words at best, maybe a slap on the wrist for good measure. But Deborah couldn't risk losing her job. But, of course, she should've thought of that when distracted by her colleagues.

"You can come in." The voice was soft, inviting, a complete contrast to what ought to be the stereotypical expectations of one in such a position. Being the director of a company surely couldn't be easy.

Deborah entered. At that precise moment, it felt as though she'd stepped into a whole new world. The space by no means looked different, but there was a definite sense of otherworldly presence about it. It lingered, filled the room. And when Deborah's eyes caught the director's own, everything seemed to just....shift. The chair the director sat in was exactly that: a simple chair. And yet she made it feel as though it was a throne she occupied. Deborah could feel the commanding presence the director naturally exuded, one leg crossed over the other with a smirk.

But Deborah's natural curiosity didn't end there. There was so much more of her mysterious boss to take in. A wide, muscular frame with capped, pumpkin'd shoulders quite obviously desperate to be released from their clothed prison, materials pulled and strained to the point where small rips and tears formed. And her face. She couldn't have been any older than twenty, which took Deborah by surprise. How was a twenty year-old the director of the country's fastest-growing startup company? They were raking in millions each fiscal quarter, and with the way things were trending, would take in billions by the decade's end. Deborah knew next to nothing about her boss, but now needed to know everything.

Best place to start would be her name. Deborah looked at the nameplate on the desk as she took her seat adjacent with her mammoth employer, who now had the older woman's employee file in hand. The nameplate read 'Miss Donovan.' So the young woman wasn't even married. Deborah supposed this Miss Donovan was far too focused on her work and growing business to either find time for a relationship or simply didn't care for one.

"Well, says here you've been working for me for three weeks now. Correct?"

Deborah's silence spoke for her. Though it was partly due to her being more focused on Miss Donovan's pectoral development to even notice her boss had said anything. Deborah had dated a fair number of buff guys over the years, but their muscular development didn't hold a candle to her boss'. In point of fact, the biggest guy Deborah slept with didn't come to around even half the size of Miss Donovan. The younger woman noted Deborah's shameless stares and smirked.

"I'll take that as a yes. Cross-referencing with where you worked previously, it seems office work is where you best perform." Miss Donovan knew Deborah's stares hadn't subsided at all. In fact, they only seemed to intensify. It was to be expected. All the other women in the establishment felt the same away around her. She took a pen from the desk and made some notes. A frown. "And yet, in the period you've worked here, it appears very little work has been completed. Some of your colleagues have suggested you've become...distracted."

Distracted. That was putting it lightly. In all the years at all the places Deborah worked, nowhere was as strange as Emmerich Group, where all the employees were female, all aged between twenty and sixty-five. More than half of the three hundred employees across ten departments were in varying trimesters of pregnancy. And if that wasn't strange enough, Deborah had noticed one of the employees had a flat tummy one day, and was visibly pregnant the next. Deborah had no idea what was going on, but was determined to find out.

"I run a very tight ship here at Emmerich, Deborah. Distractions cause issues across the board. Distribution, supply..." Miss Donovan stood up from the chair. It was a relatively simple action, one most people wouldn't pay much attention to, but, all the same, revealed much. Deborah didn't expect the young woman to tower over her so casually, her height climbing to somewhere over six and a half feet. That was intimidating enough without what Deborah noticed next. The shifting bulge between Miss Donovan's legs. She could see the thick veins highlighted under the fabric of the young woman's trousers, her balls throbbing, big as jackfruits. "Persistent issues will inevitably lead to cutting losses, if you catch my drift."

It was fair to say that answered a few questions. Miss Donovan noted Deborah's eyeballs bulging out in disbelief. Every woman before her responded similarly, palpitations brought on by lust, arousal and God knows what other carnal feeling one could express so shamelessly. Not that the young woman minded.

"Please, you can't fire me. I need this job!" Between her panic, Deborah couldn't refrain from glancing at Miss Donovan's cock. Even when flaccid the shaft was as thick as the employee's leg, a fat and monstrous thing stretching the boss' trousers, quite desperate to be released and reveal itself, audibly bulging with anticipation. "I...I..."

"Yes, yes, I'm perfectly aware of your situation. A divorced mother of three. Which puts you in quite the predicament, should you lose your position." Miss Donovan's eyes trailed from Deborah soft, supple neck to her impressive mammaries. Raising three children ought to have helped with their size, so plump and teasing. Miss Donovan fought the urge to bite her lip, imaging instead a powerful moment of her sucking on the employee's breasts. Something she so desperately wanted to do, but professionalism... "You know, people in our area who want a job want to work here. They would probably kill to have yours. Which makes me wonder: what would you do to keep it?"

Deborah couldn't believe what she was thinking. Though she had no idea each of them thought the same thing. Deborah needed the job -- badly. Bills were coming left and right. She gulped, though wasn't sure if it was from some semblance of anxiety or anticipation because...well...she wanted--no, needed this as much as the job itself. Deborah didn't say anything. Mostly because she didn't have to because the glances at Miss Donovan's bulge answering for her.

