The End of Evil Ch. 05


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If he had not had a firm grip in her hair, Junie would have twisted away. Blinking, she tried to shake her head, denying what she knew was true, “No…”

Bob gave her an impatient shake, “The truth, Junie, you know I won’t accept anything but the truth. What was it you were going to say?”

Junie’s mouth opened and shut, trying to form words, if there were words to describe these feelings. “I don’t know. I just hate this. It feels like I am losing something… something I can’t survive without. Every time I look at Donna it feels like someone is ripping my guts out. I don’t even know exactly why, but I have felt abandoned and alone all day.”

Bob shook his head, puzzled and irritated, “I told you this was just for a while. I told you that you needed to come to me for guidance.”

Junie convulsed and tried to pull away, her voice was a despairing wail, “I tried, but you were always busy. You… you… you said you didn’t care.”

Bob let go of her hair and Junie fell to the floor sobbing.

“I never said any such thing.”

Donna’s voice was cool and soft, “Actually, honey, you did say that. First thing this morning, Junie asked you if she should dress and you said ‘I don’t care’.”

Bob paused and then defended himself, “I was just talking about the fucking clothes.”

Donna sighed and nodded, “Of course, you knew that… even I knew that… but our girl is going through something right now and is feeling very vulnerable.” Donna frowned and rubbed her face, “It was selfish of me to do this now, obviously Junie is a lot more fragile from our trip to Portland than I realized.”

Junie jerked as if struck, a fresh wave of sobs shook her. Then she stiffened as a tide of hot wetness flowed from her womb, saturating her panties. Instinctively as she reached down to cup her hand between her legs; she could feel the dampness soaking through. Junie lifted her hand and looked at the blood smeared there, “Fuck!”

Donna’s voice was soft and surprised, “Are you all right?”

Scrambling to her feet Junie darted into the bathroom, her voice was embarrassed, “It’s just my period. I overflowed my tampon.”

Donna followed her into the bathroom, “I had almost forgotten about this. Do you think this may have anything to do with your mood?”

Junie stripped off her shorts and panties and was sitting on the toilet, wiping at herself, “I don’t know, maybe. The whole thing has been so unpredictable lately.” Junie muttered in frustration, “Crap, I forgot my tampons are still upstairs in those bags. I swear my head is made of Swiss cheese. I will be right back.” Holding the washcloth between her legs, she started to go upstairs.

Donna held up her hand, “No, just wait here. I will get them.”

As Donna handed her the box, Junie felt something ease and loosen inside her. She looked up in gratitude, “Thanks, Ma’am.” Her voice trembled and broke, “I really am sorry. You weren’t the selfish one. It was me. All I knew was it felt like you were going away and I could not bear it.”

Bob’s voice came from the doorway, “Okay, you two, testosterone coming in.”

Junie could not help giggling, “Yes, Sir. Come on in, but be careful the estrogen is pretty deep in here.”

Bob looked curiously toward Junie, “So you are having your period?”

“Yes, Sir, that’s the main reason I needed to go to town. I didn’t have any tampons.”

“Is there anything I need to know?”

“About my period?”

Bob laughed, “Well, for now… yes, about your period.”

“Um, I guess not. I… um… guess it shouldn’t interfere too much with anything… um… that you want from me. But it is hard to predict. My flow is pretty heavy right now. If you want to have sex, it would be pretty messy.”

Bob shrugged, “It’s been quite a while since either Donna or I had to deal with this. Go ahead and finish what you need to do to clean up. And then come on out to the basement.” He looked at Donna, “Come with me now. I am far from finished with you.”

When Junie came out to the basement, Bob looked up from where he was tying Donna to the St. Andrew’s cross, “Junie, go make us a tray of sandwiches and a big pitcher of your good iced tea. Bring them down here. Be sure and bring a straw for Donna’s glass.”

