The Ebony Alpha Ch. 08


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Joe fell to the ground and shifted quickly. His chocolate brown fur was soft to the touch as Louisa placed her hand at the nape of his neck and rubbed. She stepped back and let her beast free.

The copper of her hair was nothing compared to the fiery color of her wolves'. It seemed to glow in the dark and Joe immediately rubbed against her licking her muzzle with his long tongue.

He ran toward the forest in the distance and they raced to find a place to get to know each other. It seemed they ran for hours enjoying the cool breeze against their fur. Stopping to rest in a small clearing surrounded by trees they lay down side by side and nuzzled each other.

Standing over Louisa, Joe began licking her belly and going lower to taste her sex. His tongue found her slit and began to lick with enthusiasm her taste was intoxicating. Joe quickly shifted and spoke to Louisa.

"Shift I would like to talk with you." Louisa shifted and lay beneath the big man waiting for him to start.

"I would like to mate with you Louisa. How much longer do you have to work for your agency?"

"I am not sure of my duties right now Joe. I must find out what the ASI has planned for me."

"Can't you just resign? I would think two centuries would be enough time given of one's life."

"I don't know. I never thought I would ever find a mate."

Joe sighed and kissed the woman lying beneath him. She surrendered to him opening her mouth to taste him fully. Her juices still clung to his face and she licked him with gusto.

Laughing Joe kissed her neck and moved down to the chocolate peaks he had wanted to taste. He pulled a dark bud into his mouth and pinched its twin. Teasing the tip with his teeth he felt Louisa squirming and bit a little harder.

She moaned and rubbed her hands down his back feeling his muscled frame. Joe continued sucking hungrily on her puckered nipple and switched sides to give attention to the other one. Louisa arched her back when Joe wiggled a large finger into her wet cunt. He added another and she groaned at the tight fit.

He moved them slowly in and out readying her for his even larger cock. Joe moved lower licking her navel and blowing on the wet trail he left in his wake. He didn't want to wait any longer and took her clit into his warm mouth.

Louisa jumped and shivered slightly. He sucked slowly and nipped the small bundle of nerves with his teeth.

"Oh my Luna!" Louisa gasped as he hit a spot that had been long asleep. Joe moved down to her wet slit and moved removed his fingers replacing them with his tongue.

His tongue began to explore the soaking wet channeled within. He shifted slightly to add length to his searching member and was surprised that she was very snug even to his tongue.

"How long has it been since you have been with a man Louisa? You are going to be a challenge for me to fit into."

"I have not had sex in a very long time Joe. But please don't stop I want to feel you inside of me." She didn't tell him that it had been two hundred years.

"I will take it easy Louisa I don't want to hurt you, I want both of us to enjoy this night."

Joe kissed the woman he claimed and moved her thighs further apart with his larger ones. Slowly lifting her hips he lined up his throbbing cock with her entrance and placed the head inside. He slid his shaft slowly forward, her tightness painful against his entry.

Louisa moaned against his hard mouth and gasped in pain when she felt him fill her completely. Joe stilled above her and gave her a chance to adjust to the intrusion in her body.

As he felt her heart slow down he began to move pacing himself to its beat. His body moved slowly at first building in speed as the pulse of the woman under him. He was thrusting in and out of her pussy; holding back his climax to give her pleasure first.

Louisa didn't know how to describe the heat that was squeezing her body. She was panting for breath and holding onto Joe's shoulders for leverage.

A rhythm as old as time began to take over her body and she let herself go. She met Joe thrust for thrust and wrapped her legs around his chiseled hips. The heat surged up to her brain and she screamed her release as her body convulsed in bliss.

Joe felt her tunnel squeeze his length and he relished her climax. He wasn't ready yet and pumped faster to join her. Louisa couldn't believe it her body was humming against the onslaught of her mate.

He fucked her now without mercy, pounding his large pole in and out of her with supernatural speed. He felt himself soaring as if there was nothing in the world but the woman beneath him.