"Good. But before we begin, I think it's best you sign this first." Miss Donovan handed Deborah a sheet of paper and pen. Deborah didn't work in a position that signed a lot of things off, so wasn't sure what to think of the paper she was handed. Though the big, fat 'NDA' across the top was the biggest hint.

"You want me to sign a nondisclosure?"

"In case anything happens," was Miss Donovan's casual reply. It didn't exactly inspire confidence in Deborah, to say the least.

"Like what?"

"It's all in the finer print," the boss shrewdly grinned.

Deborah took to reading the finer details of the agreement the moment they came to her attention. More often than not, people tend to forget or dismiss the smaller print of such documents. After all, who has the patience for them? But that tends to change when those exact details are brought up by the party who drew up the agreement -- right? In any case, Deborah's eyes swelled when they popped up in front of her, muttering to herself.

"Three hundred percent impregnation rate? What the fuck does that even mean?"

"It means that when I cum in you -- which I will -- you'll get pregnant -- which you will -- and that you should expect at least three new kids," Miss Donovan explained. Her tone wasn't necessarily cold, but the words sent a shiver down Deborah's spine all the same. Miss Donovan's cock bulged with a sense of eagerness, her balls chaffing as they swelled. "Depending how pent up I am, you might be lucky enough to get more. And I'm feeling very generous today."

"But I can barely support the three I have!"

"Signing the NDA gives you access to a considerably improved maternity leave package. What you usually get across the entirety of normal maternity leave we will pay each month. Per child." That particular benefit was enough to entice the previous women to sign without a second thought. That meant they were already rolling in hundreds of thousands of pounds, and Deborah had no idea! "It's enough to set most of the mothers here up for life, but as you'll find in the finer print, you are expected to return to work."

"But my menopause--"

"--Won't be an issue. Eleanor Holdridge, that retiree who works as an assistant down in HR, already has six kids from me. The natural process that is menopause doesn't stand a chance against my superior cum."

Deborah swallowed nervously. She never expected her boss to say something so confidently, bragging about her ability to knock a woman up regardless of menopause. It was scary in a way, yet also curious and...she dared to admit...something that stirred a feeling in her that hadn't been felt in years.

"So what's it going to be, Deborah? Are you going to get knocked up by your hung futa boss, giving your kids some siblings to play with? Or are you going to refuse my offer?" Miss Donovan already knew the answer, of course. Al the women before Deborah who had refused either didn't mean it, or came back after second thoughts. The younger woman had half a mind to let her employee know that, but found fun in seeing her squirm with confliction. "Of course, you could always lie about how you lost your job, but how would you live with that?"

Opting for what was expected, Deborah filled in the NDA as quickly as possible and handing it over to her expecting employer who didn't so much as look at the signature. What would be the point, knowing it was the same as all the others before it. To Deborah, it did feel like selling her soul over to the Devil -- at first. That view quickly changed when her boss began.

Deborah hadn't paid much attention to the length of the zip on Miss Donovan's trousers until now, a long, almost drawn-out hiss, building on the moment's anticipation and tension. When the zip was fully unfastened, Miss Donovan smirked as she moved to pull her trousers down to her knees, revealing sculpted quadriceps muscles all men would kill to possess, a detailed, sweeping teardrop shape with striations. A pair of makeshift underwear housed around them, barely managing to contain the sheer largeness of her balls and length of her cock, the fabric straining and tearing.

Deborah bit her lip.

Miss Donovan's underwear casually burst like confetti. The insignificant remains sprayed across the desk and floor, allowing her mammoth appendage to finally breathe properly and swell, her balls doubling in size to that of cannonballs. Deborah could actually hear the growth, a fleshy pulling sound. Adding to that, she could hear squirming, eyeballing something inside the cannonball-sized testicles thrashing around violently, causing the sack to flex and ripple.

"That's right, Deborah. I have so much cum floating around inside my balls you can actually see and hear it. Isn't that amazing? My perfect little swimmers are so vastly superior to a male's that they can do things others can't." Miss Donovan tucked her hands under her sack to cup her balls, rubbing the skin gently to tease the cum inside. At that moment her balls rippled once more. "And who knows. Maybe one of these little darlings here is a future son you'll give birth to."

Deborah watched as Miss Donovan casually threw her balls onto the desk, its surface cracking like an egg shell from the sheer weight. Her testicles nearly covered the full width of the table, her cock drooping over its edge with excited throbs. And to think she wasn't even erect.

"You haven't said anything since that NDA was signed. Not to worry. I don't expect you to say much now because this is where the moans and screams of passion come in." Miss Donovan ran her hand over her meaty shaft, watching it shift with excitement, a thick vein running across the surface throbbing. "I want you to start with the balls. Work your way up."

