The Door Left Unlocked Pt. 01


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Pam and Dori were average girls, both about the same height and size as Becky, but neither had a chest as large as their host. Dori had a full t-shirt with purple straps from her bathing suit coming up around the back of her neck. Her shorts left her ass cheeks hanging out and she was a dark tan. The tan set off blond hair that came to the tops of her shoulders.

Pam had torn off jean shorts and a bare midriff below a white shirt with "Hide And Peek" in large dark blue letters across the front. Her hair was longer, falling almost to her waist, dark brown. She also wore glasses.

Just as Becky told them to help themselves to beer in the fridge, the doorbell sounded again. Wendy and Danielle were there and once again the freely moving breasts were noticed, though this time nobody touched them. They were an odd pair, with Danielle being several inches taller than Becky, and Wendy several inches shorter. Danielle carried a large purse, Wendy carried nothing.

Danielle was thin to the point of skinny. Her small bustline and narrow hips sometimes had people thinking she was a man until she spoke in a high, feminine voice. Her shorts extended a few inches down her legs, and her pink top had sleeves to her elbows. Sandy brown hair in a ponytail finished her look.

Wendy was rounder, with a little extra padding at all points. Some people called her meaty. Her breasts were as large as Becky's and her hips were full. The shorts were styled as shorts, though they extended just far enough to hide her ass crease, and her pink sleeveless top matched Danielle's only in color. Short, dark brown hair and full, dark eyebrows set off her blue eyes.

The last girl to arrive was Carmella. She was the tallest, almost 6 feet tall barefoot, with a smallish chest and hips. Her hair was short and she wore a 2-piece bathing suit with modest top and bottom. Her ears showed 4 sets of earrings on each side and she had a ring in her nose and on her lower lip. She also sported a parrot tattoo on her shoulder, a large flower tattoo on her back, and a wolf head on her belly, in addition to various designs on her arms and legs.

The girls all sat and enjoyed their beers, chatting and talking about how wonderful it must be to be home alone, or mostly alone. At least to have two full weeks without parental supervision.

As Pam was getting a second beer from the kitchen, Becky decided it was time to make her announcement.

"Ok, I told you there would be a surprise. Our first morning home alone I discovered something I didn't expect at all and now, for the first time anywhere, I present to live people who don't live in this house, my brother Bryan." She held her hands dramatically, but there was no Bryan. She repeated, a little louder, "My brother, Bryan."

At last, around the corner and into the room, came Bryan, hair brushed from the side and hanging loosely to his shoulders, light makeup done perfectly, the dark green dress with scoop neck sagging a bit from the lack of breasts, slight flair from the waist to his hips, and black pantyhose running down to the black 3-inch heels with closed toes. There were murmurs and exclamations and 'oh wow' and a good wtf for emphasis.

Then Carmella's voice cut in, slightly louder and firmer than the rest. "I knew it, Bryan is just a sissy faggot."

Bryan looked straight ahead. Wendy looked at him, Pam and Danielle looked at Carmella, and Dori looked at Becky. Becky didn't have time to see who was looking where. In her head, she heard her own voice saying those same words when she first saw him, but that was before they talked. Now she had to do what she had promised to do.

"No, he isn't. He's a boy in a dress. And I think that one word is very rude." She talked braver than she felt. These were her best friends, and she was confronting one of them. Over her brother!

Carmella wasn't cowed. "Shit, I've heard you call him a lot worse. What happened, mom and dad left you and now you think you have to be the correct adult? Fuck that, and fuck him. In fact, I know a few guys who would probably love to fuck him as much as he would enjoy bending over for them."

Becky remembered that one picture Bryan had tried to keep her from seeing, and she was almost positive he would be thinking the same thing right now. Maybe this had been too soon.

"Carmella, I won't stand for that kind of talk about Bryan. He's not a sissy, he simply likes wearing a dress." Becky wanted this conversation over.

But her friend would not let go, and now she started looking around the room, trying to bring the other girls in on her side. "Just a dress? No frilly girl panties under there? A bra, maybe? Look, he's gay, he's screaming fuck me at the top of his visual lungs, and you stand there defending him? You know, him, the guy you always made fun of before?"

Oh, that hurt. "I was wrong. We've had time to learn about each other and I was wrong about him." Now all the girls were looking at Becky. "And if you can't respect the choice my brother has made, and the courage it took for him to stand here and let you all see him, then I think I need to ask you to leave." She looked around the room at the shocked faces. "And that goes for anybody else. I love you guys, but I will not let you call Bryan names or be mean to him."

Now it was Carmella's turn to look at the assembled girls. The silence was thick until she finally stood up. "Fuck you, Becky. I was hoping for some pool time this afternoon, but I guess I need to find real friends who have pools. Years of making fun, now you play mommy and try to protect his fragile ego. Right, if he's such a boy in a dress, then where's the bulge where his cock is supposed to be, or does he have it shoved up his own ass." She looked around again. "Nobody sees the truth with me? Then fuck you all." She grabbed her purse and walked out, slamming the door behind her.