She felt her release building once more and cried out loud. "Fuck me Joe! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Howling at the moon above Joe joined her and emptied his seed into the woman he claimed. She was his and he would never be satisfied until they were fully mated.


Jackson hurried toward the large main house with Megan in his arms. He slowed down as they neared the yard in front of the compound and approached the large wrap around porch.

There were a few couples standing out front and as they got closer he recognized his parents and the Boscoyo Alpha pair.

"Hello Jackson and Megan; join us for a while. Since you will be leaving in a few days I would like to discuss a few things with you." Napoleon told the younger Alpha clearly asserting his Authority.

"That will be great Napoleon; that will give Megan, Joslyn and I a chance to get to know each other better."

Ophelia grabbed Megan's hand and pulled her from Jackson's side. He wanted to growl his frustration, but kept his head.

His father smiled knowingly at his son and followed him and Napoleon into the Alpha's office.

"I am sorry Jackson, but we cannot let you and Megan spend any more time alone together. For the sake of the Prophesy you must heed our words."

Anderson sat in a large wing chair and waited for his son to protest. Jackson just took a seat and bent forward putting his head in his hands.

"I know you are right Father. But seeing the ceremony and the aftermath, had me so excited that I wasn't thinking clearly." Jackson moaned into his hands and sighed loudly.

Anderson laughed loudly and scolded his son. "You forgot to block our bond my son. Your mother and I cringed at your every thought. Your wolf would have forced your hand if you had gotten that intimate with Megan."

"Thank you for stopping me, but how will I tell Megan we have to separate. She wants this as much as I do."

"That is a good sign that the mating pull is strong, but also a dangerous one. Just a few more weeks and it will all be over. Or should I say just beginning." Napoleon Laughed at his friend's apparent misery and saw that his Father was smiling also.

"Have patience my son, and leave Megan to your Mother and Joslyn. They will tell her the truth and explain how important abstinence is right now."

"I hope you are right. I am finding out just how stubborn Megan can be."

"Ophelia can handle her. She is wise and she was a handful in her youth as well. I am sure she will convince your future mate of her responsibilities to the Were Nation."

Jackson nodded but he was far from sure of his mother's ability to dampen Megan's sexual appetite.


Ophelia Clarion was a feisty strawberry blond, with light brown eyes. All of five feet two, she knew that this young woman sitting on the sofa in front of her was no pushover.

She looked at Megan with happiness glad that Jackson had found his mate. She was a beautiful girl, tall and graceful with full breasts and hips. She would bring many cubs to the pack.

"Mrs. Clarion do you think we could do this tomorrow; I wanted to spend some time alone with Jackson tonight." Megan looked toward Napoleon's office with wanton eyes, waiting for Jackson to emerge and rescue her.

"I am afraid that the Elders have decided for the good of the Were Nation, you must separate until the Blood Moon." Ophelia waited for fireworks and she wasn't disappointed.

"I don't understand how someone who knows nothing about me can plan my every move. I want to be with Jackson and that is what I am going to do. If we can't be together now then we won't be together ever!"

Ophelia looked at the little spit fire in front of her and smiled. Her threat didn't faze her. She could see the love she had for Jackson behind the anger in her voice.

Young love was so overly dramatic, full of excitement and even disappointment. But she knew how Megan was feeling and she hoped to get through to her somehow.

"Please Megan call me Ophelia, now come have a seat next to me and let me explain things to you a little better." Ophelia patted the cushion next to her and waited for Megan to accept her invitation.

Begrudgingly the younger woman plopped down next to her and crossed her arms over her chest. She huffed in frustration and glared at her future mother-in-law.

"The Blood Moon is only three weeks away. It may seem like an eternity to you but the Were Nation has been waiting for one-hundred years. I know it seems like a bunch of ritualistic mumbo jumbo, but rest assured the Prophesy is very important to all of us."

Megan stopped acting like a spoiled brat and lowered her arms to her lap. She could understand what Ophelia was trying to tell her, but her desire to be wrapped in Jackson's arms was burning her up inside.