Deborah fell to her knees, finally getting the chance to prove her worth to Emmerich Group. The first lick was slow, almost teasing. But even that was enough to make the boss' balls twitch. Her eyes narrowed, looking intently into Deborah's. It was obvious Miss Donovan wasn't looking for a slow introduction, so Deborah picked up the pace, putting her mouth to the younger woman's balls.

"I'm curious. Speaking from experience, the women before you have mentioned feeling my cum press against their teeth when chewing on my balls like the sluts they are. Do you feel anything similar?" Miss Donovan maintained eye contact with Deborah as she felt the employee's teeth brush against her sack, then smiled as the woman's eyes grew wide, as if in shock. "Ah. I'll take that as a yes."

Deborah's blowjob skills weren't the best, but they did the job well enough to keep Miss Donovan pleased. The mother still barely believed she was sucking the dick of a futa half her age, but was willing to do anything to keep her job for her children's sake. A string of saliva dangled from the young woman's tip as she thumbed Deborah's cheek caringly before grabbing her by the back of her head, forcing her to take as much of the futa's cock as possible.

"Don't be shy now." Miss Donovan winced. Her balls ached in their desperate need to be serviced, feeling her swarm of superior sperm violently thrash and swim within the massive balls that housed them. Such a tender feeling meant only one thing: that her testicles were readying to grow. And they did. She spread her legs out further to let the swelling sack of she-meat droop, sperm visibly flailing in its multiplying. What was once hundreds of sperm cells became thousands, each eager to find a female eggs to latch onto.

Deborah didn't expect what happened next. Miss Donovan gripped her shoulders to thrust with such force she could feel her insides ripple. Just a single thrust, yet it was enough to make the woman moan like a pornstar, her legs trembling in ecstasy. She tried to swallow the woman's load, but it came too fast to even let Deborah breathe, a constant flow of futa cum thick like ice cream billowing from Miss Donovan's tube-thick meat stick.

Deborah was given that chance to breathe when her boss pulled away, choking as she spurted out the dregs of the woman's thick offering. The taste after she swallowed. There wasn't anything else like it. That wasn't complaint. Wiping the excess from her mouth, all Deborah could do was watch in horror as Miss Donovan's cock shot upwards in a slight growth spurt. It hadn't lost any of its rigidity.

"Don't act so surprised." Miss Donovan slapped her cock, watching it bob up and down. It audibly bulged in response, as if excited by its owner's playfulness. "That was just the pre-cum. Now spread your legs. It's time I gave you those babies."

Deborah didn't even think twice about it, doing exactly what her boss basically commanded. She couldn't wait for her belly to grow plump from pregnancy, couldn't wait to have three new children to call her own, and maybe even more after that. Deborah was nothing more than a futa's cum dump breeding whore now, much like all the other women she worked with.

Miss Donovan unbuttoned her shirt, revealing the powerful cobbled abdominal muscles underneath. Deborah wanted desperately to touch and worship them, but could barely reach from where she laid, spread out to be filled. She shuddered as she felt her boss' cock enter her for the first time. They both knew from that moment on it wouldn't be the last either.

Miss Donovan's smooth movements came slowly, appreciating the wetness of Deborah's twitching pussy. It was obvious she'd been starved sexually for years. But Miss Donovan was going to put an end to that. Deborah's eyes rolled back when she moaned, her feet curling inward with ecstasy.

Then came the burst. Miss Donovan had came so often over the years that she must've trained herself to restrain from moaning when filling women with her seed. It was just so casual for her: entering the woman in question, a few teases from her cock and then -- pregnant. But for the women destined to carry Miss Donovan's progeny things were certainly different. They never expected their bellies to puff up and bloat from the torrential stream of cum, for one thing. There was just so much to give. And the scream of lust was so loud and powerful that Deborah's colleagues could hear her through the walls and one floor down.

Miss Donovan pulled out. She wasn't entirely finished cumming, but it didn't make a difference. There was enough blasted into Deborah to know she was definitely pregnant with at least the three she signed up for. Any more were just bonuses, really. And Deborah was already thinking ahead to her next breeding.

"There. Thoroughly bred." Miss Donovan moved back to give Deborah space to sit up. Though it was a rather humorous display seeing the woman waddle, cum streaming down her inner thighs, the buttons on her shirt barely managing to keep themselves in place because her massive cum gut had stretched outwards.

Deborah's breaths were quick, her mind addled by the experience of being fucked by her futa boss. If she wasn't already distracted at work, she certainly would be now, not able to think about anything but the woman stood beside her. She moved to the door to leave.

"Uh, where are you going?" Miss Donovan put her hands on her hips, guiding Deborah's gaze down to the throbbing she-cock that had cum streaming down the shaft and pooling at her feet. Deborah's eyes widened. With each passing second her boss' cock grew thicker, the balls swelling to match, deep thrums sounding as cum multiplied in her twitching sack. "Number forty-six in the NDA: I shoot fifteen loads before getting soft."

Deborah realized, whimpering.

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