In the silence that followed, Dori could be heard mumbling, "Somebody needs to check the temperature in hell. I think it just froze."

There was a little giggling, then another voice. "Thank you, Becky." All eyes shifted to Bryan. Becky turned around and wanted to say something, but she was struggling with the words. He helped her, adding, "I know that was hard for you. I'm sorry."

She ran to him and hugged him and now it was Pam's turn to make a comment. "Something terrible is going to happen because the world as we knew it has just collided with another reality. Well, Bryan, I will tell you, you look pretty hot. A bit baggy in front, though."

Bryan looked at her and smiled. "That was Becky's idea. I've got forms, but she told me if I wore them it would be harder to say I'm just a boy in a dress. As it was, I guess there's still at least one who doesn't believe it. Anybody else, take a shot."

Danielle couldn't hold back. "Ok, I'll ask since none of you will do it. Where did you put it?"

He looked at Becky and she was pointing down to help him understand. "Ohhh, that. Becky asked the same question. It's called tucking. Everything is still there, just held out of the way so it doesn't show."

Wendy piped up immediately. "Show us."

He looked at her, a smile on her cute face. A very attractive, non-judgmental smile, he thought. "Well, Wendy, it's, you know, it's not something I normally just pull out for show."

She wasn't backing down. "I just want to see how you have it tucked. Up with the hem and let's have a looky."

Unsure what to do, he looked at Becky, who just shrugged. By now the other girls were encouraging him to show, so he did what he had never planned to do. He lifted the front of his dress and let a group of girls see the flatness created by running his cock between his legs. Wendy wasn't done, though. She got up and walked over to him, her hand out, thumb up, pinky down. "May I feel?"

"Wendy, if you keep this up it won't stay tucked. Go ahead."

She put her hand on his belly and felt the flatness. "Nice abs." Her hand slid lower and her eyebrows went up as she finally felt his cock rise from his abdomen and curl down between his legs. "Oh my goodness, you really DO have it tucked under there." She ran her hand between his legs to feel how it fit and he stepped back. "Ok, you felt, that's good enough."

Dori giggled and he looked at Becky, who was smiling. He looked at Wendy, right in front of him, and she was looking him up and down.

Pam saved them from further awkwardness. "I don't know about you girls, and guy, but I'm ready to take a swim. Hey, Becky, if you have a spare suit, maybe you can put the bottoms on him. He can be a guy in a girl's bathing suit bottom. I don't see much point in one of your tops on his boobless chest, though."

Becky smiled at Pam. "Well, I don't know if that's really fair to him." The girls all chimed in that it was a great idea and she looked at Bryan, who shrugged. "I don't think you can tuck in my bathing suit bottom."

He laughed. "My balls will probably hang out anyway, but if they want it, they have to put up with the view."

"Ok," Becky said, "go up into my room, bottom drawer on the right, get the navy bottoms and put them on. Dori, I see you have a suit on, so you're good. Danielle, is that a swim suit in that bag? Good, you can change wherever you want to. That leaves Pam and Wendy and I don't see any straps or bags. You have a plan?"

Pam looked around. "Your pool area can't be seen by neighbors, right? I was thinking I'd just go skinny dipping. I wasn't expecting a guy to be here, but what the hell."

Wendy added, "Same here. It's a chance to be a little naughty with no parents around."

Becky looked from one to the other. "And what about Bryan?"

Pam shrugged. "He'll be practically naked anyway. I don't intend to rub on him, so it's no big deal if he sees me. I might enjoy it if he's obviously happy to see me. But it's not like he's really interested in us." She giggled.

"All right then," Becky said. "Undress anywhere you want. Wendy, I'd like you to help me pack some beer into a cooler in the kitchen."

Once they were alone in the kitchen and Becky checked to make sure the other girls were outside, she turned to Wendy. "Don't you dare hurt him."

Wendy blinked. "What?"

"Oh my goodness, Wendy, I don't think anybody else was paying attention, but you were glowing, and when he let you touch him, oh my god, I think I saw fireworks in your eyes. You like him, and that's wonderful, but I'm telling you, be careful and don't hurt him."

Wendy smiled. "I don't want to hurt him, Becky. I want to date him. I always liked him, but when he walked in, willing to face ridicule, that took courage. And whatever happened to you, I like it. That said, I'm going to go out there naked and tease him a little, but in a way that I hope makes him want to see me again. Now let's get the beer out before they think we're kissing or something."

They got outside and Pam and Dori were already in the water. Danielle looked over and said, "Becky, where's your bathing suit?"