"You and my son are very attracted to each other and I know that can be very tempting. You may think you could stop at one kiss, but it is harder than you think to stop. The mating pull is so strong, and now that the Blood Moon is close you may lose your virginity in a moment of passion."

The older woman smiled as a look of realization showed on the younger redhead's face. Megan's green eyes filled with tears and she tried to hide them from Ophelia's knowing gaze.

"It's okay baby let it out. I know you are frustrated and probably horny as hell. But for now take a cold shower and go to bed. Jackson will have to bunk with Stephan tonight." Megan had to laugh at that and that seemed to lighten the mood.

"I will be a good girl Ophelia. I truly want to fulfill my destiny. I know there is a lot at stake. But tonight was so emotional and beautiful; I just wanted to be a part of it somehow."

"The call of the wild, so to speak is very contagious in its very nature. Seeing others around you engaging in sex without inhibitions is exciting and can lead to many things. One being sex. We are just trying to nip it in the bud as they say."

At that moment Joslyn came into the room. "Hello ladies may I join you?" Joslyn sat a tray of refreshments on the coffee table and took a seat.

"I suppose Ophelia had told you about the Elder's decision?" Joslyn asked.

"Yes she has. I am not happy about it but I accept it."

"Let me tell you a story about another Fiery One of Legend. She was born three hundred years ago about twenty one years before the coming Blood Moon. She didn't have the advantage that you have of knowing her future and she did not remain a virgin. Her failure ruined the prosperity of the Were Nation for the next century."

"And you think that Jackson and I may do the same thing?"

"Yes we do. Now we don't blame you for having sexual desires, it's only natural. But for the good of your future people we need you to refrain from sexual activity." Joslyn was very sympathetic to the young woman and patted her hand.

"What ever happened to that other Fiery One? Is she still alive?"

"She and her family disappeared after the tragedy. No one has seen them since."

"Does anyone know what she looked like?"

"Legend has it that she had hair the color of burnished gold, some may call it coppery red. She was tall and beautiful and full of life and promise. They say that when she changed into her wolf she sped like a comet that burned like fire."

"I have another question." Megan began.

"Did you ever find out who had bitten my Mother and Father?"

"No my dear. The ASI was called in, but they never found anything."

"What is the ASI? Are they some kind of Werewolf police?"

"You could say that. They investigate all forms of Supernatural beings and in a way try to keep the peace between us all. There are many departments and a lot of our pack members work for them."

"It is all so very interesting and seems too fantastic to be real. If I hadn't seen so many strange things with my own eyes I wouldn't believe you now."

Joslyn cleared her throat and picked up her drink.

"We were warned that you and Jackson might have amorous intentions tonight Megan. Your Grandmother was very worried that you might not make it to the Blood Moon."

"We were only going to kiss and stuff, nothing too heavy. Mama Louisa was worried for nothing." Megan lied.

"A part of being a family is that we share a special bond with each other. That means that I can read Jackson's thoughts if he does not block them from me. You got him so excited that he failed to do so and I know exactly what you and my son had in mind." Ophelia didn't hold back and looked at Megan with fire in her eyes.

Megan blushed hotly and lowered her eyes from the glaring woman at her side. She could not defend herself and slowly rose from her seat.

"Thank you Joslyn for all of your hospitality, I will see you in the morning. Ophelia I will give much thought to all you have said, goodnight everyone."

Megan rose dejectedly and headed upstairs. She knew there was no use fighting the powers that be. From now on they would be watching them like a hawk. She would take a cold shower and go to bed.

They might keep them apart physically but they couldn't dictate her thoughts. She would be with Jackson tonight, even if it was only in her dreams.


Raphael had left as soon as the ceremony was over. He could only think about Drusilla and decided to call the hospital himself.

"Hello South Park Medical Center." The voice said on the other end.

"Yes I am calling to see if Drusilla Guyon is still in intensive care?"

"I am sorry sir. Miss Guyon was moved to another facility this afternoon and I am not allowed to give out that information."

"Is there anyone I can contact, a family member perhaps? I am the man who rescued her and I was just trying to see if she was alright."