The tray was piled high with fresh tomato and savory cream cheese sandwiches and Junie made a tall pitcher of fresh raspberry iced tea. Junie carefully negotiated the stairs and brought them down to the basement. Bob looked up and smiled as he was putting a light flogger away, “That looks perfect, Junie.” Donna was stretched tightly on the cross and her blindfold was back in place. June could see that her skin was glowing pink in many places.

Bob grabbed a half of a sandwich and took a massive bite. He saluted her, “Perfect choice as usual, Junie.” He looked over at Donna’s form on the cross, “Before you eat, I want you to feed your Mistress. She is not allowed to speak. She has not had a lot to eat today and I want her to eat a whole sandwich and to drink a whole glass of iced tea.” He grabbed a second sandwich and mumbled around a mouthful of food, “Go ahead and get started. I will be back soon.” and headed out the back door.

Junie basked in his praise, thrilled to feel included and valued. “Oh yes, Sir, thank you, Sir.” Junie carefully held a sandwich to Donna’s lips and whispered, “Bite,” and watched in tender fascination as the perfect white teeth sank into the whole wheat bread and then chewed and swallowed. Junie stared at the subtle movements of Donna’s throat muscles as she sucked at the straw, drinking down the glass of tea. She found she was opening her own lips when she held the sandwich to Donna’s mouth, sharing the gentle intimate moment of totally caring for her Mistress.

When the sandwich and tea were gone, Junie could not resist leaning close and softly kissing away a tiny smear of cream cheese.

Junie quickly ate her sandwich and set the tray to one side. She did not have long to wait when Bob returned. He was carrying a long wide piece of wood, about two feet wide and six feet long, “Help me with this, girl. I expect you to be both assistant and victim tonight,” He arched a brow and laughed, “double duty for you tonight, girl.” Junie giggled in delight.

After the big board was carried in, Bob looked at Junie and winked, “You are way overdressed, girl. Go strip and put a clean tampon thingy up your cunt. You are going to be pretty busy for a while and I don’t want to be interrupted.”

Junie was back in just a few short minutes, self-consciously tucking up the telltale string up out of sight. Donna was standing in the middle of the room, untied but still blindfolded. Bob beckoned Junie over to stand close to Donna and slipped a blindfold over her eyes as well.

Bob pressed a bottle into Junie’s hands, “I want you two to spread this lotion onto each other. Don’t miss a square inch of skin, which means cunts and asses as well. Rub it in good.”

Junie groped out and, finding Donna with her hands, she poured some of the lotion into Donna’s hand. And then she carefully poured some into her own hand. It was a little clumsy but very sensual, exploring her Mistress’s body with her hands, massaging in the tingling menthol and mint scented cream into her Donna’s skin. Running her hands the length of her Mistress’s body, feeling the contrast of the coolness of the lotion and the warmth of the skin and hands touching her, soon Junie found herself pressing the length of her body against Donna, sighing and murmuring as her body reasserted its demands. It had been so long.

Junie was so focused on the sensations of the tingling lotion, the touch of the body under her hands, and the hands touching her, the strong familiar scent of eucalyptus and mint filling her nostrils that the sound of Bob’s voice was almost alien. “Okay, that’s good. I want you both to take off your blindfolds and look at what we are going to be doing here.”

The light in the basement seemed blinding at first. Junie blinked and looked around. The board was tipped up with a low board underneath it. Bob waved his hand at them, pointing to the board, “It seems lately Donna has been seeking balance and, Junie, you have been tugging at her, your fears repeatedly pulling her off kilter. Now I want you to learn to work together to find balance, literally. This is a teeter board. We will find where to put the fulcrum to best match your different weights, but it will be up to you both to learn how to work together to find your equilibrium. You will need to perfect this skill; you will be using it a lot in the future.”

Bob guided Donna to stand on one end and then held Junie’s hand as she stepped onto the other side, levering Donna’s end up, lifting her Mistress up. Bob had them step off and then tried again. It took several tries before he was satisfied and made a mark on the board. “Okay, hold each other’s hands and try to balance, and for now, no talking for you too, Junie. Do this looking into each other’s eyes. Help each other. I expect that this will be hard at first. But I won’t accept failure. You will work on this until you succeed.”