An idea came to her and she said, "I think I'll join the skinny dip group." She began pulling off her shirt, breasts bouncing free.

Wendy asked, "Is that a good idea, in front of your brother?"

Becky was pulling down shorts and panties together when Bryan came walking out. He heard the question and had an answer. "I think it's a terrible idea, staining my poor brain for life. I'll go blind for sure."

His sister grinned at him and said, "Hey, poor innocent boy, at least try to tuck them in, ok?"

All the girls giggled as they noticed the inches long bulge up the front of the suit bottom and the bulge between his legs with one ball hanging out. "It didn't fit. Sorry. I warned you, if you want the clothes, you have to deal with the view."

A lot of bravado, but inside he was a mess. He was, actually, rather embarrassed about hanging out of the suit. Adding to that, there were only two girls here wearing anything. Three, including his step-sister, were naked. He felt himself stirring and ran to jump into the pool. He came up and there was a splash right behind him. He turned around and Wendy surfaced. She put her arms around his neck and held on.

"Errmmm, Wendy, you're making things a little awkward for me."

She smiled and held on. "I was drowning and needed you to save me. Just stay in the water. I'll give you time to recover before we get out." She rubbed her body against his. "OHh, wow, it's growing in there and I think it's popped out the top." She giggled.

"Come on, Wendy, why are you doing this?"

She lost the smile. "I can't just tease you for a while? Ok, fine, I'm doing it because I tease people I like. It's sort of a measure of how much I like them."

He looked at her eyes. "And how many guys have you teased like this?" He feared he was part of a long line of victims.

Wendy rubbed her breasts on his chest. "You need to shave, I think. But the answer to your question is, just one. And now it really is awkward, because I want to pull off that little garment and fuck you. Oh! Sorry, I'm not thinking."

"They're all looking at us," he whispered.

"Really?" she whispered back. "Sorry, but I have to do it." She raised her voice so all could hear. "Ok, I see you looking, so I'll just say it. I just asked him to fuck me and he said he wasn't ready yet. Are you all happy now? I stood him up, then he stood me up." Everybody laughed at the stood up joke, though Bryan didn't laugh as much.

He did settle down again after a while and swam a bit before getting out and laying on one of the lounge chairs. The sun was warm, both his balls had fallen out from all Wendy's rubbing and arousing him, and he just left them, parting his legs a little to keep them loose.

Becky looked over and commented, "Shit, Bryan, two days ago you didn't want me to see you in a dress, and now you're laying in my bathing suit bottom with your balls hanging out. We still have almost two weeks left and now I'm scared what you'll be doing by the time they get home."

Dory and Danielle had both shed their tops, realizing there was no immediate threat from Bryan, who did a pretty good job of keeping his eyes off things that would excite him. As he looked at a naked Pam, though, he noticed her eyes weren't on him, but they were on something near him. He looked up to see Wendy at his feet.

Wendy smiled and knelt on the chair. "You're half out anyway, and it's borrowed, so let's just let you run free for a while." Moving quickly, she grabbed the waist of the small garment on his hips and pulled. It was on his thighs before he managed to stop it coming off, but then Becky yelled not to ruin her swim suit. Wendy was insistent, and smiling, and he let go. She dropped the wet suit bottom onto the pool patio while he adjusted to being completely naked with 5 girls his own age looking at him.

She pulled another lounge chair up next to his and they chatted. She asked why he wore dresses, what he wanted to show by it. She asked about if he wanted cocks. It was all the questions Becky had already asked him, so he tried to ask her how often she stripped naked in front of guys.

A smile crossed her lips and her eyes twinkled. "This is only my second time stripping off at a pool, but the first time with a guy who was wearing a woman's swim suit part. It sort of makes this a unique situation."

Bryan looked down at his flaccid cock laying on his belly, knowing it wouldn't take much to get it growing and swelling. "Yeah, really unique. I've never been naked on this patio before. And since you pulled the bottom off while I was in the chair, I've still never been swimming naked."

"Oh, you need to do that. But not today. You've had a pretty full day of it. But I want you to swim naked while you have the chance, and I need to talk to Becky to make sure I'm here when it happens." She had an impish grin on her face, and he had the feeling there was more than swimming on her mind.

They chatted a while longer, then Becky came up and told him he needed to start making burgers. He looked at his sister, absolutely naked, shaved pussy showing a pure camel toe, full breasts bouncing as she moved, and decided that was not a good experience. "Becky, I'm going to tell you right now, I don't think I can ever look at you again without thinking of this view."

His sister smiled. "Yes, I know. I can say the same thing." She looked at Wendy. "And no early eating of hot dogs." Then she turned and gave Bryan a view of her ass jiggling as she walked away. He sighed and felt a stirring, suddenly panicking.

Wendy's hand was on his shoulder. "Relax. I'm the only one who saw it. Bryan, I want to see it again, but not right now." She kissed her fingers and touched them to his lips and he stared at her. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."