There was a slight pause on the other end and he heard the nurse ask someone a question.

"I can only tell you sir that she was awake when they moved her and she kept mumbling something about the man who saved her."

"Are you sure that is all you can tell me I would really like to see her?"

"I am sorry sir but the only contact information I have is for a Detective Broussard. Would you like his number?"

"No thanks I have it. Thanks you for all your help. Have a nice night." Raphael hung up and called the detective. It wasn't too late and he really didn't care he had to find out about Drusilla.

"Jack Broussard here." A groggy voice answered the phone and Raphael felt sorry for waking the man.

"Hello Detective this is Raphael Boulet. I was waiting for you to call about Drusilla Guyon. The hospital told me she has been moved, but that she was asking for me."

"Yes she was. But at the insistence of her mother she was relocated. She wanted to get her away from bad men as she called them."

"I can understand her mother's fear for her. But I am no threat. I think if you tell her that I saved Drusilla's life she might relent."

"I will do my best Mr. Boulet. But I can't promise anything. It is not my call."

Raphael sighed and remembered Remy.

"I think I have news you may want to hear. The man you alerted me to has been killed. His mother poisoned him and took her own life as well. My Alp..My Boss has all the necessary paperwork if you would like us to send it to you."

Jack laughed at his slip up and answered. "That would be great. I promise you young man that if I get a chance I will give Miss Guyon your number."

"Thanks Detective for everything you have done. I will forever be in your debt."

"Don't mention it kid. I am a sucker for true love. I am sure you and Miss Guyon will meet one way or the other. Goodnight."

"Goodnight detective."

It was nice of the young wolf to let him know that Remy Sandorian had met his demise. He was sure they had burned their ashes and he wished he could have been there for the celebration.

He remembered those wild nights and was sorry he had missed this one. The Full Moon had his beast feeling restless.

He let his claws out for a little breather and relaxed a bit more and a quiet roar escaped from his whiskered face. A long tongue licked his huge canine teeth and his feline nose.

He changed back quickly, not wanting to explain to his landlord why he had fallen through the floor into his neighbor's apartment below.


Megan left the shower hugging the fluffy robe close to her body. Still restless she walked to the large window in her bedroom and looked wistfully at the large glowing moon. Something like moving fire caught her eye and she looked closer into the night.

A large chocolate brown wolf ran into a clump of trees close to the hillside where they had been gathered. Following close behind the larger wolf, was a bright and shiny copper colored wolf that glowed brightly in the moonlight.

"It can't be." Megan muttered to herself. Never moving from her perfect vantage point, she waited for the two wolves to emerge from their hiding place.

"What the hell!" Megan hissed as she saw Mama Louisa pulled from the trees by a man she recognized as Remy's beta Joe. She watched as they shared a kiss and walked back to the main house.

She quickly moved away from the window and took a deep breath. Her head spinning Megan sat on her bed and tried to come up with an explanation for everything that had happened in her very short life.

The only explanation she could come up with for the last few months were lies! Her life was nothing but a bunch of freakin' lies!

Before she mated anybody she was going to get the truth! The fucking Were Nation could kiss her ass until then!

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I really enjoy this story...I just wish I liked Megan more. She seems like a little brat. Oh well...I can't stop reading it and love the Joe love story and can't wait til the Raphael story starts! Keep up the good work!

MSBLING59MSBLING59over 11 years ago
LOVED IT!!!!!!!

TRES BIEN!!!!! As they say "true love conquers all". So i'm puttting my money on love with some wonderful twists and turns along the way. you are seriously rockin this story. IL AIMAIT!!!!

AhzureDragonAhzureDragonover 11 years ago

Splendid as always. I hope everything works out of the mating to go off without a hitch.

Speedy1106Speedy1106over 11 years ago
More please

Really enjoyed this chapter. Can't wait for the next chapter, please don't make us wait to long.

RheamistressRheamistressover 11 years ago

I can't blame Megan for feeling like the whole world has lied to her.. hehehe... but this should make things very interesting in the next chapter.. Love this story.. Keep up the good work.

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