Junie gripped Donna’s hands and looked deep into her eyes, smiling in eager excitement as they struggled to balance. It was a crazy series of disasters, falling off the board over and over, it seemed like there was no way that they would ever figure this out. At first both Junie and Donna had to contend with storms of silly giggles, but soon the giddy mood faded to frustration and then a grim refusal to be defeated. Junie’s legs were trembling with fatigue from straining so hard to control the uncontrollable. She was sure that if they had been allowed to speak that Donna would have been yelling at her for her horrible clumsiness.

It was only when Junie had let it defeat her, when she had given up on trying and just surrendered to failure that magically she felt herself floating in the air, weightless and airy, seeing joy and pride gleaming in her Mistress’s tired eyes. They only held it for a few seconds, but now she knew it was possible. The next time was longer. Bob did not let them stop until they could hold it for five minutes straight.

It was quite late and Donna was swaying in exhaustion, her eyes heavy and dull. Junie looked from her to Bob uncertainly, wanting to say something, worried that Donna had little left to give. Bob looked closely at both of them, his head tipping to one side, his face thoughtful. His voice was soft, “My goddess, you are so close. If I push you further tonight I do not know if you will succeed or shatter into pieces.” He looked at Junie, “Sweet girl, it has been long since you have felt your passion. Your emotions have had you all tied in knots.” He walked around them, his hands reaching out, touching with little caresses, measuring and assessing. “I will not put you at risk, my goddess. We will continue this tomorrow. I will not accept anything less than triumph and I want you awake when you realize it. Come to bed both of you.”

Junie came from the bathroom, running her tongue over her freshly brushed teeth, a fresh clean tampon in place. Bob pulled her into his arms, urging her into the middle of the bed between him and Donna, his hands stroking and exploring. “So, how are you doing, little one? Do you still hate it?”

Junie sighed and snuggled close, “It felt really different. Having you tell me what to do, feeling included, feeling like I had something important you needed me to do, was good. I felt needed. Maybe that was what I was afraid of losing. Donna needed you and it felt like she did not need me.”

Donna lifted her head and gave Junie a reproving look and made a protesting grunt. Junie lowered her head, “I am sorry, I am not saying it was rational. That was part of the problem. I would get that feeling and I would tell myself I was being ridiculous, but it just kept getting worse instead of better. I don’t know why. Maybe it was the trip, maybe it was hormones, all I knew was I was feeling more and more upset and I was afraid to talk to Bob about it because it all felt so stupid, selfish and crazy. I just kept telling myself to suck it up and keep busy.” Junie turned to Donna, “I liked being able to help tonight. I felt like finally I could understand what you were wanting and that I could be there with you while it was happening. I loved feeding you the sandwich. I don’t know if I have ever felt closer to you than at that moment.”

Bob moved to spoon her from behind, “You and your Mistress have a definite spiritual connection. I should have realized you would not let go of her so easily after being so dependent upon her during your trip.” His lips were warm and insistent on the back of her neck. Junie could feel his cock hot and erect, nestling in the crack of her ass, sighing she pressed back against him and provocatively squeezed her cheeks together. She took a deep shuddering breath.

Donna’s voice was throaty, “You have been so patient, my little one, your need is written on your face.” She gently kissed Junie’s forehead and murmured, “Give yourself over into our hands, little one. Turn off your busy brain and let us soothe your torment, just remember we love you.” Her lips traced down Junie’s face and then took her mouth.

Junie lay on her side, running her hands across Donna’s skin, kissing her endlessly. Junie let her fingers trail down and find the soft wet heat of Donna’s cleft, teasing and stroking. She let her eyes drift shut, turning her awareness inward, letting the growing excitement lift her up, spinning and rocking weightless and boundless.

Bob held her close from behind, his hand reaching around cupping her breasts, pulling and twisting at one nipple and then the other. Junie let out soft unrestrained moans of joy and ground her hips back against his cock. When his fingers found their way to her ass, slippery with lubricant, pressing in and exploring, mindless Junie cried out softly, “Oh yes, I like that. That’s good!”