He smiled at her. "I'm not upset, just caught a little off guard. My turn to be sorry. You're really cute. It's just that, after my entrance, I guess I don't trust that people are sincere, but more indulging me. Oh, that was too honest, wasn't it?"

"Yes it was, binkie brain, but I understand. As long as we're going too honest, then, I really like you, especially after you standing there in a dress taking Carmella's abuse. I don't want to fuck you today, but if we get along well, please let me be the next one."

Bryan pulled back a little. "Ermm, next one? Hey, I don't have a line waiting for me to work through. I need to get those burgers going or Becky's going to go old times on me."

He was left alone while working at the grill. It was strange. standing there naked, cock hanging down, naked girls all around him. But he learned something. It's not the naked girl that gets him hard, it's the naked girl doing certain things. No more worrying about a constant hard on when he was married and saw his wife changing clothes.

By the time they sat at the table to eat, all clothes were gone and Bryan sat with five totally naked girls. It was the strangest meal of his life. Throughout the meal they offered support for the lifestyle he chose, whether back to full time guy, or a guy in a dress, or if he wanted to go sissy. It was a very unusual conversation, especially when each of them said that Carmella was way out of line in her comments.

After dinner they had more beer, a few of them, including Bryan and Wendy, went swimming again, Bryan telling Wendy he didn't want to wait for another day. Then it was getting dark and time for the guests to go. They left in pairs, as they had arrived, telling Becky and Bryan how much fun it had been and saying they hoped to see him in dress and makeup again soon. Dori and Danielle commented on the skill it must have taken to get such a large cock tucked away so well. Their giggle was more nervous than laughing at him.

The last one to go was Wendy. Bryan heard her talking to Becky about they needed to talk and plan. Then she was saying good night to him and telling him there was a small window and he had a lot he needed to learn. She wanted to be with him as he learned, if he would let her. As encouragement, she took his hand and put it squarely on her breast. That was when he noticed her bra was in her other hand. He smiled and squeezed, digging his fingers in just a little and watching the happy reaction in her eyes. She grabbed his head and kissed him on the mouth, lips closed, then hurried out into the night, pulling the door closed behind her.

Becky walked up behind him. "She thinks she may want you. Long term."

Bryan kept looking at the door. "I know. The problem is, I may feel the same toward her."

She turned her brother around. "Come on lover boy. We've got some cleaning up to do, and there's still some time for us to use to talk about the next week."

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GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationabout 3 years ago

Good story, well told.

Gotta say, I was hoping you'd tell us his reaction when he squeezed Wendy's tit and she kissed him. With all the uncertainty woven earlier in the story, that was a solid chance to clear things a bit. So, we have more chances to learn that self-expression and self-identity exist along a continuum.

RodimusMikeRodimusMikeover 3 years ago
Bryan thoughts.

It seemed like Becky was trying to imply Bryan was gay just because he wore dresses,or atleast gender dysforic,but there are lots of cross-dressers who are straight but like wearing womens clothes.

And to be honest I hope the author doesn't write further implications that Bryan is gay,since we see Bryan does have clear attraction to Becky and possibly Wendy,so it should continue in that regard,not have him come out as gay or conflicted,it just muddies the story.

ericacericacover 3 years ago
Excellent story

An excellent story, and very well-written. I join others in saying that I want to see a sequel (or three).

DeLord12804DeLord12804over 3 years ago

Patiently waiting for the next part of the story won't be easy, but it will be done.

Jennifer112787Jennifer112787over 3 years ago
Nice Story

It seems Becky is somewhat damaged goods. Maybey they need each other to grow. I can't wait to see moore.

sheilatvsheilatvover 3 years ago

Love the story hope to read more, well written

Bic1957Bic1957over 3 years ago

Great story, can’t wait for the next part

DiscordInHeavenDiscordInHeavenover 3 years ago

I am really liking the start of this story. Bryan "coming out" to his sister was interesting and real. The heart-to-heart talk they had was also real in the sense that they are becoming adults and are learning to deal with each other in that way. I hope you keep this going!

dodgeboy2dodgeboy2over 3 years ago
Great story

Very good start, even though I think Wendy is good for Bryan I still have some thoughts that he really does want to suck a cock even if his mind won't let him admit it. I too think he needs in the next chapter or two to take a female name for his femine persona maybe something like Brianna.

Angus74Angus74over 3 years ago
Loved it

Awesome story. I look forward to the next chapter. Very well written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Step-sibling bliss

So well done. Becky realized an opportunity to become a better person. Rooting for Bryan & Wendy.

Anthony1965Anthony1965over 3 years ago
Love It

I love the story. Can't wait to read more chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Omg this is such a juicy story please keep it up 😍 can you give Bryan a girl name next chapter?

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