Bob laughed and spoke against the back of your neck, “So open, so eager. I love that about you.” Gripping her hip he slid deep into her depths. Junie groaned as she felt herself filled up. It all seemed to move in slow motion, the movements and sounds soft and subtle, the excitement building in tiny increments. Junie was very aware of how full she felt, all her tissues felt heavy and turgid, and her body slowly undulated and surged between her lovers. Donna’s lips moved down to her nipples and soon Junie could feel her fingers dancing and teasing at her folds. Soft eager cries seemed to pour endlessly from Junie’s lips, with each gasp of pleasure.

Bob’s voice was tense in her ear, “Let it build, Junie, hold it all inside. Soon you will find release, but savor this.” It seemed that each of his words was matched by pulses of heat and light filling her. Her hips were rotating and lunging back at him, her body craving more, demanding more.

Junie began to mutter and groan, “Yes, fuck me, fuck, fuck, fuck me.” Her voice was hoarse and urgent.

Donna’s body was tense, grinding and fucking itself on Junie’s fingers, her lips fervent on Junie’s breasts, soft rhythmic grunts rising from deep in her chest. Bob began to pull out almost to the tip and lunge deep, slow irresistible plunges to her depths. Junie was stammering and whimpering, fighting the orgasm that pushed at her, demanding her surrender. “No, hold it… build it… wait… oh god please wait…”

When Bob’s voice rumbled in her ear, “Let it go now, Junie, give it to me.” It was like she turned inside out. Long waves of heat and pleasure exploded and surged within her and it seemed to go on and on. Junie was only dimly aware of her own cries, muffled by her Mistress’s mouth pressed to hers, and then she was spiraling up and up, her spirit flying away.

Junie woke to the soothing sensation of being bathed. Her eyelids fluttered and opened, gazing groggily at Donna’s gentle smiling face. A wave of nervous embarrassment shook her when she felt her Mistress tugging the tampon out and began to protest, “No, don’t, I can do that.”

“Hush, little one, let me take care of you.” Junie was too tired to resist. Even when she became aware of her Master’s curious face watching closely, she passively let her Mistress insert a clean tampon and then rolled over and obediently went to sleep.

You might recognize this story as one I had up in the past, under the title Northwest Hunters. I took it down for revision and a brief flirtation with possible publication.

Books One and Two of Northwest Hunters, titled Joining the Circle and Finding Happiness are already posted.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Please take the time to rate and leave a comment if the spirit moves you.



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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I'm sick of the whole group

Bob is a pretend (not pretentious) know-it-all ass. Donna is cruel to and jealous of Junie and doesn't appear to care how her mood shifts affect Junie. And Junie is a tiresome needy whiner. She does not seem to have many--if any--ah ha moments to show she has learned something. Every chapter is the same blathering. The few snippets about the trial are interesting but there are not enough of them to hold my interest. -- shemar

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
love it

This whole story is like a roller coaster ride... I love it.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
poor junie

Let bob and donna have each other... maybe its time JUNIE find her self a new dom because as bob has said he would end this triangle if it became too much for his relationship with donna... and he already made one hell of a mistake by telling poor JUNIE I don't care... my heart broke.... please help JUNIE

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Now you made hate both bob and Donna. Both are selfish. She needs better. Wrong timing for them both to just "play" at being good dominants. Sorry now I rooting for junie to get the heck out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I have been following your story and I must say you are so talented. I can't get enough its almost as if I can feel what there going through with them. Again thankyou...

GimletEdgeGimletEdgeover 12 years ago
This chapter was especially sensual and real.

I admire the sense of reality you achieve in this story. This time it was nagging emotions that could have come from a number of places. It would have been very easy to identify one in particular, but life isn't like that. The shifting dynamics among the characters is such an authentic aspect of human relationships.

I continue to enjoy your work very much.


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Awesome story :)

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